Paranormal Pleasure (2 page)

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Authors: Mindy Wilde

Tags: #Paranormal Pleasure

BOOK: Paranormal Pleasure
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“I love you Eric.
There is no doubt in my mind.
I want to be with you.
I want to know you.
I want to learn everything about you.
Just tell me what you need me to do and I will do it.”

I could see the hesitation on his face.
I worried that I had done something wrong or maybe there was something he was not telling me.
But my concerns were brushed aside as he stepped towards me, closed the door, and locked it behind us.

Eric picked me up, cradling my body in his arms, and carried me into his bedroom.
This was not the first time he had picked me up but somehow it seemed different this time.
I felt lighter in his arms.
Eric seemed stronger then I had ever know him to be.

He leaned in and kissed me with a lustful passion that I had been so desperately seeking all day.
My body was his to control as he laid me down across the bed.
Laying on my back, vulnerable, I watched him in anticipation, unsure of what he had planned next.

Eric began to slowly and sensually undress me, first removing my top.
He was gentle and took care not to damage my clothing while tracing his fingers around my every curve.
Eventually we both gave into temptation as we tore away at the remaining fabric on my wanton body.
His uncontrollable desire for me was so exciting.
The way that he lifted my body with ease, often with only a single hand, made me realize that his true strength had been hidden from me.

Eric the vampire was infinitely more strong and agile then his everyday appearance might indicate.
I reached up to tear away his clothing and get to that body I had been thinking about ever since our last encounter.
Eric was happy to help and soon his naked skin was lying against mine as he braced himself on top of me.

I caught a sly smile for on his face as I stared into his eyes.
He pinned my arms to the bed forcefully and kissed my neck, grazing those sharp teeth again my skin.
The danger and unknown of what that sharp enamel could do to me was exciting.
I wondered what Eric felt and if he wanted to plunge those teeth deep inside me.

Instead, Eric’s lips took over and he slowly worked his way down my trembling body.
The biochemicals of my fear and sexuality battled loudly through my body sparking every nerve in their path.
My senses felt heightened and more aware.
I could feel the texture of his tongue as it circled the sensitive skin on my nipples.

“Oh my God.
Holy shit” I yelled as I worked to control the hyperventilation that seemed to be setting in.

Eric’s mouth continued down my abdomen, slowly approaching the wetness between my legs.
As the distance closed my mind could already feel the pleasure of his tongue against my sensitive folds.
But instead of feeling his tongue make the transition, Eric stopped just short of the pleasure I desired.

“Oh please don’t stop.
Don’t stop” I pleaded as I reached down to try and encourage him to continue.
Eric held firm making me wait painfully long seconds.
I was left teetering on the brink of frustrated insanity until Eric finally answered my calls and I felt the firm pressure of his tongue against my overstimulated nerves.

“Oh fuck yes” I cried out.

Eric’s tongue felt like magic.
He grabbed my hips, as if bracing my body for something to come.
Then everything changed.
The sensation between my legs was like nothing I had ever felt from him before.
Apparently Eric had other supernatural abilities he had been hiding from me as his tongue now worked at speeds and moved in ways that I didn’t know were possible.

My body leaped to attention and I found myself unable to control what was rapidly taking over.
The build-up lasted only seconds before my body was forced to release a cascade of hormones sending me into uncontrollable waves of orgasm.
I grabbed desperately at the sheets trying to brace myself as the room spun around me.
I waited and waited for the inevitable easing of the of pulsating waves of pleasure but none seemed to come.
Eric just adapted his technique and did not allow my body the opportunity for rest.

A second orgasm rushed through me rapidly chasing the first.
I could feel the sweat starting to bead on my skin as my body flexed every muscle in response to his touch.
The series continued with one orgasm rolling right into the next.
The sensations my body was now experiencing was unlike anything I had reference for.
I never wanted it to end and yet I wasn’t sure that my body could possibly take any more.

I attempted to lick my lips, trying to wet them after the drying from so much heavy breathing.
It was difficult to talk and I was trying to tell Eric I could not take any more but as if he could read my mind the stimulation stopped before I could compose myself enough to ask.
My entire body shook from the heavy surge of endorphins that now coursed through me.
I thought that Eric had realized my plight and that he was being merciful on my pleasure ravaged body but I was more then a little mistaken.

Eric raised his body up to be level with mine.
I could see the fangs had extended and his eyes had gone black.
Eric was no longer in control, he was hungry.
His supernatural desires were showing themselves and his primal urges fueled his body.
I should have felt fear as I witnessed the powerful beast inside him take control but instead all I could feel was excitement.
I wanted him to take me.
I wanted him to take my body in any way that he desired.

Eric leaned forward and opened his mouth, resting the tips of his fangs against my neck.
I held my breath waiting for him to to plunge those razor sharp teeth into my soft skin.
I could feel the heat of his breath against my neck.
But he never did.
His teeth were lightly scraping the outside of my skin when I felt his true intentions slide between my legs.

The large round tip of his erection pressed against me, urging my body to let it inside.
It didn’t take long before I eagerly let him inside, feeling his long hard cock sliding against the sensitive walls inside me.
Eric thrust forcefully into my hips pushing the weight of my body up against the sharpness of those teeth.
I felt a pinch but knew that he had not drawn blood.
Eric was teasing me.
He was teasing me in a way that I never could have understood until now.

Eric wrapped his powerful arm around my small body and continued to thrust into me, always with the threat of those razor sharp teeth against my neck.

“Oh my God Eric.
I love you.
Take me”

His thrusts continued, harder, and harder.

The feeling of his thick shaft inside me combined with the thrill of his fangs trying to penetrate my neck fired up my orgasmic drive and we both started to moan uncontrollably.
There was no stopping it at this point.
We were both set to explode.
The only question was whether we could do it before our out of control desires forced his teeth through skin and into my veins.

“Fuck me Eric.

He did and I could feel his entire length twitching inside me.
It was time, and I was ready.

With a final powerful thrust Eric howled with pleasure and I joined him using the little voice I had remaining.
He held me in place and I felt his warmth inside me.
His shaft continued to twitch and release it’s pent up desires.
I squeezed myself around him, desperately trying to draw out this incredible amazing experience.

Finally spent, he collapsed beside me and we wrapped ourselves around each other.
I knew in this moment that I had to be with Eric.
I only hoped that he felt the same for me.
We continued to lay in the dampness of our bed basking in what had just happened until Eric finally spoke.

“Jessica, there is something I need to tell you.”

“What is it Eric?”

“There are certain rules in the vampire community that we are not allowed to brake.”

Eric looked almost scared as he contemplated what to say next.

“You are a human.
If they catch me with you they will not only destroy me, but they will kill you as well to punish the crime and erase all trace of it.”

I wasn’t sure how to respond.
I wanted to be with him and I was willing to do whatever it would take but I didn’t want to do anything that might get him killed.

“So what are you saying Eric?”

“There is only one way I know of that we can be together and keep you safe.”

“What is it?
What do I have to do?”

“You need to make the transformation.
You need to become a vampire.”

I knew what I wanted but my mind was having difficulties forming the words.
An eternal existence walking the earth was no small price to pay for immortality.
I would need to remove myself from the world I knew as all of my friends and family grew older and died.
I would need to exist by surviving on the life giving fluid of other animals.

To be honest, I knew so little about what lay ahead of me that I felt like it was impossible to weigh the decision with any sort of logic.
But my heart knew what it wanted.
I may not know what the future holds but I have never been as sure about anything as I am about this.
I looked back at Eric and steeled myself for the decision that I was about to make.

“Eric, I love you.
I want to be with you.
I understand that there is so much I don’t know but what I do know is that I want this.
Take me Eric.
I am ready.”

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes, waiting for the the pain that was sure to come.
Slowly, softly, I felt Eric rest his teeth once more against my neck.
I wrapped my arms around him and held on tight as I felt my skin give way and the transformation begin.

Thank you for reading
Paranormal Pleasure (A Vampire’s Tale Vol. 1).
To continue the story read
Supernatural Seduction (A Vampire’s Tale Vol. 2).
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A Vampire’s Tale

  • Paranormal Pleasure (A Vampire’s Tale Vol. 1)
  • Supernatural Seduction (A Vampire’s Tale Vol. 2)
  • Carnal Coven (A Vampire’s Tale Vol. 3)
  • Omnibus (A Vampire’s Tale Trilogy)

Sexy Bedtime Stories

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  • Coming Soon - (Sexy Bedtime Stories Vol. 2)


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