Penthouse of pleasure - uncertain desire (German Edition) (17 page)

BOOK: Penthouse of pleasure - uncertain desire (German Edition)
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A few minutes later I’m standing at the front door again, ringing the bell. A small part of me is hoping that Marcus still isn’t back. A substantially larger part is hungry and has to hit the can.

“Hallo?” Marcus’s voice over the intercom sounds irritated.

I sigh. “Hi. It’s me. Can you let me in, please? I don’t have a key!”

“Why should I? Didn’t you make it quite clear that you don’t want to spend your precious time with me?!” Marcus responds.

“For Christ’s sake, man, don’t be such an idiot. Just open the door!” I say.

“What do I get in return?” he wants to know.

“My everlasting gratitude!” I roll my eyes. Why, of all those three, does it have to be Marcus who’s always at home? I would gladly trade him in for Liam or Alex without a second thought.

“How about a blow job in return? I actually quite enjoyed your little number over dinner the other night,” resounds from the intercom.

“Shush,” I say because right at that moment a mother is pushing her pram past our house. Her eyes wide open, she looks at me in horror and shakes her head. She must have overheard what Marcus said. How embarrassing!

“Could we possibly discuss this in private? There are other people right here,” I say in a muffled voice.

The buzzer answers my question.


Marcus is leaning against the door to the penthouse and grins when I step out of the elevator.

“What?” I ask.

“I knew you’d be back!”

“Didn’t have much of a choice, did I? I sure wouldn’t be here if I had an alternative. At least not when you’re the only one around!”

“Gee, come on, Kate. Why can’t you be nice to me for a change? Just give it a go! We could have a lot of fun together!”

“Define being nice. Should I say ‘dear Marcus would you please let me suck your cock‘?” I retort glibly. 

Marcus laughs. “That would do for starters! I wouldn’t object!”

“Right,” I say, inwardly cursing again. “Can I come in now?” 

He nods, lifts me up and throws me over his shoulder. It all happens so fast, I’ve no time to react. One of my hands is beating his back while the other frantically clutches my purse.

“What are you doing? Let go of me!”

“Not before you apologize!” he asserts himself, carries me over the doorstep and neatly kicks the door shut behind us.

“You want me to apologize? You must be out of your tiny little mind!” I snarl. “I wouldn’t know what for!”

“You’re real lucky that I have to go easy on you today. Otherwise I would tie you up in my room to give you a good spanking and a screw!” he gnarls.

Although his words make me see red all over again, they still trigger a pleasant tingling sensation in my womb.

You traitor! I curse my desire.

“I’m not into S&M. Let me go! Right now!” I quickly retaliate.

“You’ve no idea of all the things you may be into,” Marcus replies sardonically. “And I wouldn’t call a little spanking S&M!”

Without thinking, I bite his back. Not particularly hard, but enough to make him yelp and drop me abruptly. 

Marcus glares at me. “You bitch!”

I spin around on my heels, run into the bathroom and lock the door behind me. I really need to hit the can. My bladder is about to burst.


Phew, that feels better, I think relieved when the pressure eases. Last night my private parts were still protesting a little after all the action, but now they have recovered. No burning sensation, no more swelling. The boys did handle me relatively carefully. Presumably, I’m already ready for sex again.

If Marcus only knew, I think with a grin.

I’d actually reckoned that he’d follow me or at least knock on the bathroom door, but there’s no sign of life outside.

I carefully open the door and peep around the corner. No Marcus. I wonder if he’s pissed because I bit him. But I didn’t bite all that hard and he
provoke me.

Just as well Marcus isn’t my steady boyfriend; he’d drive me insane, I think and head towards the kitchen. I’m in urgent need of a decent cup of coffee. The ditchwater from the diner was just about good enough for watering the plants. Certainly not for waking me up.


“Right, okay, I’ll try to be there. I might bring someone along. What? No, absolutely not!” Marcus’s voice comes from the lounge. I cautiously take a look and see him standing by the window with his cellphone at his ear. He seems irritated. I’m not sure if that’s because of me or the phonecall. I decide to ignore him, take a mug from the shelf, put a pod into the coffee maker and press the start button. But instead of delivering the coffee I’m craving, the machine suddenly starts to splutter and hiss.


“What the hell are you doing?” Marcus is standing beside me and quickly presses one of the coffee maker’s buttons. Silence. 

Stupid gadget, I think.

“What do you think?” I reply. “I was trying to blow up your kitchen. Wasn’t that obvious?” 

“Just cut it out!“ Marcus looks me in the eyes and puts a finger on his lips.

“Cut out what?” I want to know. 

“Just stop with your constant bitching. It’s really getting on my nerves!”

getting on
nerves? You started it with your accusations. And just because you’re jealous!” 

“Come again?”

“You heard me. You’re jealous because I get on better with Liam and Alex than I do with you. And let me tell you something: it’s your own fault. You are fucking impossible you... you... you macho bastard!” I’m so wound up that I start to stutter.

“Right, come with me!” Marcus grabs my wrist and, none too gently, pulls me with him.

What is this? Does he want to sleep with me after all? I feel the fine hairs on my neck standing up. I don’t want any bodily contact with Marcus right now. I’m far too shaken. Besides, I find him anything but congenial at the moment.

Of course I’m aware that the contract I signed obliges me to sleep with the three guys whenever they want. But I also have the right to say “no”, if I’m not feeling too well, for example. And earlier Marcus himself said that I should take it easy. He can fuck off so.

“What are you doing? Let go of me!” I shout.

“Okay.” Marcus releases my hand so unexpectedly, I stagger and have to prop myself against the wall so I don’t fall.

Idiot, I think.

“Be so kind and put on a jacket. We’re taking a little trip!” he informs me.

“Where are we going?” I ask in alarm.

The last time I went out with Marcus he pushed me out of a plane. What’s he planning now? I certainly won’t jump out of a plane again, or go bungee jumping or anything related. Neither will I pet tarantulas or swim with piranhas or God knows what.

He can forget it!





“I’m not getting in if you don’t tell me where we are going!” I’m standing in the underground car park in front of Marcus’s little electric speedster, my arms ostentatiously folded across my chest. 

“Stop it!” Marcus snarls, irritated. 

“Are you nuts? I’m not a dog. Down, Kate! Heel, Kate! You could at least tell me where we are going.”

“Some people talk too much and suddenly disappear in the basement!” Marcus eyes look dangerous when he walks over to me.

Nobody would actually notice if he made me disappear right here and now. There’s nobody in the car park.

Help, I think. He’s insane after all. I thought him a little psychopathic from the start.

“What are you doing?” I ask uneasily, clutch my purse to my chest like a shield and grope around for my cellphone.  Glancing at it, I see that I have no reception. Not one bar. Damned car park! Could the emergency number still work? I doubt it...

“Put down that purse and turn around,” he demands and pushes me against the car.

“Wha...what is this supposed to mean?” I stammer. 

“What do you think?” he says and slowly unzips his jeans. “I’m going to fuck you now. I don’t care if you’re still sore. It doesn’t seem to work any other way with us two. Perhaps you’re a little tamer after!” 

“What if I don’t want to?”

“What if I don’t care?”


I quickly contemplate kicking Marcus in his privates and running away. But then he pushes my hair to one side, exposes my neck and starts kissing my throat. His fingers wander to my cleavage and gently fondle my nipples.

As much as I mentally abhor him, my body can’t help itself from responding to his caresses. I feel myself relaxing. My nipples start tingling and harden.

“There we go,” Marcus mumbles and very gently bites my earlobe. His warm breath at my ear and the sensual sound of his voice melt my last bit of resistance. I put my hand behind my back and stroke his already slightly erect penis with the tips of my fingers. 

Marcus quietly moans. I decide that the time has come to change the power balance. From now on, I’m in charge!

I turn around so quickly, he hasn’t got a chance to keep hold of me. Quick as lightning, I kneel down and take his erect cock into my mouth.

“What...” he starts, but can’t finish the sentence. Let the games begin! The tip of my tongue plays with his helmet while my mouth and fingers massage the shaft.

“Stop it,” he pants. “I’m nearly coming!”

“Alright!” I abruptly let go, get up with a grin and walk over to the passenger door. “Shall we?”

“You bitch!” Marcus growls. “You don‘t seriously think that I let you get away with this that easily.”

“That’s exactly what I think,” I smile and gesture towards the elevator with my head. Marcus’s eyes follow the movement. 

“Shit!” he curses and rapidly zips up his pants. Just in time. The elevator door opens and an elderly gentleman steps into the car park. When he spots the two of us, he gives us a friendly nod. I lift my hand in greeting. Marcus nods back at him, too. His eyes have that menacing glint again when he opens the passenger door for me.

“Thank you,” I grin and get in.

One nil to me. Tee-hee! Thank you, Mister.











“Id‘ wipe that smug grin off my face if I were you. Don’t think for one moment that we’re done. You’re definitely still in for it today,” Marcus hisses a few minutes later. 

We’re at a red traffic light, waiting for it to turn green. I’ve decided to keep my trap shut. If he doesn’t want to tell me where we are going, I’ll have to accept it, like it or lump it. But this time I don’t want to be talked into anything I don’t want to do. True, I’ve signed the contract, but that doesn’t mean I’ve given up my free will.

I hope he’s taking me somewhere with lots of people, I think.

The idea of being alone with Marcus now, still makes me a little uneasy. If I interpet his looks correctly, he wishes me straight to hell right now. He’s so emotionally and physically charged at the moment, it’s definitely better not to be alone with him. It could be dangerous for my lower bits.

Once more, Marcus snorts angrily, then he straightens his shoulders. “Now is not the time for your silly games,” he says. “When we get to our destination I want us to be nice to each other. We should just about manage that. I’m going to introduce you as an old college friend. Not a word about the apartment or anything related to it. Got it?”

I nod obediently. 

So we won’t be alone, I think, relieved. But it will unfortunately be more difficult to check my emails that way. I really hope Nicole will be in touch.


Soon after we stop in front of a large villa. The surrounding grounds are huge and include a soccer field, swings, climbing frames and sandpits. 

What is this place? A school? A kindergarten?

“Is this it?” I ask in surprise and point to the building. “A school? What are we doing here?”

“It’s not a school.” Marcus shakes his head. “Follow me. We have to hurry!”

He gets out of the car and rushes over to the villa. I sprint after him, a little at a loss. Whatever is he planning? 

“Hurry up, Kate. We’re late. We still have to get changed!” Marcus urges.

Get changed, I think. My face is one big question mark.

Marcus walks around the building and stops in front of a small wooden door.

The back entrance? I wonder. Or the gateway to hell?

“Just a sec,” says Marcus and roots around in his pants pockets. “Ha! There it is.” He triumphantly produces a key and unlocks the door with it. 

Why does he have a key to this place? And why do we have to get changed? Is this another dubious sex club? With play equipment in the garden? Surely that would even be too weird for Marcus. Curious and bewildered I step inside.


We find ourselves in a kind of basement room with two other doors branching off it. In the next room I see tricycles and scooters. One of the corners is full of toys for the sandpit and nets with soccer and basketballs are hanging from the ceiling.

So is it a kindergarten after all? At least it’s not some perverted sex joint, I think, slightly relieved. But what could Marcus possible want to do with me in a crèche?

Marcus purposefully opens the door to his right and gestures me to follow him.

This room is so piled up with stuff, we can barely turn around. Colorful arts and craft materials, toys, board games and old story books everywhere. Three large wooden crates take up the entire back wall. Marcus opens one of them.

“Right, here it is. I knew we still kept them somewhere!” He takes a black top hat, a cape, a wig and a glittering costume from the chest.

“Here,” he says and hands me the costume. “Put that on!”

Puzzled, I look at it. “What is all this?” I ask. “Are we going to play theatre? Or are you planning some deranged sex number all dressed up?”

“Neither. Although I wouldn’t mind some deranged sex number,” he chuckles. “Magnus the Magnificent requires your help. As my assistant!

“ Magnus the Magnificent?”

Marcus puts the top hat on and takes a bow. “Allow me to introduce myself. I am Magnus the magnificent magician.” 

I have to laugh. Marcus’s pretend accent sounds really funny.

“Seriously, Kate,” he continues. “I do actually need your help.”

I quizzically raise my eyebrows.

“This is a children’s home and today they are having a party,” Marcus explains. Daniel, who usually does the magician’s act rang me earlier. He had little accident. Nothing serious, but he can’t perform. The magician is always a highlight for the kids. That’s why we have to step in!”


“We?” I have to smile. I hadn’t expected our trip to turn out like this. Performing a magic act with Marcus sounds like fun. I like kids and have no problem entertaining them. I only hope that Marcus, or more correctly “Magnus” really has a few magnificent tricks up his sleeve. I don’t fancy embarrassing myself in front of the children. 

“Alright. I’ll be your assistant,” I agree and grab the glittering costume. “But you owe me, pal!” 

“Thank you!” Marcus seems relieved. Then he grins cheekily. “I’ll express my gratitude later.” 

I just roll my eyes.

“Do you often help out in this place?” I enquire while I get changed. “Or why do you have a key?”

Marcus suddenly becomes very serious. “I work here as a volunteer and also support the home financially. The children are very close to my heart. I know every one of them.”

“That’s great,” I say while buttoning up my costume and arranging my hair in a bun. As disagreeable as he is sometimes, I’m really impressed with his dedication to the children’s cause.

I should use our time alone together to find out more about him, I think.

I make my next question sound as casual as I can. “Why did you get involved with this particular place?”


Marcus seems to ponder my question. “Liam is right,” he says then. “You really do ask too many questions. Our women aren’t usually that nosy!” 

I sigh.

“But I’m not one of your ‘normal’ women. Sex alone isn’t everything. I’m interested in you as people. I simply want to know who I’m dealing with. What’s so wrong with that?”

Marcus looks straight into my eyes as if he’s searching for an answer. The way he looks at me makes me shiver a little, but I don’t interrupt our eye contact and stare right back.

Several seconds later, the corners of his mouth start to twitch.

“I don’t think I’ve ever met such a tenacious little bitch,” he remarks, visibly amused. “Let’s make a deal. If you help me with the show and we don’t embarrass ourselves in front of the kids, I’ll answer some of your questions. And I’ll also ask you some. Quid pro quo. Deal?”

“Right,” I nod.

“Okay. Break a leg!” Marcus says and presses a box with magic utensils into my hands. “We don’t have much time to prepare the stage. The show’s supposed to start in fifteen minutes.”




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