Penthouse of pleasure - uncertain desire (German Edition) (9 page)

BOOK: Penthouse of pleasure - uncertain desire (German Edition)
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A short while later, wrapped it fluffy woolen blankets, the three of us sit together on the large sofa in the lounge, watching a sitcom. 

The boys have kindly taken my handcuffs off again. My butt’s still burning a little, but it’s actually not an unpleasant sensation. They guys didn’t really hit me all that hard; just enough to arouse me.

They seem to be masters of their craft, I think, smiling to myself. I put my head on Liam’s lap and my feet on Marcus’s thighs. Liam’s stroking my hair while Marcus is massaging my feet. Well, there’s something about getting spoiled by two men, I think and close my eyes.

Perhaps this is the right moment to ask my hosts some questions.

“How do you actually all know each other?” I ask

“We’ve known each other forever,” Marcus answers me. “Liam, Alex and I went to the same boarding school.”

“And you’ve been friends ever since?” I probe.

“There was a little incident with Alex. Some of the older boys had it in for him. Liam and I came to the rescue. It all ended in a mad fight, but after that they left Alex alone. That’s how we became good friends,” Marcus explains and gently keeps on massaging my feet. Liam obstinately stares straight ahead and pretends not to hear my questions. At least Marcus is a bit more accommodating.

“And have you always shared a woman?”

Marcus sighs. “No, not always. At some point it simply turned out that way.”

How can something like that simply turn out that way? I wonder.

Liam has stopped running his fingers through my hair. It’s obvious that he doesn’t like being questioned.

“I’m pretty tired,” he says, “and I have an early start in the morning. I have a meeting. Join me, if you want, Kate. You can also stay with Marcus or sleep in the guestroom. Whatever you like.” He gets up and disappears in the direction of the bathroom.

Liam doesn’t give much away, does he?” I address Marcus.

“Yeah, you can say that again,” he replies. “Liam’s pretty sensitive when it comes to personal stuff. He has his reasons…”


My gaze follows the handsome, charismatic man and for the first time I can sense the loneliness that surrounds him. Who are you really, Liam? I think.

I give Marcus a hug, say “good night” and decide to sleep in Liam’s room. I have a feeling that he doesn’t want to be alone. I quickly brush my teeth in the bathroom. Then I slip naked underneath Liam’s comforter.

“Hi,” I whisper. “You okay?”

“Um,” Liam mutters.

“Is it Marcus?” I ask. “You wanted me to get on with him and flirt.”

“Exactly. That’s the whole concept, isn’t it?” Liam’s surprised. “Otherwise our rules wouldn’t make any sense.”

I don’t comment that their rules don’t make any sense to me anyway and presumably wouldn’t to any other normal person either.

“What’s wrong then?” I press on.

“Nothing. Let’s just go to sleep.” Liam turns over and puts his arms around me. “You are such a cute little bitch,” he mumbles. “Go to sleep.” 

A while later I hear Liam’s quite and regular breathing. He’s fallen asleep. Despite all the exciting things that happened today I’m still not tired. My mind’s too preoccupied. What kind of strange and mysterious guys have I ended up with?





Hi, Kate!” He’s tickling my cheek.

“Um,” I murmur sleepily.

“I’m off now. You’re not going to run away, are you? Will you be here when I get back this evening?”

I open my eyes a tiny bit. Liam’s sitting on the bed, dressed in a suit and tie, stroking my cheek.

“Do you want me to stay?” I ask.

“Of course, I do,” Liam nods.

“Then I’ll still be here later.”

Liam smiles. “I’m glad. This evening we’ll discuss with Marcus how long you can and would like to stay. Afterwards we go to the party, okay?”

“What party?” I ask alarmed. With these guys you never know…

“It’s a launch. Marcus is also invited. You can wear the dress we bought a couple of days ago. We’ll have to decide on how to present you. Maybe you could be a distant cousin or something.”

“Do you always take the women who live with you to parties?” I enquire. “Then you must have an awful lot of cousins.”

Liam laughs. “We never do, actually. But I would like to take you. Everything is different with you.”

I’m not quite sure if that’s supposed to be a compliment. But I like parties and I wouldn’t mind staying a few more days in this gorgeous apartment. I’m slowly starting to get used to the weird occupants.

“Okay, see you later so. Good luck with the meeting,” I say.

“Thank you. Enjoy your day and be nice to Marcus.”

“How nice should I be?” I ask boldly.

“That’s up to you,” Liam winks. “At least nice enough so that he can’t complain about you to me later. Can you do that?”

I nod. “I guess.” Liam smiles, satisfied, kisses my forehead and leaves.


Marcus is actually quite nice,” I contemplate. Right, he obviously has a problem with his need to dominate, but so does Liam. And Marcus can dance and cook. His kiss wasn’t so bad either. As to the rest…

For the first time I wonder what it would be like when all three of them are here. The idea turns me on so much that I decide to have a cold shower. One really thinks about nothing but sex in this apartment!


Freshly showered and reasonably awake I head towards the kitchen. Last night I was far too preoccupied and ate only very little of the delicious food Marcus had prepared. Now my stomach is rumbling. I toast two slices of bread and take a yoghurt from the fridge. No sign of Marcus. He must still be asleep. This would actually be a good time to surf the net. Perhaps I can find out some more about Liam. If he’s really such a successful businessman, there must be lots of entries. I fetch my purse from the hall and extract my cellphone. No missed calls. Thank God. For once my mother seems to respect my wishes and is leaving me in peace for now.


I bring my breakfast over to the dining table, take out my cell and enter ‘William Alvord’ in the search engine to be bombarded by tons of results. I click my way through the pages and read an article about Liam’s background. His grandparents were very enterprising after the Second World War and built up a whole business empire. Their son, Liam’s father, took over and now Liam’s in charge.  He doesn’t seem to have any siblings; at least I can’t find any. Another article praises his dedication as patron of a children’s charity. Everything I read portrays a wealthy, successful man with a social conscience.

But there’s absolutely nothing about his private life – zilch. Nothing about ex girlfriends, hobbies or other interests – absolutely nothing. Privately Liam is an enigma.

I sigh with disappointment. My research didn’t get me one step further.


“Hi, good morning. What are you doing?” Marcus voice brings me back to reality. I quickly close the browser on my cell. I don’t want him to know that I’m trying to find out more about Liam’s private life.

“Good morning,” I reply and turn around to him. ”I’ve just checked my mail.”

“And? Anything important?”

“No, just junk,” I lie and plan to actually check my inbox when I get the chance. I don’t really expect any exciting messages. Usually all I ever get is junk mail.

Barefoot, Marcus toddles over to the fridge and gets a yoghurt and some water. He looks pretty appetizing in his boxers, with his naked chest and the tousled blond hair.

“Is Liam already gone?” he wants to know.

“Yes,” I reply with a grin. “He told me to be nice to you.”

Marcus laughs. “You’ll never manage that!”

“Well, I have the whole day to practice!”

“I’m glad you decided to stay on for a while.”

“You’re okay with it?”

“Sure, but sooner or later you are due. You realize that, don’t you? What happened yesterday doesn’t count,” he says and sits down beside me at the dining table.

“I doesn’t?” I raise my eyebrows.

“Of course not. I didn’t sleep with you.”

“Well, well, well,” I reply. “I wonder why. Oh, yeah, you came too soon.”

“See! You can’t be nice to me for even five minutes,” Marcus declares and shakes his head pretending to be appalled.

“Are you crying?” I ask.

“No, but you are,” Marcus says and, without warning, he throws some water in my face.

“Jesus!” I curse. “You idiot!” Water is dripping from my face and my top is totally soaked.

Marcus studies me with a satisfied grin. “My apologies! I didn’t mean to do that. The glass must have slipped from my hand. So sorry!”


You bastard, I think.

Apparently I really
manage being nice to him. Something about him simply riles me.

“Do you want me to hang up your wet top in the bathroom?” Marcus asks sanctimoniously. “You’d have to take it off though.”

“You wish,” I snort.

“I liked you better when you were lying on this table yesterday with your bare behind up in the air,” Marcus replies. “You were a lot less prickly.”

I can feel myself blushing, but I still have the wits to counter: “I like you a lot better yesterday, too, when you were sitting on this chair. You were really endearing and so quiet!”

“Touché,“ Marcus laughs. “What do you say? Shall we drive to the sports centre and see who wins at badminton? Did you bring any sports gear?”

Not a bad idea. To spend the whole day on my own with Marcus in the apartment will be exhausting. And also a little dangerous, I guess.

Besides, I love badminton. I played it often when I still lived at home. For a while I had even joined a club.

“Good idea,” I agree. “Let’s do it. I’ll just get my sports gear and put on some dry clothes. Some jerk got them all wet!” 

“You naughty bitch. Just wait. I’ll make you sweat so much, you’ll be even more soaked,” Marcus says.

We’ll see, I think.



I had expected Marcus would own a fancy sports car or a limo complete with chauffeur, just like Liam. But he surprises me in the underground garage when he stops beside a small electric car.

“That’s yours?” I’m stunned.

”Yep.  Any complaints? I prefer driving electric cars in the city. It’s much more eco-friendly.”

“I like that,” I say and stow my bag in the boot.

Marcus seems altogether more open than Liam. I know that he can dance, likes cooking and sports and protects the environment. A lot more than I know about Liam. Although Marcus is a macho, at least he isn’t a closed book. I decide to ask him later what else he does.


“Damn! You never mentioned that you’re so good at badminton,” Marcus pants an hour and a half later and takes a big swig from his water bottle.

I wipe the sweat from my forehead and smile with satisfaction. Marcus was a demanding opponent, but I still won in the end. “Oh, did I not mention it?” I say.

“You didn’t. And I really don’t like losing,” he gnarls.

“Sorry.” I flutter my eyelashes. “Let’s grab a quick shower and then I’ll buy you a coffee to make up for my oversight.”

Sure, I have to be careful with my money right now, but two coffees won’t break the bank.






When I gather my stuff in the changing rooms after my second shower today, my cellphone suddenly beeps. The display shows a new message. I click on the inbox icon.



Well? You two still alive or did you already kill each other?


A text from Liam. I have to chuckle. The question is quite justified. I quickly type my answer.


I’m still alive, but Marcus is pretty done in. Just thrashed him at badminton. 


He won’t like that. He hates losing.


I noticed. ;-) When will you be back?


Around 4. Why don’t you sleep with Marcus in the meantime. That would cheer him up…


You think I should?


Sure! Have fun! My turn this evening ;-)))


In your dreams!


In reality ;-) You can’t help yourself. See you later, angel.


I shake my hand and put the cell back in my purse. That the man I’m currently sleeping with doesn’t mind me sleeping with his friends takes a bit of getting used to.

Would it be different if Liam and I were a couple? I ponder. Did he share his girlfriends with Marcus and Alex as well? Did he actually ever have a proper relationship?

I can’t deny that I like Liam. I like him a lot actually. But I can’t allow myself to more than ‘like’ right now. At the moment a new relationship is out of the question for me. The break-up from Andrew is still too raw. Although I’m doing my best to hate him, I don’t always succeed. And it doesn’t look as if Liam would be interested in something serious anyway. For that reason it may not be a bad idea to occupy myself with Marcus for a bit. Lost in thought, I slip on my shoes, grab my bag and start looking for Marcus.


He’s sitting on one of the comfortable seats in the foyer, skimming through a magazine. When I come nearer, he looks up. “Ready?”

“Yes,” I nod. “Do you know a nice café somewhere close?”

“You really want to buy me a coffee?” He puts the magazine down and gets up.

“Sure, if you like. Unless you no longer have the strength to hold the cup!” I tease him. Annoying Marcus is great fun and I just can’t stop. And I can’t help feeling that he’s quite enjoying our repartee.

“You are such a little bitch!” He playfully punches me in the side. Then he suddenly grins. “I have a much better idea what we could do now.” 

“Let me take a wild guess. Sex?”

“No,” Marcus shakes his head and laughs. Although I fancy sex more or less all the time, there’s something else that’s at least as good!”

“And that is?”

“I’m not telling you. You’ll find out. I can’t wait to see if you’ll still be as cheeky when you do.”


Puzzled, I survey my surroundings. We’ve left the city and we’re now driving at a snail’s pace over a narrow, very badly paved, forest track lined by ancient oak trees.

I hope the electric car is up to the challenge.
I also hope we won’t run out of gas. The idea of being stranded right in the middle of the forest with Marcus is a little creepy. I suddenly panic. I still know nothing about this person not yet having gotten around to quizzing him about personal things. He could be a wanted serial killer for all I know. Maybe I’m his next victim?!

I’ve always had a vivid imagination and right now it projects the most disturbing images inside my head. Perhaps I should jump out of the car.

“You’re very quiet all of a sudden. Are you scared of trees?” Marcus wants to know and eyes me critically. “Or do you think I drove to the forest with you to bump you off?”

Shit, I think. Why the heck am I always so easy to read? “I was just wondering where you’re actually going to take us,” I reply trying to sound as indifferent as possible.

“Don’t worry, I’m not planning to bury you in the woods. I could miss out on something if I did.” Marcus winks at me. “We’re nearly there. This route is a little more roundabout but much shorter than taking the main road.”

The forest is clearing ahead of us. I can make out some kind of a field in the distance. Marcus steers the car out of the forest and drives towards the field. We can now see a few small planes on the right.

An airport, I think. Does Marcus want to take me up for a few rounds? Hopefully not.

I really don’t like flying at all. I’m quite prone to vertigo. And if I really can’t avoid it, then please not in one of those ridiculously tiny crafts. They’re crashing all the time.

“So, what are we doing here,” I ask cautiously. “Do you own a plane and now you’re going to impress me with your flying skills?

“No,” Marcus shakes his head. “I don’t have a license. We’re going to do something much better!”

“And that would be?”

“Parachute jumping!”

“Oh, no!” I am horrified. “Forget it!. No way am I going to jump out of a plane!”

“Come one. I’ll be jumping with you. I’m a trained parachutist. We’ll be jumping together.  Nothing can possibly go wrong. Believe me, it‘s the ultimate kick and nearly as good as sex.”

“But I’m really scared of heights,” I feebly object.

“I knew it!” Marcus looks at me disdainfully. All talk and no substance!”

Ouch. That hurts. I really don’t want to back down, but asking me to jump out of a plane is just too much.

“Come on, Kate. Let’s get changed and take the plane up. If you still don’t want to jump once we’re at the right altitude, we simply leave it alone,” Marcus tries to persuade me.

It seems to be the guys’ strategy to gradually entice me to agree to things I would usually never do. Liam has tried to lure me exactly like that as well.

I’ve done so many things over the last few days I wouldn’t have considered in my wildest dreams before. Climbing into this tiny airplane is really no great deal by comparison. Or is it?

I suspect I’m going to regret my decision once we’re airborne, but I want to at least give it a go.

The new and single Kate doesn’t hide behind her fears!

“Right, but if I don’t want to, we go right down again!” I say.

Marcus nods. “That’s fine. Well done for giving it a go!”



Oh, no, what am I doing? I think when the small plane lifts off soon after. Despite the red skydiving suit I’m suddenly freezing and I can feel myself panic.

“Kate, look at me. There’s no need to be afraid. Concentrate on your breathing. In and out. Really deeply!” Marcus shouts against the noise of the plane’s engine.

“What the fuck are you?” I scream back, trying to suppress the budding fear. “A damned life coach?” 

Marcus doesn’t answer but pulls me up on my feet and fastens my harness to his. Then he opens the hatch.

I very quickly glance out and desperately cling on to my belts. “No!” I scream. “Stop. I don’t want to do it!”

But Marcus simply pushes me further towards the hatch. Then he presses against me with all his weight and thus catapults me out of the safety of the plane with him.


You bloody scumbag, I think. Then I’m hit by such a kick of adrenalin I would presumably have lost my balance had I been standing. Marcus holds on fast to my hands and spreads my arms. Then he opens the first parachute.

Oh, my God, I’m flying.

I don’t know if I should laugh or cry.

I would have never done this voluntarily. And still, I secretly have to hand it to Marcus. It really is downright incredible!


“You asshole” You bastard! You complete idiot!” I angrily thump my fists against Marcus’s chests. We’ve luckily made a safe landing and he’s just released me from my harness. “You told me we weren’t going to jump if I didn’t want to!” 

“I see. You didn’t want to?”

“Too right I didn’t!”

“Why didn’t you say so?” Marcus throws me an impertinent grin.

“You’re such a complete and utter scumbag!”

“Thanks for the compliment. Come on, you know that was incredible. Sometimes you have to push your boundaries if you really want to live!”


My legs feel like jelly and my hands are trembling, but I still feel good. Somehow alive and full of beans. I know what Marcus tried to prove with his stunt, but he didn’t have to do it all that drastically. Over the last few days I’ve done more things than I would have ever thought. And, yes, I liked it. There’s actually nothing I did with Liam and Marcus I didn’t enjoy. I’m also quite sure that Alex will have quite a lot to offer.

“I’ll think about it,” I say.

“What do you mean?” Marcus asks.

“Wasn’t that the whole idea? You want me to take the plunge and actually move in with you; to sign your strange contract.”

“Whatever makes you think that…” says Marcus the hypocrite.

“And yes, I enjoyed the jump although I thought I was going to die first,” I continue.

“See! I think I’ve earned a kiss!”

“Forget it. Do you really think I’d kiss the person who just pushed me out of a plane?”

“Absolutely” That’s exactly what you’re going to do now.” Marcus retorts, holds my face in his hands and kisses me. I don’t resist but respond until we finally let go of each other, gasping for air.

“Let’s go home. Now! I want you naked!” Marcus growls.



We’ve barely set foot inside the penthouse when we pounce on each other. Marcus has actually made me forget about Liam. Right now I only want him and nobody else. Our little battle of wits is exactly what turns me on so much. The air between us I charged with energy.

I’m still full of adrenalin and feel like I’m floating. I kiss Marcus and very slightly bite his lip.

“Take your clothes off!” he demands.”

You too.” I reply and take off my sweater. Then I unzip my jeans and let them slide to the floor. Marcus has also ditched his jeans and sweater and is now facing me in his boxers. My index finger traces his six-pack and stops at the seam of his shorts. I gently massage his dick under the thin fabric and feel it harden at my touch.

“Come on.” Marcus takes my hand and maneuvers me towards his room. He opens the door, lifts me up and puts me down on the bed. Then he opens my bra and carelessly tosses it aside. His lips caress my nipples, wander up my throat, kiss my mouth and then return to my nipples. Ever so gently his tongue licks my breasts and circles my nipples until they get hard. Each touch is like a small electric shock on my skin. I feel myself getting wet and grab Marcus’s wild, blonde shock of hair to pull his head back.

“Now,” I whisper.

Marcus smiles and turns over on his back. I trace his stomach muscles with the tip of my finger, kiss the inside of his thighs and finally pull down the seam of his boxes. His penis is now rock hard.

“Take that off and turn around to me,” Marcus says in a throaty voice and points to my thong. I slip out of the thong and crouch across him in the ‘69’ position.

Marcus moans when I lick a small drop of precum from his rod and then take his hard penis into my mouth. While my mouth and fingers massage his hard phallus, he kisses the inside of my thighs, strokes the lips of my vulva and then enters me with his tongue. My whole body is consumed by desire and my labia swell almost instantly. Marcus hands are around my butt cheeks and caress my anus. Then he enters my butt with one of his fingers while his tongue continues to stimulate my vagina. I moan and increase the speed of my massage a little.

“Stop!” Marcus pants. “I don’t want to come yet. Sit on me!”

He doesn’t have to ask twice. My vagina is pounding with desire. I want to feel his big, rock hard dick inside me. I turn around and crouch over him. The tip of his penis touches my vagina. My body’s trembling with desire. Very, very slowly I slide down to receive his pulsing manhood. Marcus gives me a moment to get used to his size, then he holds my hips and moves under me. I adjust to the rhythm of his movements. Take him deeper and deeper inside.

I look into his eyes, and screw him while he is screwing me. The savage energy between us makes me shudder. I feel my womb contracting and yearning for release.

“Come, Kate,” he insists and thrusts even harder. “Come for me.”

A hoarse scream escapes my throat when I finally climax.

We are lying next to each other, utterly spent.

“Not bad for a start,” Marcus grins and strokes my back. “I can only return the compliment,” I mumble still a bit dazed by the intensity of my orgasm. “What else do you do, by the way, when you’re not busy seducing women?” I ask him.

“I’m a gynecologist. I’m studying women in the interest of science,” Marcus replies glibly.

“Bullshit,” I say. You’re lying. That’s about as far from the truth as it gets.”

“You’re right. I don’t actually work a whole lot. I inherited quite a bit of money and I have shares in several companies, just like Liam. But unlike him, I’m not managing the businesses myself. I rather do what I’m good at.”

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