Pink Buttercream Frosting (5 page)

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Authors: Lissa Matthews

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Pink Buttercream Frosting
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“Ask me for another kiss, Bailey.”

“Please, may I have another kiss?”


Her eyes widened once the word registered. He wasn’t sure why he’d put it out there, put the line in the sand, but he wouldn’t take it back. It seemed the right thing to do, just as it had when he’d taken her on her kitchen counter.

“Please, may I have another kiss, sir?”

He couldn’t explain his reaction to hearing her say “sir”…pride, power, happiness.

“I want to try something. Will you let me?”


“I want you to close your eyes. Just listen to my voice. Trust me. Please, Bailey?”

She twisted the apron strings between her fingers and looked down at the ground. “Why?”

“In one of the books on your bookshelf you tagged a page about sensory deprivation and while I could likely find something to blindfold you with, I’d rather just ask you to close your eyes, to listen to my voice, to just talk to me and let me in.”

Aidn could see she was struggling just as much as he was with the request. She was fidgeting with her fingers, wouldn’t look at him and worrying her bottom lip with her teeth. When she finally lifted her head, her eyes were closed and his heart skipped a beat. “Good girl. Now, say it again. Say ‘sir’ again.”

She licked her lips and swallowed hard. “Sir.”

He dropped his hands from her hair and took a measured step back, taking in some air. What was he doing? Why wasn’t he leaving? Why was he leading her down a submissive path when it was all kinds of wrong for him to do so? Why couldn’t he resist her?

“Such a good girl. I don’t know what you’ve heard about me, but there are all kinds of stories running around. The BDSM community is rather small. But, all you need to know is that what is happening here between us is unusual for me.”

She nodded and he reached out, gently stroking her neck with the pad of his thumb, unable to resist touching her.

“You said you came to the lifestyle late. When? Do you have any experience?”

When she licked her lips, he wanted to push her to her knees and feel that tongue on his cock.

“Yes, sir. I started exploring about two years ago and joined Abyss last year.”

“How did you get it? The experience, I mean. Before you answer that, do you have any appointments? Are you expecting anyone?”

“No, sir.”

He walked to the door and turned the lock. When he was back with her, he took her by the shoulders and turned her around, walking her slowly into the kitchen area of her shop. He didn’t want anyone to walk by and see them through the front window.

She was still trusting him. He hadn’t trusted anyone in so long, in matters like this. She made him miss it.

“Talk, Bailey girl. Answer my other question now.”

“Oh. I…I joined an online lifestyle site and after a while I became friends with a couple of submissives. They invited me to a few play parties and private get-togethers.”

“But you didn’t play at the parties?”

“No. One of the dominant men kind of took me under his wing for a few months and trained me.”

“He’s not your dom, though?”

“No. He has a submissive. She was one of the girls that had invited me and he was just trying to help me learn.”

“What did he show you or do to you that you enjoyed?”

The color in her cheeks heightened to a bright pink and she began to fidget with the apron strings again. His fingers itched to tie her hands behind her back with them. He leaned back against a worktable and crossed his arms over his chest, waiting.

“Spanking and flogging. Bondage, wax and a little sensory deprivation. He helped me to understand the dynamics of BDSM, that it was about my consent to submit and a dominant’s consent to control.”

“Do you still see him?” Aidn didn’t want the answer to that question. Just the thought of anyone spanking Bailey or touching her in any way now that he had, just…

“No, sir. I am not seeing anyone.”

But you
. The words hung in the air between them. She didn’t have to say them and he didn’t have to tell her to open her eyes to know what he’d see there. Her willingness with him would be his undoing if he didn’t get it together.

He moved to stand in front of her, beside her, and finally, behind her. She leaned back against him and his nerve faltered. With his hand, he reached out and ran his fingers through the back of her hair, gripping the strands, tugging and pulling her head back. His lips touched her forehead as a gasp left her.

“Did you like the spankings, the wax play? There are things I want to do to you, things I want to show you, things I haven’t wanted with anyone in a very long time. I want to clamp your nipples and your clit. I want to bend you over my knees and spank you like a naughty schoolgirl. I want to drip wax over your thighs and belly while vibrating eggs, deep inside your holes, drive you mad. I want… I want so much.”

She was trembling and her pulse had quickened. She was breathing out of her mouth in short, ragged breaths. If he cupped her pussy, he’d find heat, find that the orgasm would shiver through her at the slightest touch. After two weeks, he could still bring her to the brink. After two weeks and how he’d left her, she would still come apart in his arms, she would still trust him, just as she had been doing these past minutes.

“But I can’t. I shouldn’t have come today. I tried. I tried to stay away. Everything about you isn’t for me, everything you make me feel, make me want isn’t for me. I…I’m sorry.”

And, for the second time in as many weeks, he ran.

Chapter Five

“Thank you for seeing me, sir.”

Aidn smiled and held out his hand to her. She was a pretty young thing, someone he might have taken home, or at least taken on the desk, but there was not an ounce of attraction or arousal. He didn’t like that. “Please, Misty, call me Aidn.”

Her eyes flitted back and forth between his face and his hand, finally taking it lightly and giving it a brief shake. “Oh no, sir, I couldn’t do that. Master says I am to speak respectfully at all times. I am not to use a man’s given name.”

Aidn raised an eyebrow and gestured for her to take a seat. He slid his hip on the edge of the desk, looking her over. “Very well, but for future reference when someone asks you to call them by name, and you do so, you’re not being disrespectful.”

“Yes, sir. Thank you for the lesson, sir.”

He was torn between a smirk and grinding his teeth into dust, his jaw was locked so tight. Better get down to business and get her on her way. “Robert said you needed some help with a contract.”

“Oh yes, sir. Your friend said it would be a good idea to have you look over the contract my master wants me to sign and that you were always willing to help out others…in the lifestyle.”

She spoke with such earnest excitement and Aidn’s stomach clenched in dread. Gullible was a good word for her, as well as innocent, unassuming. Unfortunately, the perfect prey.

“Your master? Really? Does he know you’re talking to me?” he asked, though he already knew the answer.

“Oh no, sir. I didn’t talk to him last night. Besides he would not be happy with me if he knew.”

“Why would he be upset? You’re just trying to—”

“He said I should trust him to know what’s best for me.”

“Right, of course.” Blind trust. “Here, let me see what you’ve got.”

She reached into her bag and handed him a piece of paper. It required the date and her signature. Glancing at it, nothing struck him as being out of sorts. It was simple and straightforward. A general contract that he had seen a dozen times before. The man had probably printed it off the Internet.

“I feel kind of silly showing it to you.”

“No need. As Robert said, this is part of what I do. I try to help ensure that everyone involved in the relationship is protected.”

“I understand, sir. But, I really don’t need it. Master would never hurt me. He looks out for me. And besides, I can read it and understand it.”

“Of course you can.” He handed the paper back to her. “So, tell me. How did you meet your master?”

She blushed. “Online. One of those, you know, personal sites for…kinky people.”

Her voice had dropped to a dramatic whisper as though she expected the kink police to jump out of thin air. How amusing.

“Yes, I know. And how long have the two of you been talking?”

“Oh a long time, sir. I knew immediately that I wanted to be with him.”

“Really. That’s great. How long is a long time? A few months? A year?”

She actually laughed. “Oh no, sir. A few weeks.”

“A few weeks? And he’s giving you a contract? He’s wanting to collar you?” The nausea was nearly overwhelming.

“Oh yes, as soon as I sign it and send it back. I am going to live with him after he receives it.”

If he threw up would she notice through the haze of her euphoria? “You’ve met him, then?”

Again, the blush. “Not yet.”

Not yet? Oh yeah, he was going to be ill. Did he have any Pepto in the office anywhere? Shit, what he wouldn’t give for a whole box of the chewables. “Phone calls?”

“A few. But he’s seen me on webcam a lot.”

“I’ll just bet he has,” Aidn murmured.

“Sir? Are you okay? You look a little pale, like you’re sick.”

He swallowed and tamped down the urge to take her by the shoulders and shake some sense into her. “I’m fine. Misty, signing the contract gives him control of you until the date stated, at which you can ask to be released. It’s not legally binding in a court of law, but…”

“Oh, I won’t be doing that. Master’s other girls are very happy living with him. I’m sure that I will be, too.”

“Other girls?” Maybe two boxes of Pepto.

“Yes, master owns two other girls. We’ll be as close as sisters. I don’t have sisters, sir.”

There was a wistful longing in her eyes. She was lonely. Shit. “Have you talked to these girls?”

“No, sir. Master says there will be time enough for that when I get there and get settled. He said these weeks were just for us to get to know each other.”

“How old are you?”

“Twenty-one, sir.”

He grimaced. He couldn’t help it. It was like a boulder had just settled in his stomach. “What do your parents think?”

“They think I’m going back to college.” She looked down at the floor. “My parents wouldn’t understand. No one understands.”

The sympathy her words could have evoked was tainted by the childish pout of her lips. He wanted to reach down and shake her until the cotton candy in her brain transformed into a solid mass of tissue capable of rational thought. He wanted to yell that she didn’t have a fucking clue what she was doing and that if she came home she was likely to be so mentally and emotionally damaged, so physically abused that… God, Aidn didn’t even want to think about some of the truly evil things he’d seen bastards like her so-called “master” do to girls as blind and naïve as she.

“Misty. Is there anything I can do to talk you out of this? To give it more time, to give yourself more time to get to know him? To talk to the other girls? To meet him a few times?”

“You don’t think I know what I’m doing either.”

“I think you’re very young and very innocent and very lonely.”

“Well, sir, that just goes to show how much you know. Thank you for your time, but I need to go.”

“Misty, I’m only concerned that you could get hurt.” Maybe he could tie her to the chair until he could get in touch with her master.

“You’re just like the rest. Master said that people would try to talk me out of it.”

“And he’s right.” He reached across the desk and took one of his business cards from the small metal holder. He held it out to her and when she didn’t take it, he picked up her hand and placed the card in her palm. “Call me if you ever need anything.”

“I won’t need anything. Master will take care of me. He is all I need.”

Aidn sighed and rubbed at the knot in his stomach. He couldn’t get rid of the feeling of dread surrounding her. He needed… oh fuck, he needed Bailey. He needed to lose himself in her body, in her presence.

“Very well. I guess we’re done.”

“Yes, sir, we are.”

He watched her. She got up from the chair and walked toward the door. She really was cute and he really was scared for her, even if she wasn’t bright enough to see he was only trying to help.

“How did you and Robert meet?”

Her hand was on the doorknob but she stopped before opening it. Her voice was low and he strained to hear it, but her words were clear.

“Master likes pictures of me sucking men off. It’s okay you see, because he tells me to do it. He likes to see their come on my face. Robert was one of those men. He was nice to me.”

She walked out and Aidn just shook his head, his eyes closed and his stomach in knots. He hated feeling helpless, powerless to help someone see when they were making a big mistake. A little voice inside told him he ought to look at the mistakes he’d made with Bailey, but he refused to listen, refused to think of his having left her as a mistake. It was for their own good, his and hers. He couldn’t commit, couldn’t trust, and she deserved no less than that.

The office phone ringing caught him mid-thought and he reached for it, glad for the distraction. “Aidn Greer.”

“Up for dinner tonight?”

“No. By the way, that girl you sent me, Misty? She’s a piece of work, Robert. You do realize she’s young and walking into a situation that could destroy her, right?”

“Yeah, which is why I wanted her to see you. I was hoping you’d be able to talk some sense into her.”

“Well, she didn’t want to listen and now she’s gone off to live with her ‘master’.” Aidn spat out the word as though it were poison on his tongue. “And what the hell were you doing with your dick in a glory hole? That is how you met her, right?”

“Hey, I don’t judge you, so don’t you judge me. What the hell were you doing fucking that girl all afternoon then running out on her?”

Shit. Robert had him there. His cock ached just thinking about her and he’d had a hard-on for the last two weeks. He would give anything be everything she needed and show her that she was everything he’d been hungering for. Fuck. He had to stop thinking like that. Seeing her earlier had been a huge mistake, but as he’d told her, he couldn’t stay away. Now, he wanted to go back and never leave. No matter what he did, he was fucked.

“Why did you do that, Aidn?”

“I don’t know.”

“Is it because you’re a shallow son of a bitch?”

Aidn snorted. Was it that? Did her size have anything to do with it? He had big hands and he liked when they could span the waist of a girl. He liked being able to pick a girl up and carry her in his arms when he was fucking her. He liked when they didn’t look at him like she did, when they didn’t dream about him, when they didn’t want him for more than fun. He didn’t like a girl with expectations and given the chance, expectations would have been written all over her beautiful face.

“Maybe.” Not a chance in hell was it shallowness. He didn’t have an issue with her body. He didn’t really even have an issue with the way she looked at him as though he were the answer to all her submissive needs. It was his own paralyzing fear of trust.

“Abyss this weekend?”

“Nah, I don’t think so. I think I’ll just relax with a couple beers and a game.”

“No, man, come on. We’ll go for a little while and just maybe find a girl or two for you that you know, ‘fits’ you. A girl that’s more your style.”

It was said in fun, but was no less true. And yeah, maybe he could find someone that would wash the memory of Bailey out of his mind, but he doubted it. He just wasn’t cut out for more than casual relationships and casual would never be able to take the place of the one afternoon he’d spent fucking her.

Shit. “Yeah, I’ll go.”




Bailey stood outside Aidn’s office door. The small, historic downtown street looked like a picture out of a magazine. All the old storefronts had been restored and new businesses had moved in, revitalizing the old Southern town. Should she knock or just walk right in? It was near closing time for most all the businesses, but his Jeep was still parked outside on the street.

She didn’t even know what she was going to say yet, but she needed to think of something before people started to stare and ask questions. When she opened the door, a little bell jingled like the one in her shop and she stopped, cringing. Looking around, there was no secretary and no noise from anywhere inside the large space. Straight back from the front entrance were a few rooms and a light on in the one at the far end of the hall.

With hesitant steps, Bailey made her way to the back of the building. Aidn was sitting at a large, dark wooden desk bent over some papers. In the corner behind the office door was a television turned on to a reality show that she never had the patience to watch.

Drawing in a deep breath, she let it out slowly. “Hi, Aidn.”

To say that he was surprised was an understatement and she had to bite back the smile that threatened to show. His pencil dropped from his hand and his eyes widened.

“Bailey. Hi.”

His mouth split into the most handsome grin and the warmth that flooded his gaze nearly broke her as he stood and started to walk toward her. Damn man.

“You left. Why?”

“What?” He stopped in the middle of the room.

“That’s all I want to know. Why did you leave?”

“Wow. I… Come in and sit down.”

Aidn gestured to the chairs in front of his desk, but Bailey stayed rooted to the spot in the doorway and gave a shake of her head. If she went anywhere near him, she’d melt. She was weak where he was concerned and her resolve was faltering fast. She wanted to be tossed across his desk and fucked. She wanted to drop to her knees and unzip his pants and suck his cock into her mouth until he came down her throat. She wanted his kisses, his hands on her, his need, his hunger, his control. She wanted everything she could never have from him, and so she would settle for what she could get—an explanation.

“I really do just want to know why you left. Then I’ll go and we don’t have to meet again. I’m sure that’s what you thought too, though, right? That if you left, you’d not have to see me again.” He looked uncomfortable as she talked. That wasn’t her purpose, but, she was glad nonetheless that he was not exactly feeling good about it.

“That’s not it at all. I just…I got scared. Happy?”

He shoved his hands in the pockets of his tailored dress pants and sighed. She couldn’t start to feel bad about showing up when he’d obviously never expected her to. She had to remain strong, get what she came for, and then run like hell.

“No, not really. I don’t see you as the getting scared type. You asked me to…to fuck you. The least you could have done was say good-bye when you were done.”

“I could have, but I didn’t.”

She closed her eyes and counted to ten, then counted to ten again. When she opened them, he was standing right there, his chest just inches from hers and she had to grab the doorframe to keep from falling over backwards.

He reached up and stroked her cheek with such tenderness she wanted to cry. Coming to see him was a really big mistake. Why didn’t she just call him? Why didn’t she send him an e-mail or something? She had his business card. Not that he’d answer or reply, but still…why did she think she just had to see him?

When he’d come to the bakery earlier in the day, she’d been so thrilled to see him. When he’d held her, caressed her, kissed her and told her all the things he wanted to do to her, she’d had the word yes on the tip of her tongue. He left though, walked out. He’d taken another piece of her with him and she was damned if she wasn’t going to try and get some answers.

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