Payback (Dueling Devils)

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Sequel to Dual Desires


Shyla Colt

Dueling Devils M.C. Series






This is a work of fiction. All characters, places, businesses and incidents are from the author’s imagination, or they are used fictitiously and are definitely fictionalized. Any trademarks or pictures herein are not authorized by the trademark owners and do not in any way mean the work is sponsored by or associated with the trademark owners. Any trademarks or pictures used are specifically in a descriptive capacity.

No portion of this book may be reproduced in any form (electronic or print) without permission from the author. Authors do have permission to reproduce content and or characters they have contributed to this anthology, but may not use or reproduce sections of other authors’ works from this anthology without that author’s permission unless it is to promote the anthology as a whole. Please do not participate in piracy or violating the author’s rights.

Editor: Leanore Elliott

Cover Art: Dreams2media






Sequel to Dual Desires

Dueling Devils M.C. Series


Ardy paid the price for her family’s debt, working for the Dueling Devils M.C. Love was never meant to be part of the deal. But somehow, the dark and dangerous club president, Demon stole her heart. Now, she’s been thrust in to hell fire. The Sidewinders’ personal attack on Demon’s family has the M.C. out for blood. As the rough side of Demon’s lifestyle rears its ugly head, she’s tested to her breaking point.

Consumed with keeping his family safe, Demon is determined to put the Sidewinders in the ground. Focused on revenge, he watches the miles between him and Ardy grow. The. M.C. comes first, but he won’t let Ardy walk away
, now that he’s claimed her. Backed into a corner, he does the only thing he knows how to do, fight his way out.

The Pay Back


Previously in this series….

Dual Desires

he sound of boots coming down the stairs made her tense. She wrapped her arm around Rocket’s shoulder and pressed Harley’s head to her chest. “Remember guys, they can’t get in, okay? We’ll be as quiet as we can and when they get tired of that, they’ll go away.” Ardy prayed the Dueling Devils would get here soon. They were no more than ten minutes away, but time seemed to be moving as slow as freshly tapped molasses.

“Come out, bitch. I know
you’re there! You make this easy and we won’t mark up that pretty face.”

Harley whimpered.

“Shhh, baby, quiet.” Ardy rocked back her and forth. Rocket burrowed his face against her side. The sound of things crashing against the wall made her flinch.

“Where are they? We didn’t see anyone leave,” a muffled voice said.

“Maybe they ran next door from the backyard,” another man said.

“We don’t have time for this. Their boys are on the way.”

“If we go back empty-handed, Pres. is going to hurt us.”

“Better him than the Dueling Devils.” They rummaged through the basement for a few more mi
nutes, then plodded back up the stairs. Ardy took a deep breath and her muscles relaxed.

“We’re going to be okay, guys. Your dad will be here soon.” Crew or not, nothing short of Demon himself would coax her out of here.


*  *  *~


“What the fuck is going on in my house?” Demon jumped from his seat. “I need to leave, now.” He stalked toward the door, leaving the others behind.

“Whoa, what the hell?” Lefty jumped out of the chair.

“You need to finish this up for me. Ardy called, Natasha showed up at the house and then motorcycles came up.”

“Fuck, is she okay?”

“Yeah, they’re in the panic room, but I told them not to come out until I got there. Call the boys, then finish this drop. My family needs me.” He wanted to call, but he didn’t for fear he might alert them. His finger flew over the keys.

Did you make it to the room?

Hours seemed to crawl by. His phone vibrated.


“Understood, brother. I got this covered.” Lefty patted his shoulder.

Demon nodded
and continued his flight from the building like he was on fire. He hopped onto his bike and placed his keys in the ignition. She roared to life and he pulled out of the parking lot with his heart in his throat. The three people in that room owned his heart. If anything happened to them, he’d lose it.

As it was, the bastards declared war. He wouldn’t stop till their blood turned the ground red and their numbers were too low to continue. When they had to disband or start over, he’d make a deal with the dumb fucks left who’d seen what he was capable of. Either way, their president, Louis had to go. He’d tried
the truce with him when he’d discovered the truth about Natasha, the mother of his kids to keep the peace and wrangle an agreement to keep her away for good. When Louis broke that by coming to his house feeling froggy, he’d voided the contract and put his neck on the chopping block.

The ride did nothing to soothe his nerves. Every mile the black tires ate up filled him with dread. By the time he pulled onto his street, familiar motorcycles had lined the driveway. He parked haphazardly at the end of the drive and jogged through the broken front door.

A biker named Sleepy stepped forward. “We looked everywhere for them, but it’s like they disappeared into thin air.”

“It’s okay. I know where they are. Bring everyone top side
,” Demon ordered. The only people who knew about his room were Lefty and the out of town contractors he brought in to do the job. He didn’t want it spread around…it would defeat the purpose. He pulled his phone out of his pocket.

I’m coming down.

He shoved the phone back into his pocket.

“Look, I appreciate you coming out as fast as you did. I’ll handle the rest. We got a war coming. Go back to the clubhouse, prepare and wait for my word. You feel me?”

An echo of yes filled the room
and they trudged out obediently.

Ever since Natasha, he’d been paranoid. It was time they did a clean swee
p of the club, tested loyalties and did some digging into their whereabouts recently. He wanted to tighten the ranks, increase security, then take out the garbage.

Alone in the livin
g room with a doctored door he would have to replace later, he hurried down the stairs of the basement. He knocked on the wood. “Guys, it’s me.”


Ardy’s wavering voice made his guts ache. He ripped the panel off, resting it against the wall.

The door swung open
and he pulled her into his arms, pressing his lips to hers as he claimed her mouth, plundering it like a pirate looting a ship. They broke apart for air and he scanned the area. Harley lay beside her brother on the cot, mouth open.

Probably worn out by all the insanity.

Demon clutched Ardy’s thick locks. “You’re mine, Ardy. We’ve been dancing around our emotions long enough. If anything had happened to you, I would have torn this place apart, brick by brick.” He growled. “That kind of emotion doesn’t just happen every day. I see how you look at me. I know it’s mutual.”

“D, but what about—

“I don’t give a damn about the logistics. You aren’t going anywhere. Your place is here.” Their gazes locked.

She opened and closed her mouth. “But—my family.”

“What about them, Ardy? You can’t put your life on hold forever for them. They’re all grown, or
close enough to it. Their debt is wiped out. They can handle it from here.” He nipped her full bottom lip.

She whimpered.

“Unless you don’t want this?” He pulled back.

“No. I want it.” She cupped his face with her hands.

“Then stay, be my old lady and make a real go of it.”

She studied him from beneath her thick lashes.

“Don’t go, Ardy!” Rocket’s small voice echoed in the room. He’d sat up in the bed.

Little sneak wasn’t sleep after all.

We want you to stay.” Rocket slid off the cot and ran over, wrapping his arms around them both. “I want you to be my mommy, like my friends have.”

jaw dropped. “Rocket, I don’t…D?”

emon smirked. “Great minds think alike, little man. How about we give this thing a chance to grow naturally before we put labels on it?”

Rocket wrinkled his nose. “Okay. But...” His voice shook. “You’ll stay, right?”

Not above using a little dose of guilt to get his way, Demon looked at her. “Right, Ardy?”

She nodded her head. “Yeah, I’ll stay.”

“Good, because everyone’s about to be locked down tighter than Fort Knox. This can’t be left unanswered.” She tensed in his arms. “When they’re asleep for the night, you and I are going to have a long conversation. For now, how about we get out of this room, huh?”

Arty nodded.

Rocket stepped back. “I was scared, Daddy.”

“I know you were
buddy, but you did a great job. I want you to remember this room in case anything ever happens again, okay?”

“Yes, sir.”

Demon smiled, relieved they were all fine, but furious that it ever happened.

The tension in the house was
palpable, as they played nice for the kids. A brother who did construction work came to fix the door Then prospects came to help set the house back the way it had been.

The kids held on until ten when their heavy lids got the best of them and they passed out on the couch. Demon carried them to their bedrooms one by one, tucking them in and kissing their heads. He had boys doing patrols around the house, but he wouldn’t feel right until he got his revenge.
This time, I’m going to put that bitch down for good, too.
He shoved the thoughts to the back of his mind. Now was the time to deal with Ardy. He hadn’t gotten the answer he wanted out of her earlier.
I’ll rectify that now.

He walked to his bed and paused in the doorframe, admiring the way she looked sitting
on the bed freshly showered, clad in a pair of boxer shorts and a tank top. Her hardened nipples poked out. No bra. He bit back a moan. “You ready to talk?” He walked over and sat down on the edge of the bed facing her.

All the stoicism left her expression
and she launched herself into his arms. Silent sobs shook her frame.

He rubbed her back.
“It’s okay, baby girl. I got you.”

“I was so scared, D. I was sure they were
going to come in, take the kids and kill me.”

He clenched his jaw, swallowing the angry words that wouldn’t fly. It wasn’t what she needed. “I’ll never let anything happen to you, Ardy. I don’t know how you did it, but you came into this house and fill
ed all those empty spots, in me…in my kids.” He shook his head. “I’m not good at this shit. I can’t whisper pretty words, but I can promise to protect you for the rest of your life and take care of you.”

She pulled back, wiping at her tears. “I don’t need you to do that.”

“No and that’s part of why I like you so much. Fuck, Ardy. You have to know I’m half in love with you.”

Her eyes grew as round as quarters. “Y—you are?”

“Why else would I be making an ass of myself right now?”

“You’re not.”
She shook her head. “I thought—I hoped, but...You—men like you don’t want women like me.”

“They do if they have any common sense.” He brushed her lips with his thumb. “I got a lot of shit to sort out right now, Ardy. But the one thi
ng I’m sure about is this; I want you to be my old lady, to be mine officially and stay here. What do you want?”

“The same.”

“Then that’s what we’ll have. Later, we’ll go over what happened. But right now, I want to be buried inside my old lady.” He pulled her into a kiss and she sighed, tilting her head and opening her mouth. He took advantage, exploring the moist cavern as he massaged her thighs.

had a long road ahead of them, but that was life in the M.C. Shit fell apart and came together so fast, you barely had time to catch your breath. She dug her fingers into his back and he pulled her onto his lap. Right now, the only thing that mattered was his family.
A smile flickered over his lips. This time, he’d found the right woman to put his trust in. When the smoke cleared from the battle, he’d build the club back up better than before.

She straddled his
thighs and ground into his lap and the world faded into the background.


Just Ninety-Nine Cents


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