Payback With Ya Life

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Authors: Wahida Clark

Tags: #General Fiction, #FIC048000, #cookie429, #Kat, #Extratorrents

BOOK: Payback With Ya Life
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This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is coincidental.

Copyright © 2008 by Wahida Clark

All rights reserved. Except as permitted under the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the publisher.

Grand Central Publishing

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First eBook Edition: May 2008

ISBN: 978-0-446-53731-5



















































Reading Group Guide


About the Author


A Preview of
Thug Lovin'




“Oh my God,” she mumbled as her heart rate sped up.

“Daddy’s home,” Forever said as he stepped inside, shutting and locking the door behind him. “Get that look off your face. And no, I didn’t escape.”

She stood there in an attempt to stand her ground but was scared shitless. “Your brother isn’t here. So you need to leave.”

“What makes you think I came here to see Briggen? I came here to see you.”

“Shouldn’t you be trying to see your wife and child?”

“Baby girl, don’t flatter yourself. I will be paying them a visit. But not until I finish with you . . .”

To all my brothers and sisters on lockdown. Stay up, stay focused and know that this too shall pass.



ll Praise is Forever due to the Creator. I thank Him for everything and pray that He always finds me among His most grateful servants.

Wow! This is my first time writing the acknowledgments section while I am free. Well almost. I’m on home confinement this very moment and being out of prison is a wonderful feeling. My husband, Yah Yah, you are such a blessing. What would I do without you? To our two beautiful daughters, Hasana and Wahida, Mommy is home and we are on our way. Hajj, aka Gina, thank you so much for everything. You’ve been holding it down for a long, long time, as well as Kisha, Samataha, Aisha and the rest of the sisters. Hadid, Hakim, Willie, Hussein and the rest of the brothers. Birdie and Princess, thank you so much for being there for Hasana. I love you sisters for that.

Keisha Caldwell from the D, you know what’s up and you are one sister who always remained the same. Antoinette Boxley, thank you so much for your help with the outline on this one and the original title,
Final Payback
. You worked me hard on this one. Shawn James, I thought
was a done deal. I had no plans for doing a sequel. Ladies in Alderson, Danbury, Tallahassee and prisons throughout the country . . . thank you so much for the continuous love and support. Sis. Aminah Gargani, what’s really good?

I get so much mail asking me to shout them out in my next book, sorry. Those letters are in boxes. I’ll try again next time. But those I can remember: Writa’z BLOC, much love; Latif Lamar, Yalonda Burgess, Kaywan, Ron Red Handed Thompson, Fish, Slymm Brown, Steve Dixon, Doggy Mac, Zach Tate, Fajr Bint, Mike Sanders, Shadee (sorry for doggin’ you out in
). Those names are for starters. My helpers, Intelligent Tareef Allah, thank you so much for your editing skills, Lashawn James, Dee Favors, Pamela Frye, Sylvia Webster, Teresa Hodge, Tamara and Marcus from the D. I can’t leave out the author of
Prison Stories
, Seth “Soul Man” Ferranti. My Web guy Roka, you are the bomb. Lil’ Wahida, thank you again for holding my MySpace page down and keepin’ it hot for a long time. Tru and Teesa of Tru Books in CT.

Y’all be on the lookout for my anthology,
What’s Really Hood? Vol. I
, guest starring Bonta, Victor Martin, Shawn “Jihad” Trump, L. L. Dasher and myself. Y’all are going to love it.

To all of my fellow authors who showed me love as soon as I hit the bricks: Jason Poole, Joe Black, Endy, Crystal Perkins Stell, Treasure E. Blue, Noire, Cash, Kiki, Swinson, Nikki Turner, TuShonda Whittaker, T. Styles, Tracy Brown, Danielle Santiago and Valencia Williams, but a very special shout-out to Kwan, Erik Gray and J. M. Benjamin. Those brothers were the very first to stop by and showed this sister lots of love. It was real.

To my editorial director, Karen Thomas. My Shero. Thank you for believing in me. That sister is tha bomb, y’all. I can’t leave out her busy assistant, Latoya Smith. Thank you, ladies. For everything.

Marc Gerald, my agent. Thank you for everything and looking forward to taking it to the next level.

To my production editor, Mari Okuda, you run a tight ship but I love your work.

Oh, my mama, Berta, Aunt Ann, Aunt Ginger, Aunt Marva, Aunt Sis, cousins Carla, Rob and Brother Melvin. Thanks for years of support while I was in the belly of the beast.

To my special friend and publicist, Jerry, aka Courtney Moran, aka Al-Jermiqua. I got a lotta love for you. Jon “Barney” Jones, let’s make it happen. Paula Edwards, Cyrus Webb. Thank you, vendors and bookstores, for selling my books.
Black Issues Book Review
Don Diva
. . . I’m back!

Last but definitely not least, to my fans: I love y’all and I love writing the books that make you want to laugh, cry, beg me for the characters’ phone numbers, the whole nine. Thank you so much for the continued love and support.

Peace and Love

Wahida Clark

The Queen of Thug Love Fiction


PO Box 8520

Newark NJ 07108

[email protected]


Holla at ya girl!!!



he image of yellow tape and bystanders began to fade as Shan’s eyes were glued to the rearview mirror as the thought of Brianna being gone forever twisted up her insides. The only thing she had now was the memories of her road dawg, her sister, her best friend . . . Brianna was gone. “Why, B? This can’t be happening.” She slowly turned the corner and was lost in thought. Then minutes later she pulled up into a busy Memphis service station on Chelsea. This joint was always jumpin’. They called it “In and Out” as well as “The Corner Grocery.” She needed to gas up, get some more snacks and call her brother, Peanut.

She flipped open her cell phone and dialed her brother. Apparently he checked the caller ID because he started screaming on her as soon as he answered it.

“Yo, I was hoping you changed your mind. Why you gotta be so damned hardheaded? Way the fuck out in California, and driving on top of that! How the fuck am I supposed to be able to look out for you?” He spazzed out on her.

“She’s dead, Peanut,” she whispered.

“What? I can’t hear you.”

“She’s dead . . . Brianna. She’s gone.”

“Yo, back up. And speak up, maine.” His Memphis accent was no longer subtle.

Shan let out a huge sigh. “I said she’s dead, Peanut. Brianna is dead.”

“What? W-what happened? What are you talking about?” Peanut didn’t want to believe what he was hearing.

Shan swallowed and exhaled before speaking. “She took her own life, Peanut. My girl blew her own brains out.” Shan started talking to herself, now oblivious to Peanut being on the line. “I can’t believe those words are coming out of my mouth. I wasn’t there for her. Why didn’t she say something when she came to see me?” She swiped at the tears that were streaming down her cheeks. “Why would she go out like that?”

“Shan,” Peanut yelled into the phone. “Where are you? How did you find this out?” Peanut was pacing back and forth. “Aww damn. No, not Brianna. Are you sure?” His voice cracked. Even though he was mad at her for doing him dirty, by setting him up to be robbed, he couldn’t deny he still had love for her.

“I wasn’t there for her, Peanut,” Shan mumbled, ignoring her only brother.

“Where are you, Shan? I’m coming to get you. Where is Brianna?”

“You wasn’t there for her neither and now she’s gone,” Shan sobbed.

“Shan. Where the fuck are you?” he pleaded. “Come on, baby girl. Tell your big brother where you are.”

“It doesn’t matter. I’m out.”

“What you mean it doesn’t matter? This shit doesn’t make any sense. You mean to tell me that our sister Brianna is dead, and she killed herself? Come at me better than that.”

“It is what it is, Peanut. I’m out of here. Don’t worry about me, I’ll be fine. I’m grown, remember? Plus, I’m already on the road.”

“Well get off the fuckin’ road and come back home. How the fuck you gonna up and leave after this shit? You don’t need to be leaving like this.”

“I’ll call you every couple of hours.” She ended the call and turned off her phone.

“Shan! Shan!” Peanut yelled before he threw the phone at the wall.

Shan got out of the car and filled up her tank. Placing the nozzle back into its slot, she headed inside. The scent of grilled hot dogs smacked her in the face and made her nauseous. She grabbed a handbasket and a few napkins and covered her nose.

She began walking the aisles, filling up the basket with graham crackers, smoked turkey, bagels, cream cheese, orange juice, ginger ale and a few pieces of fresh fruit. She backtracked and threw in paper cups, napkins, plates and plasticware. She paid for the items along with the gas and headed for her car.

After she got everything situated, she slumped into the driver’s seat and squeezed her eyes shut. She began to tremble. She saw Brianna. Her face was crystal clear. She had this huge smile on her face.

“B, why the fuck are you smiling?” Shan screamed. “Bitch, you left me here and think the shit is funny? Why the fuck did you blow your brains out? Was life that bad, B? You took the sucka’s way out! Why, B? You could have waited a few more hours. I was coming for you!” She reached in the bag that she had packed for Brianna. “See?” she yelled out. “I was coming to get you. You could have waited. We was going to Hollywood, bitch!” She began pulling the clothes out of the bag. “Look at this, B. I was coming for you. Me and you. I forgave you.

“Peanut is home now, B. I had so much to tell you, about the setup, Forever and Briggen being fuckin’ blood brothers and I’m getting ready to be a mommy,” she sobbed as she smoothed out Brianna’s clothes as if she were getting ready to put them on. “You were getting ready to be an auntie, bitch. See what you are going to miss out on!” she screamed. “That nigga Forever, he wanted me to get an abortion. But I said, ‘Fuck him.’ I’m a rida. I don’t need him to help me with my baby. If he wants to be a fuckin’ sperm donor, so what! It’s his loss. Between me, his uncle and auntie, this baby will be spoiled rotten and won’t want for nothing. B, I was feelin’ Forever. But he was only playin’ me to get his dick wet and to get paid. I still can’t believe I was that dumb. Shit’s really been crazy.” She wiped her tears away and continued to talk. “And that bitch Nyla, I know she was behind the setup. I bet you could have brought that bitch for a penny when I didn’t show up. Good lookin’, B.

“Oh wait.” Shan grabbed her bag and pulled out an envelope. “This is the letter that you sent me. I was so mad at you that I never bothered to open it. I brought it with me so that you could read it to me while I drove.” Her hands were shaking as she opened up the envelope, pulled out the letter and saw the check for seven thousand dollars. “Damn you, Brianna.” She gritted her teeth as she looked at the check again. She proceeded to read the letter. After she finished she balled it up and threw it forcefully at the window. Then she began banging on the steering wheel and screaming.

She was unaware of the figure standing in front of her window tapping on the glass. “Shan! Shan!” Briggen looked at the bags sprawled across the front seat.
Where the fuck is she off to?
He felt his heart rate speed up. “Shan!” He banged harder on the glass. “Open the door!” he ordered.

She looked up at him and like a robot she unlocked the door. He snatched it open. “Are you hurt? What the fuck is going on?” He was looking her over for signs of foul play. He breathed a sigh of relief when she appeared to be fine . . . physically. But emotionally, he sensed that she wasn’t right. “Where are you on your way to?” he gently asked her.

“Why?” she snapped. “And where did you come from?”

“What do you mean why? I did you a favor, remember? I’m on your team. If you’re gettin’ ready to bounce at least you can tell me.”

She glared up at him, embarrassed to be caught like this. “Where did you come from, Calvin?” She called him by his government name.

“You in my hood, Shan. I have businesses in this area, remember? I own this gas station.” He smirked. “So, can you tell me where are you on your way to?”

“It’s none of your concern, Briggen, so what difference does it make?”

He took a handkerchief out of his back pocket, squatted down and began to dry her face. “You’re in no shape to be on the road. Look at you. You got your shit all packed. I’m worried about you. What the fuck has you so upset?”

She took the handkerchief from him and blew her nose. “I’m okay,” she blurted unconvincingly.

“Woman, please. Like hell you are. You’re gonna tell me something. Who and what are you running from?”

“I told you, it’s none of your business. Now can you please move so that I can be on my way?”

“I ain’t going nowhere until you tell me where you’re going and why you look like you’re having a nervous breakdown.”

She sucked her teeth and blushed once again from embarrassment as she went to start the engine. He snatched the keys out of her hand.

“What do you think you’re doing, Briggen?” She was almost screaming.

“If you want to be on your merry way, then I suggest you start talking.”

“Unngghh,” she growled. “You are such a pain in the ass, Briggen,” she pouted as she banged her head back against the headrest. “Since you must know, I’m moving to the West Coast and my best friend just blew her fuckin’ brains out. There! Now can I have my keys?”

“Who you talking about? Which girl? The one I met at the club?”

She nodded her head yes and the tears began flowing once again.

“Damn. That’s fucked up. I’m sorry to hear that.” He used his thumbs to dry more tears off her cheeks. “Why the West Coast? That’s kind of far, isn’t it? You got peoples out there?” She shook her head no. “Nobody?”

“No, Briggen. I just need to get as far away from here as possible. I need a fresh start.”

“Baby, that’s too far. Plus you don’t know anybody. I’m not feelin’ that at all, Shan. And you’re driving? Nah, I ain’t feelin’ that.”

“I didn’t ask you how you felt about it.”

“I still ain’t with that. It’s too far, and you’re traveling by yourself? That’s not a smart move, baby girl. Don’t you think you should rethink this? At least for a week or two. Give yourself a chance to get your head right. Fo’real. You really need to rethink this. You are not in your right mind.” He began thinking out loud. “Nah. You can’t have these keys back.” He stood up and yelled, “Hey, Woo! Come here, maine.”

Shan jumped out of the car and began following him. “Briggen, give me my damn keys. You ain’t my damn daddy.” She was trying to grab them out of his hands. He threw them to Woo, who snatched them out of the air. “Briggen, now . . . is . . . not the time,” she stammered. “Why are you doing this?”

“Somebody has to do it. You’re not being rational.”

“Rational!” she screeched as she screwed her face up. “Spell rational! Nigga, I am a grown-ass woman.”

“So? You’re still not being rational.” He grabbed her hand. “Get into my car. Woo is gonna drive yours and follow us.”

“Follow? Nigga, you have lost your fuckin’ mind. Give me my damn keys, Briggen.” She stomped in place as he held open the passenger door to his Denali. “I’m not going nowhere with you. Remember what happened the last time I was with you!” She was referring to the ass-whooping his girls had put on her at his club.

“Seriously, baby girl. We need to map out a plan. You can’t just up and go somewhere without having a plan. What’s the rush? The West Coast ain’t goin’ nowhere. We need to map shit out.”

“We? We? We need to map shit out? When did you learn French?
don’t need to do shit. You can get the fuck on so I can go on about mine.” She was still standing in her same spot looking like a spoiled brat who was just told that she couldn’t go outside to play.

“After I’m sure that you got a plan you can get your keys back. Now come on, get in my ride, it’s starting to rain,” he commanded.

a plan, Briggen.” She turned to Woo, who was getting into her car. “Can I have my keys please?” Briggen smiled at her, not wanting to believe he was going to get a second chance with her. He slammed the door and locked it. “Come on, Shan. Get in now. It’s raining.” Briggen watched her as she stomped over to the Denali and climbed in.

After they had been driving for ten minutes in silence, she asked, “Where are we going?”

“To my place. Why?”

“Well, how far is it? I need to use the bathroom.”

A few minutes later Briggen pulled into a Waffle House on Raleigh Street in Lagrange.

“I need my cell phone.”

“Where is it?”

“In my car.”

“I’ll get that while you use the restroom.”

She sucked her teeth and rolled her eyes at him. “I’m sure you will.” She got out and slammed the door.

When she came out of the bathroom, Briggen was standing at her car talking to Woo. He passed her the cell phone.

“Glad you rejoined us. I was wondering if you were going to jump out the back window and try to escape. What happened? They got bars on the window? And you look like you saw a ghost.” Woo was trying not to laugh at Briggen’s wisecracks.

Shan ignored him and headed to the Denali. As soon as she got in she called Peanut.

“Yo, Shan. Where the fuck are you?” Peanut barked into the phone. “You need to stop bullshittin’ around. I’m worried about you, maine.”

“Peanut, I’m bleeding. It’s coming out in clots,” she whispered as she looked out the side view mirror for Briggen. “Meet me at the emergency room. I think I lost the baby.”

“What baby?”

“I’m pregnant, Peanut.”

“Pregnant? By who? How? When the fuck was you gonna tell your brother? And don’t say it’s by that nigga at the prison!” he screamed on her.

“Okay . . . I won’t say it then.”

“I’ma kill that nigga and all of his family!”

“Peanut, stop it. Just meet me at the hospital.” Briggen jumped in the ride just as she ended the call. “I need you to take me to the hospital. I still have to make my doctor’s appointment.”

“Hospital? What’s wrong?”

“I’m scheduled for a physical. My job requires it before I transfer.”

“Why at the hospital?” Briggen was skeptical.

“My doctor’s office is on Med Place, Briggen. That’s why. Now do you need any more info? If not then drop me off and I’ll call you when I’m finished. It’ll give me some time to clear my head.”

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