Phoenix Rockstar (Book One in the Erotic Rockstar Series) (14 page)

BOOK: Phoenix Rockstar (Book One in the Erotic Rockstar Series)
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“Are you ok?”

“Sure, I just needed a minute.”

“You are in love with him aren’t you?”

I stare at her and my lip trembles.

“Aw honey, you have known this for a long time, it’s just hitting hard now. It will ease off.”

She holds me while I sob stupidly, when I manage to stop; she helps me wipe down my face.

“We should get out of here, someone might need it.”

I nod. She helps me up, and we walk out, when we get back to the seats, Trav is sitting and staring out the window. He turns to stare at me as I walk past, our eyes meet for a moment and then he turns and stares back out the window. What that tells me is that he is feeling what I am, and it scares the hell out of him too





The hotel we are staying in is beautiful; we have our own adjoining rooms and in between them, situated on the balcony is a massive spa. It can hold over ten people, and it is the first thing we all vow to get in. I am in my own room, which surprises me a little. Travis is gone as soon as we get in, mumbling something about needing to do work. With a sigh, I join the others in the spa. They are already on the way to being extremely drunk, and soon I am not far behind.

When Travis arrives four hours later, we are giggling and squealing like a bunch of school kids. Reagan is on Harley’s lap, and even Janice is smiling. He stops at the tub beside me and looks down into my eyes.

“I see you have intoxicated my girl.”

I giggle. “They didn’t make
I did it on my own.”

He smiles, but it’s only half. Oh Travis.

“Come in Trav baby.” I say, stroking his cheek.

Those words look like they pain him, but he removes his shirt all the same. Reagan whistles and Janice flushes. Yes, my man has the best body in this spa. Trav slides in and pulls me onto his lap. His body is hard against mine, and I relish in the feeling of him pressed up against me. I notice Janice staring at us, she frightens me a touch. She is one of those women likely to go crazy on a man she wants that much…or his girlfriend.

“Where’d you head off to Trav?” Marcus asks.

“Just work.”

I feel Trav stroking my stomach, his fingers sliding up and down gently. The water is bubbled thanks to our bright idea of putting bubble bath in it. When his hand slides lower and tucks under my bikini bottoms, I tense. He wouldn’t make me come right here would he? He leans in and nibbles on my ear lobe and then whispers “Don’t scream.”

When he inserts one finger and rubs my clit with his thumb, it takes all my strength not to scream. I grip his arm, and I can feel his muscles moving as he gently fingers me in the spa with five other people. Reagan is pashing Harley
thank god they don’t know what we are doing. Marcus begins chatting with Trav, and he responds as though he isn’t finger deep inside me right now. I claw at his arms as I rise higher and higher.

“So Vi, what do you do for a living?” Marcus asks.

“What?” I stammer.

“Are you ok, you look flushed?”

“I…um…stomach ache.”

“Uh oh did you drink too much?”

“Think so.” I whimper.

Travis is sliding in and out, touching that soft spot and stroking it. When I come, I begin to cry out and quickly cover it with a strangled moan that sounds painful. Reagan looks over at me and her eyes narrow.

“Are you ok Vi?”

“Just a stomach ache.” I groan, gripping Trav’s arms as my body tightens and releases against his finger.

“You should lie down if it’s that bad.”

“Oh, it will go away.”

When my body stops shuddering, I breathe a sigh of relief. Trav kisses my neck.


“I might go lie down.” I say, pretending it still hurts.

“Ok, I hope you feel better.”

“I will go with.” Trav says, standing behind me. I wonder why he is pressing me so close and then I realize he is so damned hard he could crack a walnut.

“Trav, can we have a word?” Janice asks.

“Now?” He says, with a growl.

“It’s important.”


There goes that hard on. He helps me out, and then follows Janice into the kitchen. I wait in the lounge, but curiosity gets the better of me. I step around the corner, only to see Janice wrapped in Travis’s arms, and he isn’t fighting her. I gasp, and he lets her go, turning to face me.

“It’s not…”

“Oh my god!”

I turn and hurry out, Travis calls my name, but I don’t stop. I get to my room and lock the door; he bangs and bangs on it, but I don’t open. Reagan comes past and knocks next, but no, I am not opening it for her either. What was he doing with Janice? I need to know, now. I go out the other door and stomp down to her room; I bang on the door. When she opens, it’s with a satisfied smile.

“You are fucking with the wrong person lady, what do you want with him?”

“Travis didn’t tell you?”

“Tell me what!”

“I am not fantasizing about him Violet, I have had him. I was with him for a year.”


“No bullshit.  He was fucking me for a year, the longest relationship he has had.”

She is lying.

“Well he left, it’s over, get it through your head.”

“I left Violet, broke his heart and left.”

“Stop it!” I cry, gripping my hair.

“I have kept my distance, but I can’t just stand back and watch him fucking with an idiot like you. He is better than you; he deserves so much more. He isn’t damaged, isn’t fucked up, and you are. You will ruin him Violet, and you know it. You are no good, walk away.”

“Fuck you Janice, you know nothing.”

“I know everything. You think I don’t know what he was doing in that hot tub? You think I didn’t know he had his fingers deep inside you? I know because he used to do it to me. You are a faze, nothing more. He will get over you, and come back to me like he always does.”

“You are wrong; it’s deeper than that.”

“If you say so.” She grins, shutting the door in my face.

“Fucking bitch!” I snarl.

I kick her door and then turn and stomp off down the hall. Travis comes out just as I am going in; I see him and begin crying uncontrollably. He rushes over, gripping me in his arms.

“It was a long time ago.”

“That is meant to make me feel better? You didn’t tell me Trav, you were with her?”

“It was a mistake.”

“The longest relationship you have had, did you love her?”

“No it wasn’t the longest and no I didn’t love her.”

“So it’s no different to me then?” I snap, “I will last a year, and you will move on to the next poor girl.”

“It is different.” He yells, shaking my shoulders.

“Tell me how Travis, because I fail to see how it is different.”

“Because I am falling in love with you, I never EVER got that close with her.”

I gape at him. “You… are falling in love with me?”

He strokes my cheek, painfully. “I can’t help
you make me crazy, I don’t know how many times I have to say that. I want you Violet, so help me god, I want you more than my own life.”

I leap at him, wrapping my legs around his waist and kissing him with fierce intent.


He pulls back and looks over at a shocked Janice.

“Try that again Janice, not only will I fire you but I will NEVER speak with you again. Back off, move on and stay the hell away from me.”

She gapes at him, he kicks his bedroom door open and swoops me into the room. He kicks the door shut behind him, and we fall onto the ground, we don’t make it as far as the bed.

“Travis.” I whisper, gripping his shoulders. “I am dark, no good for you. She is right about that.”

“Sometimes all darkness needs is a little of the right kinda light. I am your light Mischief.”




“Violet, where are you? I went past Reagan’s, and you ain’t there. Fucking hell girl, where are you?”

I shut my ph
one after listening to
’s voice message. Boy are we in trouble. Travis is in the bed sleeping, looking as beautiful and peaceful as ever. The show last night went really well, and as promised he didn’t have any women on stage. It will take a bit on my behalf to get used to the fact that he is forever being swarmed, but I know he only has eyes for me. That is comforting. I walk out onto the deck and call Chief; I know he will be furious but what the heck, he will have to get over it. I dial, and he answers on the first ring.

“Where the fuck have you been Violet?”

“I am out daddy.”

“With fucking who!”

“Dad, stop now. I am a grown woman, and I don’t have to check in with you and mom all the time.”

“You also have a fucking lunatic after you; I raised you better.”

“Don’t dad.”

“Who is he?”


“Who are you with?”



“I am, you can talk to her if you like.”

“Don’t play with me girl, get your ass home.”

“Kind of can’t.”

“Why the fuck not?”

“Um…I am in Vegas.”

I can practically hear him busting at the seams.

“Fucking stay the fuck there, I am coming to get you.”

“NO! I will come home, keep your shirt on.”

“Don’t you tell me to keep my shirt
I am fucking up to my limits with your shit Violet.”

“My shit? What am I doing that’s so wrong? I am being a girl, doing what normal girls do.”

“You ain’t a normal girl. Wait a second…Travis is in Vegas this weekend.”

Crap, crap, what is wrong with me.

“So we came to see his show.”

“Fucking find that boy now and put him on.”

“He is out with some woman daddy, I don’t know where.”


“I am serious!”

“You are lying to me girl, I ain’t stupid. You been hiding from me; you and him? Get that little fucker here
I am going to blast a fucking hole…”

“STOP IT!” I scream. “I am sick of this. I am a grown woman daddy; I don’t have to do as you say anymore.”

“Like hell you don’t.”

“If you love me, and you want me in your life, stop this now. I…daddy…I love him.”

He falls silent for such a long time; I wonder if he has gone.

“Well fuck it Violet. You know the rules.”

“He isn’t part of the club daddy.”

“I have had that boy around since he was a fucking kid Violet, he might as well be.”

“The guys won’t care; daddy please…”

“I have to punish him baby; you know I do.”

“Please daddy.”

“I will go easy, get home now before I change my mind.”

I rush into the bedroom and wake Travis, when he sees my face, his falls.

“What’s wrong?”

“Chief knows.”

He sighs and rubs his head. “Well, I guess I had to face it one day.”

“Trav he will hurt you!” I cry, gripping my hair.

“He will go easy.”

“How can you be so
” I scream.

“Because I have known this would happen eventually.”

“We can stay here, he won’t find us…”

f, you know he will and even if we manage to hide, eventually he will catch up with
and it will be so much worse.”

I feel a tear trickle down my cheek. “Trav, I don’t want you to get hurt.”

He kneels and strokes my cheek. “I will do anything for you baby, anything.”




I can hear him screaming, and I thrash as two of the club members hold me back. I know what they are doing to him; I know because I have seen it. Chief had to do it; said he had no choice otherwise all the members would run off the rails. Travis went forward and accepted it; no argument at all. He is going easy on him; I know that, but I hate him all the same right now. Travis finally
stops screaming, and Chief
walks out, his eyes are glassy and red. Travis is like his son.

“I fucking hate you!” I scream. “Fucking hate you daddy.”

He looks like I have slapped him. He stops in front of me and tears are thundering down my face.

“You know the
you have known them from day one. You knew I had to punish him, but you snuck around anyway. I ain’t gonna stop this relationship girl, but I had to do what I had to do.”

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