Passionate Desire (16 page)

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Authors: Barbara Donlon Bradley

BOOK: Passionate Desire
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He sat there, grinning at her.

“What are you thinking?” she asked as she reached him.

“How beautiful you are.”

She pushed him down onto the bed and climbed on top. “I don’t know why I couldn’t wait this time but I must feel you inside me.”

She eased herself down on him and sighed as he filled her. Her head dropped back and her eyes closed. She felt Storm’s arms wrap around her to keep her upright. Small tremors raced through her and she hadn’t even started to move. “Oh, I’m in trouble.”

She felt Storm’s concern until he felt her orgasm take control. He hadn’t realized how close she was until her release encompassed them. It was overpowering, squeezing them in an embrace that took their breath away. She could feel his struggle to maintain control as she lost hers. Everything felt over sensitized.

Storm touched her face once she came back to him. “You okay, my heart?”

“Yes. Not sure what caused that.” She pressed her lips to his. “Got to say that was amazing though.” Heather hoped she wouldn’t be losing control that quickly again. She started to move and found everything building just as quickly as before. It wasn’t long before she moaned and clinched against him. She couldn’t breathe it was so intense.

“My heart, you’re killing me. I can’t keep holding back if you keep this up.”

“I can’t help it.” She sounded breathless. “Every time we cause any friction I feel like I’m going to explode.”

“Then I’m going to take control of this problem.” He flipped her onto her back and drove inside again. He set a pace and allowed her to just enjoy.

She felt another orgasm coming and her world splintered. Storm continued to pump in and out of her pushing her higher and higher as her world shattered around her over and over again. Heather felt mindless as he drove into her. A small part of her registered that he was close and soon would be joining her but all she could do was feel.

When she felt his release join hers, everything vibrated. It started deep inside and slowly slid up her spine before entering every fiber of her being. It was glorious. She felt like she floated. No body to weigh her down. It took a long time before she could focus on the room again.

Storm had taken her into his arms and pillowed her head against his chest. She must have moved because he became alert that she had rejoined him.

“My heart, good to see you have come back to me.”

“I’m sorry.” She lifted her head to look at him.

“Don’t be. That was amazing. I don’t know if I can handle that all the time but I’m willing to give it a try.” He pressed his lips to her forehead. “You seem to be okay now. Not having one release after another the way you were a few moments ago.”

“I never felt anything like that. Do you think it had something to do with the walls we built earlier?”

“We’ll have to ask your brother.” He brushed a few strands of hair out of her face. “You think the wall worked?”

“I didn’t feel him join us.”

“You really weren’t able to feel too much beyond the orgasms racking your body.”

“Hey, I knew you were there.” She propped herself up on her elbows. “Your release was what sent me over the edge.”

He laughed and rolled her so she was beneath him. “You can’t blame me for that. Your releases almost killed me. I felt each and every one of them and fought to keep myself from following you too quickly. That was a true test for my stamina.”

“And you came through with flying colors.”

He grinned. “I did, didn’t I?” He captured her lips with his.

“Do we have time to see my brother or do you want to see if we’ll have an encore of the multiple orgasms?”

“That is a tough question. I would love to see if you will melt in my arms like that again but maybe we should see your brother. Find out what is causing it before we get too addicted to it.”

“I’ll contact him.”




Heather answered the door for her brother. “Thank you for coming.”

“Your mate doesn’t like it when his requests are ignored.” She gave him a questioning look as she stepped aside so he could enter. “Been doing a little research while I was waiting.”

“So you knew we would contact you.”

“No, but just assumed you’d want to know if it worked, which it did. Didn’t feel a thing.” He tapped the side of his head. “Where is that mate of yours?”

“Security. His shift starts in about an hour but since he hasn’t been here he went in early.” She moved to the couch. “Um, did the work we did have any side effects?”

“Sometimes.” He sat on the couch. “But it’s so rare I didn’t think about it. Did you have a side effect?”

“Yeah.” She sat down beside him. “How long does it last?”

“Well I guess it depends on how intense it was. The few who had them found different results. It really depended on what activated the side effect.” He turned to look at her. “I’m assuming yours had something to do with being intimate?”

She nodded. Looking at him, she tried to pick the right words. “I felt like a, I don’t know, a bottle rocket, I went off and off and off and didn’t come down for a long time.”

“Bottle rocket?” It took a few seconds for his translator to explain the archaic phrase. “Oh. I’m sure it will fade as time goes on.” He wasn’t sure what to tell her. “Are you saying you didn’t enjoy it? I might be able to give you something to dampen your reactions if so.”

“Oh, don’t get me wrong. It was phenomenal. But I don’t know if my body can take too many of those. I’m exhausted and I have work to do.”

“That good, huh?”

She blushed.

“What do you do here anyway? I’m sure Storm has some sort of job where he orders people around.”

“I’m split between two places. In the morning I work out with my security team.” She saw his look. “Don’t let this form fool you, I’m very good at what I did when I was on Earth. In the afternoons I sit on the council.”

“That has got to be boring.”

“Not always the most stimulating of conversations, but I have things to keep me occupied.” She kept her ability to read, speak and write ancient to herself. He probably only knew what Storm told him and if she said too much she’d hear about it later.

“Why would they have you on the council? You’re not Vespian.”

“In the beginning, I was put there to learn about the people and so they could learn about me. Now though, the public is aware of my family ties to our parents. They were the ones who requested I be put on the council permanently.” She stood. “I do have some time before I have to be in council chambers. Would you like to go for a walk? I normally will walk before I have to be there each day. Seems to help keep the babies calm when I’m sitting in those chairs for a long period of time.”

“Are they bothering you?” He took out his scanner.

“No. It’s just after working out I think they get excited and the walking helps sooth them so I can sit for several hours with the council without being uncomfortable.”

“Lead the way.”

“Let me change into my council clothing and I’ll be right with you.” She disappeared into her bedroom and came out wearing a long simple gown. It cut straight across her shoulders leaving the skin bare, with long sleeves. The bodice hugged her torso to flair out at the hips. This one was a cream colored gown.

“So you have different looks depending on where you are working?”

“I wear a uniform when working with Storm. This or something very close to it when I’m on the council.” She led him out into the garden area. Her shadows, as she had come to call them, joined them the moment they left her and Storm’s rooms.

“I’m surprised Storm doesn’t have his own place for the two of you.” He glanced at the four guards following them.

“He did. But his mother convinced him to move back into the palace. She had set aside a wing for him in hopes he would marry and have a family some day and she offered that to us when she learned of the pregnancy. I don’t know what she said to him but he went along with it when I expected him to say no. He feels his mother meddles a little too much when we’re that accessible.”

One of the Vespian children approached her. Heather crouched down to speak to the child quietly and received a hug for her words. Another waited patiently to hand her some flowers. She hugged that child as well. She didn’t want either to think she liked one more than the other since they were sisters and always vied for her attention.

“I read you mated with him for the good of your planet. What made you stay with him?” Kuarto looked up at the giant screen and saw a flash of a woman.

“He’s my heart.” Heather stood. Did he see the picture of her that just flashed on the screen?

“That’s what Storm said about you.”

She smiled at him. It didn’t surprise her in the least. She started walking again. “So what’s going on between you and Toki?”

“What makes you think there is something going on?” He seemed slightly uncomfortable all of the sudden.

“Little things.” She nodded to a young woman studying while she waited for her next class. The young woman came over and apologized for interrupting them, but needed help with some ancient and knew Heather could help her. Although she hadn’t mentioned her talent to her brother, Heather always helped anyone who needed it. She took the time to answer the question and show the young girl how to figure out similar passages with a simple technique. The young lady thanked her and bowed before going back to her bench. “You two look at each other a certain way. There’s a connection there. It’s new and very fragile but I can sense it.”

“I like how you didn’t miss a beat in our conversation.”

“Storm calls me tenacious because I can come back to a conversation hours later right where we left off.” She smiled. “It annoys him a lot.”

“How do you deal with the dominating male ego? He has been very aggressive and a royal pain.”

“He’s not that bad.” She sniffed the flowers she had been given.

“Really? We talking about the same man?” He touched his chest, pretending he was shocked. “The one who growled when I spent too much time with you.”

“You don’t know him yet. He is a wonderful man, just a tad over protective when it comes to me.” She touched his arm. “He has changed so much since we met. If you knew him then you might understand him better.”

“It would take a lot for me to understand him.”

“At least you’re not trying to out posture each other as much as you were when you first met. I thought we’d have to put you two in separate corners.”

“We weren’t that bad.”

She laughed. “Really?”

The picture flashed once more, staying on the screen long enough for Kuarto to know who it was. “Is that you?”

“Yes.” No reason to deny it.

“Wow.” He saw the image flash again. “I’m amazed Storm let that picture be released.”

“It was his idea.”

“Really?” He walked beside her for a moment. “Why?”

“You see that was my question. It has a lot to do with me being raised on Earth. You know how it is between me and Storm, but very few others do.”

“And he felt this picture would show you in a different light. Make them understand that although you weren’t raised here doesn’t mean you lack a sex drive.”

“Pretty much.”

“Yet you don’t want to look at it.”

“It’s just strange seeing yourself that way.” Someone else approached her, letting her know she was due in the council’s chambers. Heather thanked him and turned to her brother. “I’m going to have to get to work. You can join us if you like. The council is open to everyone.”

“I guess I could for a while. I need to wait for your husband to unlock the computer for me to use anyway.”

“You really don’t like the secretiveness of the people here do you?” She headed to the main hall.

“No.” He walked with her. “That type of secretiveness was why I stopped being a renowned doctor and went into hiding. Too many secrets and too many people trying to tell me how to live my life and who to give my expertise to.”

“You might not believe me right now but this planet keeps no secrets from the people, only from off worlders.” His silence made her smile. She felt the same way when she first came here.

They entered the main hall and she headed to her chair. Once she was seated, the other elders filed in and took their seats. People started to enter and she put on her best smile as she listened to their stories and concerns. A few of the people did ask for her opinion but she spent most of the time working her way through a few more columns of ancient. She ran across another passage about the underground compound.

There had to be an entrance. The information all pointed to the reality of the compound but nothing had mentioned an entrance. As she listened to the people she also scanned the writing on the wall to see if she could find anything else.

Just as she found a passage that caught her attention, she spotted Storm standing just inside the door. He kept his gaze on her as she gently touched her mate’s mother’s arm. After she received permission to leave her seat by a slight nod, she got up and went to Storm’s side. He looked anxious. The same look she had seen when he was worried about her.

“Is there a problem?” she whispered.

“My sister seems to be missing.”

“I’ll tell your mother.”

He nodded and touched her face with gentle fingers. Heather returned the gesture before walking back to the dais and approaching Anseri’s chair. She leaned over and whispered in her ear. Anseri gave the slightest of nods before Heather took her seat again. They were close to finishing this particular session so Anseri waited until the complaint had been given and a solution was found before she requested a break.

“It is time to take a recess.” Anseri stood. It took the guards a few minutes to clear the room. Once the room was emptied she approached Storm. “When was the last time any of you saw her?”

“Earlier today. She was in our chambers while Heather’s brother helped her with a particular problem,” answered Storm.

Heather signaled for her brother to join them. She spoke to him softly, pretty sure he wasn’t aware of what was going on. “When was the last time you saw Toki?”

“The same time you two did.” He looked confused. “Why?”

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