Paranormal Pleasure

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Authors: Mindy Wilde

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Paranormal Pleasure

More Titles by Mindy

A Vampire’s Tale Vol. 1

Paranormal Pleasure

Mindy Wilde

All Rights Reserved

This is a work of fiction.
All characters and events portrayed in this work are either fictitious or are used fictitiously.
Any similarity is purely coincidental

This book contains mature content and is solely for adults.

No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, transmitted in any form or by any means without prior written permission of the publisher.
The rights of the authors of this work has been asserted by him/her in accordance with the Copyright, Designs, and Patents Act 1988.

Cover Photo provided by Big Stock Photo

Copyright © 2014 Mindy Wilde

All rights reserved.

Dear Readers,

Thank you for purchasing this ebook.
Hopefully you will enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it!
Please continue to check in with me each week as I will be adding new and backlist erotic short stories, series, and novelettes to the collection.


Mindy Wilde

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Titles in this series

  • Paranormal Pleasure (A Vampire’s Tale Vol. 1)
  • Supernatural Seduction (A Vampire’s Tale Vol. 2)
  • Carnal Coven (A Vampire’s Tale Vol. 3)
  • Omnibus (A Vampire’s Tale Trilogy)

For More Titles By Mindy you can click on the tab in the table of contents or see the page in the back of this book.

“Jessica” Eric whispered in my ear as we lay on the ground together.

“You are like no other woman that I have ever been with.
I love you more than I can possibly say.”

This was hard to believe considering the three hundred and forty years that he had walked the earth however Eric had never been anything but honest and sincere with me.
I felt his arm flex as he pulled me in close to him. Just yesterday this would have seemed like any other normal romantic rendezvous but now it was different.
Now I knew who Eric was.

It was yesterday when it all happened.
Eric and I had been dating ever since he helped me carry the groceries up to my apartment six months ago.
I remember vividly how excited I was seeing such a handsome guy my age living just one floor away.
Or at least I thought he was my age.

Eric was amazing.
I had never met anyone so confident and yet so humble.
He was an incredible listener and yet when he did speak his stories provided for endless fascination.
It seemed like Eric had traveled everywhere and knew something about everything.
This was more surprising of someone my age since we were usually broke and just getting started in our adult life.

As I laid there thinking about our story I could feel him getting excited again and my body responded to his enthusiasm.

After months of dating, yesterday is when his secret was finally revealed to me.
I still couldn’t believe how I handled it.
When I saw those sharp teeth extend past his lips and his eyes changing color to a deep dark blackness, I just knew that their was something otherworldly about him.
We had always enjoyed a kinky sex life and I particularly liked it a little rough, but I guess the endorphins were running a little too high this time.
When I accidentally bit my lip just a little too hard and drew that small drop of blood our relationship changed forever.

From what I understand of it now, in any other circumstance he would have been able to control himself but the excitement that he derived from the scent of blood was very similar to the sexual desires he elicited in me.
With all of his senses fully stimulated the smell of my blood was enough to push him over the edge and make him involuntarily show me his secrets.

Just the thought of that moment excited me and I rolled Eric over onto his back.
I was not scared of him anymore, not that I ever really was.
I was excited by the supernatural powers held beneath his pale skin.
I kissed his lips, running my tongue over the sharp teeth that had looked so intimidating just a day ago.

Eric moaned and I continued my journey.

My lips moved down to his neck were I stopped briefly to pay him special attention.
Using my much less lethal tech I provided a teasing bite to his neck and then continued down to where I knew he wanted me to go.
Eric lay helpless on the forest floor as I controlled his body using the hands, mouth, and tongue.
There was no doubt that he held many secrets which I was excited to explore but right now he was still a man and subject to the desires of his formerly human flesh.

The picnic in the woods had been my idea after what happened yesterday.
I figured we needed time to talk and I picked our favorite spot deep in the local woods to show him that I still trusted him and was not afraid of being alone.
What I knew about Eric now should have changed things between us but instead of driving us apart it had only brought me closer to him.

On the drive home I noticed that Eric was not his usually composed self.

“Well, I hope you enjoyed your lunch” I said mockingly to Eric as he still seemed to be recovering from the efforts of my tongue.

“Um…yes….nice picnic you planned there” he said laughing.

“I meant what I said back there Jessica.
I really do love you.”

“I love you too Eric.”

We rode the rest of the way home in silence except for the ambiance of the local radio station.
When we finally arrived back at our apartment building Eric walked me up to the third floor.

“I was going to come stay at your place tonight” I said in a hopeful tone.

“Not tonight.
You have had your entire world upended in the past forty eight hours and I really want you to have some time to yourself to process everything and make sure you are ok with all of this.”

I looked at him with apparent concern.

“Don’t worry babe.
I am not going anywhere.
I love you and want to be with you but before you commit to learning about my world I want to make sure that you are ready for it.
Take tonight to yourself and go to work tomorrow.
I will talk to you when you get home.

“I guess” I said in a jokingly unsatisfied tone.
“Thank you again for going on a picnic with me.”

Eric laughed.

“No, thank you.
That was some picnic!”

I pulled out my keys and entered my apartment.
Eric was right, the last two days had been quite the bombshell.
Now that I was back in my apartment by myself I felt tired.

Some relaxation was in order so I changed into this evening’s comfy clothes and headed to the kitchen for my nightly glass of sanity.
As I pulled the bottle of cabernet from the pantry I couldn’t help but notice the dark red tone of this intoxicating liquid.
I wondered if the feeling of happiness and relief I received from my evening glass of wine was anything like the pleasure Eric experienced when the blood touched his lips.

I ended up drinking the entire bottle of wine that night as I watched reality television and tried to wind down from the excitement of the last couple days.
Watching the shows I couldn’t help but think how these plots paled in comparison to the story that I was now a part of.

The next morning I became painfully aware that an entire bottle of wine in one night was probably not the right amount for me.
My head was pounding and I was fighting a bad case of cotton-mouth but I pushed my way through the morning and not much later was pulling into the parking lot at work ready to begin the daily grind.

My life was not very exciting working in the sourcing department of a wholesale apparel company but I did mostly enjoy my job and I had a great boss which is more then many can say and made me feel lucky.
I grabbed a cup of coffee on the way to my desk and tried to slide into my chair without too much notice.


My boss was calling for me with a volume that I could feel in my teeth.

“Yes Dawn, coming.”

I put the rest of my stuff down but decided to keep my coffee with me as I walked into her office and sat down in the chair across from her desk.

“So, how did it go this weekend?”


I looked at her in a panic.
Why was she asking that?
What did she know?

“Didn’t you have that big date with Eric planned this weekend?”

“Oh yeah, right.
It went really well thanks.
In fact, I hate to admit it but I am still a little hungover this morning.

“That’s ok.
As long as you get the work done I won’t bust your chops about an extended weekend with your incredibly hot boyfriend.
Speaking of which, when is that boy going to propose to you.
The two of you would be perfect together.”

“Dawn, we’ve only been together for about six months.
Let’s give the boy some time before we chase him off with our pyscho ok” I said as I waved my finger in half-joking disapproval.

“Ok, Ok.
Back to work then I guess.”

I left her office and returned to my chair.
I had a feeling I was going to be a little distracted today but I tried to jump in and get my orders done before the day got away from me.

As the work day wrapped up and I thought forward to my chance to see Eric again I knew that I had no doubts.
I wanted him.
I wanted to be with him.
Whatever that might mean was something I was willing to accept.
I had never been so happy and felt so complete as I did when I was with him and I knew that we belonged together.

At five I decided to promptly close my computer and shut down.
There would be no overtime today.
I was going home to see him.
I was going home to tell Eric that I loved him and I wanted to be with him.

The traffic going home seemed to take forever but I finally managed to weave my way through.
I called Eric on my cellphone to let him know that I had arrived.
After two rings the phone picked up.


“Hey it’s me.
I just pulled up to the apartment complex.
Where are you at?”

“I am upstairs at my place.
Come on up when your ready.”

I decided to go ahead and skip a stop by my apartment.
I hadn’t even brought home my computer since there was no way I would be working from home tonight.
I hit the button for the elevator which seemed to be taking an incredibly long time to return to the main floor.

“Screw this” I said aloud as I ran towards the stairwell.

Eric was four flights up but with the adrenaline flowing through my veins right now it could have been forty floors and I wouldn’t have been deterred.
I made it up the stairs in record time and closed the distance from the stairwell to his door in seconds.
I soon found myself in front of the door of the man who had changed my life forever.

I knocked and took a deep breath, hoping that this would work, praying that we could be together.
Behind the less than soundproof barrier I could hear Eric’s footsteps getting closer.
My anticipation grew with each creak of the subfloor that lay beyond that door.
Finally the doorknob turned and the door swung open.

I leaped forward unable to control my enthusiasm.
I wrapped my arms around his neck and my lips around his lips.
I pulled him in close, kissing Eric with all the pent up passion that had been brewing from a day of thinking only of him.
When the soreness in my cheeks signaled a need to break the embrace I released my grasp and Eric, who had swept me off my feet, lowered me back to the floor.

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