Parahuman (Parahuman Series) (9 page)

BOOK: Parahuman (Parahuman Series)
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“Everyone buckle up.” Nick announced, starting the van.

turned away to buckle up her seat belt; as she did she observed Jarrod frowning
heavily between her and Devan.

Nick says that you’re sixteen.”

leaned back against the door at Jarrod’s comment so she could observe both Devan
and Jarrod. Jarrod had pulled himself closer to her side of the vehicle and had
turned to face Devan. She couldn’t see Jarrod face, but Devan was positioned in
a way that he facing both Laney and Jarrod. With his glasses on there was no
way to know who he was looking at.

that a question or an affirmation?” Devan asked.

raised her hand to hide a grin. Her dad also grinned. They could both tell from
Devan’s tone that he wasn’t being snide; both of them had already determined
that Devan was
serious… and literal. Laney had come to the
conclusion that Devan lacked certain social etiquette abilities. For some
reason this just added to his appeal. 

Jarrod twisted around to give Laney a look of confusion. She just raised her
eyebrow at him.

twisted back around. "It’s just hard to believe that you’re only sixteen.
Are you sure you weren’t kept back a few grades?” Jarrod chuckled at his own
joke. Devan remained silent with a bland expression.

frowned; Mr. Hyde/Jekyll was making a subtle appearance. Jarrod continued
talking before Laney could blast him for his rudeness.

hear you did pretty well yesterday, scared away a mountain lion and everything.
Some people might not come back after a scare like that.”

Devan’s head tilt again. Laney was beginning to recognize it as a sign of

“Laney was there and she came back.” Devan commented.

“Yeah, but these are
woods, we’ve been raised to handle what’s out
there.” Jarrod proclaimed.

Laney’s gaze switched to the back of Jarrod’s head. There seemed to be a surplus
of possessiveness to that statement. Laney glanced at her father to see his
reaction. Nick was looking up at the review mirror…observing. Her dad was a bit
of watcher, something they had in common, and he was waiting to see how things
would play out. She knew what he was thinking; that if he did indeed hire Devan
then he would want to know how Devan and Jarrod interacted together.

had a certain amount of familiarity with undomesticated animals.” Devan declared. 

grinned, could he be any more vague
specific at the same time.

“What’s with the sunglasses, it’s not even sunny out today?”

Jarrod had been able to keep most of the nastiness out of his tone, but Laney
knew he was in full blown ‘tool’ mode now; trying to intimidate Devan. Laney
had also recognized that Devan was sensitive about his eyes, she didn’t know
why because they were completely awesome, so she wasn’t going to let Jarrod
haranguer him about it.

“Jarrod, is it really any of your business why. Why do you wear your pants a
size too big? I’ve been telling you for ages it doesn’t do anything for your

Jarrod’s head jerked her way sporting a huge scowl. Laney just grinned at him.
They were always needling each other so she knew he would take it as another

“Laney, that better be coming from a fashion standpoint and not from a personal
perspective.” Nick interjected in mildly, causing Laney to just grin bigger.
“And Jarrod, what Devan wears on his face is his business…just as your pants
are yours.” Nick smirked. 

Jarrod wiped the scowl off his face at her dad’s interjection. Laney was aware
he liked to display a good front toward adults. Jarrod might be her friend, but
she was conscious of his faults. All she could do was correct him when she
caught him acting like a complete butt head.

glasses are prescription.”

Devan’s comment had everyone looking his way, her dad through the review mirror.

have photosensitivity, and any kind of light is damaging to my iris.” Devan’s
continued with and unreadable expression—drat those glasses. Laney realized
that his eye color must be connected to the eye sensitivity, and she also
realized she wouldn’t be seeing those eyes again anytime soon—drat that eye

won’t be a problem in regards to the job. I have twenty/twenty vision.” Devan
was looking at Nick through the review mirror. Nick gave him nod of acceptance
in return. Laney perceived a slight relaxation of Devan’s shoulders, like he
hadn’t been sure that Nick would accept his disability. Not that she thought of
it as a disability...more like an inconvenience.   

Devan’s head turned slightly and Laney knew that he was looking at her from
behind those lenses. She knew this because she was starting to get warm again.
Hastily turning in her seat Laney reached out to turn on the radio, filling the
sudden silence with the sounds of music.   













drove for about ten minutes then he took a right into a small cleared out lot
at the base of a cliff and parked. Everyone filed out of the van. Looking up,
Devan estimated the rock wall to be about two hundred feet high. Nick and
Jarrod each grabbed a large duffle bag out of the back of the van, setting them
down at the base of the cliff. 

and Jarrod were already rummaging through the bags, pulling out harnesses and
slipping them on. Nick rummaged as well pulling out another harness, which he
held out to Devan.

ahead and put that on.”         

stepped into it, adjusted it snuggly–although, not too snuggly–around his
waist. These things were never comfortable, probably why he preferred to go
free climbing. 

“Laney will go up first, Jarrod second, and then you, Devan. I’ll be down here
to supervise and critique.” Nick said. Walking over to Laney and began
inspecting her harness.

held out her arms as though familiar with this procedure. “We know your
critiquing is better enhanced by the power of the great lounge chair, but try
not to strain a muscle, or pop a blood vessel.” Laney said with a smile on her

observed Nick pinch Laney in the waist, she jerked and gave a slight squeak in
response. The smile remained on her face so Devan assumed that Nick’s actions
were motivated by familial affection. Nick moved on to Jarrod to inspect his
harness also, and then he turned to Devan. Devan almost took a step back before
he caught himself and held still. He understood from a leadership perspective
that Nick did this for safety purposes, so he suffered the inspection of his
harness even though he hadn’t required one since he was six years of age. Laney
was watching the entire procedure with a somewhat humorous expression. He had
to wonder what his own expression looked like. 

Bending down Laney picked up some carabineers and rope, giving another glance
in Devan’s direction she walked forward to the base of the wall. Devan would
never have caught her look if he hadn’t been looking at her so intently.
Something, he realized, he’d been doing since he arrived this afternoon. He
forcibly looked away and found Jarrod glaring at him. Devan’s brow rose inquisitively;
what was up with that?  

yourself and be careful.” Nick had grabbed a camping chair out of the back of
the van and proceeded to recline, looking at ease. 

threw a ‘hah’ over her shoulder and began her ascent up the side of the wall.
The wall of rock was already fitted with pre-placed bolts indicating that this
was a common place for them to climb; probably a practice area for new and
amateur climbers. Laney’s technique was good; she was careful but not afraid to
take a risk. Nick made a few comments, but Devan recognized they seemed to be
made out of his apprehension for her safety rather than any errors on her part.

“Laney, my grandmother can go faster than that.” Jarrod yelled after several
minutes. Devan became immediately offended on her part; a small fissure of
displeasure narrowed his eyes. Jarrod was smiling good-naturedly up at Laney.   

“Jarrod, Edie could probably take you on.” Laney shouted down in retaliation.

looked back and forth between the two attempting to decipher their
communication. Something was going on besides spiteful remarks, but Devan was
missing what it was.  

have to agree with her there, Jarrod, Edie’s pretty spry.” Nick added,

melted away as Devan began to understand that their comments were part of an
amicable heckling exchange. It had never really bothered him in the past when
others conversed leaving him feeling left out; he wondered why it was bothering
him now.

     “Do I
need to wait for her to get all the way up or can I get started when she’s
halfway?”  Jarrod asked. He was bouncing on his feet. It appeared patience
wasn’t one of his strong suits.

“Laney, do you care if Jarrod begins when you’ve gotten halfway?” Nick yelled

and catch me,” was her reply. Devan couldn’t stop the quirk that tugged at his
lips, or the wish that her comment had been directed toward him rather than

fifteen minutes of climbing Laney made it to the halfway mark. Jarrod hooked
his carabineers to Laney’s rope and began his ascent. His impatience was
evident in his climb; Nick had to redirect him to slow down several times when
he almost lost his grip. Between the two of them Laney was the better climber.
For some inexplicable reason he felt proud of her because of it.

“Jarrod, take it slower and get your foot hold before moving on.” Nick
redirected for the fifth time. “Okay Devan, time for you to show me your
stuff.  If I think your climbing isn’t up-to-snuff, I’ll be calling you back
down. Don’t kill yourself.” He seemed to add as an afterthought.

had reached the top and Jarrod was just passing the half way mark as Devan
attached his carabineers to the rope. He had decided to reduce his pace to a
leisurely climb rather than his normal speed. It would still be swift, but not

had already pinpointed ahead of time each of his hand holds out of habit.
Although, it might have slowed him down a bit to struggle through it. Oh well.

nervous?” Jarrod called down when Devan didn’t start up immediately. His voice
was smug and breathless. 

just waiting for you to get a little further up.” Devan corrected.

think you can catch me?” 

     On a
bad day and carrying another person, but Devan didn’t say that. 

“Let’s not make this into a competition. Just try to get to the top alive. If I
think either of you are being careless I’ll call a halt to it.” Nick addressed
them both sternly.

refrained from explaining that there was really no competition.  

I will be known as the queen of the mountain.” Laney called down laughing. Her
laughter made Devan’s heart speed up, making him want to get to the top

Latching the helmet to his head Devan waited until Jarrod had climbed
two-thirds the way up the wall before he began. He concentrated on keeping his
movements smooth and leisurely. Devan knew he was displaying exceptional
climbing skills, but he also knew it wasn’t freakishly abnormal and that was
good enough for him. If he obtained this job it would be difficult to suppress
his natural ability all the time, it was better to just let them see some of it
now, rather than surprising them with it later.

him Devan heard Nick mutter ‘kid’s a natural’, signifying that he wasn’t
alarmed at Devan’s aptitude, only impressed. Abnormal abilities aside, Devan
was longer limbed than the average individual aiding him in displaying a
natural swiftness on the rock wall.

above, Laney’s face held an expression of surprised awe and for the first time
Devan experienced pride and maybe even a little conceit in his ability. Devan
jumped for a rock niche two feet above his head leaving him suspended in midair
for a half a second before his left hand made contact. Without any difficulty
he pulled himself up with that one arm to grab another niche with his right

small gasp disrupted the sounds of nature and Jarrod’s deep breathing above
him. Glancing up, Devan again saw Laney staring at him with wide eyed
amazement. A sudden rush of exhilaration filled him at her attention. From
below everything remained quiet so Devan continued climbing, executing a few
more vertical leaps, earning more gasps from above during each one. Subconsciously,
he recognized that he was showing off, something he had never done before—and
really shouldn’t be doing now—but the euphoria from Laney’s focused interest
seemed to have obliterated rational thought. Well…not all rational thought; he
reigned himself in from doing anything

record time Devan arrived at the top…right on the heels of Jarrod. Devan’s
ascent had been so silent Jarrod wasn’t even aware of his proximity until
Jarrod pulled himself over the ledge and looked down… right into Devan’s face. 

in the hell…how did you do that!” Jarrod demanded breathlessly. His
breathlessness reminded Devan that he should also be out of breath. 

“Jarrod, watch your language.” Laney reprimanded her green eyes wide in astonishment
on Devan.

Hoisting himself onto the rock face Devan found himself staring down at Laney,
trying to remember he was supposed to be breathing hard, when he was in reality
finding the act of breathing rather difficult.  

was unbelievable. I’ve never seen anyone climb that fast, or effortlessly,
before.” Laney spoke in both wonder and disbelief, but then a line formed
between her eyes and they glazed in thoughtful contemplation. 

instinctively knew she was thinking back to yesterday when she had witnessed
another speedy occurrence. Devan muscles stiffened reflexively, and the
excitement of the climb and Laney’s attention drained instantly. Maybe this
hadn’t been such a good idea.

how tall he is, he has half the distance to cover.” Jarrod was giving Devan a
look that was anything but impressed. It was closer to deep loathing.   

Laney’s expression went from reflective to grinning and she began sniffing the
air. “Do I smell the poignant aroma of jealously in the air?” Cocking her head
Jarrod’s way she waggled her eyebrows. “Ohhh, I think it is. Are you having
height envy, Jarrod?”

likely,” Jarrod mumbled, turning away. Just barely a breath, but enough for
Devan to hear, Jarrod murmured. “Nobody wants to be freakishly tall.”

turned her face back to Devan still smiling. “Dad and I used to watch this
gladiator show where people would do all sorts of physical events, and one of
them was rock climbing. There was this one guy who competed who had to be one
of the best rock climbers I’ve ever seen. He went up the side of that wall so
fast; outdistanced everyone, but I have to say that you’ve definitely taken his
title, because that was awwwesome.”

Laney’s last word came out almost musical, and there was a flush to her face
and an even greater vividness to her green eyes. The safety helmet propped on
her head didn’t distract from her beauty, and for the first time Devan ignored
the magnificent surroundings, preferring to look at her instead. Time seemed to
stand still as he gazed down at her and background noise fading away—something
he would brood over later as it had never happened before…he was always aware
of his surroundings.

rosy glow adorning Laney’s face deepened. Devan pondered why her internal
temperature would suddenly rise, but then he began to feel an increase in his
own temperature. Sweat began to bead up on his upper lip. If he had been a
woman over forty he would have thought he was going through a menopausal flash.

Jarrod, caught out of the corner of Devan’s eye distracted him, or rather refocused
him, back to reality. Devan broke eye contact, unable to say for certain how
long they had been standing there. Lifting his hand to the back of his head he
rubbed it absently, feeling a bit befuddled.  

we staying up here all afternoon, or we going to head back down?” Jarrod asked
snidely with a glare.

moved away from the ledge allowing Laney to step up and call over the side; her
cheeks had become even more ruddy if that were possible.

who do you want to come down first?”

first, Jarrod, and Devan last, if he knows what he’s doing.” The pronouncement
came from below. 

turned and gave Devan a red faced inquisitive look.

gave a short nod.

Laney, not wasting anytime, reattached her carabineer and went over the side.
Devan and Jarrod stood near the edge watching her rappel down. She was about
half way down when Jarrod suddenly turned toward him; his expression was irate
and his hands were clenched tightly at his sides. 

“Laney’s mine, so don’t even think about going there.” Jarrod hissed through
his teeth, facing Devan aggressively.

“Excuse me?” Devan asked, looking at him in confusion. Jarrod’s whole
continence radiated antagonism that bordered on violence. Devan’s body
automatically tensed in response to the waves of hostility flowing off of

see the way you’re looking at her, but she’s mine.” Jarrod repeated. 

sounded childish, the way he said it, like she was a toy that he was coveting
all to himself. Devan wanted to tell Jarrod to grow up; that she was a person
and not some possession, but that would be interfering in matters that weren’t
any of his business. Nonetheless, that didn’t seem to stop the hairs from
rising on the back of Devan’s neck in response to Jarrod’s claim on Laney.

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