Passionate Desire (13 page)

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Authors: Barbara Donlon Bradley

BOOK: Passionate Desire
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He nodded, gave Storm an ‘I don’t care look’, and headed to the room where Toki waited.

Once he was out of ear shot Storm spoke. “I don’t remember a family clause in you arguing with me.”

“You sure?” She looked up at him with innocent eyes. “Could have sworn. Guess you’ll just have to punish me later.”

“If I was a betting man I’d say you enjoy the way I punish you a little too much. You’ve mentioned it quite a bit on this mission.”

“I just know you weren’t done punishing me before we landed here.”

“I don’t think you’ve learned your lesson yet either.” He brushed a few hairs from her face. “You seem too anxious to start them again.

“Then you’ll just have to teach me over and over until I do learn my lesson.” She kissed the palm of his hand. “You are a very good teacher.”

“It’s a good thing you’re my heart or I might have to really make my point.”

“Don’t you do that about every two or three hours according to my brother?”

“Did that upset you?” He never meant for their sex life to be a topic of conversation with anyone, even if they were family. He remembered how she felt about the picture. It took a lot for her to allow him to release the image.

“No. He means no harm and I know that.”

“How can you trust him so quickly?”

“The same way I knew you were my mate. His heart is pure. Kuarto might not understand our ways yet, but he isn’t a man who would betray us. I have touched his mind and know how he thinks.”

“He could have hidden that part from you.”

“Can you hide any part of your mind from me?”

He had no answer. His mind was an open book to her.

“Now, we need to discuss my punishment. Since my brother has been slightly loud in his demands I think we need to wait until we’re home before you get to be sure I see the error of my ways.”

“You are enjoying it too much.” He hugged her to him for a moment. “I’m going to have to come up with something to prove how serious I am about you arguing with me in front of others.”

“Really? Like what?”

Her excitement made him laugh. She was his world. “I was serious before about you getting anywhere near Ialog. I won’t let it happen a second time.”

“What if it is the only way to end this?” She sat up so she could watch his face. “Would you deny us a chance to live out our lives in happiness because you fear what he might do to me?”

“I couldn’t live with myself if something were to happen to you.” He gripped her shoulders.

“You are far too overbearing for anything to happen to me anyway so let’s not even think about it.” She saw the fear in his eyes. Her thoughts followed his, but she refused to let it get to her. Her mind had always let her know when she was in danger and she believed it would always protect her. “Kuarto has made me realize that I’m not utilizing my abilities the way I should and you get to be my guinea pig.”

“What do you mean?” He didn’t sound impressed.

She brushed her mind against his, filling it with her desire to be with him.


“Exactly. I want to see what I can do with my mind. We know I can let you in but can I enter yours at any time? Can I create a world just for us?”

“What about other minds?” His question was one both had thought about. “Will you try to enter someone else’s mind as well?”

“I don’t want to violate anyone’s trust.” He could sense she didn’t feel comfortable answering this one.

“You didn’t answer me.”

“I know. Whatever my answer is will upset you. If I say no you will demand I cover every angle no matter what, but if I learn to do that, there will be a part of you that will feel like I’m betraying you somehow. Even though we know I’m not.”

“I’ve never had to share you before.” She always knew what he really felt. “It’s not something I’m used to.”

“I’m sorry about that.” She smiled at him as her hand touched his heart. “You are my life and I have to share you with an entire planet. It’s not that difficult for me because I know who you come home to every night.”

“So you are saying I will get used to it?”

“No, but it’s not like you will have to share me with all these people. You will be involved in any decision I must make about this.”

He shifted her so that she was lying on the part where her legs had been seconds before. “I feel the need to dominate you at the moment.”

She smiled at him. “And if my brother comes out of there screaming in protest?”

“I will deal with that. Besides, that is the first thing you need to address. Try to put up some sort of shield so we can have our privacy.” He dipped his head down to hers and captured her lips with his. Using his tongue, he worked his way into her mouth, enjoying the taste of her as their tongues danced together. She made him feel alive at moments like this. If he had his way she would be beneath him all the time, sharing her body as often as he liked. He still got that, she never denied him, but knowing he could demand more if he wanted gave him a feeling of control he didn’t always feel with her.

How did he get involved with the one person who could make him feel so out of control at times? His hands worked at the seal of her uniform, wishing they had been alone so she could have slipped on that little black number she had created for him. He loved the outfits. Each one made him rock hard the moment he saw them. Knowing she thought of his arousal each time she created one let him know how much he meant to her.

Her soft skin reminded him of how delicate she could be. Although she would never complain, he knew he needed to be gentle with her. Her body was going through changes because of her pregnancy and he had to be mindful of that.

He felt the brush of her fingers against his chest as she worked on his uniform as well. It didn’t take either of them long before they had shed the uniforms and were flesh to flesh.

“Which would be easier for you? A shield to block him out or one to lock us in?” He surged into her, not being able to wait until she created what she needed to.

“Not sure.” She arched against him when he did that. A soft sigh escaped her. She needed this as much as he did.

He felt her mind reach out to his, bringing him into her thoughts. The intimacy was phenomenal. She wrapped them in a blanket of sorts. Since it was her first try, she wasn’t sure if it would work.

He moved within her then, drawing a rare sound when his stroke hit just the right spot. He felt it all the way down to his toes. “My heart, that soft sound is more arousing than any outfit you create for me.”

A blush filled her cheeks but she didn’t break eye contact as her muscles pulsed against him. She might be a quiet partner most of the time but she still knew how to let him know what she wanted and how she felt about some of his comments. He had to admit he liked the way he could still say things that brought color to her cheeks. Most Vespians don’t blush.

The vise like grip she had him in sent desire racing though him. He pushed in a little deeper, getting a shudder out of her. Taking it slow, he slid in and out, each time pushing deeper. He heard her breath hitch. She was close. Knowing her body so well now, he knew how to prolong her balance on the precipice. Knew what it took to send her over the edge.

Every part of her being cried for release. He quickened his pace, giving her all of him. In seconds, he felt her quake around him, her body tightening muscles that already had a strong grip on him. His orgasm was just as powerful, pulling him along with her.

He rested his head against hers. His breathing felt a little forced. Like he had run a marathon. They remained like that for a while, the joy they found in each other’s arms all they wanted to feel.



Chapter 7



“I’ll be right back.”

Toki grabbed his arm. “Where do you think you’re going?”

“I want to check one more thing on Heather while I’m thinking of it.” Kuarto stopped when he felt the heat of her touch.

“Make a note of it. You’re not going out there right now.” She shook her head. “Listen, I don’t need a mind link to know what is probably going on out there right now. My brother and his mate alone, with nothing to do, except explore each other. Don’t be dense or stupid. You go out there now and you’ll see my brother angry.”

“Angry? The man has already growled and glared at me. How much more can he do? Besides, he doesn’t strike me as a man who cares about what other people think.”

“You’re right.” She nodded. “He doesn’t, but anything that might upset his mate sets him off. Believe me I have been at the receiving end of that anger and it is no fun.”

“He doesn’t frighten me.”

“You want to see real anger? Go on out there.”

He stared at the door for a moment before he sat on the bed next to her. Since it was the only real piece of furniture in the room he didn’t have much of a choice. His desire for her was starting to outweigh his resolve to not take advantage of the situation—one of the reasons why he had thought of checking in on Heather. Especially after the conversation they just had. Knowing what his sister and Storm might be doing dominated his thoughts. He wanted to do the same thing. What he found interesting was he hadn’t been dragged into it with them. Unless Toki was wrong, Heather must have done something to block their bond.

Toki tried to act relaxed but he could see she had been thinking the same thing he had by her body language. She wanted him and he wanted her. Why was he fighting this?

Because he felt like he was being pushed into something he might regret later.

His brain kept him from acting.

“You are a very stubborn man.” Toki stood and slowly opened her outfit. Dropping it to the floor, she stood in front of him, almost daring him to touch her.

He found himself standing, his hand reaching out to gently cup a breast. Body won out over mind as he took her in his arms and lowered his face to hers. She welcomed his tongue into her mouth. A sigh escaped her when his hands roamed her body, caressing the tips of her nipples, dipping into her belly button, sliding down to find the soft springy curls covering her mound.

He felt the heat of her hand close around his hardened member. She had loosened his trousers enough to slip her hand inside. Kuarto realized he was overdressed and shed his clothes quickly. Then he continued his exploration of her body. He ran his fingers through her curls and found sensitive flesh responding to his touch. She quivered as he stroked her.

She always had to start their intimacy. His oath of celibacy kept him from being the aggressor, but once he started to respond to her advances he took control. She wanted him and he wanted her. Why did he fight it each and every time?

Toki remained passive. She wanted him to take from her, to dominate her the way he should. He felt powerful to have her at his mercy this way. So he took his time. His lips left her mouth and blazed a trail down her throat to her collarbone. He continued to place kisses down the soft tissue until he captured one of her nipples in his mouth. He suckled and stroked her, drawing moans from her throat and wetness from her core. Switching to her other breast, he used two fingers and slid them up inside her. She spasmed around the intrusion.

Her head dropped back as an orgasm grabbed her.

He dropped to his knees as his mouth continued a trek south. His tongue lathed her belly button. If his fingers caused such a reaction what would happen when he used his mouth? Bracing his hands on either side of her hips he worked his way down. The heat of his mouth on her core made her knees buckle for a moment and he was glad he had a secure grip. His tongue swirled against her. Her hips made a little pumping action in response.

He wanted to continue to work his magic on her, he could feel she was getting close again, but his own needs began to make demands and he knew he couldn’t wait any longer. The bed was just a few feet away so he stood and carried her to it. Pressing her into the bed, he hesitated for just a moment.

“If you stop now I just might have to get my brother after you.” She wrapped her legs around him, giving him the silent message of what she wanted.

He slid in deep. “Can’t have that, can we?”

She sucked in her breath as he filled and stretched her. “Oh my, that feels so good.”

“You haven’t seen anything yet, sweetheart.” He set a pace that had them both breathing hard quickly.




Toki felt her heart beating hard in her chest. You would think she had never been with a man by the way her body was acting, but he had a way about him that created magic when he touched her.

Every time he buried himself deep inside she felt all of her tighten and soft frissons of heat spiral through her blood. A couple more of those and she was going to dissolve into a thousand tiny pieces. He did something to her. Something she didn’t understand.

No man before him had been able to affect her this way. Everything he did she felt deep inside. She had been told since she was a child that her role was destined. She would never meet a mate, never know the joy of a family until she had fulfilled her duty as religious leader. So why him? Why now?

He moved within her, bringing her attention back to the sensations exploding all around her. He slid in and out and she felt her world shrink to just her and him. He moved and she reacted. She felt her body tighten against him, her muscles creating a vise for him to move through.

Each time he pulled almost out she felt her body lock on his, creating a grip so tight she wasn’t sure he could move right away until he drove himself back in. Everything was slick and wet, giving him just the right friction.

“Please.” She didn’t mean to beg but she needed the release that seemed to be just beyond her reach. Kuarto pumped into her once more and she felt her world splinter as the orgasm had a hold of her. Everything shifted. Her body cinched up, muscles creating a heightened lock on him. It only took one drive into her body to send her over the edge, and from the way he was breathing he was right behind her.

He held her as her orgasm took hold. A hitch in her breath and her world disappeared, until all that was left was him holding her as fireworks went off in her head. He held her tight, making her feel cherished.

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