''Oh, but you must let down just for tonight," Jessica urged.
The table was ladened with a dazzling array of starches, all for Marcy's benefit. There was a large bowl of corn, one each of hominy and pork and beans, and a bowl of creamed peas so thick you could easily have hung wallpaper with them. The tossed salad looked like someone's garbage, and the jello salad had large chunks of pineapple floating around in it, the gelatin not quite congealed yet.
Eric was surveying the table with awe now as he said, "Damn, Jessica, you got enough starch here to start a Chinese laundry!"
Jessica flushed a bright red.
"You haven't given Eric his meat, Jason," she said, turning to him.
"Oh, sorry, Angel. Pass your plate, Eric, and take it like a man." He grinned.
"Could I have some catsup, please," he pleaded. "I always eat my meatloaf with catsup," he finished meekly.
"I'll get you some, Eric." Jessica could hardly keep a straight face, Eric was being so pathetically obliging about eating his meal.
"Jessica," Willis was saying as she brought the catsup back to the table and set it before a grateful Eric, who was trying to work his way through the gooey peas, "this is really a nice meal. Marcy is a fine cook, but she rarely fixes so many fine things at one time." Willis looked up and gave her an angelic smile. She grabbed her napkin and covered her mouth before she let out a stifled giggle. Willis had little black pieces of the meatloaf stuck between all his teeth.
"Why, that's sweet of you, Willis, but I don't want to mislead you, I don't cook quite this heavy a meal for Jason every nightjust on special occasions, like tonight," she purred sweetly.
Eric, looking up from his plate, was starting to say something, but thought better of it. Instead he just gave