Penny and Her Peculiar Problems

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Authors: Kelsey Charisma

Tags: #rough fuck adult erotica sex rough dominate

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Penny and Her Peculiar Problems



Kelsey Charisma






Kelsey Charisma on Smashwords


Penny and Her Peculiar Problems

Copyright © 2013 by Kelsey Charisma



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When Penny woke up to a
fright, she found something in her room that could not possibly
exist. Yet her curiosity got the best of her until she was
hopelessly attached to the adorable thing and didn’t want to let





Other Titles by Kelsey


























Penny woke up to a soft tap on her foot. She
quickly sat in bed, searching the dark where she felt the rap.
There was nothing, not even a depression in the quilt. Then a thud
made her jump. She heard shuffling across the floor, and the moment
she thought she saw a shadow, it disappeared. Unquestionably
something was in her room with her and it ran off because she
gasped when she bolted upright.

To cover her naked body, Penny lifted her
covers over her nipples and creamy, large tits. After startling
awake, Penny felt oddly vulnerable and wanted to protect her most
susceptible places. It didn’t matter that she believed the intruder
to be of a furry kind. She tugged the white cotton up to her chin
and lay back down. Slowly her heartbeat returned to normal, but she
still stared in the corner where she last saw the shadow.

For the longest time there was nothing. But
then she saw it. Something hid on the floor right behind the light
of the moonbeam. While in the dark and without her glasses, she
couldn’t be certain what it was, but whatever the thing, it was
tall. She squinted, silently watching it practically waddle from
one shadow to another, always staying behind soft rays of light. In
the blackest part of her room she lost sight of the thing. A full
minute passed, and then another, and she still didn’t see her
intruder. Right when she was sure she was alone again and shrugged
off the encounter, believing it found its way out, she saw the
critter again.

On the floor, where she stacked all her
bolsters and throw pillows, the creature inched up the steep slopes
like a caterpillar or hobbled easily if the cushion lay flat. It
even hopped after rocking back and forth to cross small gaps. The
behavior was peculiar, and she watched while intrigued by how cute
its eccentricities. The poor thing was trying so hard to climb the
soft mountain, and little by little it conquered each obstacle.

The shadow reached her bed, and instead of
being nervous, Penny was still inquisitive. Instead of hopping onto
her bed, however, the dark critter ducked out of sight. Penny could
no longer spy on it threw squinting eyes. The clever creature
tricked her, because the next thing she knew she felt it spring
onto her bed from behind her. The only reason she didn’t
immediately fly out of her bed was because the skittish thing would
disappear before she even got a glimpse. She was curious how a
shadow could have such a long shape, and she certainly didn’t see
paws. So she lay still, waiting for it to creep around her feet so
she could get a good look.

Her plan was dashed when the critter indeed
came into view, but the sneaky thing was under her blankets. Penny
didn’t deny its craftiness if victoriously mounting her bed, but
the lost creature turned left between her feet and started heading
toward her knees.

She spread her legs, not wanting the thing
to touch her. Suddenly the cuteness didn’t matter, and Penny sat
up, cupping her hand over her pussy for protection. The bulge in
the bedding froze, and even when she began to gather her quilt with
one hand it remained motionless. Penny gathered and gathered,
folding mounds of cotton onto her lap, but right before the covers
exposed her knees, the swell flattened and the thing was gone.

“What?” she whispered confused. Penny
hurriedly lifted the heap, exposing her pussy for just one moment,
but apparently that was all it took. Not a second after, she felt a
hard tap against her feminine mound. She threw off the covers as it
rammed against her again.

Penny was shocked to see a bronze, fuzzy
scrotum the size of two tennis balls. A long shaft with a sun
kissed tip rolled back its balls and then thrust forward, striking
her bare folds again. Penny was so stunned, she crawled backwards
to get away from the peculiar animal.

Before her back hit the headboard, the penis
quickly hobbled on its balls in chase. At the last moment, it bent
low to ram her vagina a fourth time.

Then fear was replaced with fascination.
Despite seeing a disembodied penis that was at least ten inches
long, she wasn’t afraid of it. She knew it was crazy to believe a
cock would come and visit her, but the thought was quickly replaced
by curiosity of its mechanics. The animated dick seemed to have
muscle in its large sack because she could see the scrotum flex to
move back and forth while the tip pounded her, trying to enter.
With more strength than Penny would expect, the cock had a powerful

But he was easily stopped. Penny simply put
her hand over her pussy, preventing him from being successful, and
he ceased his pummeling.

Out of curiosity, she reached out with her
other hand to touch it. The penis brushed up against her fingers,
loving her petting. Penny marveled over its silky skin. The dick
felt lifelike, yet she knew it couldn’t be possible. With naughty
interest, Penny dared to wrap her hand around the middle where the
girth was widest. The cock twitched with delight when she squeezed.
Loving the firmness in her hand, she tugged and watched the smooth
skin move with her hand. The delicate flesh gathered at the ridge
and even surpassed the sensitive crest. The stiff cock shivered
which started at its base and vibrated up to the tip.

“You really like this,” Penny said, and
freely stroked up and down once again. No sooner than she fondled
the cock for a third slow tug, the increasingly violent trembling
reaching its cock head, the thing suddenly froze. Its balls
tightened, and drops of milky-white cum shot out. The cock writhed,
clearly having a climactic finish. She squeezed her fist around the
shaft, tugged a little faster, and watched it spasm and ejaculate
throughout its orgasm.

Penny grinned, because once again its entire
body became still. The shaft was completely covered in its sticky
cream. And when she let go, the penis stiffly fell back onto the
bed, spent.

Penny watched the Penis lay on the bed. The
short lived fondling made her wonder if the caressing was a first
for the penis. Once she decided, she was certain the virgin just
had its first hand job.

“You poor thing. You were starving for
attention.” Penny said, feeling a little sorry for it. She quickly
decided to show it more affection. With one finger, Penny stroked
its shaft. Once again, Penny became impressed by the realistic
feel. This time its juice amazed her. As far as Penny was
concerned, the penis was real as she.

While the wilting cock slowly became flaccid
and its foreskin finally covered its head, Penny noticed her soiled
sheet, seeing a trail of dirt. Numerous spots from two balls
muddied her linens in a line that led to her vagina.

, you tracked dirt all over my
bed,” she complained, and got up in a tiff. There was only one
thing to do in a situation like this. She’d have to give her penis
a bath and then change the bedding before going back to sleep.

Penny picked up her peculiar pet. He limply
lay in her hands, and when she brought him to her chest, he nuzzled
between her breasts, using her soft mound as pillow. She smiled,
because the content thing looked completely at home.

“Well aren’t you cute,” she crooned, and
almost instantly became attracted to the helpless creature that
clearly needed her tender, loving care. “You’ve come to the right
girl, because I’m going to take really good care of you.”

With a smile, Penny took her new penis into
her bathroom and began to fill the tub with perfectly hot water. He
remained still her hand, and she let him sleep while she watched
him cozy up to her tit. Apparently, nestled between her tits was
the perfect padding to be comfortable. And most likely, the penis
was enjoying a satisfactory rest after what looked like a damn good

Naked Penny stepped into the tub, with her
penis cupped in her hands. The steam of the water must have woken
him because her penis twitched and lifted its head from her pillow
mound. Then the cock dove into the bath. He floated, with its balls
weighing it down slightly. However, the shaft and head was buoyant
enough the dick rolled around, clearly enjoying the warm bath. Its
balls began to drop, as they do when hot. Unfazed by the heat, he
continued to splash around.

“You’re quite a character,” she said, as she
watched him. The longer he swam, the more Penny felt attached. With
each passing minute, Penny decided the thing belonged to her, and
her new pet needed a name. “Yes, you definitely need a name.”

Her penis stopped rotating, its balls sank
yet further, until only his head bobbed above the waterline.
Clearly, the thing was interested in her conversation. “Even though
you’re cute, and deserve an adorable name, I think I’ll call you
Rod, short for Rodney. It’s the best name on earth, and it’s
fitting, right? Because you’re a rod.” She sniggered, and the penis
happily went back to flexing its shaft to roll in tight

Penny picked up her coconut soap, and read
the label aloud for her new pet. “Freely pour the rich, creamy body
wash in your hand to indulge in this delicious aroma. While you
anticipate a relaxing massage, wet skin thoroughly. Then gently rub
on your skin, and have a deliciously cleansing experience. Rinse
and repeat as often as you’d like.” Penny looked up at her penis,
and laughed. “Well, that’s a very sexually charged suggestion. But
at least it doesn’t warn about staying away from sensitive areas,
like really big penises that wander into your bedroom at

She plucked her penis out of the water, set
him on her lap, and then lathered the yummy soap in her hands. With
gentle care around his sack, she slowly worked the suds in,
smoothing his fine layer of peach fuzz at the very bottom where it
walked. Rodney apparently liked the small circles she made, because
once again he began to harden. Despite the heat, her penis became
tense everywhere, even in his sack. The thick shaft soon engorged
and rock hard. Still Penny cleaned and caressed her way around his
dirty balls. After a good lather she rinsed him and started all
over. This time, the soap washed away the smell of soil and instead
he had the scent of coconut. The body wash covered him in bubbles,
and Penny was positive she’d never seen anything so cute her

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