Authors: Eugenia Riley


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Who would do such a thing?”

felt herself being hoisted into Jacques's arms. They exited stage right as the
lights were coming up. She caught his frantically worried expression.

You'll miss the finale!”

don't give a damn about the finale!” he retorted, carrying her down the
corridor. “I'm worried about you.”

bore her into his dressing room and set her down on the dressing table. He
began raising her skirts.

she cried, frantically trying to pull down her dress.

knees, Bella,” he replied, scowling at her formidably. “Stop fighting me. I
must make sure you're all right.”

ceased struggling as he raised her skirts over her knees. “Damn, you're going
to have bruises!” He began tugging off her shoes and stockings. “And there's a
thin cut here where the wire got you.”

be all right,” she assured him.

at once Etienne burst inside the dressing room, taking in the scene, wild-eyed.
“Jacques! For heaven's sake! Can't you sate your lusts some other time? You're
missing the finale!”

whirled on Etienne in white-faced fury. “I'm not sating my damn lusts! Someone
just tried to hurt Bella by placing a wire across the back of the stage.”

blanched. “You're jesting.”

pointed at the angry welt across the front of Bella's ankle. “Does this look
like a joke?”

God!” Etienne stepped closer. “Bella, are you all right?”

fine,” she said, feeling a bit silly to have so much attention focused on her.

could have been badly hurt!” blazed Jacques.

scratched his head. “But who could have . . . Do you suppose it was Toby?”

be absurd!” Bella retorted.

boy would never do anything that vicious,” Jacques snapped.

three turned as the boy suddenly entered the room. He glanced warily at Etienne
and Jacques, then with grave concern at Bella. “Bella, are you all right?”

Bella or Jacques could respond, Etienne shook a finger at the boy. “Do you know
anything about this?”

what?” Toby replied. He stepped closer to Bella. “I heard Bella scream and I
was worried. That's why I came hunting for her. She's my friend, you see.”

smiled at the lad, reaching out to clutch his hand. “I'm okay, Toby. Really.”

addressed the boy. “Toby, someone strung a wire across the back of the stage,
and Bella tripped over it.”

awful, sir!” Toby cried, glancing anxiously at Bella.

you see anything suspicious in the wings tonight?” questioned Etienne.

child scowled.

think, Toby,” Jacques implored.

expression deeply troubled, Toby shook his head. “I'm sorry, sir. I don't
remember seeing anything odd. But there's always people running around back
there. Anyone could have strung a wire.”

you must see that it's removed posthaste, before someone else gets hurt,”
ordered Etienne.


Toby, will you try to keep your eyes open for us from now on?” asked Jacques.
“Will you let us know if you spot anything suspicious, anyone trying to
sabotage the props or rigging?”

lad nodded vehemently, staring straight at Bella. “Of course, sir. I won't
allow anyone to hurt my friend Bella.”

for you.”

smiled at the child with pride and gratitude. “Thanks, Toby.”

He impulsively
hugged Bella, then slipped from the room.

glanced at Jacques. “Tomorrow, I shall question the rest of the company
regarding this incident.”

that you do,” said Jacques. “I'll not allow anyone to harm Bella, either.”

nodded and left. Jacques approached Bella. “We must get you to my town house
and put some ice on those knees.”

really, I'm fine,” she protested. “But I think I've had enough excitement for
one night. Will you please take me home?”

But that is out of the question. You cannot climb stairs in your condition.”

smile pulled at Bella's lips. “And what would you have me do in my condition?”

grinned wickedly. “I have in mind getting you off your knees—and onto your
back.” He wiggled his eyebrows. “And then in the morning, over to the
courthouse for a marriage license, my pet.”

he spun tempting images, Bella gave him a chiding glance. “Jacques, I think
this is proceeding too fast. I think we need to slow things down a bit—not to
mention we need to figure out why someone strung that wire tonight.”

menacing glower dismissed her arguments. “Yes, but not now.” He hoisted her
into his arms.

you are not listening to me!” she protested as he carried her down the hallway.

are right,” he replied with maddening confidence.

resistance proved futile. Within moments Bella found herself in Jacques's
carriage, in his lap. He lowered the carriage shades and leaned over, brazenly
pulling her bodice down and taking her nipple in his mouth.

Bella cried, trying to twist free, but not really sure she wanted to. “My God,
what do you think you’re doing?”

he rasped back. “Just a little kiss to make it all better.
I do not like the pained, worried expression on your lovely face. I prefer a
look of wanton pleasure.”


her protests, her squirming movements, he ran a hand up her leg. Within seconds
his fingers had found her warm cleft. He parted the folds of her femininity and
stroked the distended bud of her desire with exquisite gentleness. Bella
writhed as if he had pinned her to a rack. Just when she was certain she could
endure no more, two fingers pushed deeply inside her.

was going insane, gasping, digging her fingernails into his shoulders.
“Jacques! Oh, Jacques! I can't bear it!”

always, he was heedless. “Move,” he ordered, his voice commanding.

was beyond fighting him, riveted with pleasure. Her hips arched, twisted,
heightening the sweet torture until he was compelled to silence her cries with
his mouth. Her hand slipped between their bodies, and she stroked him

. . . my God, woman, take care, we're almost to my town house!”

one to tell
to take care!” she panted back, frantically seeking his

as they rounded the last corner, she took her pleasure with a hoarse sob.
Jacques lowered her skirts in the nick of time, right before Luis opened the
door. Both flashed dazed smiles at the coachman, who eyed them warily.

carried Bella through the courtyard and up the stairs to his bedroom. As he
laid her up on the bed, she was pulling at the buttons of his trousers.

eyes blazed down at her. “The ice,” he murmured, “will have to wait. We have a
fire to extinguish first,

brazenly, she leaned forward and kissed the tip of his aroused organ. “I
believe in fighting fire with fire.”

God,” he groaned, eagerly joining her on the bed . . .



Chapter Thirty-four

to Contents



Jacques brought up a tray with iced champagne, strawberries, and cream. They
sat naked on the bed, sipping champagne and nibbling on the cream-dipped fruit.
Jacques rubbed ice from the bucket over Bella's bruised knees. She giggled when
he leaned over to lick the moisture.

straightened to regard her solemnly. “No more theater for you, my love.”

she cried.

glint of steel edged his voice. “Someone is trying to harm you. Your continuing
with the company is out of the question.”

is preposterous!” Bella sputtered. “We already know someone wants to kill
but you won't hear of leaving the theater. Now you say I must.”

jaw tightened in determination. “That is different.”

struggled not to throw a strawberry at him. “Oh, what a hopeless chauvinist you
are! It is
different! If you won't leave the opera, I won't,

“Mon Dieu,
you are a stubborn woman. If you hadn't taken that
fall, I'd give you swift instruction in obedience.”

was livid, speaking to him through clenched teeth. “Get something straight. I
won't live with a man who tries to control me with brute force.”

grinned and leaned over to nibble at her shoulder. “Well, I do have more
pleasurable ways to control you . . .”

of that,” she scolded. “And I'm
leaving the theater.”

shall see.”

heaved a great sigh, meeting his eyes as he straightened. “Jacques, whatever
happened tonight, I know the real killer is after you. I'm also worried that—”

he demanded.

doesn't it seem odd that all of these incidents have occurred since we've been
seeing each other?”

each other?” he mocked. He tilted her chin with his finger. “Making love,
Bella. Sharing our lives and making love.”

saucily wrinkled her nose at him. “Very well. Making mad, passionate love.”
Biting her lip, she turned serious. “But the threats began since we've been
together. True?”

shrugged. “I had never really considered that.”

consider it! I've always thought I was sent back in time to
save you. But what if fate has played a cruel joke on us both? What if,
ultimately, I'm provoking the very jealousies that will cause your death?”

waved her off. “Bah! That is absurd.”

was quickly losing all patience. “It would not be at all absurd to a reasonable
man instead of a cavalier rogue.”

gaze beseeched the heavens. “Bella, what are you babbling about?”

saying that for your own safety, I think we should cool it.”

brows slanted together. “Cool what?”

think we should stop seeing each other.”

a chance!” he retorted. “If you even try it, you'll receive a prompt
demonstration of my so-called brute force.”

you may not have to bother,” she retorted. “What if I'm whisked back to the
present again, before I can even save you?”

hauled her close. “You're not going anywhere. That's one reason I prefer you to
stay away from the theater. I lost you there this last time, when you claim the
kaleidoscope sucked you away. There will be no more abrupt appearances and
disappearances for you, my girl. Besides, why should
be required to
save me? Do you think I cannot take care of myself?”

felt as if she were trying to reason with a bedpost. “Frankly, that's exactly
what I'm afraid of. If you were the least bit cautious, you'd leave the opera
immediately. Instead, you act with flagrant disregard for your own safety, just
like my parents did.”

sighed heavily. “I'm very sorry, Bella, but what does that have to do with me?
I am a man and I can take care of myself.”

I am a woman and I cannot?”

he answered with infuriating arrogance. “I'll take care of you.”

hell you will.” She moved to bolt out of the bed.

his arm quickly caught her around the waist. “Enough of this,” he blazed,
wrestling her down beneath him.

the thrill of being pinned to the bed by his powerful body, she stared up at
him in defiance. “Jacques, making love to me again won't solve anything.”

slowly spreading grin bespoke otherwise. “Want to wager on that, Bella?”

want you to let me up.”

trailed a finger over her aroused nipples. “Are you going to try to stop me?”

for breath, Bella glowered at him. It was useless to say she would resist when
they both knew she wouldn't.

it, Jacques, this won't

it will certainly feel good, eh,
ma belle?”

Jacques reached for the bowl on the bedside table. She gasped as he rubbed a
dollop of cream on her nipples.

squirmed at the decadent sensation. “Jacques! What on earth are you doing now?
I'm going to be all sticky. I'll need a bath.”

when I'm through with you,” came his wicked reply.


Jacques held her fast and slowly licked the cream from her nipples. Within
seconds her outraged cries faded into sighs of delight. The tactile contrast
between the cool, smooth cream and his hot, wet mouth was potently erotic. Her
fingers kneaded his smooth shoulder muscles and her lips delved into his silky

was floating in a sensual utopia, only to gasp as something cold and bristly
rubbed her belly. She looked down to see that Jacques had planted a strawberry in
her navel—and he looked supremely proud of his feat.


smile was positively decadent as he leaned over and took the fruit between his
teeth, quickly devouring it, wetting her with sweet juices. She shuddered as he
sucked the nectar from her navel and licked it from her sensitive belly. The
lewd ritual left her breathless, and painfully aroused.

are depraved,” she breathed.

you are loving every second.”

moment later, he placed a strawberry in her hand and flashed her another sinful
smile. He leaned over, nestling his lips in the mound of curls deep on her
belly. She shivered with delight.

glanced up, his face dark with passion, his voice husky. “Your turn, Bella. Put
the strawberry some place that I'll find irresistible.”

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