Perfect Collision (17 page)

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Authors: Lina Andersson

Tags: #Romance, #Literature & Fiction

BOOK: Perfect Collision
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Then something happened. It was as if she thought she'd figured out how to work his dick, so she attacked his mouth with hers, and then she
got to work on his dick.

She'd definitely figured it out, and she wasn't shy to use it. At all!

He was getting closer alarmingly fast. He turned his head to get away from her mouth and playful tongue, with the result of her going to work on the side of his neck instead and... oh, shit.

“Baby, stop.”

She didn't even answer, instead she moved her mouth to his ear, and he tried again.

“Vi, I'm gonna cum.”

When he tried to grab her hand to stop her, she bit down in his earlobe and... that was it. There was no way for him to hold back.

“Fuck! Oh, shit. Fuck, Vi, baby.... I'm cumming.”

He managed to get his hand over his dick to stop himself from blowing the load all over the two of them. With the other hand, he grabbed her wrist to stop her movements. It took a few moments to calm down before he could speak again.

“Fuck. I'm sorry, babe.” He was a bit embarrassed; he hadn't been so unable to hold back since he was a fucking teenager.

“For what?” she asked, and he noticed that the little tease looked rather pleased with herself as she held up her cum-stained hand. “Isn't this the point?”

He grabbed his t-shirt and wiped off his hand and continued to clean up the rest.

“Yeah, I guess so,” he laughed. “Did you get any more on you?”

She leaned back and watched him wiping off her hand, and then she laughed again. She had a great laugh, and he pulled her in for a kiss.

“That funny to you?”

“Not so much the cumming as the fact that you just wiped it all off with my t-shirt. I'm not sure how to explain that to Dad.”

He looked down at the t-shirt in his hand, and she was right. It was hers.

“Yeah, I'll loan you one. You didn't stop.” He wasn't mad, not really.

“You didn't say break.”

“I'll try to remember that the next time.” He laughed again, he was still trying to get over how great it had been. “But speaking of your dad, I'm gonna have to talk to him about this. About us.”

“About you getting me ready to get ready?”

“I wasn't planning on getting into that much detail.” He threw away the t-shirt and pulled her down on his chest. He liked the feeling of her lying naked on him. “I thought I'd go with us seeing each other.”

She was quiet and although it wasn't unusual with Vi, he didn't think this was her usual silence.

“Like dating?” she finally whispered.

“I think this is a bit more than just dating. Don't you?”

“I don't know,” she said after another too-long silence. “I don't know what this is, but I don't think Dad'll like it.”

“Baby,” he moved her up, off his chest, and caressed her face, “I have to talk to him. Not talking to him is just gonna make it worse. And it needs to be me who does it. This is between him and me, and I need to make sure he's okay with it. If I do it right, he'll be okay with it.”

That's what he hoped, but he wasn't as sure as he let on. She stayed silent, and then she moved her hand up to stroke the bridge of his nose.

“Okay,” she finally said.

That was it, and he was waiting for the other things. Her trying to define what they were or ask him what he thought, but she just grabbed his t-shirt and pulled it over her head. He wondered if she was too scared to ask him and decided to bring it up for her. He wanted her to know, but she spoke first.

“I have to go. I need to be home in half an hour.”

“You're not gonna ask about what we are?” he tried.

She shrugged and smiled. “I like what we're doing. I think I'd like doing other things, too.”

“Like what?”

“There's a graffiti exhibition at the art museum in Phoenix.” Then she stopped and looked at her hands. “Maybe that's lame.”

“No. I'd like that.”

He'd love to do other things with her, and he didn't want her to think this was just about making out with her. Getting her ready. Which was another reason he needed to talk to Bear. If they were gonna be able to go out, he needed to make sure everyone was okay with it.

She looked at him carefully. “You would?”

“Sure. I'll talk to Bear tomorrow, that way we can do things like that.”

“Okay. I really have to go. I'm borrowing this t-shirt.”

“I noticed.” He grabbed her cheeks. “And, babe, that was awesome.”

“I liked it, too.”

“Didn’t get you off, though.” There was still time for it, but she shook her head.

“That’s okay. Next time. I’ll just think about this and fix it myself,” she said with a coy, kind of proud smile.

“Fucking hell, girl. You’re gonna get me hard again.”




Bear heard Vi coming through the door, and her keys being dropped in the bowl. He looked at her and swallowed a comment about her t-shirt having grown a few sizes during the day. That was not her fucking t-shirt, and he had a pretty fucking good hunch to whose fucking t-shirt it was.

He waved at her before turning his attention back to the football game he was half watching, took a few deep breaths and more than a few mouthfuls of beer.

“Dad,” she said and sat down on the couch.

“Yeah, honey,” he said without moving his eyes from the TV.

“Can we talk?”

With a sigh, he looked at her. She was fiddling with the hem of the t-shirt that wasn't hers, and she looked scared. He hated when she looked scared. So, he reached for the remote and turned off the TV to make sure she knew she had his full attention.

“Yeah. What's up?”

“I'm not supposed to talk to you about this, but... I want you to find out from me.”


“I've, sort of, been seeing Mac. Or something.”

“Or something?”

He couldn't help it, he chuckled. That was one way of describing activities that put one in a guy's t-shirt. She still looked scared, but when she heard his laughter, she looked up and gave him a weak smile.

“Well... I'm not really sure how to put it. He's gonna talk to you tomorrow, and it wouldn't feel right if you found out like that, from someone else. I should've told you immediately, I know. I guess I was scared you'd send me off to live with Mom.”

That was sweet of her, and he understood what she meant. Mac probably thought it was better if he took the shit for it, and it would have been if he hadn't already known it. But in this case, Vi was right. It should come from her first.

He was upset she'd think he'd send her to live with her mom, though. He would
do that. No matter what the situation was, he would deal with it here, having her with him.

“Katze, I wouldn't send you to live with your mom even if you dated a fifty-year-old meth head. I'd kill him, but I wouldn't send you to your mom. Besides, you're eighteen.”

“Like it matters to you how old I am.”

“You're right,” he laughed. “It doesn't. You're my baby girl no matter how old you are.”

“Are you pissed?”

“Not yet,” he said and scratched his beard and combed his fingers through it. It was better to not promise to not get pissed until he knew the full story. “How long?”

“Not long. He kissed me when I inked him, but that was just a kiss. Sort of.”

She cleared her throat when she noticed his look. So that's what happened. He was glad he hadn't known the full story, because he might've taken Mac up in the ring for that. It was a bit late now, though, and obviously the kid had dealt with it. Took his sweet fucking time, but if Vi was satisfied, he assumed he should be, too

“Keep going,” he said.

“Then he freaked out a bit about that... said I was too young and stuff. A while later...” She wasn't looking at him anymore, because she was trying to hide something. He'd get back to it when he'd had her toned down version of what happened. “He helped me with something. I went there to thank him. We argued, a lot and... I don't know. We... started seeing each other.”

“When was that?”

“Like, two weeks ago.”

Okay, that would be when she was singing while making pasta. He found it comforting that his daddy-radar was working properly, because he was planning on using it to figure out what the fuck she was trying to hide from him. He started with the part she'd been whispering. If she whispered, she was nervous.

“What did he help you with?”

“I was stupid and got into trouble, so I called him.”

didn't want to know how she got into trouble, because it might give him a fucking heart attack, but she'd been in trouble and not told him. That got to him. Big time! She'd
turned to him when she was in trouble, and if she didn't... it was bad.

I'm pissed,” he admitted.

“I know he should've told you about that.”

“No, Katze,
shouldn't have told me about it.
should've have told me. Actually, you shouldn't have
me about it, you should've called
to begin with, not Mac.”

“I didn't want the entire club to come with guns blazing. It was stupid of me, and I knew it was stupid, and it'll never happen again. I just wanted to get out of there and go home. He got pissed, and we argued. I'm... Please don't be angry about that.”

“What did you do?”

“Dad...” she started, and he shook his head.

“No. What did you do?”

“A guy at school... or, he used to be at my school, he invited me to a party at that old abandoned house. I was... a mess, and I said yes. Obviously, it got out of hand.”

“Obviously,” he grumbled. He had no idea how to deal with this, and figured it was best to just get the full story before he exploded all over the place. “Keep going.”

“I called Mac and asked him to pick me up. I was scared.”

“What did the guy do?”

“He got handsy and rude and, I don't know, Dad. What do you want to know?”

“What did Mac do to him?”

“He... smacked him around a bit. I asked him to stop. I just wanted to go home.”

“Why didn't you just walk out?”

“He wouldn't let me. I went to the bathroom and called Mac. I was scared.”

“Who was the guy?”


“Violet, I'm not going to ask you again.”

“Troy. I honestly don't know his last name.”

“You went with a guy, whose last name you don't know, to an abandoned house?” he summed it up. “And don't think I don't know what fucking house we're talking about here.”

“I was pretty messed up at the time.”

That was it. He exploded. “Jesus fucking christ, Violet. He could've raped you! He could've had friends there who raped you, too. No matter how fucking messed up you are, you need to use your brain”

“I know.”

“No! Obviously you don't know! Were you
to get yourself killed?”

“No. I...” he saw the first tear running down her cheek. “I don't know what I was doing. I'm sorry. I hadn't... thought about that.”

“About what?”

“That I was almost...” She stopped with a sob, and Bear sighed.

“Come here, Katze.” She stood up and walked over to sit next to him. He put an arm around her. “I'm sorry. Just... you need to
, and you
to call me when you're in trouble.”

“I didn't want you to kill him.”

“Yeah...” he said and gave the top of her head a kiss. “I probably would have.”

“It won't happen again.”

“I know.” That was something to thank Mac for, even if he would never admit it. She probably wouldn't get into those kinds of situation for as long as she was with him. “Is he treating you right? Mac?”

“Yes,” she sniveled and rubbed her nose with the palm of her hand.

“No pushing, not...” How did he ask this? How the fuck was he supposed to ask questions he didn't really want the answer to? “Is he trying to... fuck, I can't even say it, but you know what I mean.”

“No. He's not. He's... nice, no pushing.”

He turned her towards him and looked at her. “You in love, girl?”

The change in her face was remarkable. A smile broke through and her eyes glittered, and he started to laugh.

“Never mind, baby girl—you're a total goner.”


“That stupid smile, hazy eyes—you're total goner, honey.”

“Promise me you won't tell him you already knew.”

He decided to come clean. She'd done it and deserved the same from him. “Look at me, Violet, you know me. Do you really think I didn't see this coming weeks ago?”

She sighed. “When did you figure it out?”

“About two weeks ago. Was gonna give the kid another week to gather his balls, or I would've taken them. Figured I'd give you two some time to figure out what you wanted. If it was real or just smoke.”

“Thank you.”

“I'm not gonna blow up about this under one condition.”


“You don't keep shit from me about this, and I don't mean that I want details about,” he waved with his hand, “your activities, because I really don't. I mean if he hurts you, does anything you don't like—you tell me. If you two plan shit, I want to know.”

“Okay. Dad, thank you, for being like this.”

“Like what?”

“A dad who listens to me and pays attention and trusts me. I realize that what I've done means I might not deserve that, but...

“Hold on to that thought, because you're not gonna like the next thing I'm going say. You're not staying the night at his place yet, and he'll never, ever spend a night here. This place is not big enough for that!”

He wouldn't let her do that. Not yet.


“No. Not until I'm used to this. You accept, or I'll take him up in the ring and beat the shit outta him for getting into my baby girl's panties.”


“You choose. You accept it, or I beat him up.” He looked at her, and she looked angry. “Baby, I know you're eighteen, but I need to get used to it, and you need to take it slowly.”

“Do I have a choice?”


“Okay. He'll be talking to you tomorrow. Just so you know.”

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