Black Hills Angel (Black Hills Series)

BOOK: Black Hills Angel (Black Hills Series)
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Black Hills Angel


(Black Hills Series, #1)




A. C. Wilson






Black Hills Angel

(Black Hills Series, #1)

Copyright 2013 A. C. Wilson



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This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and events are products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.




Cover Design by Allison Hazen

Hazen Photography






First, I want to thank my mom for coming up with Hot Springs, South Dakota as Matt's hometown. We spend a good amount of time in the Black Hills and I'm thrilled to share this book with you all.

Also I'd like to thank my betas, Casey Debus and Joyce Walsh for tirelessly fine tuning this work.

I'd also like to thank everyone who has championed me as an author and my books. I couldn't ask for a more wonderful gift than your support!

Happy reading!

Chapter One


She jerked awake so suddenly her head whipped to the side. She blinked.
Once. Twice.
Her sleep-deprived brain tried to make sense of where she was and what had happened.
. Her three month old daughter was wailing from her small, closet sized bedroom in their unbelievably space challenged apartment. Bracing against the familiar wall of guilt and grief, Andy wiped a palm across her face. Another night. One more in the long string of sleepless nights. She was lucky if she got one hour, maybe two in the faded Lazy boy recliner.

Harper continued to scream, each unanswered second sending her little voice higher. Andy grimaced. Swallowing the emotions that demanded to be dealt with, she pushed out of the lumpy cushion.
Baby first. Always first.
A few short strides from the living room to the nursery brought Andy to the side of Harper's makeshift crib. The infants gusty wails turning into body-jarring hiccups. Andy reached in to pull the baby to her chest, deeply inhaling the warm, clean baby scent.

Why are you awake again, little one?

After changing Harper's diaper and wrapping her tightly in a hand-me-down blanket, the infant was sucking hungrily on the bottle of formula. Andy rocked steadily in the recliner, her foot keeping time to Harper's contented grunts. Both their eyes closed, the rocking motion lulling them to slumber in the quiet apartment. Andy was never one to fall asleep just anywhere, but tonight, she fell asleep with her baby in her arms.

Andy stared at her clouded reflection in the bathroom mirror. The hot shower had done little to renew her outlook on the day. Honestly, it looked bleak. Her eyes were red and drooping. Her face was more pale than usual, which was saying quite alot since she was naturally pale skinned. Her parents had often joked about her ability to
glow in the dark
. She swallowed hard and pushed down the nausea and guilt. Brushing her teeth stiltedly, she plodded her way through her morning routine. Dressing for work proved to be quite an ordeal as she tried to find something clean and without the smell of baby vomit on it. She settled on black slacks and white button-up shirt.

Taking a quick look in the mirror, she nearly sprinted down the hall to the living room. She had fifteen minutes before the babysitter would be here. Surely she had time for a quick cup of coffee. Harper was still asleep in her bed. Andy sighed. It was so quiet. She grabbed a blue mug with a cat on it and poured steaming coffee into it. Reaching for the creamer, Andy about dropped it as the phone let out an outrageously loud ring. Darting to the base, she picked up the receiver and clicked it on.

"Yes, hello?" She loudly whispered to the caller.

"Andy. I am so sorry. I was coming over and my car won't start. Can you bring Harper over here before you head to work?"

It took Andy a moment to register that it was Rachel, her friend and babysitter. Looking around the room, she tried to focus. It would take absolutely forever to get Harper ready and out the door, let alone to Rachel's apartment before she had to be to work. Her manager would not like this, but there seemed little else she could do. She needed her job.

"Yes. I will be there as soon as I can."

"Thanks, Andy. See you soon."

The phone clicked off and Andy drew in a shaky breath. Time to kick it into gear. She grabbed Harper's diaper bag and began filling it with necessities. Diapers, cream, wipes, pacifier, formula, bottles, extra clothes, burp clothes and blankets. Double checking the contents of the bulging bag, she knew something would be forgotten this morning. She just hoped that it wouldn't be something important.

Harper had started to fuss, so Andy unwrapped the blanket and placed her daughter in the infant car seat. Buckling the chest and lap straps, Harper started to cry. A high, shrill wail that demanded attention.
Dear God in Heaven!
Grabbing a bottle from the diaper bag, she popped the top off and stuck the nipple into Harper's mouth. Instant quiet. Success. Well nearly. Looking at the clock on the microwave, Andy saw she was already twenty minutes late. Marshalling her thoughts, she grabbed the diaper bag and purse, sliding them onto her arm. Lifting the carrier and holding her keys, Andy fought to open the front door. Grunting in frustration, she managed to get it open, swing it wide and step through before it swung closed again.

Unfortunately the door swung shut on the diaper bag and purse. Jerking the bags from the door, Andy knew she had pulled too hard. The contents of the diaper bag and her purse fell and scattered across the hallway floor.
Her eyes closed, she counted under her breath trying to maintain some control. Harper started to fuss, knocking her bottle from its precarious perch on top of the blanket in the carrier. Losing what little control she had, Andy sat the carrier down and plopped down beside her crying daughter to cry herself.

The door across from her apartment opened, revealing a pair of bare feet and long, muscular legs clad in well-worn blue jeans. Through her tears, Andy could make out a young man probably in his late twenties. Her breath hitched and tears continued to course down her cheeks. She might have been mortally embarrassed to be caught sobbing in the hallway of her apartment building with her equally upset infant daughter, but she was too overwhelmed to pay it much mind.


Matt had just opened his eyes, when he heard a loud crash and baby's cry brought him completely out of bed. Staring disorientedly around his friend's apartment, he quickly shrugged into his t-shirt and slipped on his jeans before going to the door. He halted only briefly to wonder why exactly he was going to see what catastrophe had happened in the hallway before he swung the door wide. He was shocked to find not only a screaming, red faced infant in a carrier, but also a young woman with tears streaming down her cheeks. Seeing that she was clearly distraught, Matt felt drawn to her.

Soft green eyes followed his bare feet up until they were looking at each other. He took notice of her brown hair hastily pulled into a pony tail, semi-casual work attire and of the scattered contents of the diaper bag. Without hesitation, he retrieved the fallen bottle and kneeled down to give it back to the baby. After a brief battle of wills, the baby huffed and started sucking on the nipple.

Thank goodness!
  First disaster averted. The high pitched screaming was nerve wracking, let alone extremely annoying.

He turned his attention the woman on the floor, who luckily was no longer sobbing, but staring wide-eyed up at him. He couldn't help but smile. Reaching out he gently traced one tear slick cheek. He couldn't take his eyes from her face. It wasn't just his conscience that had been affected. His breathing quickened, his ab muscles tightened reflexively under his shirt and his arms itched to pull her into him. Instead he stayed knelt down beside her, holding her cheek and smiling like a lovesick idiot!
Great job, Matt!

She took a shaky breath in and leaned against the wall, her head tipped up, her eyes focused on him. Heaven help him, she seemed so beaten down and lost. It had always been a crusade of his to champion the underdog. If anyone had a cause like that, she certainly did.

"My name is Matt. What's yours?"
Smooth line, Romeo.
She watched him for a second and straightened her body up.


His palm burned to touch her again. He fought the urge.

"It's nice to meet you, Andy. Is she yours?" He indicated the infant contentedly sucking on her bottle. Andy nodded.


He smiled again. He vainly hoped that her one word answers were due to his presence, but reason subdued the pleasant thought. Andy was clearly exhausted. A new mother would be.

Picking up a couple of scattered diapers, a sleeve of wipes, and a pair of keys, Matt sat down on the hall carpet next to Andy. She made no move to get up. The silence in the hallway was not uncomfortable, he decided. It actually seemed alive with uncommunicated information. He stretched out his legs, crossing his ankles. She in turn drew up her knees and leaned her forehead against them.

"She seems like quite a handful." Matt tried to find some way of getting the answers he wanted.

"You have no idea." He barely heard her reply, but she said nothing further. He tried again.

"It is a big responsibility to take on by yourself." Mentally he sighed. He was on a fishing expedition. Instead of saying anything, she simply nodded her head.

Alone. She was a single mother, raising this little baby on her own.
Too much baggage, man!
He could hardly deny she was a beautiful woman. His body was already begging for her touch. He hadn't ever been involved with a mother and child before. Matt glanced at the baby girl clutching the blanket in one tiny hand and nudging the plastic bottle with the other. He looked back at Harper's mother. He liked a challenge.


Andy felt so acutely embarrassed having such a handsome man sitting next to her on the floor. He had already touched her cheek, acknowledging her tears. His hand caused such amazing sensations she hadn't felt since, well ever. Her stomach knotted and her nerves zinged beneath her skin. His dark hair was ruffled from sleep and he was extremely tan. But it was his eyes that spoke volumes about him. Big blue eyes. Eyes so clear and kind.
Her thoughts screamed it. What was he doing here with her?

She could have kissed Matt for quieting Harper. Her daughter would surely be the death of her. The familiar doubt came surging back. How was she going to raise this baby with no help? It was a heaping mound of dread and pain. She rested her head on her knees. Matt was asking her questions. She paid little attention to what he was asking. Yes, she was by herself in this. A single mother. So overwhelmed that there didn't seem to be a light at the end of the tunnel.

Her cell phone rang from somewhere on the floor. Pink Panther's song.
Duh Dum, Duh Dum
... It had always been her favorite. It dawned on her who was probably calling. Quickly she slid her hands over the pile of blankets, clothes, diapers...found it. She looked at the screen. Rachel.
Matt raised his eye brows. Had she said that out loud? He smiled.

"I am so late. My boss is going to kill me. I just..." Tears started fresh. Large drops rolling down her cheeks as she tried to formulate any thought. Before she knew it, Matt had taken the phone into his hand and clicked off the ringer. No sound.

"Hey, hey,'s fine. You're okay." Matt's voice was deep and soft. He slid his arm around her shoulders and pulled her into him. She felt herself stiffen, but gradually she let herself lean against his chest. His t-shirt soaked up her tears. She felt so lost. His thumb was rubbing along the base of her skull. It was mesmerizing and felt so unbelievably good. Vaguely she wondered just why she was letting him near her and Harper. What man in his right mind would be sitting out here with a complete stranger and a baby? Honestly she didn't want the answer.


"As much as I want to continue this, my butt has gone numb." Matt chuckled as he shifted his jeans on the floor. "Do you want to come inside? We could have a cup of coffee and talk some more." He noted that his voice was unsure. Lord knows any woman in her right mind would say no to an offer like that from a strange man she didn't know. She made to sit up and rubbed the back of her hand across her cheek. His heart jumped. Even with tear-stained cheeks and puffy, red eyes, Andy was beautiful.

"I don't suppose I am going to work today. That was my babysitter who was calling. Nothing seems to be going right. I don't know what I am going to do."

It all came spilling out and Matt pressed his lips together. She was in a tough spot. He nodded in understanding and got to his feet. Reaching down for her hand, he drew Andy up. He couldn't fail to notice how close their bodies were; merely inches apart. Her green eyes looking hesitantly up into his. Immediately he felt a responsibility to her and by association, Harper too.

"Let's talk about it. Maybe I can help. I know some people."

Her chest rose with a deep breath and she stepped back. Squatting to pick up the fallen items from the floor, she began to fill the diaper bag and her purse. Grabbing the keys, she straightened back up and turned back to him.

"I have coffee if you want to come inside."

Matt smiled at her and lifted the carrier with Harper to follow Andy into her apartment. She swung the door wide enough for him to come through. Taking the carrier from him, she placed it on the small coffee table in the living room. The baby already looked sleepy after her bottle.

"You could leave her in the carrier if she will sleep. My sister's son thought it was the best place to crash. He didn't like his crib at all." His voice seemed to shock Andy, drawing a wary gaze. She tucked the blanket around the infant and seemed content to leave her in the seat. He glanced at the coffee maker on the counter and skirted the small island to get to it. He took out two coffee mugs and filled each. Andy brought the creamer and sugar. She took a mug from his hands and their fingers brushed. An electrical awareness sizzled between them. Her green eyes focused on his mouth. Soft, sweet lips. His gut twisted in anticipation of tasting those kiss-me lips. She leaned fractionally closer, almost swaying into him.

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