Paige's Warriors (Bondmates Book 3) (25 page)

BOOK: Paige's Warriors (Bondmates Book 3)
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“Why don’t
do it?”

“I can’t.”

“Why not?”

“Because they’re Roxie’s future bondmates. I can’t do a partial-bond without an orgasm and I can’t have sex with my sister’s husbands!” Casey waved her hands around in the air. “That is so totally wrong on so many levels, I can’t even begin to tell you!”

“Oh, shit,” Paige whispered.

“Oh shit is right. Please, you’re the only Matriarch I trust with them. You won’t use them for political ambition, and I know you’ll be a good Matriarch. Plus, it’ll only be for a short time. My sister may be stubborn, but there is no way she can resist Cormac and Nosa.”

Tren pulled her back into a hug. “I can feel your worry that we will not approve and it is unfounded. Both Cormac and Nosa are good and honorable men.”

Paige grimaced. “I don’t know if I can have sex with Roxie’s husbands. It will break her heart.”

“You don’t have to have sex,” her friend clarified. “All you need is a connection with them. It can be anything from a kiss to a full blown orgy. For me there has to be an orgasm involved, but it doesn’t have to come from actual penetrative sex. Heck, he can come in his pants and as long as I get off with him, even if it’s making out super heavy with lots of grinding, I can partially bond with him.”

“Jesus,” Paige rubbed her temples. “TMI.”

Casey flushed a little, but waved her hands in a dismissive gesture. “But do you see why I can’t partially bond them? I mean, can you imagine sitting across the dinner table from your sister and her husbands when you know what their ‘O’ face looks like?”

“Okay, okay, I get it. Enough already.” She turned to Tren and Rell. “What do you think? I mean, you get a say in this as well.”

Rell joined Tren and began to stroke her arm in that soothing way of his. “Please, my Matriarch, give them hope.”

“What if no bond happens? What if we can’t connect or whatever?”

“Then I’ll figure something else out. Just try,” Casey pleaded.

After searching her bondmates’ feelings and her own, she nodded. “I’ll try. But if Roxie hates me forever, I’m blaming you.”

“She will not,” Lorn said in his smooth as caramel voice. “When she is bonded to her men, she will know their minds and will see that she is the only woman they ever have loved, or ever will love.”

Casey piped up as she approached the big nest bed with a curious expression. “I bet you could have a lot of orgies in a bed like this. Where did you get it?”

,” Nast said in a chiding tone as he smiled indulgently at her friend.

“What? It’s true.”

“I am not sure your friend is comfortable with the idea of an orgy.”

Rolling her eyes, Casey ran her fingers over the side of the bed. “Please. I’ve known Paige since we were both in diapers. She’s a secret freak.”

“What?” Paige glared at her friend while hiking up her makeshift toga.

“I saw your search history!” Casey smirked, and Paige wanted to both laugh and throttle her. “That night you decided to take a couple hits off of a joint with Dawn and her artsy fartsy friends. You wanted to show me a cow you were thinking of buying, I have no idea why you wanted a cow—you just did.”

“Stop,” Paige groaned, knowing Casey wouldn’t.

“So we’re looking through her web history together and to my astonishment there are a bunch of listings for videos on free porn sights.”

“Porn sights?” Rell asked while watching Paige with a small smile. “What is that?”

“Pornography,” Nast said as he also began to inspect the giant nest bed, “is recorded images of people having sex.”

“Right,” Casey went on as she smiled up at Nast before turning to watch Paige squirm. “And she had a really wide variety of stuff. Including orgy movies.”

“Seriously, Casey, if you don’t shut up, I’m going to tell them about your tampon debacle.”

“Oh, come on. It’s funny! Plus, I have no room to talk about being kinky. Can you guess what I did last night? All night?”

“I’m scared to even ask.”

She gave Paige a wicked grin that had her dark eyes sparkling. “Last night I partially bonded six men, with my husbands present and…active the whole time.”

“Six…so you had sex with eight men last night?”

“Not full-on sex. I don’t need intercourse in order to bond with these guys, just mutual orgasm. They’re good men. Their souls like…attract mine or something. It’s hard to explain, but it’s different from the all-consuming need I have for my husbands. So we just did oral and hand jobs, that kind of thing.”

The matter-of-fact way Casey said that, all while giving her husband flirty looks, had Paige gaping at her friend. “Wow.”

“Look, sweetheart, let me put it like this. If having mind-blowing sex with my husbands gives these men immunity from the Hive, and they’re good guys, I’ll do it. Not only because the experience is something amazing to share with my bondmates, but because I’m saving the life of someone else’s future bondmate. In this case, you’re saving Roxie’s husbands’ lives. And you know she deserves some Kadothian men of her own.”

“Can I talk with my bondmates alone, please?”

“Sure, of course,” Casey said before being escorted out by her men.

“We will make breakfast for you,” Lorn added. “Foods native to your territory.”

The door slid shut behind them, and she turned to face her husbands. Tren took her into his arms and peppered kisses on her face, while Rell stroked Tren’s back. She lowered her shields and let their adoration soothe her. The freedom of being able to allow herself to love someone, or in this case two someones, with all her heart washed through her, and she kissed first Tren, then Rell, their combined taste sparking her arousal.

Before she could get carried away, she licked her lips and pushed back a step. “Just to make sure we’re perfectly clear, you are both okay with me partial bonding Cormac and Nosa.”

They exchanged a look, then both focused on her, silver and blue eyes so beautiful it made her belly flutter.

Tren spoke first, and while his tone was deadly serious, his gaze sparked with humor. “When you are ready, I have a list of five hundred worthy Warriors who we’d like you to consider partially bonding with.”

“And once we are through with Tren’s list,” Rell added, “there are many, many, many men I would wish you to share a partial bond with. A regiment worth.”

“How…how big is a regiment?”

Tren couldn’t stop his laughter, deep and delicious, at the hesitation in her voice. “Over a hundred and fifty thousand men. I think that might be a bit much for you to handle, my Matriarch.”

“Jerk.” She swatted weakly at them as they moved her between them again, her softness pressed tight between their rock hard physiques. “Get off me. I want to help them. I’ve only met Cormac a couple times, and Nosa once, but I can’t chance Roxie losing either of them if they really are her bondmates.”

Grinning, Rell released her and took a few steps back with Tren joining him. She knew they were communicating with each other telepathically, but she didn’t know what they were saying. All she could feel was a building lust, tinged with the need to dominate, to possess. Jaz had warned her Kadothian men liked to play Dominance and submission games in bed, but Paige hadn’t realized how much she’d like giving in to these two glorious men. How much she enjoyed letting them run the show.

It was…freeing to not have to orchestrate every moment of her life.

“Do you trust us, little Matriarch?” Tren asked in a low voice while he casually shifted behind Rell and moved his long hair aside to kiss his neck. “Do you?”

“Absolutely,” she breathed, anticipation coiling through her.

“One of our jobs”—he paused to run a fang over Rell’s pulse, making the other man buck and snarl—“as your bondmates is to assist you with partial bonding. We have been trained in how to make it a pleasurable experience for you. Allow us to guide you through it, trust our judgment, and I promise you will not regret it.”

He could have asked her to jump off a bridge in that seductive tone, and she would have gladly done it.

“I trust you. Whatever you think is best, that’s what we’ll do.”

Rell pressed his ass back against Tren’s pelvis and smiled at her. “Oh,
, we are going to have so much fun.”


Chapter 13


Paige stood in the middle of the living room, dressed in an almost transparent black robe as thin as spider silk. It had black jewels that sparkled like diamonds sewn into the bodice and was cut wide enough over her chest to show the entirety of her bondmark. The fabric almost fell off her shoulders, should have fallen down, but technology that was alien to her kept it in place. If she had access to selling this stuff on Earth she’d make a fortune.

Fiddling with the sleeve, she darted another glance at Nosa and Cormac sitting on the sofa, their expressions grim.

They were both in their true Kadothian forms, no longer dying their hair and wearing contacts to blend in. While Cormac looked much the same but with more of a metallic glint to his long brown and blond hair, Nosa looked different. Way different. His dark skin gleamed with purple highlights, and he had beautiful golden eyes with little flecks of brown and black. And his ears were pointed. Like she imagined an elf’s would look.

Once again she found herself staring in fascination at those ears, decorated with a series of silver hoops that went all the way up the curve.

“Paige?” Tren said from next to her, amusement heavy in his voice. “Is there a particular reason you like Nosa’s ears so much?”

Realizing she was making the other man uncomfortable, she flushed. “I’m sorry! You just look like an elf.”

“A what?” Nosa asked in his low voice, the barest smile curving his lips and changing him from a statue back into a man.

“An elf. It’s uh…a mythical being who has magic and does all kinds of cool stuff.” He raised his heavily arched brows, and she babbled on. “It’s a compliment really, and I’m not staring because I’m rude, I’m staring because elves are hot. Oh God, did I just say that? I’m sorry. I probably shouldn’t say that to Roxie’s future husbands. I’m so sorry.”

“You love her, don’t you?” Cormac asked in a gentle voice.

“I do. She’s so amazing, and if you’re her bondmates, I’ll do whatever I can to help you. It’s just…in my culture, having sexual relations with me might make Roxie angry, and I really don’t want that, but I know that for Earth women forming a partial bond is best done through the intimacy of sex type stuff.”

“Sex type stuff?” Nosa asked as he arched a dark brow.

“You know what I mean,” she huffed, glaring at a snickering Cormac. “Shut up.”

“Forgive me, Matriarch, we do not wish to do anything that might jeopardize our bond with Roxie,” Cormac said as he exchanged a look with Nosa then turned his attention back to her. “Are you a voyeur?”

“What?” she asked in an unbecoming cough as she choked on her spit.

Tren patted her gently on the back while laughing, then pulled her down onto the couch with him. “She certainly enjoyed watching myself and Rell. In fact, she demanded it.”

“Then perhaps, little Matriarch,” Nosa purred as he sat forward, a heavy look in his gaze sending tingles down to her clit, “you would like to watch me take my blood brother while you are stuffed full of your bondmates’ cocks.”

She wheezed again, then managed to get herself under control as her husbands’ surging lust let her know they were totally onboard with this plan.

“We haven’t—um, I don’t know if they’ll both fit.”

The men laughed at her, and Rell pulled her into his arms while Tren sat next to her on the couch then stroked her thigh with one big hand, explaining, “We have special creams that will allow you to expand without tearing in order to take us both. There will be no pain, and we will both fit.”

Tren’s fingers crept up her thigh and slid beneath the fabric, clearly visible against her pale skin beneath the robe. She was vaguely aware that Cormac, Nosa, and Rell were all following the path of Tren’s questing fingers. When he reached the apex of her thighs, she sighed as Rell grabbed her leg and swung it over his, holding her open to Tren’s touch.

All around them, the virtual forest slowly darkened toward sunset, the three full moons and eight partial ones all supplying an ample amount of light for her to see by, but still setting a more romantic mood.

Tren stroked her clit once, twice, then gave it a little tap.

Her moan echoed through the room, and Cormac growled, “Matriarch, watch.”

She forced her eyes back open and gasped with pleasure at the sight of the two men on the other wide sofa sitting back and stroking each other’s cocks. The contrast of Cormac’s light bronze to Nosa’s deep purple and ebony tones was erotic art come to life, and she shivered when Rell began to place little stinging nips on her neck. Tren’s hand moved between her legs, but she kept her focus on what Cormac and Nosa were doing.

“She likes it,” Tren murmured as her pussy clenched around his fingers. “She’s drenched.”

Licking his palm in an obscene manner, Nosa then grabbed Cormac’s deep brown cock and gave it a rough jerk that had her hips bucking. “Do you like watching us, Paige? Answer me.”

“Yes, oh yes.”

“I am going to put my cock into Cormac’s ass while one of your husbands does the same with your tight little bottom. This will be the first time you have had a man in that tiny entrance, correct?”

“Yes.” Her breathy voice hitched as Tren began to rub her G-spot.

“So responsive,” Cormac said with a lazy, lust-filled smile. “She must be fun to play with. What does she look like when she climaxes?”

“Like this.”

Tren abruptly began finger fucking her, hard, while Rell pinched her nipples and bombarded her with his lust. He pulled back right before she went over, grinding herself against Tren’s thick fingers, moaning as the wet, sucking sounds of her pussy being played with mixed with their heavy breathing. Rell pulled the gown down enough to expose her nipple then leaned over and sucked, making spasms of pleasurable shock race from the top of her head to the tips of her toes.

As she lay there, panting, Tren and Rell stripped her naked and soon followed, their nude bodies stretching out beside her as the couch flattened out. A thread of humor went through her as she thought about how often they used the couch for something other than lounging. The thought of a life spent being overcome by passion at any moment sounded like heaven, and as she cuddled up with Tren and Rell, she thought she was about to burst with happiness.

“I can feel her,” Cormac said in a low voice. “She is so bright. Joyous.”

“It has been many years since I have felt joy,” Nosa replied. “Gentlemen, if you will please bring your Matriarch over here, I would appreciate it. I want her looking into Cormac’s eyes as I penetrate him, and you penetrate her.”

Thank goodness she had strong men, because her desire was so intense she wouldn’t have been able to walk the few steps to the other couch. To her surprise, it had been laid flat and had more than tripled in size, big enough for all five of them to fit comfortably. The smooth fabric slid over her skin in a sensual caress as Tren lay back, his erection bobbing in the air, while Rell picked her up and placed her over Tren’s waist.

Nosa positioned Cormac so he was on all fours, his face over Tren’s and close to hers. She found herself captured by his hazel eyes, falling into their brown and green depths, sparks of emerald among chocolate. The fat head of Tren’s cock nudged at her entrance, and she arched her hips, her clit swollen and distended as he slowly pushed into her. Cormac held her gaze the whole time, his expression letting her know the pleasure he found in watching her.

Then his eyes almost closed, and she looked over his shoulder to find Nosa rubbing some kind of lotion into his anus.

Long fingers slid between her buttocks, and she startled, her internal muscles squeezing Tren as she sank all the way down. The sensation of Rell’s fingers in her bottom while she was filled with Tren’s cock was amazing, and she wondered what it felt like to the men, but didn’t dare lower her shields all the way yet. If she did, she’d come on the spot so hard she’d be useless. No, she wanted to enjoy this sea of sexual tension she suddenly found herself thrust into, the only woman among a bunch of testosterone driven Alpha males.

Rell slid his fingers in and out, stretching and teasing her rear entrance while stroking Tren’s cock. Tren hadn’t moved, just occasionally twitching beneath her with a pained expression. Rocking her hips in time with Rell’s thrusting fingers, she soon found herself tensing, the muscles of her body tightening up in anticipation of her release. Before she could go over, Rell removed his fingers and gave her bottom a slap.

“Tilt your hips and open for me.” He caressed the globes of her bottom. “Beautiful.”

Cormac made a soft grunt, and she turned her attention back to him just as Rell fit the big head of his erection against her rear entrance.

Fear raced through her, and she met Cormac’s gaze in a panic, anticipating burning pain as Rell began to push.

Closing the short distance between them, Cormac kissed her gently as Rell pushed in, the initial pop of his mushroom head pushing past her muscles burning slightly.

In response to her flinch of pain, Cormac sucked on her lower lip, playing with her mouth in a skillful way she was helpless to resist.

As her mind shut down and centered on her body, her shields eased, and she kissed Cormac back. He tasted like a rich mixture of bourbon and mint, along with a hint of pipe smoke and leather. A very masculine taste that let her know even though he was the one taking Nosa’s cock at the moment, that didn’t mean he was submissive in any way. No, he took it because he enjoyed it, and Paige moaned as she caught a hint of his soul.

Eager for more, to experience what he was feeling as he was being fucked hard by Nosa, she chased after that link, grabbing it and holding on as Rell moved in and out of her, each stroke rubbing against Tren’s rock hard shaft inside her pussy, their cocks separated by a thin barrier of overstretched skin. She kept waiting for pain, but there was only lust and the soft pleasure of Cormac’s mouth.

While he was amazingly talented with his tongue and she found him attractive, she knew what Casey meant about the connection being different. The link was lighter, less invasive, and she only got the faintest hints of the other man’s emotions. Right now he was happy, relieved that the bond was forming, and doing everything he could on his end to strengthen it. She brushed his soul and rested her forehead against his broad shoulder, Tren and Rell working her body hard now.

Her first orgasm came fast, tightening her body in a dizzying rush that had her crying out. The men pulled out of her mind, leaving her to experience her release fully without being distracted by theirs.

Nosa reached around and began to jerk Cormac off as he thrust into him, and Cormac snarled, his body bucking in Nosa’s grip as the man used his superior strength to hold him down and make him come in long spurts of lilac liquid.

Paige came again as she watched Cormac climax, her body shivering enough that Rell and Tren had to hold her in place, pinned on their vibrating cocks as she came hard, but they wouldn’t give her their orgasms, even though they were close.

Abruptly, Nosa smeared Cormac’s cum on his thick black cock and grabbed the other man by his long hair. “Clean me and swallow my seed.”

Paige gasped as Nosa leaned over and captured her mouth in a hard, demanding kiss that showed no mercy. She bit at his tongue then sucked it to soothe the sting, the dark spice of his kiss surging through her. He tasted like the night, cool and dark, filled with mystery and the promise of hidden delights. Rell sank his teeth into the back of her shoulder, and Tren leaned up to suck on her nipple. The combination of their touch, kiss, and the link quickly forming between her and Nosa was too much, and she screamed as she drank in their pleasure, opened her shields wide, and thrust out her climax at them.

All four men shouted and growled, then began to climax, one after the other, each orgasm triggering one from her exhausted body until she flopped, limp like a broken doll, atop Tren.

“Thank you, Matriarch,” Nosa panted from where he’d collapsed with Cormac sprawled over him.

Too wiped out and buzzing in bliss to do much, she merely waved her hand in return, panting and trying to think.

“I believe she said ‘you’re welcome’,” Rell said in a shaky voice as he began to wipe her body down with some kind of cloth that left her feeling clean and fresh.

“Thank you,” Cormac said as he dragged himself across Nosa to kiss her cheek, then frowned. “I feel different.”

“You just bonded,” Tren grunted. “Of course you feel different.”

“No, he is correct,” Nosa murmured. “I too feel different. Better…more alive.”

“Yes,” Cormac said as he sat up, unashamed of his nudity. “More alive, less dead inside. How is this possible?”

Rell smoothed back Paige’s hair from her back, stroking her skin with contentment. “She can heal the madness.”

“And she is an Enhancer,” Tren added in a low voice.

Both men stared at her incredulously, and she twitched, uncomfortable, suddenly wishing she was clothed.

“You are upsetting her,” Tren growled, and the other men looked away quickly.

Rell tossed his shirt from earlier over her back, and she snuggled into the fabric, still filled with an overload of hormones. “It’s okay. I understand it must be a shock, and I’m sorry we didn’t tell you beforehand, but Ommy said it wasn’t safe to tell anyone I wasn’t bonded with.”

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