Perfect Collision (24 page)

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Authors: Lina Andersson

Tags: #Romance, #Literature & Fiction

BOOK: Perfect Collision
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She didn't let him finish. “Don't make me choose.”

“Fuck no! No! That wasn't what I meant, not at all, baby. I wouldn't do that, because I know you love it. All I want is that you to
to me about stuff, and hopefully we'll have more time soon. If you stay a few nights a week at my place we'd have plenty of time.”

“I'll talk to Dad,” she smiled. “And I'll try to talk to you more, too.”

“Good.” He watched her dry her eyes. “Have I ever told you how sexy I think it is that you're a tattoo artist?”

“You do?”

“Yeah.” She looked at him with a shy smile. He loved those shy smiles, and then he just blurted it out. “I love you.”

She sat still next to him and then slowly turned her head to stare at him. He'd never seen her eyes as big as they were just then.

“You’ve never said that.”

“Yeah...” He had no fucking idea why that fell out of his mouth just then. It was something he'd realized a while ago, but to blurt it while they were on a kitchen floor, practically mid-fight, that was a bit much. “I probably should’ve picked a better time for it.”

“No. No, this was the perfect time for it.”

She moved to straddle him and gave him a deep kiss, circling his tongue with hers while holding on to his face, and she didn't stop. Didn't even seem to be close to stopping.

“When's your dad back?” he asked when he got a shot at air.

“Tonight. He went somewhere with Brick and Bull. Why?”

He'd forgotten, they were down by the border to check on one of the club's warehouses, which meant they'd be gone for hours.

“Thought I'd show you how fucking awesome make-up sex is.”

It was a long shot, but she smiled and got up from his lap. As she walked to her room ahead of him, she pulled off her t-shirt and started on her jeans. He figured there was no point in letting her down, and started with his clothes as well.

She waited for him, buck naked, next to her bed. He strode up to her, picked her up, and smiled as she latched her legs around him.

“Maybe I'll just do it right here and skip the bed.”

“Think you're strong enough?”

She probably didn't think he'd do it, but he took it as a challenge. He ran his hand down her spine and in between her legs, finding her clit. As he slowly and lightly began to circle it, she closed her eyes. He was already hard, and moved her to get his dick between her legs and then rubbed it back and forth along her slit.

“Wanna know what good make-up sex is?”

“Yes,” she whispered, and he could feel her wet seeping over his dick.

He walked them over to the wall, held her against it, and in one swift movement he thrust inside her. She shrieked.

“It’s not gentle,” he rasped in her ear.

“Oh fuck. Oh my god!” she yelled. “Don't stop!”

“Good?” He started snapping his hips, pounding into her.

“Yes! Don't stop!”

“Not gonna fucking happen, Katze.”

He'd never been rough with her. It hadn't all been sweet lovemaking, but he hadn't done this, nothing like it, and he'd missed it—the fucks. He also thought this was the best way to get rid of the frustrations after an argument. He kept a relentless tempo, then he felt it. She was coming!

“Don't stop, Mac!”

“Like that?” he growled. “Like it when I fuck your brains out?”

“Yes!” she yelled while she clamped down like a fucking vice around his dick.

A short while later, her body relaxed.

“Oh fuck, that was good,” she mumbled.

“Oh, baby—we’re not done yet.”

He carried her over to her desk, threw down the books she had on it and placed her belly down before driving into her again. She yelled,


He grabbed her wrists, pinned her hands down over her head, and held on to her hip with his other hand, hard.

“Remember what you’re gonna say if you don’t like it?” he asked as he kept fucking her. She didn’t answer, just squealed and moaned. He gave her one hard thrust and stopped with his dick all the way inside her. “Do you remember, baby?”

“Yes, I remember. Keep moving!”

He started again. “Unless you say it, I’m gonna keep
you till I’m satisfied.”

“Yes!” she yelled into the table. “Fuck me!”

Jesus! Those words coming out of his beautiful girl's mouth almost threw him over the edge. He grabbed a fistful of hair, and turned her head to the side so he could watch her. She loved it, so he stopped worrying and let go.

Closing his eyes, he listened to her moans. Each moan was punctuated by the slapping sound of him driving into her. He let go of her wrists, ran his hands up along her sides till he felt the curve of her breasts, slipped his hand underneath her, and grabbed a hold of her shoulders from the front. He was flush against her back and felt her soft skin against his chest. With his nose buried in her hair, he took a deep breath. He loved the way she smelled, the way she sounded, and how she felt—all of her. Having her like this, leaning over her, pulling her towards him, basically fucking himself with her—it was unlike anything they'd done, but she loved it.

He licked her jaw up to her ear. He couldn't fucking believe it, but she was coming again. He could hear it in the way she panted, but he wanted to hear her say it out loud.

“Are you getting close again, Katze?”

“Yes.” She could barely speak.

He wasn't done, though. There was something else he wanted to try, but he wanted her to get off in this position first. He found her clit with one hand, but instead of rubbing—he pinched.

Her eyes flew open. “Fuck!” she yelled. “Fuck, oh fuck. I’m coming.”

He fucked her through her orgasm, and then gave her a few moments to calm down before he turned her around to her back. With her legs on his shoulders, he slid inside.

He was close as well and wouldn’t last much longer, especially not in this position, and not if he kept up the tempo he'd had so far. She whined a little, but didn’t protest. He pinned her arms along her sides, holding on to her wrists to keep her in place and carefully leaned over her.

“Baby, open your eyes.” He wanted to see her eyes. “Fuck, god damn you feel so good. Open your eyes.”

She did and kept them open. He looked at her face; her beautiful face. Then her tits, bouncing in time with every thrust, caught his attention, and he felt himself getting closer. He dropped her legs, pulled her up to sit, and hugged her close. Amazingly enough, she came again as he thrust inside her for the last few times.

They didn’t move for a long time, just hugged each other tight. Finally, she took a deep, shaky breath.

“I love you, Mac.”

“You picked a better moment for the first I love you,” he said and leaned back to cradled her face. “Are you okay?” She smiled and nodded. “Sure? That was rough.”

“I noticed. I’m guessing you were still a bit pissed.”

“A little.”

“We okay now?”

“Babe, that’s not...” He was about to say that it wasn’t the reason he’d fucked her hard, but it would’ve been a lie. “We’re okay, but I wanna know if you’re okay, if this was... okay for you.”

“I came three times. You really have to ask?”

“Maybe not,” he agreed. She had a point.

“Do I have to fight with you for you to fuck me hard again?”

He couldn’t help laughing. “No, not now when I know you liked it. I’m still easing you into this, you know.”

“You don’t have to anymore.” She stroked his beard and smiled. “I trust you, I know you wouldn’t hurt me, and I know I can panic yell ‘Bear’ if I don’t like it. I think you’ve noticed I’ve only done that once.”

He had noticed, but instead of disagreeing and pointing out she'd only had sex for a little over a month, he gave her a kiss. It seemed like the best way to just get them past their fight.




“They seem to be doing okay,” Brick said and nodded towards Mac and Vi who were cuddling on one of the couches in the clubhouse.

“Yeah,” Bear agreed, but didn't look.

He still had an overwhelming urge to repeatedly plant his fist in Mac's face whenever the kid had his tongue in Vi's mouth.

The urge was a little worse than usual at the moment, since Vi'd cornered him in the kitchen the night before, and told him she wanted to stay nights at Mac's place. At least some nights. He'd grumbled, but she wouldn't let him get away with it. He finally said she could do it when Ella's visit was over, and she'd glared, but since it was just two weeks away, she'd wisely agreed. He needed to get used to the idea, and since he was currently trying to stop himself from pulling a gun on Mac, it was obvious he needed those two weeks.

“Remember when she was born and we joked about how she'd become my daughter in law?” Brick was still looking at them. The two of them kissing apparently didn't bother him. “Think that was about her and Mitch, though.”

When Vi was born, he'd waited until she was cleaned up before carrying her out to Brick who waiting just outside. Brick'd taken her and given her forehead a kiss, welcoming her to the family.

“I wouldn't have allowed it if it was Mitch.”

“I know,” Brick said and turned towards him. “So whatta you think?”

“About what?”

“Those two.” Another nod towards Vi and Mac.

“Think they'll do better without us butting in.” He poured another whiskey.

“When's Ella coming?”

“In two weeks.”

“Still nagging?”

He hadn't told Vi half of it. Ella was stirring up a shit storm, but he'd made it very clear that she needed to keep it from Vi. If she had a problem, she'd address it to him. And she had a problem—several problems.

She'd called Mac every synonym of a pedophile that there was. Turned out to be a lot more of those than he'd ever known. He'd pointed out that the age difference between Vi and Mac was actually less than between him and Ella. He'd also several times pointed out that Vi was eighteen, and nothing had been going on between Vi and Mac until she was. He wasn't sure she believed him, but he didn't give a fuck.

Usually, he'd tell Brick that whatever was going on between him and his ex-wife was none of Brick's fucking business, but this was about Brick's kid, too.

“She's not gonna do anything,” he said. “You know her, she needs everyone to be as miserable as she is, and she knows no one would back her on any charges.”

“Does she understand I'll come after her if she tries?”

“Yeah, I told her.”

He'd told her that
might not come after her, but he wouldn't stop Brick from doing it. That had scared her, and he figured she was starting to realize what would happen if she didn't calm down.

Ella'd gotten used to getting what she wanted from an early age. She'd grown up as her parent's little beauty princess. They'd tugged her and her baby sister all through the fucking country at beauty pageants, spoiling her rotten.

When she got older, she was crowned Miss Minnesota, which had turned out to been the height of her fame. In the Miss America contest, she'd fucked one of the judges, still ended up in eighth place, and realized two months later the judge'd knocked her up.

Being married, and trying to avoid the obvious implications of him fucking Miss America-wannabees for years, the judge denied the kid being his. Since he wasn't an idiot, and knew very well where he'd put his dick, he paid her off to shut her up. It was a large sum of money, and she agreed to disappear.

When her parents found out, both about the pregnancy and the bribe, they threw her out. 'Do whatever it takes to win' apparently didn't include fucking the judge in their world. It definitely didn't mean keeping the baby, and her refusal to put it up for adoption was the final nail in the coffin. They didn't want the scandal to effect her baby sister's chances of becoming Miss America.

When Ella ran out of money, she started working in strip clubs, and eventually ended up at the Booty Bank.

He'd seen her on her first night, and that was it. It didn't bother him she had a kid; he'd already decided he wanted her. If 'her' included a kid, he had no problem with that. He wasn't sorry, Lisa and Violet were worth being forced to deal with Ella for the rest of his life.

He'd gotten a few good years out of her, too. He just wished those years were easier to remember when she yelled on the phone about him letting a dirty pederast biker stick his filthy dick into their daughter. She was used to getting what she wanted, and she could be a bitch for
when she didn't.

Despite being a general cunt, she wasn't stupid, it was all her blowing off steam, and he preferred her doing it with him rather than with Vi. He could take a lot of shit as long as she shut up while she was round Vi. He could even take it without yelling back if he was in a general good mood. If she went after Vi, on the other hand, said any of that shit to her, he'd cut her fucking tits off. And that was still a paid vacation compared to what Brick would do to her if she went after Mac and the club.









Do You Snore?






airport with Vi. Lisa'd told him the week before she was coming, too. She wanted to see them and also thought Vi could use some extra support. He was very happy about her coming; he hadn't seen her in quite a while.

He was worried about seeing Ella, though. Mostly because he might snap and just kill her if she kept talking about going to the cops. He'd promised himself to do his very best to not bash her fucking face in, or at least not do it in front of his kids.

Vi was standing next to him, fidgeting, constantly changing her weight from one foot to the other. When he heard a nervous sigh, he put his arm around her shoulders and gave her a small squeeze.

It had been almost two months since she'd told him about Mac and her. He knew she was looking forward to staying the night at Mac's, and it seemed to have helped her not to be as worried about Ella's visit. Until now. He still wasn't crazy about the idea, but knew he should be happy about her accepting the curfew for as long as she had.

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