Payback With Ya Life (19 page)

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Authors: Wahida Clark

Tags: #General Fiction, #FIC048000, #cookie429, #Kat, #Extratorrents

BOOK: Payback With Ya Life
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“Peanut, nooo let . . . me . . . explain.”

He took that last thrust and rammed it the rest of the way in, causing her once again to scream out in agonizing pain.

“Just like with my sister the hard part is over now.” He gripped her hips tighter and was thrusting so hard he was lifting her feet off the floor.

Even though she was sobbing loudly he kept punishing her asshole. He wouldn’t let up. On top of that, her ass to his surprise was wet and juicy. “How does it feel to you? I feel a nut c-comin’ on.” He pounded into her ass and pulled out, nuttin’ all over her ass cheeks and back.

He stood there, grabbed up her baby tee and as her body was wracked by sobs he wiped his dick off.

“Peanut, I’m sorry. I was vulnerable and desperate. I didn’t know what else to do. Please listen to me, dammit!” she pleaded. “I gave up so much to be with you.” She could barely stand up, but she wanted desperately to stop him from leaving. She needed him to listen to her. But her steps were slowed down from the pain of that horrific ass-fucking. She glanced over at the mirror and her face was smeared with black streaks of makeup. Her eyes and nose were so red and puffy from crying that she could barely keep them open. Her hair was all over her head. She could feel the bruises beginning to form on the inside of her thighs.

She grabbed his arm and he turned and looked at her in disgust.

He grabbed his jacket without saying a word.

“I gave up a lot to be with you.” She stood up slowly and in pain, looking a whole mess.

“So what you’re basically trying to tell me is that all of this is karma? Bitch, fuck you.”

“Peanut wait . . . don’t go,” she screamed. “Please. Don’t leave me like this.”

Peanut turned and walked away, slamming the door behind him. She knew he was walking out of her life.



nh, unh, unh, unh! Man, I don’t even know how to break this to you.”

Melky had been watching Tami for the past three days, and he was now sitting down the street watching Woo’s house. Briggen’s gut instincts were telling him that Tami was up to something, but he didn’t know exactly what.

Briggen had taken a liking to Melky when Melky pulled his coattail about one of his workers being grimey. Before Briggen could take care of the situation, Melky had already disposed of the worker. From that point on, Melky had been on his team.

Both Briggen and Forever had taken a liking to Melky and his brother Skye. And instead of Brig and Ever opening themselves up to be robbed by them, they would use them or put them to work. Skye was all right with it because he could unload the dope that he would jack and Melky thought their arrangement was a lovely thing. It made him feel part of the streets again even with him being paralyzed from the waist down.

“What it do, Melk?” Briggen was impatient.

“This bitch just came out of the house crying and screaming, ‘I never should have fucked with that nigga.’ ” Melky did his best imitation of a girl’s voice. “Now what nigga she talkin’ about I don’t know but she been in there for the last two hours.”

“In where?” Briggen was now rattled.

“In Woo’s, nigga.”

“Woo’s? I just spoke to that nigga.”
No wonder that bitch wasn’t answering her phone. Dirty bitch. Ain’t this some shit! And they think they playin’ me?

“Man, I’m telling you she been in there for the last couple of hours. I’m sittin’ on his block right now. She still sittin’ in her car. You want me to roll up on her ass?”

“Naw, man.” He knew Melky wouldn’t hesitate to roll up on her and split her wig back. “You did good, lil’ nigga. I’ll handle it from here.”

“Anytime, dawg. Hit me up. You know I’m about my bread and I’ll put in work.”

Briggen hung up, leaned back into his chair and burst into laughter. He laughed long and hard for a good while. He couldn’t even tell anybody this newest chain of events because they would think he was making the shit up, or even better, they would say he was gettin’ what he deserved. Haters!
Niggas needed to learn to hate the game and not the player.

He was sitting in his office at the club going over some of the videotapes. He liked to stay up on who was parlaying at his club. With who, how often and what they were doing. He had several disguised cameras throughout the club. The majority of them only he knew about and only he could access with a special code.

His mind was still on Woo and Tami’s betrayal. He was half watching the videotape but he became totally focused when he caught a glimpse of two people. He stopped the tape, hit rewind and let the tape roll. He was glued to the screen and couldn’t blink. What he saw on the camera that covered the stockroom sealed the deal that he was about to make with the devil. Sharia was leaning up against cases of liquor; her head was rolling side to side as Woo was on his knees eating her pussy as if his life depended on it. She was serving up the same sexy moans and grinds that she gave him.
He shut his eyes tight. He refused to watch it go any further. He turned the recorder off and chuckled.
That nigga always talkin’ about he don’t eat pussy. Leave it to Sharia to turn his bitch ass out.

. He hadn’t even seen that shit coming. He remembered Forever telling him that Woo wanted to be him, wanted what he had, and for Briggen to watch his back.
And now look. The nigga is fuckin’ two of my bitches? Don’t muthafuckas know that I’m not to be fucked with? They must have forgot. I guess it’s time to remind them who I am. They want to play? We can play but there can only be one winner . . . me!

“You mad at me?” Shan was holding her breath as she twirled one of her locks around her finger mercilessly.

“What you think, Shan?” Peanut growled. “Go ahead. Tell me what the fuck you think! You doin’ some reckless shit. Here I am doing all I can to protect you and for what?”

“Protect me from what, Peanut?”

“These damn streets, girl. What the fuck you think?”

“You trippin’. I made a mistake.”

“Girl, shut. The. Fuck. Up, with that bullshit. A mistake is when you accidentally dent a car or step on somebody’s toe. This shit is beyond a fuckin’ mistake.”

“What you want me to say? Damn. I’m sorry.”

“Uh-uh. Sorry ain’t gonna cut it. Naw, it’s what I want you to
, gotdammit.”

“Okay, but why you gotta talk to me like that? What you want me to do, Peanut?” She was feeling bad for letting her brother down. She had always felt obligated to do the things that would make him proud of her. “Can you calm down a little bit?”

“Hell no! Because when a nigga calm down with yo’ ass you go and do dumb shit. Like all this sneaking around, lying, hidin’ shit like you ten or something.” Peanut was heated and there was no mistake about it. She knew that he was about to blow his lid. “Look, Shan, we a team, baby girl. I ain’t the enemy. But you got to get rid of this cat Briggen. Something ain’t right. Leave the nigga alone.”

“Hold up, Peanut. What does he have to do with this?”

“You gonna make me beat yo’ ass, girl. What the fuck is the matter with you? Don’t make me come up there and drag yo’ ass back to Memphis. I’ll do it and won’t think twice about it,” he threatened.

“I done had it with all this chastising you call yourself doing. You are not my daddy and I am not a fuckin’ child. I’m grown as hell.”

“Shit, you don’t act like it. Look, I’m just trying to look out for you. All Briggen is doing is using you just like the rest of his hoes.”

“Is that what you think? You talkin’ about some shit you don’t even know anything about. All of them hoes work for him. It’s just business.”

“Business! You big dummy!” He shut up to allow his words to sink in. “Business? If you call fuckin’ them business, then I’m in the wrong one. Listen, do you know what comes with the territory of being a hustler’s wife? Do you?” he yelled at her. “You see the outcome every time you go to work, or pass a funeral home. You couldn’t possibly be that fuckin’ blind.”

“Boy, I suggest that you calm the fuck down. I done told you I am grown. You think I’m actually listening to you with all this hollering you’re doing?”

“You so grown but yet you’re fuckin’ your life up! Leaving that nigga alone, now that’s being grown.” It got quiet. “Hello, hello!” Then he heard the dial tone. “I know her ass didn’t just hang up on me.” Peanut slammed the phone down.

“Tami, why the fuck you ain’t answering your phone!” Woo snapped.

“Why you sweatin’ me, Woo? I told you shit ain’t happening with us no more. It’s over.”

“Bitch, please. Don’t flatter yourself. I hit it and quit it . . . next!” Woo said laughing. “No, fo’real, I was callin’ to reason with you. You should think about what is going to happen once you tell that nigga about us fuckin’. It’s going to fuck everything up. And I can’t let you do that.”

“Nigga, your dick game ain’t all of that, so don’t flatter yourself. And who you think you’re talkin’ to? You Benson-ass nigga. I admit that this shit is my own fault. I played myself, fuckin’ with the help. I ain’t worried about what Briggen gone say or do. He don’t own me. I was fuckin’ both of y’all. I got what I wanted and needed. You’ve already been dissed and dismissed.”

“The help? Bitch, you got me fucked up. Help? Woo ain’t never been the help, I—” All he heard was dial tone. “I’ma fuck this bitch up!” Woo redialed her number only to get the voice mail. He hung up and began pacing the floor. Fifteen minutes later he was dialing Briggen.

Briggen checked his caller ID and saw that it was Woo and decided not to pick up. He wasn’t ready to speak to him just yet. An hour later the phone rang again. He checked the caller ID and it was Tami.

“Look at these muhfuckas trying to cover their tracks,” he sneered, still not answering. He wasn’t ready to talk to her neither. They say that
Payback is a Mutha
, so he knew he needed to hit the both of them where it hurt.

The next time the phone rang, the caller ID read Silk. Briggen, who was chillin’ at what he and Shan called his city beach house, picked up the phone. “What up, dawg?” he greeted his family.

“Where you at, nigga? Woo been tryna reach you. He got some info for you. That info you been dyin’ to get.”

“Why he ain’t tell you then?”

“He said you need to hear this shit, hot off the press and straight outta the donkey’s mouth.” Silk chuckled at his own attempt at a joke.

“Aiight, maine. I’ll call him now.” Briggen hung up and dialed Woo, who answered on the first ring.

“Yo, I’ve been trying to hit you up. Where you at? You spoke to Silk?”

“I’m chillin’, what’s the word?” Briggen braced himself for the bullshit as he leaned back massaging the Ben Wa balls.

“When is the last time you talked to Tami?” Woo tried to mask his excitement. “She on some bullshit and I didn’t want you to get caught slippin’.”

“Oh yeah? What’s the deal?”

“Check it. The deal is that she and Sharia was behind that drive-by at the mall.”

It took a minute before what Woo said sunk in. Till this day, he had never found out who was behind the hit that had him laid up in a hospital bed. That very same drive-by could have killed him and Shan. The thought of it put a nasty taste in his mouth. He was hoping this nigga was really going all out to cover his tracks. Because he knew firsthand how bad he wanted to know who was behind that drive-by. And here all of this time . . . Briggen had to admit this was a low blow. I mean accusing Tami and Sharia of trying to take him out? And what a coincidence that he’s fucking both of them. The plot was definitely thickening.

“You still there? I know a nigga is shocked. Hell, so am I,” Woo said.

“Where you get this info from and how accurate is it?”

Woo began breakin’ it all down to him. He had way too many intimate details. So much so that he could have been in on it. For once, Briggen was absolutely speechless. After he hung up all he could do was sit there and stare into space and plot his next move.

Three days later . . .

Sharia was trying to figure out what she could get into for the day. She didn’t have to be at the club until six so she wanted to chill out. She picked up her phone to check her voice mail. Thoughts of her and Briggen going on a nice cruise filled her head. She smiled but then immediately began to frown and the hair began to stand up on her neck when she heard Tami’s voice.

“Hey girl, it’s me. Just wanted to put you up on the latest. Somebody is
and it ain’t me. Is it you?” Sarcasm dripping throughout her voice. “If so . . . you did that!” Her tone far from sounding sincere.

Sharia immediately clicked out of voice mail and dialed Tami’s number with trembling hands.
What the fuck is she talking about?

“Pregnant? Who the fuck is pregnant? It ain’t me. This nigga done got somebody pregnant?” Sharia was mumbling as well as getting pissed off because Tami wouldn’t answer her phone. She decided to call Mia; she needed to get to the bottom of this immediately. Bad enough Briggen was fuckin’ all of them. Now someone was pregnant and it wasn’t her and it wasn’t Tami.
It’s that day care bitch. Her sneaky ass. All she wants to do is keep Briggen sniffin’ up her ass. She needs to grow the fuck up and get this money like the rest of us


“Mia, this Sharia. I just got a message from Tami—”

“Look, I already heard.” Mia wasted no time cutting Sharia off. “And like I told Tami’s messy ass, it’s none of y’alls business. And if I was pregnant, I wouldn’t have told y’all no way. Y’all bitches worried about the wrong thing. Find something to do. Plus, you are callin’ the wrong person because if y’all wanted to know so bad, call Briggen up and ask him.”
. She hung up on Sharia.

“That bitch!” Sharia ranted. “If she ain’t pregnant and Tami ain’t, then who the fuck is?” Sharia bounced up and began pacing back and forth across her brand-new carpet. “Damn it!” she spat. “This bitch done messed up my whole day.” She went to the phone and tried to catch Tami again, but all she got was her voice mail. Still pacing back and forth, she almost jumped out of her skin when the front door popped open. When she saw him a snarl spread across her face. She wanted him to know that she was pissed off and wanted him to ask why, just so she could spaz out on him.

“I forgot you had a key. You haven’t used it in God knows when.” She folded her arms across her chest.

He didn’t bother to respond, and she watched him head straight for the stairwell. She recalled the day when his handsome ass swooped her off her feet, rocked her world and loved her to death. But she had to admit that it was strange to her that she couldn’t remember the day when he stopped loving her. Or the day that she felt he no longer loved her. Or the day that their relationship turned all business.

She watched him as he came down the stairs carrying a duffel bag and strolled into the kitchen. He came out carrying bottled water, staring at her. She could tell that there was something different about his demeanor. But as usual she didn’t know what it was. She always had a hard time reading him. Then he sat the duffel bag on the couch next to him, tossed a folder on the coffee table, pulled out a pen and set it on top of the folder. “I need you to sign these papers.”

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