Phoenix Rockstar (Book One in the Erotic Rockstar Series) (12 page)

BOOK: Phoenix Rockstar (Book One in the Erotic Rockstar Series)
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“Chief would kill me, I can’t have you. Please don’t hate me?”

I look into his grey eyes; I don’t want to hate him.

“Come on, I made this for you…”

I look down at the plate, and my heart does flip flops, written on my egg toast is ‘Forgive me?’ I smile, I can’t help it. He knew before I asked that he would want my forgiveness. I look up at him and smile.

“I will always forgive you Trav.”

He leans in and kisses my head.

“We had some fun didn’t we?” Trav says, snapping me back to reality.

“Yeah, we really did.”

“So, what little note can I put on your egg toast today?”

“Suck my…”

He cuts me off with a kiss. “Careful baby, I might just hold you to those words.”

I grin. “Get in the kitchen and make me some breakfast.”

He slaps his hand over his heart. “Wounded!”

“Go on, before I whip you with a tea towel and you know I am the tea towel queen.”

“Oh yeah?” He grins, grasping a tea towel off the sink and spinning it around.

I stand and giggle, gripping another one, and I whip it at his leg. It makes a loud crack.

“Oh hell no, you are going to pay for that.”

He runs after me, and I squeal as I bolt down the hall way. I side step into his room at the last minute, and he skids to a halt. When he enters the room, I whip him once more.

“If I catch you Mischief, you are in trouble.” He grins.

I whip out again, just missing him, but he manages to grip the tea towel and yank it free from my hand. I scream, throwing my hands up.

“I surrender.”

“Oh no, surrender is not an option.”

I drop to my knees. “Please rockstar, I will do anything.”

He drops to his knees too, and begins crawling towards me.



He gets to me and presses his lips to mine.

“I want to play.”



I flush. “Oh hell no Travis.”

“Come on, I need this scene. We loved this movie.”

“Travis…” I warn.

“It’s that or the tea towel.”

“Yes Mickey…” I whisper.

“How do you call your lover boy?”

“Come here lover boy…”

“And if he doesn’t answer?”

“Oh lover boy…” I coo.

“And if he still doesn’t answer?”

“I simply say…baby…oh baby…my sweet baby…you’re the one…”

I grind up his body, just like baby does in dirty dancing. Our lips mesh together, and we fall backwards on the floor. I am straddling him, grinding my hips against his rigid erection. He groans when I slide my tongue into his mouth and grip his chest; dragging my nails over his skin. I yank at his boxer shorts, sliding them down. He moans when I lean back and grip his length.

“Like this Johnny?” I purr, still playing.

“Yes, baby…”

He tosses me a condom, and I rip it open with my teeth; I roll it on and enjoy his groaning. When I begin sliding my drenched sex down over him, he growls. I sink onto him, letting out my own pleasured moan. I grip his stomach and lean back, sliding up and down, up and down. I can feel my climax nearing, and I can’t fight it off. I need it, need to shake and rattle around him. I explode and whimper as I shudder. His release is close behind, both of us climaxing faster than usual. I guess it was the sexy moment.

“That’s totally how the movie should have ended.” He rasps.

“Oh hell yeah.”




“Are you serious?” Reagan cries over the phone.

“Yep, he said we could go with. I can’t wait.”

“Vegas, oh my god, with those hot band members.”

I laugh. “I know, it should be interesting at least.”

“I can’t wait.”

“Well, I have to
I am just about to walk into the shop to get some food.”

“Ahhh, food to replenish from all the sex?”

I giggle, oh my god I giggled.

“Something like that.”

“Did you just giggle?”

“I think it was a giggle.”

“Oh my god it was a giggle.”

“I have changed.”

“For the better, see you later?”

“Sure will, behave!”

I click the phone shut and walk into the shop. I came for a walk on my own, only because it was a few blocks down, and Travis was working. I scour the isles and pick up some subs, ham, salad and some cold drinks. I am just putting a bottle into my trolley when a voice calls my name. I turn and stare at the man walking towards me. The years haven’t changed him, not an ounce. He is still tall, blonde and devilishly handsome.

“Dan?” I say, squinting.

“Violet, it is you.”

Oh crap.

“It’s me, what are you doing here?”

“I moved back.”


“I can’t believe it’s you, you look amazing.”

I lose the smile. “How is Lila?”

His face falls. “She broke up with me.”

“How sad.”

He narrows his eyes. “Violet, I have been looking for you. I made a mistake, a huge mistake and…”

“Don’t Dan, please not now.”

“Can we talk, please?”

“She is taken.”

I hear the rough voice behind me and feel the arms that wrap around my waist. Dan eyes Travis, and then looks back at me.

“T-T-Travis Phoenix?”

“Um, Dan this is Trav. We are seeing each other.”

“Violet, can we have a word?”

“I said she is taken, what part of that don’t you understand?” Travis hisses.

“I just want a word.”

“Trav, it’s ok.” I say, stepping out of his grips.

He glares at me, and I know I am in trouble.

“A minute Trav, I won’t be a minute.”

He snatches the trolley away from me and hisses a curse, before turning and walking off.

“You are dating Travis Phoenix?”

“Yes I am, so what?”

“What is wrong with you? After what he did!”

“He is different.”

“You have stooped Violet; I thought you grew up.”

“Don’t you lecture me about stooping Dan, I cared about you and you cheated on me and broke my heart.”

“I made a mistake, the biggest of my life. I still love you Vi.”

“Stop, right there…I don’t want to hear it.”

“Violet, just let me talk with you please.”

His eyes are pleading, and it tugs at that broken part of my heart.

“I can’t do this right now; don’t contact me or speak with me again.”

I rush away from him and out the front of the shop. Travis is gone, and I dread what I will walk into when I get back to his house. All my ideas and fears are wrong; Travis is standing at the bench making salad subs. Ok, so maybe he knew he was over reacting and just got over it? I step in and walk over next to him; he doesn’t look at me.


He doesn’t speak. Uh oh, this is far worse than I could have imagined. He is silent and silent means beyond furious.

“Trav, I didn’t know he would be there.”

He spins towards me. “Do you still want him?”

“No, of course not.”

“Are you going to see him?”

“I don’t…know.”

“You are mine Violet.” He growls.

“Trav, it’s complicated and…”

“Mine.” He rasps, gripping my face and bringing his lips down on my so forcefully I bite my lip.

I tangle my hands through his hair, as desperate as he is to confirm these feelings between us. The feelings neither of us want to admit are there. He grips my pants and yanks them down, then deposits my bottom onto the bench. He releases himself just enough so he can fuck me on the bench. He angrily shoves on a condom. When he presses inside me, I groan and thrash. He plunges deeply, growling at the intense pleasure.

“Trav…please.” I beg.

He slams harder, faster until the bench creaks beneath us. He explodes before I get the chance to, bellowing my name. He pulls out and yanks up his jeans with a curse. I stare, my eyes wide, tears tumbling down my cheeks. He looks at me, then grips his head and growls.

“Fuck…why do you test me like that?” He snaps, walking out of the room.

I should walk away; I need to walk away. Travis will break my heart, or worse; I will break his. We are opposites and yet the attraction is intense between us, so strong it tugs at my heart strings. I have never wanted anything in my entire existence the way I want Travis Phoenix, and I know, know deep down in my soul that he will either make…or break me.

I find him sitting on the deck, staring out at the city. I sit beside him and open my mouth to speak, but nothing comes out. What can I say to him? I don’t think anything in this moment will make it better. He is hurting, and I don’t know how to comfort him. Then I remember something, a song I used to sing to him when we were younger. Anytime he was mad at me, and I couldn’t work out how to say sorry; I would sing it. I open my mouth and start singing.

The grey ceiling on the earth well it’s lasted for a while,

Take my thoughts for what their worth, I’ve been acting like a child.

Your opinion, what is that? It’s just a different point of view.

What else, what else can I do? I said I’m sorry, yeah I’m sorry

I said I’m sorry but what for, if I hurt you then I hate myself.

I don’t wanna hate myself, don’t wanna hurt you…

Why do you choose your pain, if you only knew, how much I love you…

Love you…

He turns to me, and his eyes are glassy and red. He strokes my cheeks and pulls me onto his lap.

“You are my life Violet, my soul, my heart. My world changed the day you were born, and it will never be the same again.”

I snuggle into his chest, and continue singing; he begins humming along with me.

I won’t be your winter; I won’t be anyone’s excuse to cry.

We can be forgiven, ohh yeah.

And I will be here….




“He was so mad at me Momma.” I sigh, sitting on the kitchen table and staring at my mother baking cookies.

“Trav has always been a little crazy when it comes to you honey; he was just jealous.”

“I hesitated, and I don’t know why. I should have told Dan to screw off, but I sent Trav away and listened to him.”

“Look, you and Dan were together a while, and he broke your heart. It’s not un natural to have some softness towards him.”

“I suppose.”

“You two will be
you just need to be honest with him.”

“He asked about Lil the other day.” I whisper.

She stops and stares at me. “What did you say?”

“I said she died.”

“You didn’t tell him why?”

“No, I couldn’t. If he hated me, I couldn’t bear it.”

“Oh honey, Trav would never hate you. He loves you.”

“Do you think I should tell him?”

“I think honesty is a must, I think you should tell him everything because only then will you know if what you have is real.”

I nod, swallowing and knowing she is right. I have to tell him; I have no choice. To gain trust and friendship alone, we have to be honest…the love part will take so much more. I open my phone and glance down at the text message he sent me yesterday after I left.

Mischief, I am sorry. I keep doing this to you, and I know it’s not helping. I can’t imagine my world without you in it right now, you have attached yourself to my very core, and I need you.

I reply.

Trav, can we meet? We have to talk.

Name the time and place.

The cafe next to your house, now?

I will be there.

I say goodbye to mom, then make my way to the cafe. Travis is already waiting for me, looking gorgeous in his grey shirt and blue jeans. He stands when I reach him and reaches out for my hand.

“Hey beautiful.”

“Trav, I have something’s I need to say before we go any further.”

He nods and sits down. I swallow and then begin speaking.

“I haven’t given enough to you, and it’s likely my fault. I have lived a long time being this person; I have forgotten who I was. I have to be honest with you Trav, you scare me, but I want this as much as I want you. To get past it, I have to tell you something’s about my life in the past four years as you know, so you can make the choice…”

“It won’t change the fact that I want you.”

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