Panties for Sale (26 page)

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Authors: Mattie York

BOOK: Panties for Sale
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“Your friend?” Martial asked Alex.

“Yes, Chieko is from Japan.”

“Yes, I love Japan,” Martial raised his eyebrows. “I haven’t
been to Japan
in so long.
I think I would like to
revisit it soon.
Mmm,” he stepped back
rubbing his hands together.
“Two lovely
ladies should not be alone tonight.
join my table?
I know my friends would
love to spend some time with you tonight?”

Alex felt ill. Was he actually suggesting that she service
him and his friends tonight?
Her body
was still sore from her appointment with him.
She hadn’t even fully decided how to deal with that situation.
“Martial, you are too kind,” Alex said forcing
a smile, “but we can’t tonight.
We have

Oh, damn,
you are too hot,” Martial clapped his hands.
“Shit, I’ll have to call Angela and set that up.
Mmm,” he squeezed his lips together.

“It was nice to see you again,” Alex said.

“Are you sure you are busy tonight?”
Martial’s voice dropped to a husky whisper.

“Yes, I am sorry.
But please call Angela.
may not be.”

“But I want you,” he leaned closer to Alex, lifting up her
hand and kissing her palm.
Alex tried to
pull away but Martial squeezed it and winked, then slowly kissed her forearm,
up to her elbow.
He finally let go and
turned to Chieko.
“And you,” he blew her
a kiss as he walked away.

“Who was that?”
Chieko watched as Martial sauntered across the restaurant.

“That was a client.”
She took a sip of Perrier and tried to calm down, but she could barely

You are so
lucky, he is sexy!”

Alex gave Chieko a pained look.
“Not really.”
She still wasn’t sure how she felt about Martial and his lies, but she
knew she didn’t want to be alone with him again.

“There is no way I would have said that that was ok, Alex,”
Angela had said when Alex had called after the appointment.
“Listen, darling, you have to be
I watch out for my girls, but I
can’t say these men aren’t crafty.
Especially in the heat of the moment.
Are you ok?
He didn’t hurt you
did he?
Now, that is what Ahmed is
Keep your cell phone close.
He can be there in minutes.
I always tell him what room you are going
You could have said no, dear.
You have to be firm.
You know men like strong women.
And you were right.
It does say no Greek in your bio.
I remember writing that down myself.”

Be strong?
How can you be strong when you
are sitting naked in a locked room with a man who could break you in half with
his bare hands?
“But honey,” Angela had
asked when Alex had calmed down, “I hate to bring it up, but how was it?
I mean, if you didn’t mind it, most guys do
ask for it nowadays.
It is extremely
And it’s not such a big deal,
It’s quite safe as long as you
wear a condom.
I can change your
profile, if you liked it?”

Alex took another sip of Perrier and looked around the
restaurant to see where Martial had gone.
She found him laughing and shaking hands with a few other men dressed in
business suits.
Martial caught her eye
and raised his glass to her as he lifted up his cell phone to show her that he
was making a call.
He winked and waved
her and Chieko over.

“I can’t.
No, I can’t do this.
I’m sorry,” she looked back at Chieko. “I’m
I can’t stay here.
I have to go.”

Are you
You haven’t finished your soup.
And your meal?”

“Don’t worry,” Alex threw a hundred dollar bill down on the
“I’ll pay for it.
Let’s just leave.
Chieko had barely time to put on her coat before she saw Alex disappear
out the door.
She apologized to the
hostess and hurried out after Alex.



God damned Alex!
That Mr. Jerome called and wanted to see her
And she said no. To me!
And I offered her double the fee.
She did!
That stuck up spoilt bitch!
said no because he went in the back door.
She said no to him and he did it anyways.
And he said that I said he could.
Stupid manipulative fuck.
But how, how is this my problem?
What is Alex thinking?
Who does she think she is?

I told her men like that
And she is a sexy girl.
Dumb spoilt bitch!!!!!!!
This was important to me.
I paid for that appointment.
the house for Mr. Jerome.
She was
supposed to please him.
I told her to
look damn good.
I needed that!
Movie business contacts.
Hollywood bloody north!
Goddamn it.
I hope she didn’t cry in front of him.
She said she didn’t, but who can be sure.
God damn it.
I’ll have to call Mr. Jerome and smooth these things out.
What a cocky bastard saying that I said it
was ok.
Well, what can you expect?
These men are going to say what they
What is the big deal anyways?
I don’t understand.
It’s all the same.
Sex is sex is sex.
So it hurts a bit.
It only hurts for a while.
She’s got to relax.
Men are going to want to do that to her.
I’ve already had a few men asking about that.
She just sounds like a priss for not doing
I mean, he did wear a condom.
That’s about all she can ask for.

Oh dear.
Be nice.
No, she’s right.
She shouldn’t
have to do things she doesn’t want to.
She’s a bloody
I don’t understand the gaul.
Why does she get to choose?
If I ever so much as said no to my agency
when I was an escort.
Especially for
something as silly as that.
I wouldn’t
get work in weeks.
I hope she likes to
If only she wasn’t’ so damn
But I guess, well anal sex
wasn’t actually that popular in my day.
I didn’t have many requests for it.
Men used to be more, gentlemanly.
If that’s possible.

And what is Chieko
Stupid nut.
She called me last week crying that the men I
booked for her were mean to her.
they were bullies and ordered her around.
And she wasn’t comfortable.
then the crazy twit shows up to Mr. Nimbin’s appointment in black leather
throwing around a whip. I laughed my ass off when Mr. Nimbin told me.
What is going on with these girls?
Why can’t they be normal like my other

Like my other girls are normal.
Like Althea with bigger tits than
Crazy girl just told me she is
saving up to get another boob job.
you imagine?
Here she has the biggest
tits I’ve ever seen.
Her tits are already
so big she can barely walk. And the only job she can do is one flat on her
But one of her client’s said he
would like them bigger.
And he is going
to pay for them.
Well, he said he would
come see her enough times to pay for them.
Stupid fucker.
So not only does
he get more sex, he gets a girl to pay all of her earnings on bigger boobs to
impress him.
I hope to hell she’s not
gunning for marriage or some shit with this man.
He really doesn’t have that much money.
Not as much as she thinks he does.
I tried to tell her.
She is ruining her body.
She is only 28 but she looks like hell.
We had to cake her face in powder for her
photos and her tits have these purple awful lines up and down them.
Bloody hell.
Stretch marks from being too massive.
What the hell will she look like when she is my age?

Now my crazy ass
Actually she has pretty nice tits.
She could work for me.
Men would love her, in her peaceful,
nurturing sort of way.
Yeah, she is
pretty, in that plain natural way.
course she doesn’t wear any make up and her hair is just flat and stringy.
But with a box of Clairol and a stick of
Loreal, we could make her look real nice.
Lots of my married clients would pay just to have someone to talk
Especially if she didn’t judge
And helped them with their
I wonder if she thought about
Healing the men that go to
But then, if I sent them to
her, I wouldn’t have a business anymore.

But there are so many god
damned fucked up men in this world, she might not even make a dent.
Why is that?
What causes all of these men to cheat on their wives?
I just need to ask my own husband.
Well that’s fine.
The man is
entitled to cheat.
He just better stay
the hell off my property.

And now, he says he wants the
Can you believe that shit?
They are mine.
I am the only mother
they know.
And how can he have
He is a bloody sex addict.
I don’t think he really wants them.
I don’t think he cares that much.
I think he wants my money.
That is a slippery slope, because well, a lot of my business is cash and
I haven’t been so forthcoming with the government.
That bastard knows too.
He knows if we go to court, they’ll have to
know about my business.
Damn him.
He should be repenting.
What kind of sleazebag has sex in the back of
his car while his kids are at hockey practice?.
I’m not worried.
It’ll work
I’ve got Dora and she’s a bloody
gold mine.
She’ll figure out the books
and make them look on the up and up.
pay taxes.
Of course I do.
And I keep track of everything.
No, yes.
It will be fine.
I’m not ashamed
of what I do.
Yes, I am proud of me and my business.

So, I made some
I did.
Actually, I sat in front of my mirror last
I did.
Pulled it off the wall and just sat there and talked to it.
I did what Luann said.
I looked deep in my eyes and said I loved
And then I got real.
I made a plan.
Me and me.
I decided that’s it.
marriage is over.
But I’m keeping the
They are mine now anyways.
I don’t care what the birth certificates say.
I’m not sure what I’m going to do, but I
think I’m also going to get out of this business.
I think it’s causing me stress.
I only see the worst sides of people.
The worst possible side of men.
And I can’t live like that.

There are nice people out
There are nice men
There are normal things to do.
I’ve made a lot of money.
So I’ll make some more as I plan what to do
I’m not leaving today.
Hell no.
But it’s an idea.
I got a lawyer,
for the divorce.
That’s it. I want out
I think he’s living with the
I thought she was married
but Dora told me she saw them at Macdonald’s.
I don’t know what that girl is thinking.
He’s just looking for another meal ticket.
Someone’s shoulder to cry on about his stupid
dead wife.
Bless the dead.
But seriously, I met him 7 years ago.
And he still cries at night for her.
Was I not enough?
Are his boys not enough?

Bloody Ahmed.
Now, what has gotten into his head?
Yesterday he came up to the office with
He said I needed something to
make me smile.
What a crazy ass!
Last thing I need is another man.
I told him to get to work finding himself new
clients, not trying to sweet talk his employer-ess.

Speaking of fools.
Luann is now telling me that I have to be
nicer to my body.
Love my body.
Pamper it.
She wants me to use this oil on my body every day.
Ok, she’s nuts.
Stupid fucker.

But you know what?
She sent me to this massage place.
I don’t know some Indian lady.
It was nuts. The lady had me strip down and
covered me with oil.
And then she
dripped a bowl of oil over my forehead.
At first I thought the lady was insane.
But when the hot oil was dripping on my head.
Wow. I was in total peace.
I don’t even know where I went.
All my cares just went away.
My brain flew somewhere.
It was
I was actually lying there
covered in oil for an hour.
Oh, but it
felt so good.
That Indian massage lady
is a magician.
I shouldn’t call her
I know.
It’s not Indian.
It’s ayurvedic, or something like what.
Whatever it is, she was right on the
My skin is softer than a
And my cellulite- gone.
Even my face, you wouldn’t know my husband is
a sex addict and we are getting a divorce.
I look as young and rested as I have in years.
You wouldn’t know that I am 45 at all.
Honey, I’d pass for 35.
I may have to go for a massage every day for
the rest of my life.
It is the most
luxurious invigorating thing I’ve ever done.

I have to go visit Robbie’s
teacher tomorrow.
He’s in trouble for
Of course he is.
He’s damn pissed that his dad is gone.
I would be too.
Poor kid.
It doesn’t seem to bother Joe as much.
He keeps quiet.
But I know he’s
Tonight when I was tucking them
in you know what he said?
Bless his
He said he didn’t care who came
or went as long as I was here to say good night to him every day.
God, I love those boys.
I know I could be a better mom.
I could take them to the park more, spend
more time with them.
But you know they
are nice kids and that’s down to me.
taught them to respect others.
And that
Joe is a firecracker!
Straight A’s this
year. I can’t wait to see what he does with his life.
Might finally have a university graduate in
the family.

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