Passionate Desire (23 page)

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Authors: Barbara Donlon Bradley

BOOK: Passionate Desire
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“What you want me to do? Walk around naked all the time for you?”

“It would make it easier.” He brought his hands forward to work on the seals of her dress.

“Okay, but it wouldn’t allow me to wear some of those little outfits you like so much.”

He stopped and looked at her. Like a child who had been handed a present, his eyes got wide and a smile spread across his face. “Do you have one on now?”

She smiled back. “You’re going to have to look now aren’t you?”

His smile deepened as he gently opened the seal of her collar. A flash of red caught his eye. “One of my favorites?”

“Keep looking.”

The red was a ribbon sewn into the top of the cream top. He eased the dress off her shoulders to reveal the thin straps holding the soft lace against her body. The dress slipped onto the chair and revealed a one piece outfit. The lace cupped her breasts and hugged her stomach.

Storm traced the edge of the material with his fingers, softly brushing skin in his exploration. “This one is a lot different than the others.” He pulled her to her feet and walked around her to see the whole effect. The back had very little to it.

She had debated about this one for a while. It covered so much of her body she wasn’t sure if he would like it as much and right now she didn’t think he did. He hadn’t said anything and he seemed to be a little distant.

He came up behind her, wrapping her in his embrace. His hand slid down the soft lace covering her front to her core, and found it opened like the others. He teased her just enough to make her want more but he still hadn’t said anything. He moved around her once more so he stood in front of her. Then he went to his knees. She felt the heat of his mouth on her core, his tongue causing an exquisite contraction of her muscles. Her knees weakened at the passionate attack.

His hands braced her waist, helping her maintain her feet as he continued his ministrations. He played her body like a beautiful instrument, drawing sighs and making her want to purr for him. Her body shook and she could feel her orgasm closing in on her.

In the blink of an eye she found herself back on the chair with him naked, surging into her. The orgasm he started with his mouth exploded all around her when he slid in as deep as he could. Her legs locked around him, holding him still as her muscles rippled against him. A gasp escaped her has a second wave crested. She floated for a moment before returning to reality.

“Woman, your climaxes are so powerful I have trouble keeping up with you.”

“You started it with that wicked tongue of yours.”

“You started it with that outfit, but I promise to finish it.” He drove into her, a quick pace that would give them a nice strong shared release. She could feel his orgasm building, sending little shivers down his spine. She sensed desire swirling in his belly through their mind meld.

Heather pushed against his chest. He stopped moving, wondering what she was up to. “I want to be the one controlling this.”

He grinned as he allowed her to ease him back onto the chair. She shifted her hips and legs, then placed her hands on his chest. It took her a few moments to set the pace, but once she found the right rhythm they sighed in unison. His hands settled on her hips, helping her to keep the pace up.

“You don’t need to hold me.”

“You tend to lose control when you feel some of those precursors to your orgasm.”

She shook a little then. Her eyes closed as every fiber in her body felt a quick increase of heat focusing in her groin. “I’d argue that point but you know me too well.”

“I know.” He gave her a smile. “And I know you want to be in control but I also know what you need to hit that point.” He grinded her hips against his.

Everything caught on fire with his movements, then she felt the flames of desire consume her. All she could do was feel. Her release washed over her, causing all of her nerves to react.

Storm was right. She lost it when she had her orgasm. But since he shared her release he couldn’t complain. Just as she started to come back down again she felt his orgasm start. He shook at the intensity, her sheath keeping a vise like hold on him as she moved up and down his length.

His hand pulled her down into a deep kiss. The intensity of their combined orgasm had them gasping for breath.

Storm planted soft kisses all along her cheek and neck. “Yes, I like this one too.”

“You like them all.” She chuckled. “I have found it is more the excitement of not knowing what I am wearing than what I have on that gets you.”

“I’ve already said you could be naked all the time and I would be very happy.”

“Only because you’d have easy access.” She brushed his hair out of his eyes. “But you like the not knowing too.”

He drank from her lips. “I do.” She was still on top of him and he was still buried deep inside her. “I also like how you defused the situation that could have really angered me.”

“You needed a little stress relief.”

“I’ll remember that the next time I feel you need a little relief.” He nibbled against her throat.

“Just look for the lace. That will tell you when I’m planning something.”

“Really?” He gave her a sultry smile. “Then I have permission to rip your clothes off you whenever I want to see what you’re wearing, or not wearing underneath?”


“Excuse me?” He pulled back to look at her.

“I mean not in public.” She gave him an apologetic smile. “That didn’t come out right either. I was hoping it would be another one of those sexual games we like to play. You’ll never know what is under the demure outfits I wear and your job would be to discreetly try to see if there is something extra under my clothes. Something to get your motor running so to speak.”

“Just being around you has my motor running.” He pressed a kiss against her throat, then touched her face. “But we need focus on how to get our family out of harm’s way.”

“I agree, but they are safe for the moment. Even though Kuarto and I have built a shield so he’s not with us I can feel his confidence. If they were in real trouble I’d know it.”

“So I must trust you.”

“Don’t you anyway?” Such a simple question.

“Of course I do. But you know how I like to control things and this is one of those instances where I don’t have what I want.”

“Does this mean you’re going to be dominating me a lot?”

“Possibly.” He smiled as he started to nibble again. “You are a tasty treat and do keep me sidetracked enough not to worry about what I can’t control.”

“Guess that means I need to keep coming up with new outfits.” She sighed as he lathed her throat.

“As long as you are near me we’ll be fine.” He looked at her. “Ready to get back to the video?”

“You going to keep your temper under control?”

“You going to keep on that outfit and not cover up?” His fingers traced the lace around one of the cups hugging her breast.

“Will it keep you from getting angry?”

“Only one way to find out.”

“Computer, start showing us the recordings again. Where we left of, please.”

The image picked up where they left off. They watched Kuarto insert each of the DNA’s into the eggs he had cloned.

The readings from them filled the screen and he shook his head. “Nothing, which is what I expected.”

He decided to clone a few more eggs. Once he was done he noticed four new specimens sitting on his desk. Compliments of Al he was sure. He scanned each of them to see what type of DNA he sent. He logged it into his system and tried each of them with the same effect as before.

“I know you’re listening. They didn’t work either.”

“I noticed.” He walked into the room. “And that doesn’t surprise you. Why?”

“It was something Heather and Storm said. They told me they were sterile before Heather became pregnant. I’m assuming you acquired it right before she became pregnant so it could be from the same group that ended up having one fertilized. If that is true then any egg from her would be sterile. Including the one which is now carrying life. So how is her coming child possible?”

“So you think it is something with them, not the egg?”

“I’m not sure, which is why I want to run the tests I have set up, but I suspect it.” He stood. “Unless you have other plans.” Kuarto was taller than Al and planned on using it to his advantage. “You haven’t trusted me since I got here.”

“That isn’t true.”

He pointed to the cameras in the room. “You already have the computer wired to give you any info I learn on the egg. Why would you have so many cameras in here and out in the hall outside our room if trust wasn’t the problem?”

“I am worried about the egg. That is all.”

“The egg isn’t inside our room.”

“Didn’t you have a security system set up at your home? Something to make you feel safe.”

“I did.” He grinned. “And I was as paranoid as you seem to be. Look, you don’t trust me. I get it, but either let me do my work the way I’m used to or lock us up and find someone else. The way you’re doing it right now is driving me crazy. I feel like a prisoner not someone you hired.”

“Trust is a very hard thing to give. I have trusted before and was betrayed.”

“So was I.” Kuarto watched him. He knew so little of the man he was forced to work for. “Who betrayed you?”

“It doesn’t matter.” Al moved then, breaking eye contact. “I will remove some of the security, but I want you to understand I need to feel safe so some will remain. Your room has already been cleaned, as you requested. I’ll also pull the security sensors from the hallways near your room so you can have your privacy, but this room will remain the same. This is my life and I don’t want anything happening to it. I’m doing that for my protection.”

Kuarto didn’t like all the cameras. If he had his way they’d all be gone. Al knew he couldn’t escape. He had made sure they didn’t know anything but the few buildings they had seen of the compound. But at least he would feel more comfortable talking to Toki in the lab. “And if we prove ourselves?”

“Then more freedom will be given to you.”




Toki walked into the room first. She wrapped her arms around herself and turned to look at him. After he stepped in, the door was sealed and they were alone. “So you trust him to remove the security near this room?”

“That’s what he promised.” He walked to where she stood and pulled her into his embrace. “It falls into the ‘we’ll have to see’ category.”

“Do you trust him?” She leaned into him, needing his warmth and strength for comfort.

“Are you okay?”

“Frightened, but fine.” She loved the feel of his arms around her. “Sure would like to know what is going on.”

“Would you believe I’m here to rescue you?” He spoke to her softly, just in case.

She laughed. “I think you’re doing a terrible job.”

“I know, but there is a second part to why I’m here.”

“The egg.”

“You got it.”

“I would think you would want to get us away from here before you started your research.”

“The situation didn’t work out that way.” He remained quiet while he figured out what to say. “Once I got here I knew I couldn’t just walk out with that egg. It doesn’t matter what Al said, that egg doesn’t belong to him. Heather and Storm trust me to bring it home or destroy it. I can’t fail them.”

She hoped the system outside had been cleared before they started talking, even if they were speaking softly to each other. Kuarto was revealing things she didn’t expect.

He let go of her and pulled his scanner out. Changing the setting to a security one, he checked the hallway near their room. “It’s clean.”

“Why didn’t you do that before?” asked Toki.

“Because it was a test to see what he would do with the information.”

“So you’re sure we’re safe now.”

He nodded.

“Will you tell me what is going on then?”

He turned the scanner on once more and set up a white noise to block recording devices outside the room that might be close enough to pick up what they say. “I’m wired.”

“What?” She hadn’t noticed anything, and as often as they had been intimate she was sure she would have seen something, but she did a quick look again just in case.

“You remember the old tales of an underground compound?” At her nod he continued. “Heather found it and the technology there rivals anything here. They can see and hear us like they are here.”


“I’m assuming they aren’t watching every minute.” He frowned at the thought. “That will be something we’ll have to ask when we get back.”

“I will kill him if he is watching.”

Kuarto grinned. “Not her?”

“I know better. Heather would give us our privacy. My brother wouldn’t.” She crossed to the small bed.

“Your brother is the least of my problems right now. I’m worried Al will push me to move on this faster than I want to.”

“Why are you dragging this out?”

“Because I haven’t figured out how to get us out safely yet. And have no clue where we are so they can come and get us. So until we get more information we’re kind of stuck here at Al’s whim.”

“If that computer is so advanced why can’t they have it track us?”

“Heather hasn’t been able to activate the entire system so it will only do so much.” She gave him an odd look. “It’s a long story. Right now we’re on our own and need to find a way to let them know where we are.”




Kuarto sat at his desk waiting to see if Al did hear anything they had said. He had a few tricks up his sleeves so he would know if they had been overheard. If Al said anything about the compound he would know the man had been listening in. Heather and Storm had kept the compound under the tightest of securities. Nobody knew about it but four of them.

He got up and stretched. Toki had been too quiet since learning her brother could hear and see everything that they did. She sat nearby, never too far away from him. He walked by a shiny surface and noticed a slight discoloration on his collarbone. “Hmm.”

He walked to another spot where he could get a better look. “What is that?” He pulled his scanner out and ran it over the area.

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