Pink Buttercream Frosting (8 page)

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Authors: Lissa Matthews

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Pink Buttercream Frosting
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“What happened?” What would it be like to be shared like that while Aidn watched? The idea aroused and excited her, but given his past experience with it, she didn’t think she’d be asking to try it.

He was looking at her, or rather, looking through her, back to the past. The pain in his eyes was harsh, cold, and she shivered, drawing his attention back to her. He tucked the sheet around her and she was glad for the warmth of his touch.

“One of the doms who had used her on a previous occasion called our home. I was still working that night… Her transgression was two-fold. She went without me, thinking it was okay to leave me a message telling me what she was doing. When I got there, she was on her knees with his dick in her mouth. Her collar wasn’t around her neck.”

“Oh, Aidn.”

“I could have dealt with her going to him without me. The punishment she would have endured wouldn’t have allowed her to sit for a long, long time, but we could have worked through it. Taking her collar off…”

“Did she say why?”

Aidn did look at her then. His eyes were clear, no longer haunted, and he was focused on her. “It didn’t matter why. All that mattered was that she did it. I walked out his door and went home, packed up most of my stuff and left.”

“I’m… Did she ever try to contact you, try to explain?

“Yes, but I didn’t care. There is such a thing as respect in this lifestyle. I know many people don’t understand what we do or why we do it. I know they don’t understand it’s who we are and that we need this. She knew, though. She knew about trust and respect and the bond between dominant and submissive. She knew, or rather I thought she knew that her collar was the symbol of that bond. Taking it off, broke us, destroyed the trust and the respect we had built together.”

Heaviness settled in her chest for the heartache he’d suffered. She wanted to soothe him, show him that she was different, that she wouldn’t do that, couldn’t do that. He deserved unconditional submission. “I don’t know what to say.”

“You don’t have to say anything. For now, just get some sleep. You’re not her and I’m tired of not having what I want because I couldn’t let it go. We’ll talk tomorrow.”

He leaned down and kissed her on the forehead before getting up and leaving the room without another word. She watched until he disappeared down the hall. How was she supposed to sleep after all he’d just said, all that was implicated in his words? Not to mention the fact that she was in his home, naked in his bed.

Would he be sleeping with her? She didn’t know the answer and that was the real problem. She didn’t know any answers about what was going on. On the other hand, perhaps he needed to think, to figure out what he wanted to do.

Bailey turned over and pulled the other pillow on the bed close to her, wrapping herself around its softness. She closed her eyes and tried not to think about what she would do if the outcome tomorrow wasn’t what she wanted and hoped for and wished that it would be.


Aidn stood in the kitchen doorway. It was just after three a.m. and Bailey was in her own little world, moving around with silent efficiency, unaware of his presence. He’d never had a woman in his kitchen that wasn’t related to him in some way. He liked her there, making herself at home.

“What are you doing?” He asked it on purpose just as she put her finger in her mouth with a large gob of pink stuff on the tip. She was blushing when she turned to him with wide eyes that suddenly looked guilty.

“Oh, I um…I couldn’t sleep.”

“I see that. What are you making?”

“Frosting. Swiss buttercream.”

The flush on her cheeks deepened. He walked toward her, stopping close enough that she had to tilt her head back to look at him. Her hair was mussed and she wore one of his T-shirts. For a bigger girl, she wore it better than he did. It was white, stretched tight across her breasts and he could see her areolas through the thin cotton. He’d have to punish her for rummaging through this things without permission. Damn, she was going to be fun.

“Where did you get all the stuff to make frosting?”

“It doesn’t take much, really. You had sugar and butter and eggs. I found some vanilla stashed way in the back of the cabinet. I was going to make a cake, too, but you didn’t have flour. You at least had a whisk and a good bowl, so…”

“Right. And the pink color?”

“You’re going to laugh. I um…carry a small jar of petal pink coloring.”

Aidn debated asking why, but didn’t. Maybe it was just a baker thing. “Interesting. So, do you always play in the kitchen in the middle of the night in your underwear?”

“If I were at home, I’d be in pajamas and sometimes I do bake in the middle of the night when things bother me or I just can’t sleep.”

He studied her for so long that she began to fidget with the hem of the shirt, twisting it in her fingers. She drew her bottom lip between her teeth and lowered her eyes. He couldn’t even begin to describe the peace that settled around him, inside him. “You wearing my shirt turns me on.”

She looked up then, her eyes flashing, a small, then very big grin lighting up her face. “I think you stay turned on.”

“So I do. Most especially when it comes to you.”

“I didn’t mean…”

“I know exactly what you meant, but I’m telling you that when it comes to you, I stay horny and hard.” He glanced to the bowl on the counter then back at her mouth. “Now, about this frosting… May I have a taste?”

“Oh um…yeah, sure.”

She stepped back while he dipped a finger in the bowl. He started to raise it to his mouth, but stopped.

“Lift up the shirt.”

“Aidn, really…”

“Are you going to start arguing with me about everything I tell you to do? If so, girl, you’re going to have one very red and very tender ass the majority of the time. Now. Lift. Up. The. Shirt.”

Bailey did as he told her, heat again touching her cheeks. He placed his frosting-coated finger against her nipple until it was completely covered. With his hand in the center of her chest, he pressed her back against the counter and lowered his head, taking her nipple in his mouth, his tongue swirling around the tip, licking it clean.

Looking up, he lowered the shirt back down and licked his lips. “It’s very good. Not many people know this, but I have an incredible sweet tooth. I guess my dentist will be getting a lot more business from me now.” He winked at her.

“Th-thank you.”

“I know you’re strong, Bailey. I know you’re independent. I don’t want to take that away from you, I don’t want to change you. I want to enhance those qualities in you, I want to add to them. You’re a submissive, not just sexually, but completely. It’s in you. I see it, I feel it. It calls to me and yet, you’re not afraid to fight me.”

“You keep pushing me away, Aidn. You only let me in sexually. If I am more than just a fuck, I need to know. I need to know where I stand with you.”

He dipped his finger in the frosting bowl again and nodded. “Yes. Those questions will end here. What do you think? Is that acceptable?” He pressed his finger against her lips until she opened them and licked the frosting off the tip. “Will it taste as good from my skin as it does from yours? Should we find out?”

He smiled because all she did was stare at him with wide, questioning eyes. He really did have to get over it. He was going to have to trust her as much as he needed her to trust him. He was going to have to collar her, keep her, and for the second time in his very private, very personal life, take responsibility for someone other than himself.

“Aidn? Do you remember my kitchen counters?”

“I don’t think I’ll ever forget them.”

“There’s not enough room on yours.”

She lifted the shirt off over her head and stood naked in front of him. He looked around. She was right; his counters weren’t open or deep enough. The floor looked promising, but this wasn’t one of those fuck-on-the-floor moments. “Come with me.” He took her hand and led her out of the kitchen, but not before picking up the bowl of frosting.

He settled her on the dining room table, bending her knees up, and then spreading her legs wide. Her body trembled. “Relax. Enjoy. Trust me. We both want this.” His hands drifted across her body as cravings for all the dark and deviant pleasures of the lifestyle began filling every pore of his being. “You’re the first woman to spend the night here, you know.”

A self-satisfied look lit her eyes and a smile threatened to break through. She would be a tough one to crack, open one minute, confusing the next, but the delight she brought to him surpassed anything he’d imagined finding after so long.

He dipped four of his fingers into the bowl of frosting and grinned when her eyes widened. With a small dollop of frosting deposited on her clit and on each nipple, the fourth finger smeared the decadence in her belly button, she looked like a sweet treat. And he was starving.

“Now, do not move or I will have to tie you down.” Lowering his head, he sucked her clit between his lips and she writhed. Hiding his smile, he looked up without lifting his mouth. When she stilled, he again sucked at her clit, and again she writhed under him.

His mouth lifted. “I warned you.”

“I know, but I can’t help it. It feels so…”

“I know. However, I told you what would happen if you moved. You have got to do what I tell you. And I told you to stay still.”

“Yes, Aidn.”


“Yes, sir.”

Aidn stood and walked away. He had rope in his office, cuffs, scarves, straps, all kinds of things that could be used to tie someone down. As he rummaged around, he noticed that his mood was lighter, and though he was horny again, it wasn’t the kind of horny that drove a person nuts if they didn’t get relief. He had been through that over the past few weeks. No, this horny was hot and insistent, bubbling just below the surface, but patient, knowing it would be sated, knowing the outlet it had been craving was there within reach, and not leaving.

Pulling a pale pink scarf from the drawer along with four strips of black leather, he went back to her with a smile on his face “Now, let’s get you tied down.”

He walked around the table, tying first one wrist to a table leg, then tying the other. As he worked, he talked to her, as openly as possible for a man that hadn’t shared his feelings with a woman in so long. “You are more than just a fuck to me, Bailey. You are, I believe, the submissive I’m meant to own. I don’t believe in fate and meant to, but I do believe in you. That’s good enough for me.” He moved onto her legs, wrapping the bindings around her ankles and knotting them to the remaining table legs. Standing at the end of the table, her pussy open and glistening, beckoning him to touch her, he picked up the bowl of frosting. “I’m afraid you’re going to have to make more later. I’m not going to be able to get enough of it, and I’m not going to be able to get enough of you.”

About the Author

To learn more about Lissa Matthews, please visit
. Send an e-mail to Lissa Matthews at
[email protected]

Hell hath no fury like a scorned woman—with toys.


On His Knees

© 2009 Beth Williamson


Private Lives, Book 1

Renny Johnson has no idea why her ex-husband broke into her house in the middle of the night. She plans to find out—right after he wakes up from a close encounter with his own baseball bat. As long as she’s got him tied up, she might as well make him answer every unanswered question about their divorce.

Nicholas sneaked into the house, hoping to retrieve his precious autographed bat without having to face Renny’s wrath. He didn’t expect her to knock him out with it. Then again, who can blame her? He left her to take a walk on the wild side, to search for that missing something he thought he couldn’t find in his marriage.

Now that he’s completely at her mercy, he’s about to find out how merciless—and how incredibly sexy—his ex can be. The night becomes a wild roller coaster ride of amazing sex, dominance and submission, and maybe the beginning of a brand new chapter in their lives.

Unless the flames burn out of control…

Warning: This title contains a dominant woman, a sexy submissive man, and lots of nekkid, smokin’ hot sex.


Enjoy the following excerpt for
On His Knees:

A surge of excitement danced across Nicholas’s skin. Renny was different…stronger, firmer, more in control. The very things he hadn’t even recognized he needed until he visited Nirvana. Now he knew he was a sub by nature. A sub in need of a Dom, and he hoped like hell Renny was open to the idea. He wouldn’t give her too much detail up front, just enough to have a taste of what could be between them.

She picked up the scissors and, to his utter surprise, started cutting his clothes off. Now that was something he’d never expected. The cold steel of the scissors slowly slid up his overheated skin, and he shuddered with longing. Who knew his mousy ex-wife would end up being the woman he wanted so badly his teeth ached? His heart had known all along, had refused to give up on her. Perhaps it wasn’t too late.

“What are you doing?”

Renny glanced at him. “Making you naked.”

“Why don’t you just take my clothes off instead of cutting them off?” His breath caught on the last word when the scissors flicked one nipple.

She stopped immediately. “Did I hurt you?”

“No.” He was in danger of blowing another load in his pants though.

She pulled the remnants of his shirt off, then leaned down and bit his hardened nipples. “Mmm, much better.”

Nicholas let out a shaky breath, hoping like hell this wasn’t just punishment. He wanted so much more, craved more, needed more.

Shifting down his body, Renny let her breasts press into his thigh. He couldn’t stop the moan from escaping. He swore he heard her chuckle.

The scissors started again on his pants and he didn’t stop her. Didn’t say a damn word or even move. Instead he lay there, getting harder by the minute.

Snip, snip, snip.

Working her way up his pant leg, Renny nibbled and scraped her teeth on the exposed skin. It was the weirdest yet most sensual experience of his life. By the time she’d shredded his pants, he shook with need. Her eyebrows shot up when she discovered he’d gone commando.

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