Phobos: Mayan Fear

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Authors: Steve Alten

Tags: #General, #Fiction, #Thrillers, #Suspense, #Science Fiction, #Fantasy Fiction, #Fantasy, #End of the World

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For my father
Lawrence Alten
in loving memory

And for my friend and literary manager
Danny Baror
with love and respect


It is with great pride and appreciation that I acknowledge those who contributed to the completion of
Phobos: Mayan Fear
and the continued success of the entire Domain 2012 series.

First and foremost, to the great people at Tor/Forge, with special thanks to Tom Doherty and his family—my editor, Eric Raab, and his assistant (now editor) Whitney Ross. Thank you to my copy editor, M. Longbrake. My gratitude and appreciation to my personal editor, Lou Aronica at the Fiction Studio (
[email protected]
), whose advice remains invaluable, and to my literary agent, Danny Baror of Baror International, for his friendship and dedication. Thanks as well to his assistant, Heather Baror-Shapiro.

A very special thanks to Dr. Steven Greer, former chairman of the Department of Emergency Medicine at Caldwell Memorial Hospital in North Carolina, and the founder and director of CSETI and the Disclosure Project, who generously allowed me to use quotes from his incredible press conference held on May 9, 2001, at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C. I encourage everyone to visit his website at
and to watch the entire news conference. As always, my gratitude to my cover artist, Erik Hollander (
), for his amazing cover art, and to forensic artist William McDonald (
) for the original artwork found within these pages.

A heartfelt thanks to the brilliant Jack Harbach O’Sullivan, who offered me his scientific advice; my friend and webmaster, Leisa Coffman, for her continued dedication; and editor Barbara Becker, who also works tirelessly in the Adopt-An-Author program.

To my wife, Kim, and my kids, Kelsey and Branden, for their love and tolerance of the long hours involved in my writing career, and last, to my readers and fans, who have given this series continued life beyond 2012 … mere words cannot express my gratitude.

Author’s Note

is the third book in the Mayan Doomsday Prophecy series that began with the release of
in 1999 and continued with
in 2004. Back in 1999, few people knew about the 2012 prophecy, and fewer still probably cared. Nevertheless, over the years I have often been asked, “Do you think humanity will really end on the winter solstice of 2012?” My answer is always to explain that either a natural disaster (asteroid strikes, Yellowstone caldera erupts) or man-made threats (biological weapons—see Fort Detrick and Battelle Labs) could do the job. As the 2012 date approached and man’s ego gave us runaway greed, corruption, and new lows in human morality, I often wondered if we’d even make it to 2012.

simply scares me. Had I known about this very real threat when I penned
I would have written the book you now hold in your hands back then. But this threat didn’t exist back then, and ultimately the series is better for it. Still,
gives me nightmares, just as its conclusions scare a small minority of scientists attempting to use legal action to shut down a ten-billion-dollar science experiment. Sadly, unless the silent majority gets behind their gallant effort, far worse than the Mayan prophecy may come true. Theoretically, it may already be under way.

Whenever possible, I seek out the advice of experts whose opinions can improve key parts of the story. Upon reading the original conclusions I put forth in
, a quantum physicist far smarter than this former Penn State physical education major rendered the following comment:

Steve, I’m “wowed.” Aside from the story line à la CERN Hadron: if {IF!} your scenario were a naturally occurring phenomenon (and I perceive that very well might be fact) then the posit that your description makes is indeed the very process of planetary expansion with the “monster” rather becoming a quasi-white-hole aka balanced gray hole---->core-star---->making the very planet a version of a plasma-breach transdimensional bleed-through reactor---->AND these reactors DO EXIST and the SUPER-COLLIDERS are “inadvertently” COPIES of the “general” ELECTROMAGNETIC RING that these plasma-breach hypergravity-lobe bleed-through reactors actually are …

Let me make two points abundantly clear: I have no idea what the hell that means, and my brain hurts when I read it. What I do know is that, as a writer of science-based “faction,” I take pride in researching my topic to exhaustion before penning digestible conclusions designed to entertain my readers while standing up to the scrutiny of experts. And that’s why
scares me: first because I know the scenario is plausible; and second because anytime you combine man’s ego with atom splitting or colliding, bad things are apt to happen.

As you read this passage they are happening right now.

In Geneva.

All should leave Geneva; Saturn turns from gold to iron.
The contrary positive ray will exterminate everything.
There will be signs in the sky before this.
The LHC [Large Hadron Collider in Geneva] is certainly, by far, the biggest jump into the unknown.


Unauthorized access or viewing of the following document without the appropriate authorizations will result in permanent incarceration or sanction by authorized use of deadly force.

The following report summarizes GOLDEN FLEECE, an UMBRALEVEL NASA program initiated outside of MJ-12 jurisdiction in January of 2013 by President Ennis Chaney following the discovery of an extraterrestrial starship (
) buried beneath the Kukulcan Pyramid (Mayan, circa AD 900) in the Yucatan Peninsula (Chichen Itza). Subsequent investigation of subjects involved in discovery and activation of spacecraft led to the confirmation of a new subspecies of
Homo sapiens
DNA origins trace insemination into humanoid gene pool 10,000 years ago (est.). Hunahpu subspecies has (potential) access to zero-point energy. Based on pressure by President Chaney, all atom-smashing experiments were banned in 2013, and the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN (Geneva) was shut down. This report seeks to reverse that moratorium.
On 14 December 2012, at approximately 14:30 hours EST, an electromagnetic force field equivalent to several billion amperes activated across the ionosphere, destroying more than 1,200 inbound nuclear ICBMs and SLBMs fired from US, Russian, and Chinese launch platforms. NORAD traced the EM array to nodes and relay junctures within and/or below the ancient structures of Angkor Wat (Cambodia), the Great Pyramid of Giza (Egypt), Stonehenge (Britain), the Pyramid of the Sun at Teotihuacan (Mexico), and under the fortress of Sacsayhuaman (Peru). Triangulation of the EM relay junctures pinpointed the origin of the pulse to the Kukulcan Pyramid in Chichen Itza, specifically to a vessel buried
the structure. Discovery/ access of the starship and subsequent activation of the EM array was credited to MICHAEL GABRIEL and DOMINIQUE VAZQUEZ.
American male, Caucasian, age 37 at time of event. Only child of archaeologists Julius Gabriel and Maria Rosen-Gabriel. Mother died of pancreatic cancer (1990); father died of heart failure in 2001 while speaking at a Harvard lecture hosted by PIERRE BORGIA (secretary of state 2008–2012). Gabriel and Borgia had been colleagues investigating extraterrestrial insemination into ancient cultures until a personal rift severed the relationship. According to eyewitnesses, Borgia’s verbal attacks during the lecture preceded Professor Gabriel’s cardiac arrest and the subsequent physical retaliation upon Borgia by Gabriel’s son, Michael. Pierre Borgia lost his right eye during the attack. Judge sentenced Michael Gabriel to fifteen years in a mental asylum. Gabriel spent most of the next eleven years in solitary confinement before he escaped with the assistance of his intern, DOMINIQUE VAZQUEZ.
Guatemalan female, Mesoamerican, age 31 at time of event. No information available on biological parents. Immigrated to America at age nine following reported death of her mother. Lived with a cousin in Tampa, Florida, until school officials filed sexual abuse charges against the relative. Adopted by foster parents (Edith and Isadore Axler) in 1998. Graduated from Florida State University with a degree in psychology. Attended FSU for her master’s degree. Interned at South Florida Evaluation and Treatment Center in Miami in September 2012, assigned to patient Michael Gabriel. Vazquez aided Gabriel’s escape in December 2012.
On 21 December 2012, a “transdimensional” extraterrestrial biological was released from a vessel located beneath the Chicxulub impact crater (Gulf of Mexico). The biological immediately targeted the EM pulse originating from Chichen Itza. Mexican and US Armed Forces failed to stop the entity. Michael Gabriel was able to deactivate the biological using an energy beam originating from the buried starship. Gabriel then entered the orifice of the terminated entity. Upon his entry, a wormhole appeared in the ionosphere and retracted both the entity and Michael Gabriel into its opening. Michael Gabriel’s status remains unknown.
(GOLDEN FLEECE) was secretly excavated and relocated to a top-secret facility at Cape Canaveral. Dr. DAVID MOHR (NASA/MAJ-12) was appointed director of GOLDEN FLEECE in 2013. On 22 September 2013, DOMINIQUE VAZQUEZ gave birth to twin boys (MICHAEL GABRIEL, father).
White hair, Mayan-blue (turquoise) eyes. Superior intellect, bordering on schizophrenic. Advanced physical attributes (see HUNAHPU gene). Following a staged public “death” in 2027, subject was sequestered at his request (age 14 through 20) at GOLDEN FLEECE facility where he advised Dr. Mohr on extraterrestrial vessel’s technologies while “training” for what he claimed was the twins’ prophesied journey to Xibalba (Mayan underworld, pronounced
see Hunahpu mythology). On 23 November 2033,
activated for the first time and flew into Earth-space with Jacob and (GOLDEN FLEECE DIRECTOR) Mohr aboard. Two days later, on 25 November 2033, the
landed on the field of the University of Miami football stadium. Mohr exited the craft, which departed moments later with Jacob Gabriel and his mother, Dominique Vazquez, on board. Eyewitnesses to the event included Dr. DAVID MOHR, EVELYN MOHR (wife), RYAN BECK (bodyguard), MITCHELL KURTZ (former CIA assassin), ENNIS CHENEY (former president), LAUREN BECKMEYER (fiancée of Immanuel Gabriel), and IMMANUEL GABRIEL (Jacob’s twin brother).
Dark hair, black eyes. Though subject graded out top one percent of population both intellectually and physically, Hunahpu gene remained dormant in this twin. Following his public “death” in 2027, subject was given a new identity as SAMUEL AGLER. Attended University of Miami as two-sport scholarship athlete. Engaged to LAUREN BECKMEYER, also a student-athlete. On 25 November 2033, subject refused to board
with his twin. Moments after
departed, Lauren Beckmeyer was terminated by biocide cartridge. Assassin most likely worked for LILITH AURELIA MABUS (see Hunahpu bio). Current whereabouts of Immanuel Gabriel: UNKNOWN.
Lineage traces back to three ancient “teachers.” KUKULCAN (Mayan), QUETZALCOATL (Aztec), and VIRACOCHA (Inca). All three males were described as tall Caucasians with white hair, matching facial hair, Mayan-blue (turquoise) eyes, and elongated skull. Kukulcan is credited with construction of his pyramid and with the astronomy that factored into the Mayan calendar. Quetzalcoatl is credited with Sun Pyramid used in EM relay. Viracocha is credited with Nazca drawings and lines.
Mayan Popol Vuh’s creation story describes ONE HUNAHPU (First Father) as an Adam-like figure who was decapitated by the Lords of the Underworld (Xibalba). Genesis 6 (Old Testament) describes similar figures as “Sons of God” (Nephilim) who cross-bred with human women. MJ-12 classifies these extraterrestrials as “NORDICS.”

Superior intellect

Superior strength and senses

Subjects possessing dominant Hunahpu genetics are able to access a higher dimension (corridor) of physical consciousness, referred to as “the Nexus.” Subjects who enter the corridor experience a 57 percent reduction of time/space, correlating with a 33 percent increase in gravity (see DAVID MOHR research studies on subject JACOB GABRIEL).

Hunahpu DNA is associated with
Rh negative blood types.
Excerpted from DAVID MOHR studies:
The Rh factor is a protein found in human blood that links
Homo sapiens
DNA to primates, specifically the Rhesus monkey. Eighty-five percent of the world’s population is Rh positive. Conversely, 15 percent of the Earth’s human population is Rh negative, meaning the evolutionary link to primates DOES NOT EXIST. Rh negative factor has been confirmed in subjects MARIA ROSEN-GABRIEL (exhumed), MICHAEL GABRIEL, DOMINIQUE VAZQUEZ, and JACOB AND IMMANUEL GABRIEL. Extensive historical research into the Rosen maternal lineage reveals a family tree that traces back to the Inca civilization and possibly Viracocha himself. While the Vazquez family tree (the Gabriel twins’ mother) remains unknown, DNA and circumstantial evidence involving Dominique Vazquez’s heritage correlates highly with a Kukulcan/Mayan lineage. The “Hunahpu wildcard” is LILITH AURELIA (MABUS), Jacob’s Nexus “playmate” during his childhood years. The exhumed bodies of MADELINA AURELIA and CECILIA AURELIA (Lilith’s biological mother and maternal grandmother) confirm a maternal heritage that dates back to the Aztec culture.
Born on same day as Gabriel twins. Half Mesoamerican (mother), half African American (father). Dark hair, Mayan-blue (turquoise) eyes. Mother (MADELINA AURELIA) murdered by father (VIRGIL ROBINSON) shortly after birth. Aurelia clan traces back to early Aztecs, possibly Quetzalcoatl. Subject fits Hunahpu profile, with extreme psychotic tendencies exacerbated during an abusive childhood and adolescence. At age 18, Lilith married LUCIEN MABUS, CEO of Mabus Tech Industries. Lilith took over as CEO of PROJECT H.O.P.E. (space tourism organization) two years later following Lucien’s death (relatives accuse Lilith of poisoning her husband, no charges were filed). In 2034, Lilith gave birth to DEVLIN AUGUSTUS MABUS, believed to have been sired by JACOB GABRIEL. While medical examinations of both Lilith and her son are strictly prohibited, MJ-12 genetic scientists have formulated the following Hunahpu genetic family history:

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