Pasta, Risotto, and Rice

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Authors: Robin Miller

BOOK: Pasta, Risotto, and Rice
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Pasta, Risotto, and Rice:
Robin Takes 5

Robin Rescues Dinner

Quick Fix Meals

Robin to the Rescue

The Newlywed Cookbook


The Daily Soup Cookbook

Cooking For Healthy Living (with Jane Fonda)


Pasta, Risotto, and Rice: Robin Takes 5

500 Recipes
5 Ingredients or Less
500 Calories or Less
5 Nights per Week
5:00 PM

Robin Miller
Photography by Ben Pieper 5:00 PM

Pasta, Risotto, and Rice: Robin Takes 5
text copyright © 2011 and 2012 by Robin Miller. Photography copyright © 2011 by Ben Pieper. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of reprints in the context of reviews.


Andrews McMeel Publishing, LLC
an Andrews McMeel Universal company
1130 Walnut Street, Kansas City, Missouri 64106


ISBN: 978-1-4494-2495-4


Library of Congress Control Number: 2011921498


Art Director: Julie Barnes
Design: Holly Ogden
Photographer: Ben Pieper
Food Stylist: Trina Krahl
Assistant Food Stylist: Daniel Trefz
Hair and Makeup: Sarah Dilks



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For Kyle and Luke—
thanks for making me smile and laugh every day.


Creating a cookbook involves
a lot
of people, and I pray that I’ve covered everyone. Bonnie Tandy Leblang, my talented and savvy agent and manager, I’d never forget to thank
because you hold my hand through every process, book and otherwise. Thanks for introducing me to Andrews McMeel Publishing, and for encouraging me to join the AMP family (one you already knew well). It’s one of the best moves I’ve made. I also love brainstorming with you, because you consistently offer insight and wit. Thanks for helping me turn this cookbook into something I can be deeply proud of. Kirsty Melville, president and publisher, from the moment we first spoke, I knew I was in excellent hands. Your talented staff at AMP turned my recipes into one
piece of work. Jean Lucas, my editor, there
be a better word I can use to describe you (beyond simply “editor”). Superhero? That’s what you were to me. What I especially loved about working with you was that you included me in
decision and detail, no matter how minuscule. And I loved picking your kids up from school; seeing another mom race all over town made my crazy life seem normal. Ben Pieper, my awesome photographer, what fun it was to work with you. The cover shot and photos throughout the book are delectable, thanks to your expertise behind the lens. Trina Kahl, food stylist extraordinaire, jaws are about to drop everywhere. Your stunning food styling will cause palates to quiver with excitement. The food is pure art, and you have a gift. Daniel Trefz, assistant food stylist, the pictures speak for themselves. Thank you for helping to make my food look mouthwatering. Julie Barnes, art director, you’re a joy to work with, you’ve got a spring in your step, and I cherish your creative contribution to this dazzling book. Holly Ogden, designer, I love the pages; your sense of style made this cookbook clean and classic and exactly what I was hoping for. Sarah Dilks, thank you for the beautiful job you did with hair and makeup; natural and nice, and perfect for a cookbook. I’d also like to thank John Carroll, Carol Coe, and Dave Shaw for your efforts—I believe this is my best book ever, thanks to all of you.

Joanne Hayes, you deserve a gold medal for analyzing nutrition for these 500 recipes (actually more than 500, counting those we tweaked). Although we communicated only through e-mail, I could tell that you were always smiling. You just have that vibe.

Mom and Dad, thanks for supporting
new project I pursue. Mom, my passion for cooking and sharing food with family and friends comes from you. The best conversations happen over a meal, no doubt. Dad, you’re my role model for drive and enthusiasm, and your tireless encouragement keeps me going through thick and thin.

To my three boys at home, Darrin, Kyle, and Luke (and Hank, if you count the puppy), thanks for tasting countless creations, giving feedback, and keeping your elbows off the table. Kyle and Luke, you should know that it warms my heart when we walk in the door after school and you say, “Mom, what is that
smell?” I write recipes every day because I love it, but I create
because I love


It’s 5:00 PM. Everyone’s hungry. It’s takeout or fakeout, meaning grabbing a processed meal from the fridge or freezer and giving it a zap in the microwave. Might there be a third option that doesn’t include heaps of calories, fat, and salt? Right here in Robin Takes 5 you can find 500 delicious options to quickly prepare for yourself, your friends, and your family with just five fabulous ingredients. Robin Takes 5 is a must for all of you busy folks out there—singles, couples on the go, workaholics, empty nesters enjoying new freedom, and active families with munchkins running rampant in the house. Knowing that you can enrich your day with a healthy, satisfying meal made with five ingredients in about twenty minutes gives all of us a sense of serenity.

Even better? Every dish is a mouthwatering 500 calories or less, and many contain less than 500 milligrams of sodium. (The FDA recommends 600 milligrams max per meal.) With 380 main dishes, there are enough entrées to create a different meal seven nights per week
for an entire year
without having the same meal twice. But wait, there’s more. There is also a huge selection of side dishes and desserts (60 recipes each) with the same 5-ingredient, 500-calorie promise. The only staples I expect you to have are olive oil (and occasionally cooking spray), salt, and black pepper. That’s it. Look no further for your nightly noshing, because when
Robin Takes 5
, we all reap the rewards.

The average American eats out an astonishing three to four times each week. You don’t need
to tell you that when you eat out or rely on heavily processed foods, you have little control over the content, namely calories, fat, trans fat, saturated fat, and salt. In some cases, it’s worth the indulgence, like a planned family night at the best pizza joint in town. The problem is, many times it’s not planned, and it’s that lack of preparation that drives us through the fast-food lane or straight to the microwave with a hunk of frozen fare. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not bashing fast food or prepared meals; I rely on them during busy soccer seasons! But I also strive to create meals from scratch, those made with love and a few ingredients that blend and evolve into magical meals. If you think you can’t create fantastic dishes with five ingredients, think again. The trick is choosing the
right ones
. Which lends more gusto to a hearty sauce—a green bell pepper or a sweet and smoky roasted red one; a plain tomato or a sun-dried gem that’s packed in fruity olive oil; a canned black olive, a cured Greek kalamata olive, or one stuffed with a jalapeño? You get the point. There are countless ingredients available today that help all of us get gourmet meals to the table in just minutes. In fact, many of these recipes are so amazing, they’re suitable for entertaining. Those dishes have this icon

And there’s more to
Robin Takes 5
than terrific entrées, side dishes, and desserts. I donned my nutritionist/chef’s hat to create incredible meals that boost flavor, texture, and color, not calories, fat, and salt. We’re all aware of the excess calories and fat that come in processed foods, prepared meals, and those from dine-in and dine-out restaurants. What you might not realize is the amount of sodium they hoard. The average American consumes up to 4,000 milligrams of sodium per day. What’s the problem with that? Too much sodium can cause hypertension, which can lead to heart attacks, strokes, heart failure, and kidney failure. What’s worse is that one in three adults (that’s 75 million) already has hypertension. An additional 50 million adults are well on their way, with what’s known as pre-hypertension. This explains why sodium is the latest hot-button issue, replacing trans fat in all the headlines. The FDA recommends 1,500 to 2,300 milligrams of sodium per day. Folks older than 51 and those with dietary restrictions should limit their sodium intake to 1,500 milligrams, while healthy individuals should aim for a maximum of 2,300 milligrams per day. I’m not the salt police, and I don’t brag that my recipes are “low-sodium.” What I
promise is that my recipes are mouthwatering and sensational and use sensible amounts of salt. To make it easy for you to find recipes with sensible amounts of sodium, main dishes with 500 milligrams or less and side dishes and desserts with 250 milligrams or less will have this icon
. The sodium numbers reflected in each recipe are for the amounts actually called for, not including any additional that you may add at the end for seasoning. I use just enough to make the dish perfect. And I mean

For more than twenty years, I’ve been creating recipes that folks feel so passionate about, they write letters, text, e-mail, blog, and tweet about them. And major food companies hire me to write recipes using their products. This proves that you can have it
—robust flavor
healthy meals. I’ve become the queen of “Quick Fix Meals” and I’ve been touted for my ability to “rescue” people from their mealtime dilemmas. On my Food Network shows,
Quick Fix Meals
Robin to the Rescue
, I inspire folks to make memorable meals at home. My dishes are healthy and great tasting, ready in minutes, and made with widely available ingredients. People on the street (and in the market!) stop me and
thank me
for making their mealtime more peaceful, and more importantly, more scrumptious. They also enjoy knowing that my dishes are healthy and rich in vital vitamins and minerals. I
compromise flavor, yet my meals boast noteworthy nutrient statistics. In fact, I’ve been asked countless times to provide nutritional information with each recipe, and I’m taking
opportunity to do that. I’m combining my skills in one amazing cookbook: incredible, 5-ingredient recipes and a promise that each dish weighs in at less than 500 total calories.

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