Perfect Alignment (2 page)

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Finally he returned his look to her face and took two steps closer. His body heat enveloped her and she had to fight not to lean forward the fraction it would take to touch his chest with her breasts. He was only a little taller than her, just enough that she was staring at his mouth until she lifted her chin a bit.

“Are your arms tired?” he asked, his voice soft but no less commanding than before.

“Yes, Sir.”

“But you’ll leave them there for me, won’t you? For a little while longer?”

“Yes, Sir.”

He stepped back again, three full paces, and she had to fight not to whimper.

“This is a bad idea.”

She blinked. Whatever she’d expected him to say or do next, that wasn’t it. But he was right.

“For both of us,” she agreed. The sexual tension didn’t go away, but her mind cleared a bit and she focused on the reality of the situation, rather than the fantasy-like haze she’d let herself fall into. This wasn’t the club, wasn’t a pre-established scene. She didn’t know this man, wasn’t in a safe place, surrounded by people she trusted. And surely it was the kind of thing he could get fired for. He was trusting her not to cry foul to the authorities.

“You’d be a fool to do this.”

“So would you.” She gave him the safe words from the club. “I know when to say red and yellow.” Forcing herself to meet his eyes, to show him she was sure, she begged him with a whisper. “Please.”

He cursed and stepped forward. His large hands came up to bracket her wrists and ease her arms down to the small of her back. One hand held her wrists steady while the other came up to her cheek. His thumb brushed along her jaw line, teased her lower lip, then he dropped his hand down to finger her necklace.

“And green?” he asked, his gaze intent.

She nodded and gave him the word that would let him know it was okay to proceed. “Yes. Green.”

“Follow me,” he snapped. Drew took her hand in his and practically towed the lovely siren to her car, gently pushed her into the driver’s seat and stalked back to his cruiser. He shouldn’t let her drive, but they were only going a mile down a back county road, and taking her away from her car wasn’t safe for her. He couldn’t seem to stop himself, couldn’t seem to let logic overcome his desires. And fuck, he desired. He’d just come home from a long shift and stopped at the end of his driveway to get the mail when a car had blown past him, going too fast. Reversing quickly he’d been shocked to find himself smiling at the sight of the black hair streaming in the wind, the face turned up to the sun, and the pouty lips he glimpsed in the rearview mirror, singing enthusiastically.

When he’d gotten to her door, he’d been expecting attitude. Or nerves. Those were the normal reactions to being pulled over. But no, not this one. She’d smiled up at him, bright with a touch of apology, and not a single hint of complaint. He’d thought maybe she was about to turn on the charm, try to flirt her way out of the ticket. The brief consideration he’d given the idea had pissed him off, but no. She hadn’t flirted, hadn’t teased. Hadn’t done anything but wait patiently for him to return. And the whole time he was running her on the car computer, he was seeing that necklace of hers in his mind. He knew what it meant. And his cock was telling him it had been far, far too long since he’d gone into the city to satisfy his needs. Needs he found too dark to attempt to meet in the small town he lived and worked in. Needs she would know all about.

Still, he hadn’t planned his next move. He’d meant only to caution her to drive more carefully and send her on her way. Her surprise at his words mirrored his own, but he didn’t let her see that. Didn’t let her see anything other than calm confidence and command. And she’d responded. A touch of fear tempered by the fact that she knew she hadn’t done anything wrong. He’d led her to the other side of the cars for a little bit of cover, though he didn’t think anyone would come along the road anytime soon. But better safe than sorry.

He snorted to himself as he eased the car back onto the road and moved ahead, waiting for her to fall in after him. Safe? None of this was safe. It was about the stupidest thing he could ever remember doing. Not only did he risk his job if she turned out to be crazy, but he never mixed his work life with his play life. Hell, he really didn’t mix his home life with it either. Playing was for the clubs, for the city. Not for home, where it would be too easy for his coworkers to discover his less than typical sexual proclivities.

But he held his breath until she moved in behind him and followed as he made a wide U-turn and headed back to his driveway. Within three minutes they were bumping along the dirt drive and he wished he’d thought to warn her to put the top up. She slowed down, letting him get farther ahead so the dust didn’t completely swamp her. But she kept moving forward.

Parking next to the old barn, he rolled up his windows and waited patiently for her to catch up. When she turned off the Mustang, he got out of the cruiser and hurried over to open her door. The surprised pleasure on her face almost made him grin, but he held it back, felt himself falling back into Dom mode. A quick glimpse of a tattoo on her ankle made him itch to get a closer look at her. All of her. He took her hand and led her into the barn.

It was a clean space that hadn’t been used for its intended purpose since long before he’d bought the house. He occasionally brought furniture in here to strip and refinish, stored some of his brother’s belongings in the hayloft, and had some gym equipment set up in one corner for when the weather was too nasty to jog. Flipping on the lights, he pointed to a spot in the center of a large, clear area. She walked to it and sank down to her knees gracefully, resting her butt on her heels, her hands on her thighs, legs parted. Then she betrayed herself by glancing up to check his reaction. Again, he had to hide a smile. She was freaking adorable.

Twenty-four, according to her license, which had told him her full name, as well as her address in North Fork, the college town a few miles away. It had listed her height at five foot nine and her weight at one hundred and twenty pounds, though he suspected she should add some to that now. Not that he was complaining. He was quite happy with every pound he’d seen, every inch, everything. Her black hair and brown skin spoke of some sort of heritage, though he couldn’t quite figure out what. Emma Lee was young and beautiful and his. At least for the next little while.

He wondered what she was thinking.
was thinking that if she were a friend of his he’d paddle her bottom black and blue for doing such a stupid thing with a complete stranger. It was totally irresponsible to be contemplating something like this without knowing who he was, let alone talking first and setting up parameters.
knew he wouldn’t do anything dangerous, wouldn’t skirt any lines that might be troublesome areas for her. But she couldn’t know that.

He took the handcuffs out of their case on his belt and watched her eyes narrow. She took in a breath and opened her mouth, then shut it as he tossed the cuffs off to the side. Good. It would have been idiotic to allow a perfect stranger to restrain her that way, and he was glad to know she would have objected. The rest of the items on his belt followed the cuffs, then he reached for the buckle. She nibbled on her lip as he slid the leather free and added it to the pile. He didn’t want all that creaking bulk for the next little while.

“What’s your name?” he asked, wanting to hear her say it.

Her pink tongue darted out to moisten her lips. “Emma.” She started to say more, stopped herself, clearly unsure whether she was allowed to talk or not.

He nodded. “It’s not so easy when you don’t know what protocol to follow. Not so smart, either.”

She didn’t deny it. “I thought we’d already established that.”

A snort escaped him. “So we did.”

“What’s your name?”

“Andrew Robinson. Drew.”

Her lips formed his name, testing it, but she didn’t give it any sound. He wanted that, to hear his name on her lips. Luckily, in these situations, what he wanted, he got.

“Say it.”

“Officer Robinson.”

He shook his head. No, despite the stupid situation he was currently pursuing, and despite the increasingly demanding desire to use his handcuffs on her, work was separate from play. “Drew.”

“Drew,” she repeated. “Sir.”

His heart gave an annoying little thud. He liked the way those words sounded on her lips.

“I’m going to need to search you.” He gestured to the wall behind her. “Hands against the wall, feet spread wide.”

She rose slowly and swiveled around, putting a little extra sashay in her hips that the low sandals she wore didn’t account for. Little tease. No, that wasn’t right. She wasn’t teasing him because he was pretty sure she had every intention of following through. Only his damn honor would dictate how far he’d let it go. Leaning forward, she braced herself against the wall and spread her legs wide, tilting her hips so her pert ass pointed right at him.

Adjusting his cock behind his uniform pants, he moved forward, past the inviting ass, until he was next to her face. He speared his fingers through her silky hair, grazing her scalp with a little massage before fisting what hair he’d caught and using it to turn her head up to him.

“Do you have anything dangerous on your person? Any weapons or needles?”

Her breath came out in tiny little puffs that he felt against his arm. Her eyes were dilated and heavy with need.

“No, Sir.”

He let her hair go and slid his hand down the back of her neck, squeezing gently. He brought up his other hand and moved them along her bare arms to her wrists, gave another squeeze. Since she’d dropped her head back down, he didn’t hold back the little smile that her answering moan brought to his lips. Sliding his hands back down the insides of her arms, he gave a quick tickle at her armpits. She jerked slightly, but held her position.

He cupped her breasts. She sawed in a much deeper breath, pushing herself into his grip. A perfect handful, deliciously heavy. His quick swipe of her nipples brought a nearly soundless gasp. Spreading his hands wide, he moved lower, tracing along her ribs, molding the dress to her body as he stepped around and between her legs. It took more effort than it should to keep from pressing up against her ass. Continuing the journey, he brought his hands down her hips and the outsides of her legs until he reached her ankles.

He rubbed his thumb along the small clutch of flowers inked into her skin. Stretched out as she was, it forced him to crouch down, putting his face against the fabric of her dress, pulled tight between her legs. A quick squeeze of her ankles and he curled his hands in, beginning the return journey. Her calves flexed under his palms, his skin encountered fabric as he reached her knees, and from that point on, the dress rose with his arms.

When his hands came back together at her center, he gave only the barest brush against her underwear before letting go and standing up. He moved so that his legs where on either side of her right leg and placed his left hand on the back of her neck, feeling the slight shiver just as he moved his right hand to cup her pussy. She lifted to her toes for just a second before settling back down into his touch. Silky panties did little to keep him from the wet heat. He pressed in close, tucked his face into the crook of her neck and inhaled deeply. Little goose bumps raced up her arms and the fabric under his fingers got wetter.

“Hmm,” he murmured into her neck. “Nothing in your clothes, no weapons strapped to your body.”

“No, Sir, nothing hidden, I swear. Please, Sir, let me go, I won’t trouble you any further.” She’d pitched her voice into that of a helpless maiden, and he had to smile at her role-playing. Somehow, though, he didn’t think the breathless quality of the words was feigned.

“I don’t know, missy. Seems there are still a few places you could be hiding things.”

She turned her face up to his, her eyes over-wide. “Sir! I don’t know what you mean!”

“Mmm, hmm.” He lowered his head the scant distance to mate his mouth with hers. She responded instantly, boldly, tangling her tongue with his until he nipped her, reminding her of her role. She obediently pulled back, letting him explore her mouth at his leisure. Her ass, however, began a slow movement, her hips swinging just a bit, just enough to brush her against his already achingly hard cock.

He pulled back from the kiss and swatted her pussy at the same time. She gave a startled squeak and stilled her movements.

“Nothing hidden in your mouth,” he commented.

She stuck her tongue out at him, but he chose to ignore it, moving behind her so she wouldn’t see his grin. He had a feeling role-playing wasn’t her usual game. It wasn’t his, either, but the situation fairly demanded it. The fingers he held against her panties slid carefully up to tease at the elastic edge.

“What about here?” he asked. “Are you sure you don’t want to admit to anything hidden here? Anything dangerous?” He punctuated the question with a sharp nibble on her neck.

She gasped but remained quiet.

“I guess I’ll just have to check for myself.” He slid one finger through her cream and then into her. Her muscles clasped him tightly, his dick swelling further in envy.

“Well, well, what have we here?” he asked. “You seem to be all wet, missy.”

She choked, then coughed what he was sure had started out as a laugh.

“I don’t know, Sir. It’s never done that before.”

The laughter in her voice faded as he added a second finger. He lifted up, bringing her to her toes, his palm smashing her clit, his fingers pulsing against her squeezing pussy.

“Ahhh.” Her head dropped back, her hair brushing his cheek.

He scissored his fingers and circled his palm, listening to her gasps and pants pitch higher and higher. She started to bounce on her toes, her body instinctively trying to catch his rhythm. He placed a gentle kiss on her damp throat and lowered her before removing his fingers.

“Nooo,” she moaned.

He pinched her stomach with his wet fingers to still her seeking hips. She dropped her head between her arms and went motionless.

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