Parahuman (Parahuman Series) (34 page)

BOOK: Parahuman (Parahuman Series)
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first thing that crossed Devan’s mind was that the wolves must have made
another emergence. 

     As Devan
passed he wasn’t able to catch too many conversations, but he did catch a few
stray comments on the unbelievable aspect of the whole situation. Slowing even
more Devan hoped to catch a glimpse of Laney in the crowd, but he didn’t see
her anywhere; her or her father. He did see the back of Hali’s head inside the
restaurant. She was leaning into another woman’s body; the woman had her arm
around her as if trying to comfort her. 

     This scene
caused a surge of disquiet to zip through Devan’s body, especially since he
could see no sign of Laney. He noticed that Jarrod and his vehicle were absent

disquiet upgraded to full-fledged alarm.     

had pulled into the fuel station and was already filling up his truck. Pulling
up behind him Devan jumped from the jeep and strode directly into the store up
to the counter.

happened?” Devan demanded. 

     The middle
aged woman behind the counter just stared at him in astonishment; either at his
abruptness or his physical appearance. Devan didn’t have time for her to

is going on at The Diner?” He repeated forcefully.

blinked in unease, but her brain recognized his commanding tone. “Oh, well...two
teenagers went missing; they seem to have disappeared last night. There’s
speculation on whether they went for a late night stroll and got lost in the
woods, or whether there’s something more sinister involved. I myself knew them
to be good friends. Seen them together often, they even worked together. The girl’s
father of course insists that his daughter would never have gone off into the
woods like that at night, especially since there are possible rabid wolves
roaming the woods, but teenagers these days. Oh, okay...” She trailed off as
Devan turned away and left the store.

didn’t need to hear anymore, even though she hadn’t named the individuals Devan
knew who she was talking about. Hali being comforted, two teenagers who had
been friends and worked together; Devan knew it was Laney and Jarrod.

had just finished filling up his tank when Devan walked up. “Do you need any…?” 
He halted mid-question. “What’s happened?” His tone switched from placidly
urgent to alarm at whatever he saw on Devan’s face, and Devan couldn’t help
wondering what he was seeing. Agony, anger, guilt, despair; they were all
crushing down on him.

was all he was able to choke out.

expression became even more alarmed and he stepped forward to grip Devan’s
arms. “What is it? Does it have something to do with what’s going on in town?
Were the wolves seen again?”

swallowed with difficulty, but it seemed to get rid of the lump in his throat
so he could speak. “I can’t leave. Laney’s been kidnapped and I have to go find
her.” He turned for the jeep. 

skipped after him. “Devan, stop! What exactly is going on?  What do you mean
Laney’s been kidnapped?”

only thought was to get to Laney as he walked away from Brett. He jumped into
the jeep realizing he had left it running.

ran up to the window reached his arm in and grabbed the wheel. “What is going
on?” He demanded. The tone of his voice made it known that he wanted an answer,
and Devan could tell by the death grip he had on the wheel he wasn’t going to
make it easy for Devan to leave without detaching Brett’s hold forcibly.

turned to look him in the face. Brett jerked back reflexively a flicker of
trepidation in his eyes and Devan again wondered fleetingly what he saw.

“Laney has been kidnapped by another student who has a very unhealthy interest
in her. He’s taken her who knows where, and I need to find her.” Devan had to
maintain a tight grip on the desire to rip Brett’s hands from the steering wheel,
or his arms from his shoulder sockets.

have to find her?” He asked, looking confused.

“Yes.” Devan’s voice was rough as he strained to control his emotions. A
massive wave of fury and anguish was rolling through him and he didn’t know if
he could contain it for long. 

would be too much of a risk for you to stay.” Brett stated reasonably. 

mind was way past reasoning with. The only thought in his head was finding
Laney and nothing was going to sway him from it. 

night we left the facility you told me that you had created me in the hopes of
giving back to the world, well this is one of those ways. It sounds like he
took her into the forest and if that is true then I’m uniquely qualified to
find her, quickly and with little effort. I’ll stay out of it officially so no
one will know I’m involved, and if The Company comes looking I’ll be in the
perfect environment to hide from them.” Devan was surprised he was able to
articulate logically past the angry haze and pounding pressure in his head.  

raised an eyebrow at Devan’s explanation, but having utilized Brett’s own words
he could hardly argue with them. Instead he offered up another obstruction.
“What about the wolves.” 

can handle the wolves.” Devan clipped curtly. 

didn’t do so well the last time.”

“That’s because I was in a small enclosed space,” Devan growled fiercely,
unable to contain his patience any longer. “The forest is a lot more area to
evade…and conquer. We really don’t need the extra hassle of them on our trail
anyway.” If Devan came across those wolves again he would destroy them.  

brow furrowed in incomprehension at Devan’s evident anger, but he nodded
catching the gist of his meaning. Now that Devan had given Brett a logical and
rational basis for his behavior Brett was less inclined to argue.

pulled his hand away from the steering wheel. “Yes, that might be a good idea;
having modified animals pursuing us constantly could be problematic. You believe
you can take care of them with no problem?” He asked, anxiously.

“Yes.” Devan stated, with no hesitation.

sighed and then nodded slowly.   

Finally! “I will meet you at Cornett Condominiums when I finish.” Devan stated
putting the jeep in gear.      

reached his hand back in through the window, gripping Devan’s arm. “Just be
careful Devan; who knows what this young man might be carrying, and don’t take
any unnecessary risks with the wolves, utilize your training.” He squeezed Devan’s
arm to emphasize his point.

nodded in acquiesce and Brett stepped back away from the vehicle. Devan
reversed out of the lot, his only thought on finding Laney. The Company,
Jarrod, and the wolves were just inconsequential factors that revolved around

Parking on the main road with the rest of the vehicles he made his way over to The
Diner. In just the short time he’d been at the fuel station even more people
had arrived. The parking lot consisted of mostly teenagers, huddled together
whispering about the circumstances revolving around the suggested kidnapping.

multitude of heads turned in Devan’s direction as he made his way past. Even
with his hood up and sunglasses on everyone recognized him because of his
height. Many of the individuals had seen him with Laney last night and they
were whispering to others in their group on whether his presence had some
impact on the situation. 

Striding through front door Devan headed straight to Hali who had her head on
the table; she appeared to be sleeping. Devan had told Brett that no one was
going to know he was involved, but he needed to find out as much information as
he could, even if it brought him

was thankfully sitting alone, the woman who had been sitting next to her gone
for the moment. Normally Devan would hesitate in making contact with another
person, but he had no such difficulty this time. Sliding into the booth, he
gripped Hali’s shoulder and gave her a slight shake.

pulled her head up groggily, red bloodshot eyes blinking heavily trying hard to
focus, her hair stuck up where it had been laying on her arm. She looked
childlike in her sleepy state, free of make-up.

“Hali, you need to tell me what happen.” Devan commanded.  

bleary gaze looked around before focusing on him. “What time is it?” 

close to ten.”

expression drooped. “I must have just fallen asleep,” she muttered, rubbing her
eyes. “I can’t believe what’s happen. Did you hear?” 

understood that she was half asleep and groggy, but his impatience was hard to
contain. Time was slipping away as he sat here trying to find out what happen.
“Only a little, can you please tell me what you know?” He repeated urgently.   

sighed heavily, the sigh breaking in distress. “All we know is that Laney’s
father called the police early this morning to report that Laney was gone. He
found her phone which had a text message on it from Jarrod saying he was
outside her house and would she come outside to talk. The text message showed
that it came in around midnight.” Hali breathed in a shaky breath before
continuing. “Jarrod’s truck was found at around seven o’clock this morning at
Pine Bridge Falls, but there was no sign of Jarrod or Laney. Nick has been
telling the police that Laney would never have taken off in the middle of the
night to go for a walk in the woods. He’s been saying that Jarrod must have
made her go somehow. I’ve been telling them of how Jarrod’s been acting lately
and that they’ve been arguing.” She looked up with tears forming in her eyes
and continued with a trembling voice. “No one wants to believe that Jarrod took
Laney against her will, but she would know better than to take off in the
middle of the night and above all to go into the woods for a walk at night;
especially with wolves roaming nearby. I can’t imagine what Jarrod was

the end of Hali’s story Devan’s nerves were stretched to the breaking
point…she’d been gone for ten hours already!

grabbed a napkin from the dispenser off the table, tucking it into Hali’s hands
that were ineffectually rubbing away tears. “Pine Bridge Falls, is that the
area south of here where Nick, Laney, and her mother visited often?”

had taken the napkin and was rubbing it roughly across her eyes. “Yes,” she
answered, looking up in surprise. “That’s right; Laney took you there Sunday,
didn’t she.” Hali reached her hand across the table, taking his hand in hers.
The contact was unexpected, but he maintained enough control to not jerk away
at the unaccustomed touch. 

know, I really think she likes you,” she said with a watery smile, “but don’t
you dare tell her I told you that.” 

heard the footsteps walking up to the table before he heard the voice.

honey, how are you doing?” 

voice was from the woman he had seen holding Hali earlier. Her gaze was
skipping back and forth between him, Hali, and their hands. Devan disengaged

doing okay mom.” Hali answered, blowing her nose. She pointed a finger his way.
“This is Devan, a friend mine and Laney’s.”

Hali’s declaration of friendship had him stumped for second. He found himself
starring down at her unable to make a reply. 

“Hello Devan,” the mother acknowledged sadly. “It’s unfortunate that we have to
meet during this time of misfortune.” She sat down on the other side of Hali.

was impatient to leave and start his search for Laney but he took a moment to
do something uncharacteristic; reaching out he gave Hali’s hand a squeeze of reassurance.
“Everything will work out.” She returned the grip her watery blue eyes full of
uncertainty and fear.

Standing up Devan took a few awkward steps backwards the urge to hunt
overpowering. He spun away from their bewildered expressions and rushed out the

Uncaring of the stares that followed him Devan dashed for the jeep; he retained
enough control to make it look like a normal run. Hopping in the vehicle he did
a u-turn in the road heading in the direction of the falls. 

thoughts were in turmoil over what Laney could be experiencing at the moment.
That Jarrod had had her in his possession for ten hours was generating an
emotional avalanche. The anger he’d had been feeling just thirty minutes ago at
the thought of leaving was nothing compared to the savagery flowing through him
right now. It was a consuming conflagration…that he didn’t bother to control.
In fact Devan could feel his senses heightening as a result of it. He could feel
the blood humming through his veins; his hairs were all standing on end, and
the air coming in through the window seemed more heavily scented than ever

were a number of vehicles lining the road and parked in the ditches at the turn
off to the falls. Continuing on past for another mile Devan found an alcove off
the road and out of sight to park the jeep. 

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