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Authors: J.a Melville

Passion After Dark (16 page)

BOOK: Passion After Dark
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Dominick introduced them all to Cassie and I and I found out t
hat they were all brothers and sister. Of course I already knew they weren’t really brothers and sister. They were sired by Fabian and that was the connection they shared. I could see they all had the strange barcode styled tattoos on their necks. The tattoo that I already knew gave them the ability to walk in daylight without burning up.

I need to speak with you alone Allegra.” Fabian’s voice cut through my thoughts and I turned to him again. Something in his voice was quite commanding and authoritative making me think he probably wasn’t ignored much.

Cassie would you mind leaving us for a little while?” I turned to her but Fabian interrupted.

It’s not necessary for you to leave.” He spoke quietly to Cassie and something flashed in his eyes, for a brief moment, they changed colour and when I looked over at my house mate, she was sitting stiff and as still as a bloody statue. What the hell had he done to her?

’s alright Ms Anderson, your friend is just in a suspended state.” Fabian said and I wondered how he knew my surname. I hadn’t even told Dominick what it was.

So what was it you needed to all come here to my home and say Mr?” I looked at him to give me his surname so I’d know what to call him.

Fabian merely smiled. “
Just call me Fabian Ms Anderson. I think we will be seeing a lot of one another eventually.”

I stared at him wondering just exactly what he meant by that and when his eyes shifted to Dominick who was looking a little uncomfortable I got really curious as to what the silent exchange
between them meant.

I’m sure you are eager to spend some time alone with my son so I’ll get straight to the point. You know who we are and what we are, what I need to be sure of is that you know that what you know is not for public knowledge. Should you make the mistake of sharing what we are with anyone I will be forced to step in and I can assure you it will end badly. Dominick will lose his right to walk in the daylight and you two will be banned from seeing one another. Should you not take me seriously and try to see one another I will end Dominick’s life Ms Anderson. Do not doubt me on this one. I gave him life, I can easily take it away again.”

At his words I felt my heart skip a beat and my stomach rolled making me feel nauseous. I looked over at Dom
inick and tried to imagine him having the life taken from him, for him to be gone forever and the thought of him being no more scared the hell out of me and tears filled my eyes.

I see that idea is not to your liking Ms Anderson. It pleases me that you care enough for Nick to feel sorrow at the thought of him being gone from this world and I trust that those feelings will help to remind you how important it is that what we are is never revealed to anyone. I know my son already has strong feelings for you and if you share those feelings then you know what you have to do to keep him safe and keep him in your life.”

I met Fabian
’s strange pale eyes and the warning in them and in his voice were clear. Any clearer and he might as well club me over the head with it. I couldn’t imagine losing Dominick and the thought had never occurred to me to tell anyone what he was not even Cassie. In all reality, who would believe me?

It has never even crossed my mind to reveal what Dominick is to anyone Fabian. To be honest, who would believe me anyway? Vampires in this world, today? I think most people would think I was crazy. Vampires are the stuff of movies and TV shows, not real life.” I told him quietly.

Perhaps you may be right Ms Anderson, but I just want to be sure you’re clear on the penalty for exposing us to others. There is no compromise or forgiveness and don’t make the mistake of testing me on this one. Dominick will pay for your indiscretions, of that you can be certain.”

Oh Fabian, you do go on. I think the girl gets it ok? Can we go now? I’m bored. There are so many better things I could be doing than sitting here in this human’s home while you read her the riot act.” Francesca interrupted and she stood pacing the room. “I want to go and feed or I’ll end up trying one of these ones out.” She turned to me before her eyes shifted to Cassie who still sat, held in some kind of suspended state, oblivious to all going on around her. She grinned at me when I lifted my chin, staring at her defiantly and refused to back down under her mocking stare. “Ooh I like this one Nicky boy. She’s got spunk. Maybe having her around forever won’t be so bad after all.”

I gaped at her. What did she mean I
’d be around forever? I looked at her and then Dominick when Francesca’s eyes shifted to him. She laughed at his expression and I wondered what the hell was going on between them but Dominick looked ready to throttle her.

Come now you two.” Fabian’s voice interrupted them. “Stop stirring your brother Fran and I agree, it’s time to leave now. I think Ms Anderson understands me and my request, don’t you?” He turned to me, those strange pale eyes boring into me and I nodded. “Very well, we shall take our leave and you and Nick can do whatever you had planned.”

I heard Francesca snicker.
“Oh I think we all know what Nicky boy’s going to be doing with his human.” She laughed and this time even I glared at her too when Dominick turned the full brunt of his stunning blue eyes on her which I could see were burning brightly with anger.

Francesca please stop with this childish behaviour towards your brother. Come Damien and Lucian, we will leave them alone now. You may join us again.” I watched as he turned to Cassie and something flashed in his eyes again which immediately brought her out of the trance like state she’d been in.

She blinked a few times an
d looked around at everyone in surprise as she tried to clear her head. “God, did I fall asleep? I’m so sorry, I had an early start today at work and I must have been more tired than I realised.”

It’s alright, we were just leaving anyway Miss Morris, please don’t concern yourself. Perhaps an early night would be beneficial to you.” Fabian said, his expression filled with concern that I knew he wasn’t really feeling. It was all part of the act to conceal what had really happened to her.

I watched with relief when they all stood and made their way to the door.
I got up too and opened it wide, watching as they all stepped outside except for Dominick who stayed by my side, his arm resting lightly on my waist.

Once they had
walked down the stairs and out to the car which looked like a Rolls Royce from what I could see under the street lights, climbed in and finally driven away, did I breathe a sigh of relief and turn to Dominick, falling into his arms.

I’m so sorry cara that you were forced to endure that but Fabian deceived me. He was supposed to meet me at my home and I was to bring you there. I’m not sure if he didn’t trust me or he wanted to go with the element of surprise and deny me the opportunity to warn you of what was to come.” Dominick cupped my cheek. “I have missed you mia bella and I pray that you have missed me too?”

I have Dominick and I hope to hell that I never have to go through something like that again. Fabian is creepy and those eyes of his feel like they were staring right through me, like he could see my soul.”

Fabian is alright cara. He is very good to us but he does have a few basic rules which he expects us to follow. He is not going to stand in the way of you and I although he was understandably concerned that I have chosen to pursue a relationship with a human rather than a vampire and his concerns are valid in his mind. He had to be sure that you will never tell anyone about me or the rest of us for that matter and he had to persuade you to comply and telling you that my life is riding on your continued discretion is his way of making sure that happens. That is of course if it would truly bring you sorrow should I have my life taken from me in a way that will be final?”

I looked up into his handsome, incredibly gorgeous face with those eyes that captivated me and I shuddered at the thought of him being gone to me forever. “
I could think of nothing worse Dominick. Now are we going to stand here all night in the hallway or go upstairs?”

I watched a
s his eyes filled with desire. “Oh please cara. The idea of taking you upstairs, removing your clothing and fucking you until you scream with pleasure before I fuck you again and have you begging for mercy certainly sounds far more appealing than standing in your hallway bellezza.”

Hey are you two just going to stand whispering to one another near the front door all night or discover there’s actually more house than just the hallway? You don’t have some kind of kinky hallway fetish going do you?” Cassie’s voice suddenly called out to us and I couldn’t help it, I burst out laughing.

’s eyes moved over my face as I laughed and they lit up with such intensity that they appeared to glow. A slow smile spread over his stunning face and he cupped my jaw in his hand. “I love to hear you laugh cara. It is such a beautiful sound from a beautiful woman. You should do it more often mia bella.”

I stared up at him suddenly unable to look away and as his head began to lower to mine, everyt
hing around me faded, just before his lips closed over mine and I was lost, lost to the hold this gorgeous creature had over me.


Chapter Ten.


Dominick teased Allegra’s lips until they parted and he could slip his tongue in to caress hers. She tasted so good. The inside of her mouth was like the sweetest nectar but still not quite as good as her blood and his cock hardened at the thought of not only burying it inside her wet cunt but sinking his fangs into her vein and sipping from her life force.

He dragged his lips from hers conscious that she was breathing heavily and he could hear her heart pounding rapidly in her chest. They need
ed to move from the hallway as he was conscious from the soft breathing coming from the living room that the one with the loud voice could see them.

Cara, we need to take this upstairs where we are not likely to be watched by the curious eyes of your house mate.” He told her and saw the surprise in her eyes.

God, I’d forgotten all about Cassie.” She said and he smiled triumphantly at her words.

It pleases me that I can make you forget that you do not live alone cara but unfortunately I have not forgotten and since I desperately wish to fuck you I would prefer we didn’t do it in front of your friend.”

That wasn’t what you said this morning.” She grinned at him and he chuckled at the cheekiness of her reminder from their conversation.

Cassie suddenly appeared in the doorway of the living room and hallway. “
Hey Dominick what is it with your relatives? You don’t much look alike but you obviously come from really pretty stock because you’re all beautiful and it feels wrong to describe a man as beautiful, but you all are. Are your brothers or Father single? That Fabian must have had a lot of plastic surgery or something because no way does he look old enough to be your Dad and those eyes of his are kind of strange but hot too.”

Dominick forced himself to smile in response to the interruption from Allegra
’s housemate. She didn’t know what they all were and yet despite being put into a trance to keep her out of the conversation she still had seen them long enough to have felt the natural attraction that humans were powerless to resist around them. Fab…I mean Dad’s just got good skin Cassandra and if you look closely you will see that we are more alike than you first thought. My brothers are not in serious relationships I don’t think although they don’t seem interested in committing themselves to one woman either, I’m sorry to say. I seriously wouldn’t consider them as potential boyfriends. They do like to spread themselves around and have little respect for women.”

Oh really?” Her expression filled with disappointment and she sighed. “Well, I’ll leave you to it. I think a movie and a cuddle with my pillow is all the romance I’m going to get.”

They watched as she turned back towards the living room and took her seat in front of the TV again.

He turned his attention back to the woman by his side. “Come cara, I think it’s time we retired to your bedroom, don’t you?” He said watching as excitement flared in her eyes.

She nodded at him and he took her hand, raising it to his lips where he kissed each of her fingertips before leading her up the stairs and to her bedroom.

Once in her room he shut the door and pulled her against him, his hands immediately slipping under the waist of her top and lifting up until he could pull it over her head and toss it aside.

At the sight of her standing there, her breasts almost spilling over the strapless bra she wore he had to force himself not to
give in to the need to let his fangs descend. It wasn’t easy given sexual arousal with a vampire normally meant fangs and blood sucking as well but he had to control his basic animal urges and take the time to rouse her sexually too.

He released the clas
p on her bra and as her breasts fell free, he cupped them in his hands, flicking his thumbs over her nipples, watching as they hardened into peaks.

BOOK: Passion After Dark
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