Play Fair (The Devil's Share Book 3) (17 page)

BOOK: Play Fair (The Devil's Share Book 3)
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She cocked her head to the side. “I’m not sure it works that way.”

I nodded. “It does. Trust me. Now, no more talking. Your mouth has other things to do.”

She put her hands on her hips. “Date three and all the romance goes out the window?”

I moved quick, laying her back on the bed and placing my dick at her center. Adding some pressure, I kissed her neck, her collarbone, her shoulder. “You are so damn beautiful, so fucking hot.” I rubbed against her, causing her breath to hitch in her chest. “Last night? Wasn’t enough. It’ll never be enough. I need to be inside your body. I need you to be so full of me that you can’t think straight.”

“Let’s skip third base.”

I pulled back, afraid to believe her. “Are you serious? Because if you aren’t, it’s not funny. It’s cruel.”

She giggled and wrapped her legs around my waist. “Stop talking, I’m letting you steal home.”

I laid my head on her chest, catching my breath and willing my heart to slow down. I wasn’t sure why she wanted to speed up her timeline. Maybe she felt like I did, maybe she just needed to feel me, feel close to me. Maybe she wanted to reassure me that she was here, she was in this with me, all the way. And I wasn’t going to argue. I wanted nothing more than to be inside of this girl. My girl. I looked up, locking eyes with her before slowly bringing my mouth to hers. She opened for me, her tongue matching mine, stroke for stroke. Her thighs gripped my hips and her hands fisted in my hair. I let my fingers skim down her body, dipping them into her panties. I found her wet, ready for me, and I couldn’t help the groan that came out of my mouth. “You are so fucking sexy, doll.” I slid two fingers inside her, causing her to arch into my hand. She peeled her shirt off, then mine. I rolled us over then trailed kisses down her throat to her chest before taking her taut nipple into my mouth. I let my tongue and fingers play her body like an instrument. “I want you so damn bad, baby.” When she was panting and writhing underneath me, I added a third finger, stretching her as much as I could. I moved back up to her lips, kissing her until she was dizzy. “If you aren’t ready, you better tell me now.”

She opened her eyes, finally looking at me. “I want you inside me.”

I didn’t want to take my fingers out of her tight center, afraid that I would have to start all over. “Get my pants off, doll.” She grinned and used her hands, then her feet to move my jeans and briefs down my body so that I could clumsily kick them off.

I used my free hand to reach into my nightstand and grab a condom. No part of me wanted to have anything between us. But we hadn’t talked about that, and with my past… I tore the wrapper open with my teeth and then Bryan took it and rolled it down my stiff length. I finally removed my fingers and positioned myself at her entrance, and slowly started inching in. I felt her body go rigid beneath me when I was about a third of the way. “Breathe, doll.” I kissed her neck, trying to make her body relax. “If you don’t let me in, this isn’t going to work. I promise, I’ll go slowly.” I pulled back to study to her face. “Trust me, baby.”

She nodded. “I’m okay.” She took a few deep breaths and her body slowly started to melt again.

I eased in a little more, then stilled my hips and distracted her by kissing her collarbone, whispering dirty things in her ear, and thumbing her nipples. I had to do this three more times before I was fully inside her. She was so fucking tight I wasn’t sure I was actually going to be able to move. I pulled out slightly and then slid back in. “You okay?”

Bryan took another deep breath and then let her nails rake down my back. “I’m good, now. I promise.” She grabbed my ass, urging my hips toward her. “Please…”

I was sweating from holding back. I was still somewhat terrified that I was too much, that I would hurt her. But when she started arching under me, all that flew out the window. I had wanted this for so long. I had wanted her from the moment I met her. I pulled out and surged back in. “Fuck,” I whispered against her skin. “You feel so fucking perfect, doll.”

She brought her legs up higher on my hips. “More.”

I pumped into her, over and over. She was meeting me now, matching me thrust for thrust. We were both panting. I gripped her ass, angling her up so I could dive deeper. Give her everything I had. “Fuck…” This time it was more of a groan. I couldn’t seem to say anything else. My brain had completely shut down. I could feel my orgasm building. I needed her to get there. I reached between our bodies, rubbing her clit with two fingers.

“Oh god. Don’t stop.” I put my hand over her mouth, muffling her cries.

We were both so close to the edge. Neither one of us could hold back. I was nailing into her, dripping sweat onto her chest, and she was getting louder by the second. I needed to end this before we brought the whole fucking house down. I rested my forehead against hers, angled her hips a little more, and whispered, “Come for me, baby.”

I felt her body tighten, and when she called out my name as she came I covered her mouth with mine. Swallowing her words and exploding inside her. I rolled to the side so I didn’t crush her under my weight. We were lying side by side, breathing heavy and staring at the ceiling. “Holy fuck.” I turned to her, smiling like a kid after his first time. “Marry. Me.”

She rolled her eyes. “No.” She propped herself up on her elbow. “But we can do that every damn night from here to eternity.”

I grinned. I loved that this moment wasn’t awkward or loaded with silence. We’d kissed, we’d touched, and fucked and we were still Jacks and Bryan. We were still laughing and joking. And she was still here wanting more. “Being inside you is now my favorite place in the world.”

She scooted over and laid her head on my chest, “Oh yeah? What held the title before me?”

I ran my fingers up and down her side. Her skin was so warm and smooth. I kissed the top of her head. I never wanted to let her go. “The stage.”

She kissed my chest. “You love performing?”

“Yeah, it’s addicting. The energy, the crowd.” I palmed her ass, squeezing. “Now you’re my favorite high.”

We were both quiet for a few seconds and then she sighed. “As much as I hate to say this, we should get dressed.” She sat up and reached for her discarded shirt. “If Landry wakes up from another nightmare or walks in here…”

I grabbed her shirt out of her hands, throwing it into the bathroom and out of her reach. “If you insist on being responsible and sleeping in clothes, then you’re sleeping in mine.” I loved seeing her in my shirts; I loved watching her walk into the kitchen first thing in the morning wrapped up in me. And to be honest, seeing my chick wearing a vintage Nirvana shirt and nothing else? Hot. As. Fuck. I swung my legs over the side of the bed and went to my dresser. I pulled out a t-shirt for her and pair of shorts for me.

“Hey, Jacks?”


“Could you maybe get me some ibuprofen? I’m a little, uh, I mean I’m totally fine but…”

I turned to her, frowning. “You have a headache?”

“No. Your dick is huge.”

Ohhhh, ice
. That’s what Smith meant. “I…uh, yeah. I’ll be right back.”

As I walked down the stairs I tried to recall anyone else I’d ever been with saying they were sore. I’d sure as hell never gotten anyone ice and medicine afterward. By the time my foot hit the last step, I realized I was the biggest asshole alive.


I gave Bryan her pills with a glass of wine, hoping that would help her relax even more. I made her get comfortable and then placed the bag of ice where she needed it. I waited for her to fall asleep, drawing light circles with my fingers over her perfect skin. Then I headed back downstairs. There was no way I’d be able to get any rest. My mind was going a mile a minute. I was such a motherfucking prick. I went into the studio and picked up my guitar. I didn’t normally turn to the music when I was feeling like utter shit. I wasn’t Smith or Luke. But I couldn’t very well grab a bottle of liquor off the bar and get loaded. I needed to be functional when Landry woke up. I was halfway into an old tune by The Band when Smith came in. I didn’t stop playing, so he just picked up his bass and joined me. It’d been a long time since we’d sat up in the middle of the night and just jammed out. Letting riffs come and go, never stopping. We played well together; our bond was a big part of what made The Devil’s Share so fucking great.

After a while Smith stopped playing, and a minute later I did too. He sat his guitar on its stand and then handed me a bottle of whiskey. “Great minds and old habits.” I smiled and took a pull, much smaller than I normally would have. Then handed it back and he did the same. “Did I wake up the whole house? Or just you?”

“Just me. Couldn’t sleep.” He handed me back the bottle.

I took it but didn’t turn it up. “I can’t be hung over tomorrow.”

Smith chuckled. “Really? You think a couple pulls off a whiskey bottle are going to make you hung over? We both know it would take much more than that.”

He was right. I took a few swallows and handed it back.

He took another drink and then sat it on the floor between his feet. “Why aren’t you in your bed, wrapped around your girl?”

I looked at the ground, not answering.

He chuckled. “You show me yours, I’ll show you mine.”

“I’m an asshole.”

He nodded. “We all are. Care to elaborate?”

“Bryan needed ice and ibuprofen.”

Smith grinned. “I told you she would. That’s not your fault, man. You were born with a big rod and you fell for a petite chick.”

I nodded slowly. “You think B was the first petite chick I’ve fucked?” I felt wrong calling what we’d just done fucking. But I was pissed at myself. “I’ve never gotten anyone else ice before. I never fucking cared. How many chicks have I walked away from without a backward glance? How many girls have stayed awake at night, with pain and regret? What if I was the bad night that turned Landry’s mom into the disaster she is? I can assure you, I used her and then tossed her to the side.”

Smith picked the bottle back up and handed it to me. “We went over this the other day, man. We were all dicks. We all treated women like complete trash. But we grow up. We learn from our shit. You made sure Bryan was okay, right?”

“Yeah, of course.”

“Do you think I ever cared about hurting anyone but Dylan? I didn’t. She was the first girl in my entire life who I cared about. Who I wanted to take care of. And I doubt one heartless fuck from a rock star is what caused Landry’s mom to be a shitty parent. Trust me, that kind of behavior takes years of conditioning.”

I nodded, swallowing the whiskey in my mouth. “It just keeps coming, you know? It’s like, I have these amazing moments with Bryan, and then something happens to make me remember what an asshole I’ve been.” I shook my head. “And it’s double. Because it’s not just Bryan, it’s Landry too.” I took another sip. “Those chicks we treated like that? They have dads out there, lying awake at night hoping and praying that no one ever hurts their little girls.”

Smith grabbed the bottle back. “You and Dash are truly and utterly fucked.”

I put my head in my hands. “No. Shit.” I grinned. “It’s karma. We’ll probably all have nothing but girls.” I stretched my legs out in front of me, feeling slightly better after unloading my guilt on Smith. “Your turn.”

“I was actually waiting up for Luke.” He sighed. “He’s going down a bad road, man.”

“I know.” I pointed to the second set of drums in the corner. “He’s giving Landry music lessons though.”

“Last week he overheard Dash tell me and Dylan that he was going to ask Lexi to marry him.”

“Holy shit.” No wonder Luke was going off the deep end.

“It can’t be easy for him, especially now that Bryan is here, to be around all of us.” Smith stood up, checking his phone for the time.

“We’ve all been pretty occupied, I guess.” Other than studio time the only person who ever really spent any time with Luke the past couple of days was Landry.

“You think he’s in love with her?”

“With Lex? I don’t know. I think he thinks he is.” I snorted. “Does that make sense?”

“Perfect sense.” Smith sat down on the couch. “You think he’s hitting the hard stuff?”

I thought about the times I’d seen him stumble in over the past couple of weeks, the way he’d looked before crashing and the times he’d asked me for downers. “Nah, coke and booze, in my opinion. You?”

“I figured about the same.” He held the whiskey bottle out to me; when I shook my head, he put the cap back on. “You think we need to put a stop to it?”

I pursed my lips. “Wouldn’t we just be the pot calling the kettle black? It’s not affecting his job, or the band. He’s here in the studio every day and he’s nice and pleasant around Landry and the girls. Who are we to tell him how to cope? At this point at least.”

Smith nodded. “Okay. We’ll just keep watching him, right?”

“Yeah, man. Let’s just give him to room to deal.” I stood, stretching my arms over my head. “Has Dash said anything about it?”

“Not to me.” Smith headed toward the stairs. “I doubt he thinks it’s his place, you know? He doesn’t like to get in between Luke and Lexi unless absolutely necessary.”

I followed Smith into the house. “Thanks. For tonight.”

“We’ve all been there, bro.” He pulled me in for a very manly hug. “You’re doing good though, with both your girls.”

“Oh for the love of everything holy. Do you guys ever stop hugging each other?”

Smith and I both winced at the sound of Lexi’s voice. We pulled apart and headed into the dark kitchen to find her sitting on the island eating leftover fried chicken. I chuckled. “Cravings?”

She shrugged, rubbing her belly. “Couldn’t sleep. This little girl is nocturnal.”

Smith pried the chicken leg from her grip and then handed her an apple instead. “Join the club.”

Lexi calmly sat the apple back in the bowl on the counter and snatched the chicken from Smith. “If you attempt to take this meat from my hands one more time, I will lose my shit. Your girlfriend has me eating the grossest crap, and I. Am. HUNGRY.”

Smith held his hands up and slowly backed away. “Sorry, Lex.”

She took a big bite and talked around the food. “Why are you two up? Late-night tryst?”

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