Penthouse of pleasure - uncertain desire (German Edition) (6 page)

BOOK: Penthouse of pleasure - uncertain desire (German Edition)
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My eyes need a moment to adjust to the light. It‘s dark apart from two large altar candles to the left and right of some sort of cot. The room is pretty dim and small and I’m actually quite relieved. Who knows if, faced by a bunch of copulating people, I wouldn’t have reversed right back? Undecided I now wait to see what Liam’s planning.

“Do you like it here?” he asks.

“Don’t know. What do you have in mind?” I enquire cautiously.

“Take off your pantyhose and the thong!” be orders.

A little adrenalin rush surges through my body.

“Do it!” he demands and makes the egg vibrate a little faster.

I slip off my shoes and take off the tights and the thong while Liam leans against the cot watching me.

“Come here!” he commands when I’m done.

Barefoot I step across the polished floor. Liam grabs my arm and pulls me onto his chest. His kiss is short and forceful. Then he turns me around by my shoulders and pushes my belly onto the slightly tilted cot. He positions my knees on the stirrups each side of the cot; the pleasure egg stimulating me relentlessly the whole time. I groan.

With one swift move he lifts my dress so that my butt’s now raised towards him. “Now for dessert!” he whispers. Then he gives my fanny two hard slaps with the palm of his hand.

“Hey!” I hiss and try to jump up.

“You said that you don’t mind it a bit rough. So don’t complain!” he comments and presses me back onto the cot. My twat’s burning, but I can’t say I don’t like it. Greedily my clitoris pulsates. The vibro-egg is doing its job, but I need more. I’m so wet, he could enter me right now. 

“Fuck me!” I beg.


He leaves me there and walks to the door. A curtain suddenly lifts in front of my eyes and reveals what’s going on in the neighboring room. A woman’s lying on a similar cot to mine. Behind her is a man screwing her while another man is penetrating her mouth.

“They can’t see us!” Liam explains.

I’m panting. I’m not really into porn, but knowing that the action is happening live next door while I’m also lying down with a vibro-egg up my vagina and a burning fanny turns me on so much that I scream out lout. Finally Liam delivers. He pulls the egg out of my vagina and enters me. I push my pelvis towards him, take every inch of his hard penis inside and greedily demand more.  I’m overpowered by a wave of lust and I quickly come with a loud scream. Liam thrusts hard once more; then he orgasms, too, and ejaculates inside me. He carefully pulls out and strokes my butt.

“Was the dessert to your satisfaction?” he asks cheekily.

“Oh God, yes!” I reply. My legs are trembling so much, I don’t dare to get up. So I stay where I am for a bit and watch the three people in the room next door also coming to their climax.

What a crazy day, I think.





I squint my eyes. The first rays of sun are beaming through the window. Liam is awake. He’s lying on his side, his head supported on his arm, and he’s watching me. “You look really cute when you’re asleep,” he says. “So innocent!”

I remember yesterday and smile. I never had that much exciting sex. And I wouldn’t at all mind having some more of it today. When I look at Liam, his naked body, I feel overcome by desire again.

Abruptly Liam sits up. “Shit! Did you hear that?”

I’m startled. “What?”

The front door! Someone just came in!”

Oh, no, I think when I hear Marcus’s voice. “Liam, are you in? What’s with all those boxes in the hall?”

“And now?” I whisper.

“I’ve no idea. We’ve been caught.” Liam whispers back.

“Liam? Where are you?” Marcus seems to be right outside the bedroom by now.

The door opens slowly. I feel the adrenalin building up inside me and quickly pull the comforter over my head.

Liam is remarkably calm. “Hi, Marcus. Good morning,” he greets his roomie. “Weren’t you going to be away ‘til Friday?”

“Well, I changed my mind,” Marcus grumbles. “Who’s that in your bed?”

I briefly hope that the comforter might be some kind of magic blanket making me invisible. Unfortunately that doesn’t work. So I emerge and bashfully look at Marcus. “Hi!”

“Not you again!” Marcus’s voice sounds angry. “What the fuck’s going on, Liam?”

That guy’s just nuts, I think and suddenly don’t see why I should hide. After all, Liam invited me. Even if it’s against the boys’ ludicrous house rules. “Cool it!” I say and put my hands on my hips. The bedspread slips out of place and reveals my boobs. I don’t care, I think he must have seen enough tits in his time. “Liam was kind enough to let me stay for a few days. But I can easily go to a hotel. No need to get all worked up!”

Marcus briefly glances at my breasts. “Un-fucking-believable!” he curses, turns on his heels and slams the door behind him.

Liam’s stunned. Then he grins. “Not bad, Kate. The kitten’s showing its claws.” 

“Listen,” I reply and get up. “I don’t want to provoke a row between you. I just get dressed and go.”

“Completely out of the question,” Liam decides and gets up, too. “I’ll clear the air with Marcus. We had agreed that you stay for two or three days. He’ll just have to live with it.”

I’m not sure if Marcus will actually be prepared to accept my presence. He strikes me like someone who is used to getting his own way. He acts a bit like a spoiled diva. Presumably a pampered only child.

“Shame that Marcus interrupted us,” Liam mumbles while slipping into his boxers and a T-shirt. “I’d planned on sleeping with you the minute you woke up!”

Regretfully I shrug my shoulders. I wouldn’t have minded.

“Wait here and don’t you dare getting dressed. I’ll have a quick chat with Marcus and then we’ll catch up!” Liam orders.

I nod. But I don’t feel comfortable in my skin. Liam has been really nice and helpful. I don’t want to get him into trouble with the others. I should actually take a room in a hotel. Pity about the great sex with Liam, but perhaps he fancies seeing me at the hotel?

Hoping to catch some snippets of their conversation, I listen intently. But sadly I can’t hear a thing.

After twenty minutes that feel like an eternity I’m fed up waiting. I badly need a shower and I have to go to the john. I slip into my underwear and quietly open the door.

From the kitchen, I hear voices. The two men must still be discussing the issue. I tiptoe into the bathroom and relieve my bladder. Then I take my underwear off again and scurry into the shower. While the warm water flows down my breasts and my stomach I remember yesterday’s performance and can’t help but grin. Seems mad that that was only yesterday. It feels like it’s been months.

Someone’s knocking on the locked door. “Katherine?” I hear Liam.

“Yes,” I answer. “I’m having a shower. Nearly done!”

“Didn’t I tell you to stay in the bed?” Liam growls.

tell you that I don’t take orders from anyone?” I counter.

I hear him laugh. “You’re a pretty naughty girl. Just wait until I catch you!”

It’s a pity that my time with Liam is over now, I think while drying myself. I’ve only just started to really enjoy myself. However did I put up with Andrew for so long? A little banter with Liam arouses me far more than any physical attention from Andrew. It’s like my sexual desires have finally been released from a dark dungeon.

Hopefully Liam managed to calm Marcus down a bit. Perhaps there’s still a teensy-weensy chance I can stay a little longer in this dream of an apartment with Liam.

When I step out of the bathroom wrapped in a fluffy towel, Liam’s casually leaning against the wall waiting for me. He pulls me to his chest with one hand and tears at my towel with the other. “Come here, you naughty lady!”

“Don’t!” I object and try holding onto my towel. “What’s the story with Marcus?”

The whole situation is unpleasant enough without me standing in the hall doing my Eve imitation. I can’t imagine Marcus’s mood will improve if he catches us fumbling around in the corridor.

“Don’t worry. He’s okay again. I think he actually quite likes you. He’s just not used to anyone disagreeing with him. The women he usually meets are often submissive little dolls. It‘s been a while since he’s met anyone as prickly as you. And he was annoyed that I didn’t stick to our rule of not bringing normal women back here.”

“I’ll better get dressed and leave so,” I say, free the towel from Liam’s hands and wrap it firmly around me again.

“You don’t have to. Marcus has suggested a deal!” Liam takes my hand. “Come back to my bedroom and I tell you more.”

What’s next? I think. It will hardly be something normal like ‘sure, you can stay for a few days, no problem’.

What kind of guys are they? They’re really doing my head in.

But, of course, I still want to find out what Marcus has suggested. So I follow Liam to his room.

“Off with the towel!” Liam demands when I sit down on the edge of the bed.

I shake my head. “No! Not until you tell me what Marcus said.”

Liam sighs. “Don’t you ever do as you’re told?”

“Depends on what’s on offer,” I respond. “Looks like you’re fucking too many ‘submissive little dolls‘ as well. Just because I enjoy a bit of rough sex doesn’t mean that I’ll meekly obey you all the time.” 

Liam crosses his arms in front of his chest and looks at me in amusement. “Marcus would be delighted with you. I don’t think he’s any idea what he would let himself in for.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” I ask alarmed.

“Marcus seems to like you. Usually he would have insisted that I get rid of you straight away, but he suggested that you can stay until the end of the week.”

“Just like that?” I don’t believe Liam has told me everything. Turns out I’m right when Liam shakes his head. “No, not just like that. Under two conditions.”

“And what would they be?” I ask although I’m not even sure I want to know. In the end, my curiosity wins.

“Marcus wants to sleep with you. And if he likes it he wants to give you ‘til the weekend to reconsider moving in with us as our next girl.”

I gasp. The audacity! Who does Marcus think I am?

“Your mate seems to have lost the plot!” I snarl and look for something to hurl at Liam. How dare he present me with an offer like that?! The last few hours with Liam were so lovely and exciting that I actually briefly suppressed they guy’s freaky sexual preferences. What normal man would share his lover with another?

“Why don’t you think about it? Marcus and I discussed that we could also pay you if you stay until Friday. You could use the money right now. If you want to stay longer and accept our rules, we’ll pay you more, of course.”

Completely speechless, I just shake my head.

“I know, I know. You’re not a hooker. And what we’re doing is completely deranged. So what? Aren’t you sleeping with me at the moment? And don’t tell me you don’t like it. Where’s the difference? The money? That’s ridiculous! Just look at it as the start-up capital for your new future. I can also sense that you’d like to sleep with more than one man for a change.”

My first impulse is to simply get up and run. But then the offer sneaks into my brain where it caresses my limbic system and my hypothalamus. Liam alone is already a knockout. If Marcus is quite as good in bed as Liam, the whole thing might just turn out to be quite interesting. I’ll hardly ever get a chance like that again. What upsets me most is not the idea of sleeping with several men – quite the opposite. What really upsets me is the thought of getting paid for it. Call me old-fashioned, but it just doesn’t sit right with me. Sure, I could use the cash. But I’m not for sale, or am I?

“You okay?” Liam wants to know.

I’m pensively chewing my lips. No, nothing is okay. I’ve no job, no place to live, no money and the only way out are a few freaks with strange sexual leanings. If I were younger, I would presumably not think twice and embark on the adventure. I got up to a lot of stuff back then. But at 29 years of age I should be more sensible. Or should I?

“Come on, Kate. Marcus is really good and I’ll mind you!” Liam’s blue eyes look at me beseechingly.

“I don’t know,” I mumble. “I don’t much like the whole idea.”

“Not much doesn’t mean that you don’t like it at all. Am I right?”


“What if I persuade Marcus that you can stay until tomorrow in any case and the three of us enjoy a nice evening together and see what happens? If you don’t want sex, that’s okay. Then we have lots of time to find you a hotel room together tomorrow and the two of us would still have a whole day ahead of us.”

Doesn’t sound so bad, I think. Why not? Living at Liam’s for another day saves me some much needed cash. And the prospect of a sexual adventure with two hunks like Liam and Marcus doesn’t sound so bad either. The idea alone turns me on. I remember the woman at the sex club I watched with two men. I can’t say that I didn’t like it.

“Okay,” I agree. “But only as long as I make the decisions. And without the money. I don’t want to get paid for sex!”

Liam nods. “Right, even if you still have strange views about the money, I’m sure Marcus will accept you conditions. And now take that stupid towel off. I still have a promise to keep.”


Liam pulls his boxers and my towel off and penetrates me without prior warning. I pant indignantly. 

“You had to be punished,” he whispers in my ear. “You should have stayed in bed when I ordered you to.”

“And I told you that you can put your orders where the sun don’t shine!”

“Oh, really?” Liam holds me by the wrists and starts to move inside me. “You’re real lucky that you get wet so fast.” He leaves me hardly enough time to get used to his size. He thrusts with full force, moves rhythmically inside me and bites my earlobe. I groan and automatically extend my pelvis. More! I want more! Liam comes inside me with a grunt.

“Hey!” I give out. “What was that? I wasn’t ready?”

“That, darling, is what happens to people who don’t listen to me. Then the pleasure is all mine!” Liam grins and starts to get dressed.

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