Painted Blind (11 page)

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Authors: Michelle A. Hansen

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Painted Blind
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“I hate you.”

I shrugged. “You and half the school.”

She smiled and shook her head. “I should go. I have purging to do.”

“We aren’t talking about the pasta, are we?”

“No.” She sat back in her chair and pressed a hand to her belly, which she’d stuffed with a second helping. “I’m going to purge my life of that heartless lifeguard.”

“Purging is healthy.” I forked up the last cold mushroom from my plate. “And tomorrow?”

“Tomorrow I’m wearing my white leather mini.”

“That a girl. You want to take my car and pick me up in the morning?” We piled our plates into the sink. “Is that okay with you, Dad?”

He poured dish soap into the sink and turned on the water. “Sure. Don’t rear end any Volvos.”

“Saw the porn, did you?” Savannah gave him an understanding nod.

I punched her in the arm, but my dad laughed. “Wish you’d gone with her this summer. Maybe she would have made better choices.”

Savannah’s eyes twinkled. “I’d be happy to go next summer. I’d be a
responsible chaperone.”

I go back next summer.” Maybe I’d disappear into paradise instead.

She thanked my dad for dinner, and we walked outside. It had gotten windy, and I hugged my arms as we crossed the lawn. After pulling my coat and backpack out of the car, I waved as she backed out of the driveway. “Don’t be late,” I called.

Dad was scrubbing dishes, so I picked up a dish towel and started drying. With only two of us, he’d never bothered to buy a dishwasher. “Been a long time since Savannah’s been over here,” he observed.

“Her boyfriend dumped her this afternoon.”

“Oh.” He pulled another plate from the sink. “I still remember when Patricia Wallace dumped me my senior year. Right next to the trophy case in the foyer.” He smirked at the memory. “After she walked away, I turned around and saw her picture there in the trophy case, all smiles and pompons. It took everything I had not to put a fist through the glass.”

I tried to imagine my dad in love. If he’d loved my mother, I was too young to remember it.

“I heard she moved back and took a job at the university a few years ago.” Dad turned on the water and rinsed a couple of plates, which he set in the drainer for me. “She married some lawyer and had a few kids. He had an affair, and they divorced.”


Dad shrugged. “Happens to the best of us.”

“I’m sorry, Dad.”

“Don’t be.” He dumped a pan into the water and scrubbed it clean. “I’m not sorry I married your mom. I got you out of the deal.”

“But I’m graduating. Then you’ll be alone.”

The lines around his eyes crinkled as he smiled. “Don’t think your crotchety old dad can manage without you?”

“Of course you can manage, but do you want more?” Until now I’d never considered that probably he didn’t date because of me.

“Do I want to get married again?” He rinsed the pan and turned off the water. “I’ve liked our life. I didn’t want to throw a third wheel into it. You’re easy to live with. Some women aren’t.” By this he meant my mother, but I supposed it was true of other women, too.

I’d never begrudge his happiness. Was the same true for him? If happiness for me meant leaving someday and not coming back, would he want me to live without it?

Upstairs I took pajamas from the dresser and was about to pull off my shirt, when a voice said, “I don’t think you want to do that in front of me.”

I spun around. “Where are you?”

Erik fluffed a pillow, and I could see the indentation of his head as he laid it back down. I dove at him, and he grunted as he caught me. “Happy to see me?”

“I’ve never seen anyone so handsome.” I settled beside him. “How long have you been here?”

“Since Savannah left. You really shouldn’t leave the door open like that. You never know what kind of trouble will blow in.” He pressed his lips to my forehead. “The palace is empty without you. Aeas and Eudora scolded me for letting you leave. Top that off with my mother dropping by unannounced…” He groaned. “Come back,” he begged, “and stay longer this time.”

“I can’t just disappear. My dad is worried already.”

“It wasn’t a problem before.”

“Before there were reporters stalking me. And of course, I can’t tell him the truth. He’d have me committed.” I sat up as an idea struck me. “Unless…” I needed an ally. “Savannah wants to meet you.”

“You know that’s impossible.”

“Yeah, but she could see the palace. She could vouch that I’m not insane. I didn’t invent you or your world. He would trust her if she told him I was safe with you.”

“No, Psyche. She could jeopardize everything we have together.”

“Or she could make it easier for us. I want to be with you, and I don’t want to lie about it. What am I supposed to do when he demands to meet you or forbids me from seeing you?”

Erik’s voice was stern. “You come to me anyway.”

“Erik, you grew up without parents. You don’t understand how things work. I can’t come and go as I please. I can’t disappear for days on end.”

“Or what? He’ll throw you out? You lived on your own all summer. Why should he control you now?”

“Because he’s my dad, and I live here now. That’s just the way it is.”

“Because you aren’t willing to let go.” There was a bitterness in his voice that hadn’t been there before. “This world is cruel. You don’t belong here.”

“Your mother isn’t the loving type, and I don’t see you cutting ties with her.”

He took my hand with a sigh. “We seldom allow mortals into our world. I took you there because I want you to be a part of it. I don’t trust Savannah.”

“She’s my best friend. And, honestly, I could use a second opinion. I’d like the assurance that it’s real.”

“It’s real.” He touched me gently. “I’m real, and my love for you is real.”

“I need this.”

He was silent a long time before answering, “I’ll allow her to visit briefly. A few hours is all. She may be at the palace only, not in the village or anywhere else in the kingdom, and I will send all my people away. You will take her there with Pixis, stay a few hours and bring her back. Agreed?”

“Yes.” I was so excited, I could hardly wait to call her. What a relief it would be to share this secret with someone!

“I’m not comfortable with this. I don’t like it at all.”

“I understand.” I didn’t like him being invisible, so I moved across the room and switched off the light. He appeared in the dark when I returned to him. “Erik, there’s one more favor I’d like to ask you.”

He moaned. “What will this cost me?”

“Can I stay at the palace Friday night? I want to sketch your world for my art class.”          

“What happened to being committed?”

“Mr. Mayhue will think they’re fantasies. I’ll need your help with the shading.”

“In the dark?” he asked.

“We could do it here on Sunday.”

He pulled me down on the pillow. “I don’t tutor for free.” His lips brushed my face as he whispered, “Try not to faint.”

I was lost in Erik’s kiss and didn’t hear Dad’s footsteps until he was right outside the door. Then I pulled away with a start.

We vanished.

“Erik!” I whispered. “You took me with you!”

Dad’s shadow blocked the light coming from under the door. The knob turned as Erik dropped to the floor behind the bed. I reappeared and squinted into the light from the hallway.

Dad looked around suspiciously then flicked on the overhead light. “You’re going to bed already?” he asked.

“Uh, yeah. I’m tired.”

“Aren’t you going to change?” Dad’s eyes scanned the room—the closed window, the ruffled pillows, the guilty expression on my face. He was nobody’s fool.

I grabbed my pajamas and headed for the bathroom. Pausing in the hallway, I saw him check the other side of the bed. He didn’t go so far as to look under it, but I’m sure he wanted to.

“Where are your curtains?”

The window blinds were half closed, but the curtains next to the bed were gone. “They were dusty,” I lied. “I threw them in the wash.”

He seemed satisfied and headed toward his bedroom. “Well, good night.”

“G’night, Dad.” I closed the bathroom door and leaned against it, my heart thumping. I changed and brushed my teeth then returned to my room, where I closed the door and doused the light. I crawled into bed. Soon I heard the shower running in the master bathroom.

Erik slid under the covers next to me silently laughing.

“That was too close.”

“Sorry about the curtains. I didn’t know they were touching me.” They mysteriously reappeared while I was in the bathroom, but Erik was veiled.

“Now do you see why I need Savannah’s help?”

Erik let out a slow breath. “Yes, I understand.”

Chapter 10

I pulled a bagel from the toaster and started across the kitchen with my plate. An unseen finger slid under my hair and across my neck. I squealed and tossed the plate. It should have shattered on the floor but stopped mid-air and caught the bagel before it hit the tile.

“I thought you left at midnight like a respectable date,” I said.

“I came back.” The plate settled onto the bar.

I reached toward his voice. My hand lighted over a cotton shirt and the contours of his muscled chest. It was a good thing I couldn’t see him, or I would have ditched school. “After school I’ll bring Savannah through the portal.”

His reply was an indiscernible murmur. A horn honked outside, and I turned to go, but he caught my wrist and kissed my hand.

By some unnatural twist of fate Savannah was on time. As promised, she wore the leather mini skirt and a blue sweater that played on her sapphire eyes. “You’re early.”

“No, you’re late.” She put the Subaru in first and let out the clutch too quickly so we jerked into motion.

“I should drive,” I said.

“I just need a little practice. I haven’t driven a stick since my brother totaled the Toyota a few years ago.” At the stop sign she made a smooth start. “See. No problem.”

All morning, between swirling memories of Erik, I’d been trying to figure out how to approach the subject of the palace without sounding completely crazy. “I talked to Erik last night after you left,” I said finally. “You won’t be able to meet him today, but he agreed to let me take you up and see his… house.”


“After school. There won’t be anyone there except us. And, you’ll want some pants.”

Savannah nearly sideswiped an oncoming car. “Why?”

“Just trust me and wear jeans. And, I’m staying at your house tonight.”

“Really?” Her voice brightened. It had been awhile since we spent any real time together.

“No, but I can’t tell my dad that I’m staying at Erik’s.”

“Psyche, don’t,” she pleaded. “You…”

“It’s not like that,” I said emphatically. “I have my own room. You’ll see.”


After school Savannah followed in her car toward the Forest Service access road. By driving separately, I could stay and send her home when the sun went down. I parked in the turnout.

“Isn’t this all National Forest?” Though suspicious, Savannah had relented and changed clothes. She had a pair of jeans in her car from a fit of indecision last week. When all else failed, she brought both outfits to school. Now she wore tennis shoes and jeans with her blue sweater.

“It’s not actually in the forest.”

“Then where is it?” She followed me to the rock outcropping. “Okay, it’s a cliff. What the heck is going on?”

“I didn’t quite know how to explain this to you. Erik isn’t from our… world.”

“You’re dating ET?” Her voice was cutting.

“No, he’s human, but there are some differences.”


“Like this bridge you can’t see.” I ignored the mocking expression on her face. “I hate this part,” I muttered as I inched closer to the rock ledge feeling for the railing.

“A bridge. In the air.

My fingers found the cold metal. “Here.” I gingerly stepped onto the bridge, testing its solidity before putting any weight on the invisible structure. “It’s here. Look.” I stepped onto the bridge with both feet.

Savannah screamed, then gaped wide-mouthed as I stood in the air. “Impossible.”

“Give me your hand.” When she reached out, I put her hand on the railing. “The bridge leads into that cave. Follow me.” I closed my eyes and crossed the bridge. I knew I was at the cave when the railing ended and my feet landed on solid rock. I stepped away from the opening and looked back. Savannah stood in the middle of the bridge looking in wonder at the air all around her feet. It made me woozy just watching her. “C’mon,” I prodded.

She stepped into the cave grinning. “What a rush.”

“This way.”

“Where? There’s nothing but solid …”

I stepped through the back wall of the cave and emerged in the meadow. Looking back, I could see Savannah blinking at the wall. “Trust me.” My voice echoed in the cave. Savannah put her hands out, closed her eyes and stepped forward. I grabbed her hands as she came through the portal.

“What the…?”

“Now you see why I didn’t tell you. You wouldn’t have believed me.”

“I still don’t believe it. It’s warm here.”

“Yeah. Come into the meadow, and I’ll call Pixis.”


“Erik’s horse. Wait until you see him.” I pulled the whistle from my pocket and blew. He whinnied a reply. He was waiting nearby and trotted over to nuzzle my shoulder.

“No way. He has wings.”

“Aren’t you glad you ditched the skirt?” I turned to Pixis. “Savannah’s never seen a winged horse before. Maybe you should show her all your glory before I ask you to take us to the palace.”

He gave a throaty nicker that reminded me of Erik’s chuckle, then stepped back, reared and unfurled his wings with a mighty flap that threw wind in our faces.

“I can’t get over how gorgeous he is,” I said.

“A Pegasus,” Savannah said in wonder as Pixis curled his wings and knelt for us.

“Winged horse,” I corrected. “Climb on.”

With Savannah settled behind me, I leaned closer to Pixis’s ears. “Will you please take us to the palace?”

Pixis flew a straight course from the meadow to the palace and landed in the courtyard. I slid from his back and offered Savannah a hand.

“Erik lives here?” She turned a circle to take in the whole courtyard and the open foyer. “Of course, you’d land a guy that was sexy
rich,” she muttered.

I started the tour in the foyer then went to the kitchen. We picked oranges in the orchard then sat in the shade and ate. Afterward we toured the bathing area, the living room and my bedroom. I showed her the gown I wore and the sandals that matched.

Savannah’s eyebrows arched. “Well, it’s not high fashion, but the fabric is nice. What’s this?” She touched the wooden boxes on the dresser.

“Erik’s gifts. I’ll show you.” I drew out the amethyst belt, the arm cuff and bracelet and put them on.

“Those are some hefty stones.”

“I was afraid I’d lose one, but Erik said the stones don’t have the same kind of value here as they would in our world. This is the most amazing part.” I held the pendant to my forehead. “It’s a token of courtship like a promise ring.”

“Some ring.” She turned away. “So, you stay in this bedroom when you’re here. Where does Erik stay?”

“Down the hall in the master suite.”

“Let’s see it.”

I wasn’t sure if snooping through Erik’s bedroom was included when he gave me permission to show Savannah the house. Still, I was determined to satisfy her curiosity so she’d help me convince Dad that I was safe here.

The hallway was dim, and the massive door to Erik’s room was closed. I felt for the knob and pushed open the door. It wasn’t like we’d get caught. He promised the house would be empty.

Straight ahead were the closed doors leading to the balcony. At one end of the suite was the poster bed with heavy velvet curtains wound around the posts. The headboard was nearly buried in pillows. The comforter over the bed was crimson velvet, embroidered in the center with Erik’s crest. The top of the comforter was turned down revealing silky sheets in the same fabric as the gowns, but dyed to match the crest.

All of the furniture in the room was walnut and each piece was beautifully carved. Savannah ran her hand over the back of a chair near the doorway. A flying horse was carved into the wood. Its wing was slightly raised and gave depth to the carving. On one table sat a vase painted with a storm scene. I ran my fingers over the glaze and remembered cracks of thunder and the mighty rush of the water cascading from the roof. Mostly I remembered the feel of Erik’s arms and his raspy murmurs in my ear.

Savannah went to the two enormous closets that stood behind carved wooden doors. She threw them open and revealed a stunning array of clothes. It looked as if two separate people lived here—one mortal and one immortal. The first closet was full of his native robes, all white. Next to those hung sashes in every color, golden belts and over a dozen cloaks. Several pairs of sandals were lined up on the floor beneath them.

The other closet belonged to the wealthy mortal. Savannah took a pinstriped suit off the rack. She whistled softly. “This is an Armani.” She hung it next to three other suits. “These are
Armani. His clothes are worth more than our cars.” She slid the hangers down the rod. There were dozens of shirts, jackets, slacks and jeans, all with designer labels. Now I understood why he liked the Valentino in my closet.

At one end she found the leather jacket. I pulled it from its hanger and held it to my nose. “It smells like him.” I didn’t want to put it back.

“So, where’s the catch? He’s rich, sexy and has amazing taste. Oh, and he’s given you a
thingy. This is unbelievable. Your first boyfriend, too.” She didn’t try hard enough to hide the irritation in her voice.

“There’s no catch. This is Erik.”

“When do I get to meet him?”

“I already told you, he’s shy.”

“He didn’t sound one bit shy on the phone, and no one with this kind of money hides it. He should be knocking down your door, convincing your dad that he is God’s gift to mankind.”

“Erik isn’t like that.”

“What is he like?” she prodded.

“He enjoys making trouble, but he didn’t get rich in crime. He inherited all of this.”

“I bet he looks amazing in this suit.”

“Yeah, of course.” My voice fell flat, and Savannah’s expression brightened.

“What color are his eyes?” she prodded.

“Blue,” I lied.

“How tall is he?”

“Half a foot taller than me.” Not a lie. He’d said so himself.


“Medium and muscular.” And indescribably enticing, but I didn’t tell her that.

“What’s his nose like?”

“It’s… a …”

She nodded like she was getting somewhere now. “How did he make the bridge disappear?”

“I don’t know.” Erik had only made things disappear when he was touching them, but the bridge was invisible all the time. I’d never asked him why.

“How did you really meet him?”

“The MSU carnival. Remember, I told you. I got caught in a crowd and he pulled me out.”

“He pulled you out of a mob? How? He would have gotten caught in the crowd, too.”

“He… he made me… us… disappear.”

“Invisible, like the bridge. He can make himself invisible.” The dangerous gears in Savannah’s brain were clicking.

“Not in his world, only in ours.”

“And when you’re here, he isn’t with you, is he?”

Sudden fear made my voice hoarse. “He comes at night.”

“Oh… my… gosh. You have never seen him.”

“I’ve kissed him. He held me in his arms. I stayed right here with him through a storm!” I said in a rush.

“And when you woke in the morning?”

“He was gone.” My voice broke. To speak it aloud made it seem so absurd, but I knew him even though I’d never seen him.

Savannah came forward, smoothing her voice into understanding. “Psyche, I know you want him to be everything you’ve dreamed of, but he’s not.”

“You don’t know that!” I snapped.

Her eyes softened. “He would only hide from you if he was monstrous. Even an average-looking guy with this kind of money would let you see his face. Something is terribly wrong with him.”

I shook my head, unwilling to believe her.

“Have you asked to see him?”

“He said I could see him later.”

“How much later?” she demanded.


She grabbed me in alarm. “After what?”

I didn’t answer.

Her eyes widened. “He’s trying to trap you! Can’t you see what he’s doing? He’s winning you over with gifts and this palace, but he’s hiding who he really is.”

“I love him, Savannah.” It was the first time I’d actually said the words, but it was true. I loved him.

Pushing hair out of my face, she dropped her voice into a murmur. “You don’t have to stop loving him, but you can’t go on blindly. You have to know who he is. That is your right.”

“I can’t betray him.”

“You can’t betray yourself!” she snapped. She took a deep breath, calming herself, as she squeezed my hands. “Listen, you’re staying here tonight?” I nodded jerkily. “Okay, you go to bed in your room like you usually do. He’ll be in here, right? You wait a few hours, and you come down the hall.” She pointed to the dresser. “You don’t have to turn on a single light. There’s a candle right there. That bit of light shouldn’t wake him. You light the candle, see his face, and blow it out. If he’s a man you can go on loving, fine. If not, you come home that minute. Don’t let him trap you here. Don’t let him hold you captive.”

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