Passionate Desire (21 page)

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Authors: Barbara Donlon Bradley

BOOK: Passionate Desire
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“My desire for you makes me this way,” he murmured against her skin. “When you’re watching I try to take my time, which can be excruciating by the way.”

“Anyway we can utilize the chair?” She thought she might still get her way if she asked nicely.

“Maybe later.” He pinned her against the wall. “You know I’m partial to our chair. Nothing can replace it.”

“What chair?” asked the computer.

“One Storm had created for the ship we used to rescue his sister,” Heather answered. Perhaps she should program it to remain inactive while they were being intimate the next time. It was disconcerting to have it ask questions when all they could think about was their joining.

“The one you brought Dr. Kuarto back in?”

“Yes.” Storm had her right where he wanted her, nibbling his way down her throat.

“Searching.” The computer was quiet it worked through information but Storm wasn’t still. He had now nibbled his way to an ear, which tickled and made her giggle. “Is this the chair you are looking for?”

Storm turned to look at the spot where the other chair stood. It had been replaced with an exact copy of the chair he had created. “Oh computer, you and I can be best of friends if you keep this up.”

He wrapped his arms around her and carried her to the chair. After he sat down he maneuvered her so she could straddle the chair and join him. “You know why I like this chair so much, don’t you?”

“Not really. The other one would have been just as comfortable.”

“But with this one there is no height difference. I can bury myself deep inside you and still nibble on your neck as I like to or lean you back and have my way with your breasts, which I know you like.”

“I see.” She tilted her head to one side so his mouth could find his favorite spot on her throat. Slowly, she slid down his length, easing him inside as she settled herself on him.

“Woman, I don’t think I will ever get tired of this.”

“I hope not.” She pulled back to look at him. “Sex for you is like breathing for others. If you ever tire of me you better be dying.”

He laughed as he grabbed her hips and set a pace. “If you promise to never become docile, I promise to never get bored.”

“Deal.” She tilted her head back as the friction between them built to a point where she could feel her release just outside her reach. With their minds merging Storm always knew how to move or what to do to push her over the edge. It didn’t take too long before she felt her body tighten and constrict as the orgasm took control.

Storm kept her body moving as she lost her bearings for the moment. Then he shifted their bodies so he could be the one moving and he pounded into her, each surge pushing them over the edge a little more. Each drive in brought them a little closer. Storm felt the tension in his body shake him just as Heather started to vibrate in his arms. Her body pulsed around him, sending her freefalling and taking him along with her.

The joy she found with him awed her. She looked up at his smiling face.

“I will never get tired of your mind touching mine. Having that ability makes each time stronger and more explosive.” He touched her face with his fingertips. “Promise me I will be the only one you will ever share something so intimate.”

“I can’t see me sharing this with anyone else.” She touched his face.

“Good answer.”




Toki hated the restraints he put on her. Kuarto had moved her arms up above her head and locked it against the wall so she couldn’t use them.

“Why must you dominate?”

“Because any man would want a chance to prove he had what it took. This way I will prove it without any interference from you.”

She made a noise which he chose to ignore. He watched her for a moment, waiting for her to try to get out of his hold.

“I have an idea.” He sat back, letting her fight with the bonds he put on her. “Let’s see how you do in total darkness.”

He gave the command and the lights went out. “Now you can’t see me coming. You won’t know where my lips will fall next.” His words were next to her ear.

“How can you see and I can’t?”

“I can’t see any more than you can. This will affect both of us. But I will search for you with my mouth. I want to see if I can make you cry for more.”

She felt him shift on the bed, but had no idea where he was or what he was going to do. This was making her antsy. He did have a little advantage because he had his hand braced on either side of her body before the lights went off. The heat of his breath brushed against her collar bone before she felt his mouth close on the heated tissue. Not knowing where he would go next had her body reacting at the thought of where he could go. Warmth surrounded her nipple as he pulled it into his mouth. He teased it with his teeth and tongue, making it tighten and harden until she found her body moving under his ministrations. Just as she thought he would put her out of her misery and enter her she felt his lips move south. Licking and gently biting his way down her stomach to her core. She felt his fingers enter her, stretching the tender flesh as his mouth closed on her mound. The double attack had her arching her hips off the bed. “Please.”

He doubled his efforts. Drawing whimpers and sighs from her.

“Now. Please. I can’t take any more.” She felt him shift once again and he entered her.

Everything shook at the invasion. Her body sang as he filled her. Muscles clamped down on him, giving him a snug fit. She felt him shake a bit too.

“I love how you grip me so tight like you don’t want to let go.” He pulled out and slid back in again. “It causes such wonderful friction for me. Does it for you?”

“Oh, yes.” Her voice sounded deep and throaty in her ears. “I wish I had my hands.”

“Not this time. You’re supposed to lay there and take it like a woman. I’m setting the pace this time. My turn to drive you wild.” His lips closed on an ear lobe, giving it a soft tug before he blazed a trail of kisses down her neck. His mouth moved to a collarbone and with his tongue he traced the indentations there.

She found her body arching against him, silently begging for something. She felt his lips curl in a smile before he lathed the tip of her breast. Toki sucked in a deep breath at the sensation that caused. “Oh!”

He moved faster then, filling her each time as deeply as he could. She knew he had to be close.

Everything splintered around her. She felt the slow build of the wave that would take her to heights she had never experienced before. Tears sprang to her eyes as her release grabbed her and flung her out to the stars.

Her own labored breathing brought her back to reality. “That was…”

“Unbelievable,” he finished for her. He lay beside her and pulled her into his embrace. He kissed her forehead as he released the restraints. “I don’t think anything can hold a candle to this.”

She had to agree. The thought of ruining the moment wasn’t what she wanted, but she had to ask him. “Why do you want to study that android?”

“I know she bothers you but I’m fascinated by her.” He touched her hair. “Have you touched her?”

“Ew, no.” She rested her head against his chest.

“She’s warm to the touch and the skin feels real. No one I know has the ability to create an android with realistic skin. A robot might look like one of us but as soon as you touch it you know what you are dealing with. The material used to make the skin is rubbery and has no elasticity. Other androids can’t carry on a conversation the way she can either. I want to know how he made her, if he made her. And if he didn’t, who did.”

“But you knew it was an android the moment you looked at it. How did you know if she’s so realistic?”

“Her eyes. There is no life in them.”

She thought about that. He must have very good vision to notice that so fast. “I’m not sure what you’re getting at.”

“They sparkle with laughter, fill with tears when sad. It has been said the eyes are the window to the soul and I believe that. Life is in the eyes, without it they are flat.” He brushed his fingers along her spine. “The technology of the Heather android is far more advanced than anything I have seen. Other than the eyes, he has perfected the creation of a synthetic body.”

“And that is what has caught your attention.”

“Yes.” He gently brushed his fingers through her hair. “He said she was the incubator. How is that possible?”

“I’m sure you’re going to figure it out.”




Storm tried to play what he had been watching earlier but found the computer continued to skip over it. “What is going on?”

“Heather has commanded me to not show you anything intimate between Kuarto and your sister unless pertinent information was revealed and she has to be present for me to air it.”

“Figured. Alright. Show me the next scene then. I don’t want the recordings to get too far ahead of us.”

He sat in the chair and watched as the next scene started up. His sister worked on a screen near Kuarto. Heather’s egg floated in a liquid in a jar sitting on his desk. Storm wished he could reach into the screen and grab it, but he and the doctor had a plan and they had to follow it.

Heather walked in. “I see you started without me.”

“Just did.” He patted the spot in front of him. “You haven’t missed anything yet.”

She curled up against him. “My egg?”


“You two have made plans to bring it back?”

“That or destroy it. We will make sure he won’t have it anymore.”


“Now, sit back and watch.”

“Goodness. Did I interrupt?” She feigned shock.

“Sorry.” He wrapped her in a warm embrace. “I guess I’m kind of caught up in this. Let’s just sit back and watch. Since you blocked all the little naughty bits from me all I can do now is gather information.”

She laughed at his choice of words. “Had to. You were getting out of hand.”

“Good thing there is no one to hear you or you’d be in trouble.” He planted a soft kiss on her forehead.

“Since I like the way you punish me, you sure that’s a good threat?” She snuggled against him, getting comfortable.

“As long as no one else knows how much you enjoy them there is no problem.”

The android came onto the screen and Heather wanted to bury her face into Storm’s shirt. “I really hate that thing.”

“I know, but we need to learn as much as we can about it.”

Heather focused on her brother instead of the creature speaking to him.

“How are you to carry this egg once I fertilize it?”

She opened a small door on her stomach and exposed the compartment the egg would go in. “Once the egg is inserted, the area will fill with a liquid that will mimic amniotic fluid for the child to survive in.”

“And what will happen when it starts to grow? That space isn’t big enough to accommodate a full fetus.”

“This area will grow with the fetus.”

“Fascinating.” He picked up his scanner. “May I?”

“Al doesn’t want my information accessible.”

“Of course.” He sat the scanner down. “It just makes it so much easier for me to study you, which he promised I could do.”

“That is true. I guess that would be permitted since he did give permission to study my system. I will have to remove the data when you leave here though.”

“Of course.” He picked up the scanner and ran it over her.

Within seconds the information loaded onto the computer system on Vespia.

“That’s all her data?” Heather stood and looked at it.

“Whatever his scanner picked up.”

“We’re going to need an expert, you know.”

“Already working on it.” He patted the chair. “I miss your heat.”

“Which heat?” She asked it innocently enough, but saw his eyes darken when he realized what she was asking.

“What kind of question is that?” He stood and walked to her side. In seconds, he had her in his arms and captured her lips with his. His tongue dipped into her mouth.

Heather closed her eyes as a thrill raced through her. She sighed and returned the knee weakening kiss. When the kiss ended she leaned back and smiled at him. “That was very nice.”

“There’s more where that came from.”

“You know the only thing I was getting at was the universal translator didn’t get that word right for you. The word should have been warmth.”

“If I get to feel you surround me more often because of a faulty translator, I’ll make sure yours goes out on a regular basis.” He grinned. “I had planned on being a gentleman when I asked you to join me on the chair, but after your comment I can’t guarantee my hands will behave.”

“I’ll take my chances.” She followed him to the chair and sat in front of him once he had taken his seat. “Computer, please resume play.”

“Of course.”




Kuarto found himself distracted by Toki’s presence. All he could think of was their amazing time together. He had been with his share of women but none of them moved him the way she did. Even now, only a few hours since they were together, he wanted to come up with an excuse to be with her again. He now understood why Storm was always after Heather.

He wondered what Storm thought of their relationship since he couldn’t interfere. He sure didn’t seem happy about it before.

“You okay?” asked Toki. She had stepped up to the table he worked at.

“Me?” He touched his chest. “Sure. Why?”

“You seem to be far away right now.” She played with the cuffs of her dress.

“Just reliving some wonderful memories.” The smile he gave her should have told her what memories he was reliving.

“I seemed to be having the same problem.” She gave him a shy smile.

“Then we’ll have to make a few new ones later.” He went over the readings he had gotten on the egg. “Can you please pull up the file on the clone? It’s part of the stuff I had you separate and mark before.”

She walked to another station and loaded the information he wanted quickly.

“Thanks.” She started to wander about and he knew she didn’t know what to do with herself. “Would you like me to explain what I’m looking at?”

“Sure.” She stood next to him. He could feel the warmth of her body.

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