Passion (Lost Love Series) (Erotic Romance)

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Authors: Danielle Lewis

Tags: #romance erotica

BOOK: Passion (Lost Love Series) (Erotic Romance)
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Table of Contents

Title Page


Other titles by Danielle Lewis (Click title to start reading)

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

About The Author







(Lost Love Series)









Passion (Lost Love Series)

Written, Compiled & Edited by: Danielle Lewis

Copyright © 2013 by Danielle Lewis



All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.





This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.




Other titles by Danielle Lewis (Click title to start reading)

The Cop (Lost Love Series) (Erotic Romance)

Requited (Lost Love Series) (Erotic Romance)


A Woman with a Secret (Looking Behind: Part 1) (Sizzling Erotic Thriller)

What Lies Behind the Smile (Looking Behind: Part 2)
(Sizzling Erotic Thriller)
Learning of Each Other (Looking Behind: Part 3)
(Sizzling Erotic Thriller)
The Hunt (Looking Behind: Part 4)
(Sizzling Erotic Thriller)



Chapter 1


“That job was supposed to be mine, Saul!” Cara was fuming. “I’ve been working my ass off for months! No one knows the project better than I do!”


“I understand that, Cara,” Saul sighed. He was older man, just a few years away from his retirement. “Your work is valued, but management decided to go a different route. They wanted someone with - ”


“A dick?” interrupted Cara. “That’s what this is about, right? This company has always been a boys club, and management is too scared to hire a woman.”


“New blood,” continued Saul, ignoring her interruption. “Management thinks things around here are getting a bit stale.”

“Bull shit,” snapped Cara. “The projects coming from my team have been more innovate and successful than anything else in the department – hell they’re the best in the company!”


“Look, Cara, just meet the guy, all right?” said Saul, exasperated. “You might learn something from him.”

“I don’t need to meet the guy!” she yelled. “I know exactly who he will be. Some rich white boy who has had everything handed to him for his entire life. He’ll be arrogant, entitled, selfish, useless, unintelligent -”


“You forgot mind-blowingly attractive,” interjected a voice from behind her. She whirled around to face the speaker and suddenly found herself speechless. He was tall. His hair was the same sandy blonde, but his skin was tanner than the last time she saw him. If they were on another coast, and he lost the his perfect Armani suit, he could be mistaken for a surfer.


“Lee!” Saul happily reached out a hand to shake the newcomer’s. “So glad you could join us. I was just telling Cara about how excited we are that you have joined the team.”


“I could hear,” Lee told him as he shook Saul’s hand. “In fact, I am fairly certain the entire building could hear how excited Cara is.”


“Of course,” Cara laughed mirthlessly. Her voice had finally returned. “Of course they hired you.”

“You two know each other?” asked Saul. Luckily he was looking at Lee, so he didn’t see how Cara rolled her eyes. Stupid questions tended to annoy her.


“We went to school together,” Lee explained. “Cara was always one step behind me in every class.”

“Well you got that half right – which is about as much as anyone should expect,” Cara countered. “I was always top of the class. You were always behind.”


“Oh, you know what, you’re right. I got mixed up. In college you were always ahead. It’s in the real world that you are always a step behind.” He raised his eyebrows at her in a smug challenge. She wanted to punch him in the face.

“You are so full of -”


“Well, I can see having both of you in the office isn’t going to be boring!” commented Saul with a broad smile. Damn him – the son of a bitch actually seemed pleased. “I am sure now that you are working together you two will make a great team!”

“My thoughts exactly,” agreed Lee. Cara wanted to smack that stupid smug little grin right off his face. This job was supposed to be hers!


“Well I am going to head out,” Saul yawned. “It’s been a long day. Cara, may I walk you to your car?” He offered her his arm, but she shook her head. Cara had absolutely no intention of leaving.


“I am going to stick around here for a bit. I want to put the finishing touches on the Apollo project,” she informed him.

“I’ll stay too,” Lee declared, just as Cara had expected. “I want to get settled in, so I am ready to start on Monday.”

“Suit yourselves. Have a good weekend.” Saul let the door swing shut behind him.


“I cannot believe you stole my job!” Cara snapped turning on Lee. He refused to be rattled.

“If you were really the best person for it, I am sure they would have hired you,” he said with a shrug.


“That’s complete shit and you know it!” Angrily, she took a step toward him. “You and I both know that those idiots only hired you because they are too afraid to let a woman head a department.”


“Or maybe you just weren’t good enough,” suggested Lee a bit of heat coming into his voice as he stepped toward her. “Somewhere along the way, you are going to have to accept the fact that maybe the whole world isn’t sexist. Maybe I am actually just the better candidate.”


“Not a chance!” Cara didn’t give Lee any more time to argue. Instead she reached out, grabbed his infuriatingly handsome face and pulled it towards hers. God it felt good to kiss him again. He reacted immediately, wrapping his arms around her body and pressing her against him. She could feel his hard muscles pressing against her soft curves through the layers of clothing between them. Too many layers. Something needed to be done about that.


As Lee thrust his tongue into her mouth, she quickly reached down and unzipped his pants. He retaliated by picking her up and pushing her onto her desk. One kiss and she could already feel heat coursing through her, rushing down to make her damp. She heard a few of her pictures and her little jar of pencils fall to the floor. It would be a pain in the ass to pick it all up later, but for right now, she didn’t give a damn.


He pushed her skirt up as she buried her fingers in his sandy blonde hair. When she first saw him, she had thought it looked better short, but now she was finding that she liked that Lee had two or three inches she could pull on.


His hand slipped between them and pushed aside her thong. Neither of them felt like wasting the time it would take to actually get undressed. Quickly without any sort of foreplay, he shoved his rock-hard dick into her pussy. She gasped as she felt him stretching her, filling her. With that one swift stroke, he penetrated her completely. She wrapped her legs around him, pushing him deeper.


Once he was entirely inside of her, Lee paused.

“Miss me?” he asked, looking her straight in the eye. She was not at all surprised to see a familiar mischievous gleam there, nor the small smile pulling at the corners of his mouth.


“Fuck you,” she replied, smiling back at him. He slid almost completely out of her body and then rammed back into her.

“What’s that?” he asked. The grin was definitely there now.


“Fuck you,” she repeated breathlessly. Sex with Lee was always like this – fast and hard. She clung to him, panting as he fucked her mercilessly. She could feel his pace increase and knew he was getting closer.


Lee reached a hand between them and began toying with her clit as he continued slamming in and out of her body. He had already pushed her near the edge, but that extra touch was enough to make her climax.


“God damn it, Lee!” she cried as she felt the world shatter around her. She loved this feeling. It was like she was completely relaxed and yet completely awake all at the same time. As she let the waves of her orgasm wash over her, she felt him find his release deep within her.


Chapter 2


“Why are you here, anyway?” Cara asked, straightening her clothes. “I thought you had decided to stay in the West Coast.

“I got bored,” he shrugged as he buckled his belt.


“And you just happened to end up with my company, in my department, doing the job I should I have gotten?”

“Wow, full of it much?” he laughed.


“Admit it – it would be a hell of a coincidence,” she said, refusing to be dissuaded. She began picking up the pictures that had fallen to the floor from her desk. Lee bent to help, collecting the fallen pens and replacing them in their holder.


“Not really,” he said. “We have similar skillsets, and the industry is not that large. We were bound to bump into each other again sooner or later.”

“I didn’t think so,” she said frankly. “When you left for California, I didn’t think I would ever see you again.”


“And yet here I am. It’s a crazy world.” His deep green eyes were infuriatingly unreadable.

“Not that crazy,” she disagreed, shaking her head. “You knew you were taking my job. You think you’ve got something to prove. You’re still pissed because I beat you out for student marshal.”


“Trust me – I’m glad I’m not the one who peaked in college,” he said, raising an amused eyebrow. “That would just be pathetic.”


“Really?” she said, refusing to let him goad her. Now that they’d fucked in her office, all the tension she had felt was gone – at least for the moment. She was the calm one now. Besides, she still held the trump card. He might think he was fooling her with his pretense of a random coincidence, but she knew better. She knew him better than anyone else, and she knew exactly which button to push. “You don’t care at all anymore about that B you got in… what was it again? Something pathetic to fail at – wasn’t it Ballroom Dance?” That did it.


“It was a B+!” he snapped. “And no I don’t care!” It was too late. She could read the anger and embarrassment in his face plain as day. All these years, and he was still pissed that his impeccable GPA had been snatched away from him at the last moment. He did still think he had something to prove. That’s why he came here. Even after all these years, he still hated the thought that she had beaten him with her perfect 4.0 GPA.


“That’s what I thought,” she said, laughing lightly. “Goodnight, Lee. I’ll see you on Monday.”


Chapter 3


Lee was left alone in Cara’s office feeling like the idiot she clearly thought he was. It was stupid of him to get angry about that B+, especially after all this time. The truth of the matter is that Lee held himself to a very high standard. He came from a successful family, and he had always felt pressure to prove he deserved to be part of it. Getting a B+ frustrated him – Cara had that part right at least.


The part she missed was that he didn’t resent her for becoming student marshal. She had earned it. He didn’t loathe her for beating him – he respected her. Although he wasn’t ready to explain it to her, she was also right in assuming that she was why he came back. Cara was the only reason he had returned to the East Coast.


When they were in school together, she always pushed him to excel. He never missed a class because if he did, she might get ahead. He researched each of his papers more deeply, hoping to find a perfect source that would make them just that little bit better than hers. He always studied that extra hour, trying to get a better score than she did. Lee was smart, and he worked hard. He would always have done well, but what he knew deep down was that Cara’s presence made him better. Being around her made him exceptional.

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