Parahuman (Parahuman Series) (8 page)

BOOK: Parahuman (Parahuman Series)
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Stepping out of the jeep Devan inhaled deeply and caught the scent of three
individuals; Nick’s, an unidentified males, and Laney’s. Laney’s was actually
the first scent he perceived. It was stronger than any smell he’d ever scented
before; seizing hold of his innards, squeezing, and playing havoc with his
already jumpy nerves.

was going on with his senses lately!

voice carried from the building catching Devan’s attention. The words were
clear as day but they faded into the background when his eyes connected with a
set of eyes through the window. There were in fact three sets of eyes looking
at him through the window but Devan’s attention was for the one pair only. His
already jumpy nerves increased to an alarming level!  






sat on the stool behind the counter in a state of extreme agitation…which she
thought she was doing a pretty good job of concealing. Her foot may have been
bobbing a mile a minute, but she wasn’t staring out the window like a ninny waiting
for her prom date. She had a saduko puzzle in front of her and was giving the
impression of deep concentration. All in all, she would say she looking pretty
darn cool and collected.

who is this guy coming in?”

Laney’s foot stalled in its bobbing at Jarrod’s questions. Jarrod was a senior
and at six foot with sandy blond hair was considered ‘hot’ by many of Laney’s
friends. Laney would admit that he was handsome, but she had known him too long
to employ the description ‘hot’. Their parents and grandparents had grown up
together and they’d known each other since they were in their diapers. He was
like a brother to her and one did not use the adjective ‘hot’ to describe a

glanced up from some paper work he was looking through. “The applicant is
actually new in town. He came on our hike yesterday, and from what I was told
from Laney and a very excitable ten year old, he ran interference between them
and a mountain lion. He also found all my trail ribbons, even the one I had set
off the path, and he brought the group back all on his own; with absolutely no
difficulty…or hesitation.” Nick lightly snorted this last part. 

Laney’s lip quirked at her father’s impressed tone of voice. Nick wasn’t easily
impressed, but because Laney had been there, and Devan had in effect shielded
her as well as Johnny, he had earned her father’s eternal gratitude. 

he’s been a trail guide before. Is he an old guy?” Jarrod asked.

like me, or do you just mean older than you?” Nick inquired in humorous

Nick, I don’t think of you as old… more like ancient with the way you dress.”
Jarrod joked. He then ducked to dodge the cuff Nick aimed at his head.

smiled automatically at Jarrod’s joke…repetitive that it was. Her father’s
wardrobe, and appearance, was a continual joke for Jarrod… and everyone else.
Today her dad was dressed in jeans and another plaid flannel shirt, blue this
time. Laney’s father had a closet full of flannel shirts. For fun, every
Christmas and birthday Laney would gift her father with other things in
flannel; underwear, pajamas, ties, steering wheel covers, or anything else she
could find.

“Actually…the applicant is only sixteen years old…almost seventeen. He looks
older than that though.” Nick snorted again. “He and his uncle live up at the
old Moss place.”

saw one of them?” Jarrod asked, looking avidly back a forth between Nick and
Laney. “LaCosta said a guy came into the store and loaded up on groceries two
weeks ago; said it was an entire trucks worth, and Jeff said he saw a delivery
truck coming from the Moss place last Tuesday, but no one else has seen hide or
hair of him or anyone else since then. They’ve been there for at least two
weeks. Do you think they’re hiding out or something?”

“Since Devan’s starting at the school on Monday I think that rules out a
fugitive theory.” Laney remarked.

Jarrod’s eyebrows shot together. “Devan?”

“That’s his name,” Laney stated. Her foot began its bobbing again.

Jarrod stared at her his brows still in a frown. “Devan, huh.”

“Yep.” She did her best to sound nonchalant when actually just the sound of his
name sent a warm flush over her body.

Jarrod’s gaze went back to Nick. “Well, he’s too young for a lead trial guide,
and that’s what you wanted, right?”

Nick’s head remained bent toward his paperwork. “Normally I would say ‘yes’,
he’s too young, but having gone through his paper work last night I’m not sure
any more. His responses to the survival test were…remarkable. He didn’t just
answer questions, he explained and even corrected.
even had to
reconsider some things I thought I knew.” Nick grunted good-naturedly. “Not
something someone my age likes to admit I have to say.”

had heard all this from her dad last night when he went over Devan’s paperwork.
Every two minutes her father had made some remark on something Devan had
written down, making Laney go crazy with curiosity. After he had finished Laney
had snagged it and had been pretty amazed herself at the survival techniques
Devan had summarized. It had seemed almost military in style, something her dad
had agreed with. Everything he had written down had seemed scary smart, which
had just racked up her interest in him even more.

you’re actually thinking about giving him the job?”

was definite disgruntlement in Jarrod’s question. Laney knew Jarrod; he would
have a hard time accepting direction from someone younger, or even someone of
the same age. His arrogance in his own abilities sometimes exceeded what he
could actually do. Laney found this was a common characteristic most guys had,
and because of this it caused cooperation issues. 

don’t know yet. I want to see him climb.” Nick responded evasively. 

you’re thinking about letting this guy be a lead guide why can’t Laney or I be
a lead? I don’t know how he can know more than either of us, especially since
we know this area better than he does.”

matter how good he is he’s too young for the position of lead guide, just as
both you are, but I haven’t had any takers for the position for months now, so
of hiring him as additional help. With spring on the way
the extra help is needed.”

about Lee? He was hoping you would hire him again this year the same as last.
It’s seems like he should be your first choice.”

did a silent eye roll at Jarrod’s declaration. Lee was one of Jarrod’s good
friends, one of Laney’s too, but he wasn’t an experienced trail guide or

“Jarrod, Lee’s okay as an extra body, but he’s not really qualified like Devan
is.” Laney spoke up.

“Lee’s a year older and has lived in this area his whole life. How much more
experience can this Devan kid have?”

me, I know Lee and his experience and I’ve seen Devan in action. Devan’s a way
better choice.” Laney replied. She tried to imagine Lee putting himself in
front of Johnny yesterday and couldn’t.

glanced up from his paperwork with raised eyebrows, and Jarrod expression
became even more disgruntled. Laney realized her tone may have sounded a little
too fervent. She really didn’t want her dad getting the wrong impression; or
rather she should say the correct one. 

“What…” Laney shrugged her shoulders in what she hoped was a casual manner.
“It’s true.” Unfortunately, Laney felt her face getting warm under their

Thankfully, both their attention was pulled from her by the appearance of a
green jeep arriving in the parking lot. Laney’s foot bobbed a little faster.

all watched as Devan stepped out of his jeep. He was wearing khaki cargo shorts
with a dark blue t-shirt. He had sunglasses on again, but these had straps
attached to them. Probably so they wouldn’t fall off when he climbed.

Laney’s heart skipped.

jolly green giant; that guy is huge.” Jarrod exclaimed.

Devan’s head swung their way as if he heard Jarrod’s outburst.

“Jarrod, don’t be rude.” Laney immediately hushed. It was highly unlikely that
Devan heard Jarrod as they were inside with the doors and windows closed. In
all probability he had just turned to look at the building…abruptly…at the
precise time of Jarrod’s outburst.

heard that mountain lion yesterday when Laney hadn’t heard
anything at all. And there had been that head tilt when the cars had pulled in
yesterday. There was also his peculiar conduct when they had searched for
Johnny; his constant staring off into the distance as if he was seeing something
no one else could see. And let’s not forget about the whole ‘fast as superman

were just too many peculiar things to catalogue.

at him. He’s like seven feet tall. Are you sure he’s only sixteen? Heck, who
cares, we’ll ace the basketball championship next year for sure.” Jarrod said
with a short, hard laugh. Laney gave an inaudible sigh at Jarrod’s tone; it
reeked of jealousy and insecurity. Ever since his mother divorced his father
two years ago and disappeared Jarrod’s attitude ranged from one spectrum to
another; one minute nice and helpful, the next minute bad-tempered and mocking.
Or maybe it was just a teenage boy thing.
it could be a combination
of both. Only the good Lord knew. Unfortunately, he could be a real tool when
he was sporting his Hyde character, or was it his Jekyll; she never knew which
was which. 

you he looked older.” Nick stated with a chuckle.

watched as Devan’s long strides ate up the distance between his jeep and the
building. For such a big guy he moved gracefully, sort of effortlessly. He
filled out that tall frame perfectly, at least in her opinion. And he had great
legs, that didn’t seem to feel the chill in air. He’d been wearing shorts and a
t-shirt yesterday too, while the three of them were in comfortable pants and
longs sleeves. Laney planned to throw on a coat when they left. How Devan
wasn’t bothered by the forty-nine degree whether boggled her mind?  

Devan walked through the door his gaze swept the three of them, starting with
Jarrod and ending with her, where it paused. Laney smiled in greeting. His gaze
remained fixed on her and her body began to heat up, her senses became ultra
aware. Feeling like she was going to start hyperventilating from just his scrutiny
Laney bowed her head and resumed a deep fascination with her saduko puzzle.

“Devan, ten minutes early; excellent start.” Nick greeted enthusiastically. “I
want to introduce you to Jarrod, he’s works here as a secondary guide, he’s
also a senior at the high school.”


controlled the shiver that threatened at the sound of Devan’s voice. Man, what
the heck was wrong with her. Looking up through her lashes Laney could see
Jarrod just standing there, staring at Devan. She could understand his
astonishment at the sight Devan—though he could have been a little less rude
about it. Devan was a foot or more taller than all of them, his head almost
touching the ceiling, and his presence was…commanding to say the least. Her dad
had been right when he had said that Devan seemed older than his age. 

Devan’s head turned her way again and Laney could feel his gaze even behind the
glasses, burning into her. Her head dropped reflexively. Why was she behaving
like such a ninny? Laney forced herself to look back up. He was still looking
at her so she smiled again and hoped it didn’t look too maniacal. Devan’s head
tilted slightly and there might have been a small twitched to his lips.   

you get your uncle to sign permission for this climb today?” Nick asked.

broke contact, allowing Laney’s breathing to regulate. He reached into his
shorts side pocket and handed over a folded sheet of paper.

gave it a fleeting glance before setting it on the counter. “Looks good. We’re
going to be driving out to Red Rock Ridge, which isn’t too far from here.
Devan, you’ll show me what you can do, and then I’ll decide whether to hire
you.” Nick bent down to pick up the backpack at his feet. “Let’s get going
people. There’s a hike scheduled for two o’clock we need to be back for.” Nick
headed for the door and Jarrod fell in behind him.    

hopped off the stool, grabbed her coat, and headed around the counter. She
could feel Devan’s eyes following her as she walked to the door and as he fell
into step behind her the heat of his gaze burned her entire backside. Her
breathing began to speed up, her palms dampened, and she felt like hunching her
shoulders from the sensory overload. She was able to stop herself, but she did
stuff her hands into the pockets of her jacket to cover up their trembling.

van they were taking was parked in front of the building, loaded with all the
gear they would need for the climb. Nick climbed into the driver side and Laney
claimed the front passenger seat. The rear of the van consisted of bench seats.
Jarrod took the first bench and Devan folded himself into the second; fold
being the opportune description. Once he was seated he had to lean back against
the side of the van with his legs stretched out toward the far isle or his head
would have been smashed against the roof.

watched him in sympathy. Poor guy probably had a hard time fitting into a lot
of vehicles.

“Devan; I can sit in the back if the front would be more comfortable for you.”
Laney smiled and hoped that her offer wouldn’t embarrass him.

looked at her with his head tilted again, as if he were contemplating her
words…or studying her. “I’m fine, but thank you.”

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