Playing The Hero (5 page)

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Authors: K. Sterling

BOOK: Playing The Hero
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Chapter 6


Reid checked his hair once more before he tossed Sadie a treat and went out. He didn’t tell Carter where they would be going and he was slightly worried that Carter might be in his standard jeans and t-shirt. Reid shrugged. Carter would get the hint when Reid picked him up. Hopefully, Carter could change fast, if he needed to. Reid looked down and frowned slightly.
You look kind of like a hit man,
he thought. He was wearing black trousers, a dark grey cashmere v-neck sweater and a black coat. It was all very tailored and he wondered if he should have gone with something a little less severe looking.
At least you look like an Italian hit man.
Minus the swarthy coloring, of course. And there wasn’t time. Especially if Carter wanted to change. They had to get into the city and Saturday night traffic could get ridiculous.

At the door, Reid checked his watch as he waited for Carter. When the door swung open, Reid’s jaw dropped. Holy. Shit. Carter definitely didn’t need to change. If anything, Reid was going to have to exercise a significant amount of self control to keep from tearing his clothes off of him.

“Wow. You look really, really hot.” Reid said as he stepped closer and wrapped his hand around Carter’s neck, pulling his lips to his. He growled softly as his tongue slid between Carter’s lips and he tasted mint and gin. He leaned in and the feel of Carter’s sleek, hard frame pressed against his made Reid’s body tighten and he started to push Carter back through the door. Carter laughed softly and Reid’s head pulled back and he swore under his breath at his lack of self control.

“I have grown-up clothes.” Carter slid his hands down the front of a vintage Army t-shirt and winked at Reid. He’d paired it with a very slim cut charcoal suit and black leather Sambas. His hair was slicked back and he was wearing a cologne that made Reid’s balls hurt, it smelled so good. It was all still very Carter but sleeker and more elegant. His hand settled on Reid’s hip and he pushed gently. “You look incredible. But if you want to make our reservation, we should probably go.” He grinned and Reid groaned as he stepped back.

Why did you push for a date?
Reid bit his lip as everything became infinitely harder when Carter walked past him. Carter shoved his hands into his pockets and his jacket hugged the muscles of his back and pulled up, displaying his tight ass to perfection. Reid’s head fell to the side and he thanked God and Carter’s mom for doing such beautiful work.

Once they were in the car, Reid’s heart wouldn't stop pounding. The cabin of the car became saturated with Carter’s scent and heat radiated from him. Reid tried to focus on the conversation but all his mind was capable of was estimating how long it would take to get to the restaurant, eat and return home so he could get at what was under Carter’s suit. The conversation kept lulling and Reid was afraid that Carter was getting bored.

“So, where are we going?” He asked as he picked up Reid’s phone and scanned through his music. Reid almost thanked him. He’d called in a huge favor because he wanted to give Carter the perfect date. He needed to focus and make it as romantic as possible.

“We’re going to Grace.” Reid saw Carter’s smile and heat bloomed in his chest. Carter turned sideways in his seat, facing Reid.

“Really? I’ve heard Grace is amazing. I’ve wanted to try it for a long time.” He pushed Reid’s coat open and rubbed his fingers against Reid’s sweater. “This is nice. I might steal it too.” Carter murmured. Reid covered Carter’s hand with his and pressed it against his chest and resisted the urge to drag it down. He shook his head in disbelief.
When did you become such a creep?
He wondered and Carter leaned closer. “What?” He asked and Reid laughed softly.

“I’m starting to think you’re too cheap to buy your own clothes.” He teased.

“Actually, I spend a ridiculous amount on clothes. I just don’t buy a lot of real clothes. I’ll spend $200 on a pair of jeans but I’ve never bought anything made out of cashmere.” He explained and Reid’s eyes flicked toward Carter briefly.

“That’s a really nice suit.” He offered and Carter nodded.

“Yeah, I have a few. I have to go to meetings and dinners now and then so I have a few adult options. Abby picked all of my suit's. I think she did a good job.” He said as he tugged at his sleeves and Reid nodded.

“She did a very good job.” He agreed. “Too good.” Reid said under his breath and Carter chuckled.

“I’m glad you approve. I was worried that you wouldn’t but I feel like a tool when I wear a shirt and tie. Like I’m in my first suit and going to my first day of temp work.” Carter leaned his head against the headrest and Reid could feel his eyes moving down his body.

“I’m glad you didn’t go with a shirt and tie.” Reid gestured toward Carter’s body. “This is perfect. You look like a rockstar. You could pull off a suit and tie but this is much more you. I love it.” Reid shifted in his seat, still feeling Carter’s eyes on him.

“I don’t want you to take this wrong, because you look amazing right now, but you’re sexy as fuck in your scrubs.” Carter said and Reid was glad it was dark because he could feel his face getting warm. Carter hummed happily as he stared out the window. “I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about you in your scrubs.” He admitted and Reid’s jaw fell open.

“How much did you have to drink before I picked you up?” Reid looked at Carter and he shrugged.

“Just two. I was a nervous wreck after I got out of the shower.” His voice had dropped and Reid frowned.

“Why? It’s not like it’s a blind date or you don’t know if we’ll hit it off.” He said. Carter sighed.

“I think that makes it worse. Now, I have to get it right because I know I like you. Its like I have a really big carrot dangling in front of me and I don’t want to blow it.” He seemed to tense as Reid took the exit. Reid cleared his throat loudly as he stopped at the light and grinned at Carter.

“A really big carrot?” He asked and Carter winked.

“Do what you want with that. I feel like I have more to lose now.” His hand fluttered against Reid’s thigh before it settled and instead of turning him on even more, the tentativeness of the gesture touched Reid. He took Carter’s hand and raised it to his lips and kissed it.

“Just keep doing whatever it is you’ve been doing. Everything’s been perfect so far. If it takes any of the pressure off, you’re definitely getting laid tonight.” Reid wasn’t teasing. Carter laughed as he craned his neck, looking for the restaurant.

“You’re pretty sure of yourself.” His smile was more relaxed when he looked back at Reid.

“I plan to be irresistible.” Reid warned as he put the car in Park and got out. A valet ran around and Reid tossed him the keys. Carter stepped out and waited for Reid on the sidewalk. Reid ran his hand down Carter’s back and guided him toward the hostess holding the door open. “And I’m not above getting you drunk.” He whispered as they were led to their table.

They received a lot of glances as they walked through the restaurant. Reid kept his hand pressed possessively against Carter’s back, making it obvious they were on a date. He caught a few disapproving stares but more than a few were appreciative. A couple of women looked like they might faint. Reid pulled his lips in to keep from laughing. He knew they were both really attractive men, together, they had to be a striking couple. When their server arrived, she looked somewhat harassed.

“I’m not gonna lie, gentleman, a fistfight almost broke out among some of the servers and I could have asked for just about anything and got it if I would have given you up.” She whispered as she set their menus down.

Reid covered his mouth to hide his smile and Carter raised a brow as he looked toward the kitchen. They both selected the Fauna tasting menu and Carter shook his head vigorously when offered the wine pairing. He ordered his usual gin and tonic and Reid stuck with water since he was driving.

“Tell me, why Marvel?” Reid asked as he reached across the table for one of Carter’s hands. Carter bit his lip as he considered and Reid felt that tiny bite in his groin.

“I’ve always liked antiheroes and Marvel has the better origin stories.” His eyes narrowed as he took a sip of his drink. “You were into DC weren’t you?” Carter asked suspiciously. Reid cringed and nodded.

“Yeah. Superman was my favorite.” He saw Carter’s lips twitch. “What?” He asked defensively and Carter laughed and shook his head.

“It’s just obvious, is all.” Carter took another long sip before he set his glass down. “You’re a hero, you naturally would have gravitated toward the ideal hero, Superman.” He explained and Reid rolled his eyes.

“I’m not a hero.” He argued. Carter nodded.

“Sure you are. You’re a doctor and you work more hours than you have to doing mostly trauma surgery. You could have a comfortable and much more profitable private practice but you choose to slog it out on the front lines. You even look like a superhero.” Carter waited for Reid to argue but he couldn’t. Completely.

“I like the faster pace and being hands on. Private practice work would be too routine.” He looked up as their first course arrived.

“You like saving lives.” Carter said softly and Reid shrugged. Carter’s face lit up over the caviar and lychee and he sighed happily before he continued. “You wouldn’t put in the hours you do if you didn’t. It has to be exhausting and you said you use exercise as an outlet for the stress.” He gave Reid a pointed look and Reid just waved it off.

“All jobs have stress. You swim.” He nodded and pointed into the tiny jar the trout and caviar was served in. “That’s really nice.” He said softly.

“It is.” Carter agreed. “I swim because I get stuck or I just need to work things out in my head before I write. It’s just where I focus the best.” He took another drink and his head tilted as he stared at Reid. “So, what’s your origin story?” Carter asked and Reid laughed as he was drinking and almost choked on his water.

“My origin story?” His brows shot up and Carter grinned.

“Every hero has an origin story. You know, something that changed their life and motivates them. Why did you become a hero?” He asked as he leaned forward. Reid felt a twinge of pain and a heavy weight settled into his stomach. He shut his eyes as the memory flashed and he took a deep breath. When he opened his eyes Carter looked concerned. Reid looked down at the napkin in his lap and rubbed the edge between his fingertips.

“I had another sister, Kelsey. She was two years younger than me.” He heard a faint groan from Carter and Reid nodded weakly but kept his eyes in his lap and blinked rapidly, trying to keep them from watering. “I was seven and we were riding our bikes in the street in front of our house when a car came speeding around the corner and hit her. There was nothing the paramedics could do when they got there, she couldn’t be stabilized and she died in the street. I felt so helpless and I kept thinking that I could have saved her if I was a doctor.” Reid’s voice was soft and low. Carter reached for his hand and squeezed it.

“Jesus, Reid. I’m so sorry.” His voice broke and Reid looked up. Carter’s eyes were shattered. Reid squeezed his hand back and offered him a weak smile.

“It’s fine.” He insisted. “It was hard for years after but we all healed and I held onto the desire to learn how to fix people. In a way, I think I’ve brought her back.” Reid tapped his fingers against Carter’s hand as he tried to find a way to explain. “I think I’ve made up for all the things we lost with her through all the lives I was able to save. All the people that went on to laugh, cry, sing, love… They replaced all those things that she wasn’t able to give the world. I think I’ve made up for her, if that makes sense.” Reid saw Carter wipe the corner of his eye quickly and he nodded.

“It makes perfect sense.” He whispered. His eyes poured into Reid’s, large and infinite like a night sky and Reid let them pull him in, relieving him of the heaviness in his stomach and chest. “Why neurology?” Carter asked after several moments. Reid was suddenly relaxed and present and Carter was suddenly potent and irresistible again. Reid gave him a wicked grin and Carter’s eyes became even darker.

“The human body is, for the most part, a machine. A lot of the parts are repairable or replaceable. Some, you can even live without. But the brain is everything. Its electricity. Its consciousness and identity.” Reid turned Carter’s hand over and his middle finger brushed slowly over his palm. “This simple gesture, a million processes create it and result from it. It starts as a simple command that sets off a chain reaction that happens almost instantly, a million neurons and synapse firing effortlessly. It ends with your response to the reception of sensation. If I keep doing this and I do it right, your pupils dilate, your heart beats faster, your body temperature elevates and your skin becomes flushed. These are all chemical responses caused by arousal, guided by your brain in reaction to the feel of my finger touching your skin.” Reid looked up at Carter and his eyes were heavy. “Everyone thinks love is in the heart and sex is about their body but it's the brain. The brain is love, sex and everything else.” He let his finger slide slowly, from the inside of Carter’s wrist all the way to the tip of his middle finger. Carter shivered and licked his lips.

“I think you just broke mine.” He mumbled and Reid pulled Carter’s hand to his lips and kissed his palm.

“Good. I’ve been operating without mine all evening.” Reid whispered.

Chapter 7


Carter sighed happily as he dropped into the passenger’s seat and waited for Reid to get in the car. Dinner had been a sensory delight. The crab served with cucumber and mint and the chocolate and basil dessert at the end might be two of the best things Carter had ever eaten. And he was just the right amount of intoxicated. His lips were a little numb and refused to do anything but smile. And he was really turned on. Reid had flirted and teased through the courses and his hand would periodically reach under the table and slide up Carter’s thigh. He prayed he could wait the twenty-ish minutes it would take to get back from the city. They were both too old to get caught fucking in a car on the side of the road.
I doubt he has a condom on him,
Carter bit his lip and shook his head. He was not going to ask.

Instead, Carter distracted himself during the ride home by silently calculating how long he could risk staying at Reid’s. He wanted to find the happy medium between as soon as his O face wore off and before Reid asked him to stay the night and he had to awkwardly decline. Carter knew Reid would ask and he knew he’d want to but spending another night wrapped in Reid but waking up with him would be stupid on so many levels.

Carter thought of being upfront with Reid. He was putting together a strong speech as he waited in Reid’s living room while he was out back with Sadie. Every now and then, he'd see Reid throwing a ball or letting her chase him and his stomach would flutter. God, Carter wanted this thing with Reid to become something real. He was so damn perfect.
Stop. You’re just going to get crushed if you start thinking like that,
he warned.

Sex. Just focus on tonight and sex
. Which wasn’t hard. Reid had tossed his coat on the couch as soon as they got in and the sweater he was wearing was very fine and fitted. It stretched across his back when he threw the ball and Carter was ready to see it go, along with the rest of Reid’s clothes. Carter grinned as anticipation pushed through his veins. Reid was in for a bit of a surprise. Carter may not have a lot of experience with being on the receiving end and he might take a little convincing but once Carter made up his mind, he was good. A man couldn’t get used the way Carter had and not have picked up a few things along the way. And by a few… It was more like encyclopedic, Carter’s knowledge of all things Fucking. And his confidence level was pretty high.

Part of him worried that once he fucked Reid, it would begin the inevitable waning of Reid’s interest. As soon as Carter fucked someone, sex became the focal point of the relationship and Carter ceased to be interesting as a person. As soon as the sex stopped being new and exciting, there wasn’t much point in sticking around. It was going to hurt a lot more with Reid because he was so perfect but Carter had to be pragmatic about it. He really wanted to fuck Reid, more than he could remember wanting anyone in the past. And if it was inevitable, he might as well make the best of it.

The back door opened and Reid let Sadie pass before he went into the kitchen and grabbed a treat for her. He tossed it to her and Sadie pranced to her bed and curled up contentedly. Reid was about to ask Carter if he wanted another drink or to sit on the couch or something else but Carter didn’t give him a chance. He rushed across the room and gathered Reid’s face in his hands and kissed him hungrily. Reid’s eyes flared and he froze for a moment before he slid his hand under Carter’s coat and kissed him back. Carter turned them and backed Reid down the hall. He released Reid’s lips as he wrapped his hand around Reid’s ass and squeezed as he thrust against him. Reid gasped in surprise and his eyes searched Carter’s.

“I had an amazing time.” Carter murmured as his fingers traced the cleft of Reid’s ass. Reid nodded weakly as he stared at Carter’s lips.

“I did too. I hope you don’t feel pressured, like we have to do anything specific.” Reid’s voice was strained and his eyes shut when Carter’s fingers pressed deeper. He licked his lips and cleared his throat. “We don’t have to do that if you’re not ready.” Reid offered and Carter raised a brow as he ducked his head and nipped at Reid’s lips.

“Why wouldn’t I be ready?” He growled softly as he ground against Reid again, pressing his hard-on against Reid’s.

“Wow. You’re ready…” Reid frowned slightly as he pulled Carter’s shirt free, beneath his jacket. “I wasn’t expecting you to be this aggressive.” He hissed when Carter lowered his head and bit his neck.

“You don’t like it?” Carter asked as he slid his tongue toward Reid’s ear and licked the lobe. Reid shivered and nodded quickly.

“I do!” Reid insisted. “It’s just that you said that was all that anyone ever wanted from you. That they used you like a fuck toy. I don’t ever want you to think I’m using you.” He pushed the lapels of Carter’s coat wide and his hands slid up Carter’s chest. Carter didn’t let Reid’s words sink too deep, he kept his focus on Reid’s hands and lips and getting him upstairs and naked.

“I’m fine. I said
‘It got old’
. I want to fuck you, Reid.” Carter admitted as Reid pushed Carter’s coat over his shoulders. Reid flung it at the couch and it landed on top of his as he backed toward the stairs. Carter tilted his head and dove into Reid’s mouth as he quickly pulled his sweater free. It hit the floor and Carter leaned back so Reid could pull his shirt over his head and he panted as he unbuckled Reid’s belt. “I’m just worried it might hurt.” Carter tugged the belt through the straps, jerking Reid forward. Carter grabbed Reid’s ass and ground against Reid as he slid his tongue along Reid’s jaw. Reid laughed softly as his fingers scraped down Carter’s back.

“I think I can handle it.” Reid said as his hand slid beneath the waist of Carter’s boxer briefs. Carter bit Reid’s earlobe.

“I wasn’t talking about you.” He whispered. Reid raised his head and his eyes glowed as they poured into Carter’s.

“I don’t want to hurt you, Carter. Ever.” Reid promised as he claimed Carter’s lips.

Reid’s tongue was demanding as it twirled and thrust against Carter’s. The warmth that flooded Carter’s chest was so tempting. He wanted to settle into it, let it expand and become part of him but Carter kept it small and tight. He let his body’s mindless craving for Reid drive him as he unzipped Reid’s trousers. Reid took Carter’s hand and turned, leading him up the stairs. Carter stared at their hands, interlocked, connected. There was a tenderness in the gesture that could have fed the warmth in Carter’s chest. Reid wanted Carter to trust him, to give into the beautiful, emotional bond that fought to bloom between them. Carter pushed it away as they turned into Reid’s room and moved toward the bed, their lips fused as their hands gripped and tugged at clothes. He told himself he could survive this if it was just sex. Carter could do sex. He hadn’t in a long time but he still knew what to do. Carter spun Reid, pulling him against his chest.

“You think you can take all of me?” He breathed the words against Reid’s neck and Reid shivered as Carter’s teeth dug into his skin. He nodded as Carter pushed his hands up his chest. Carter rocked his hips, pressing his erection against the cleft of Reid’s ass as his thumbs swept over Reid’s nipples, causing them to tighten. “Some men can’t.” Carter whispered and Reid groaned as his hands slid down Carter’s thighs. “Some men can’t take it that hard and that deep.” He heard Reid gasp and his ass pushed back against Carter’s groin.

“I can take it.” He said as his head fell back onto Carter’s shoulder. “I want it.” Reid panted and his eyelids fell as Carter pushed Reid’s trousers and boxers down.

Carter rubbed his cheek against Reid’s before he ran his hands down Reid’s chest, letting the feel of Reid's hot, flickering skin wind him tighter, make him harder. His fingers splayed as they glided down the hard contours of Reid’s stomach until his hand closed around Reid’s cock. Reid moaned as Carter slowly stroked his throbbing length. Carter’s other hand cupped Reid’s sack and gently squeezed and rolled. Carter laved and grazed the corner of Reid’s neck as he worked Reid toward a frenzy. Once Reid’s body was slick and shaking Carter released him and pushed him face down, on the bed. Reid gasped and his eyes were wide as he looked over his shoulder.

“What the fuck? Where did this come from?” Reid asked as he got his knees beneath him. Carter grinned as he grabbed the waistband of Reid’s pants and boxers and tugged, pulling them down his legs and Reid collapsed on the bed. Carter pushed his pants down over his hips and kicked them away. His boxer briefs followed and he kneeled on the bed, letting his tongue trace Reid’s spine as he crawled over him.

“This doesn't scare me, Reid. I know I won’t mess this up. I know how to fuck.” Carter bit the back of Reid’s neck as he let his hips settle against Reid’s ass and rolled them, making his cock slide against the cleft. “I know how to give you what you want.” Carter used his knees to push Reid’s thighs aside and licked and nibbled his way down his back.

Carter bathed the firm, round globes of Reid’s ass with his lips and tongue. He spread Reid’s thighs wider and settled his shoulders between them as his tongue slid between the cheeks of Reid’s ass. Reid sighed Carter’s name and his hips came off the bed, trying to open himself more. Carter filled his hands with Reid’s hard flesh as he pressed his lips to Reid’s soft, puckered entrance. He took a deep breath, savoring the soft spicy scent of Reid before his tongue slid past his lips and swept over Reid’s tight hole. Lust and hunger slid through Carter’s veins and he growled as he began to lap wildly. It was so perfect. The feel of hot, flinching, delicate skin against Carter’s tongue and lips, the warm cinnamon and pepper taste that made Carter’s jaw twinge and the strained, broken, throaty sounds that burst from Reid that were part profanity, part prayer and sometimes Carter’s name. It was heady and somehow soothing, spurring Carter on and making him feel like it was safe to give in and offer Reid more than his body.

Carter shook his head, disconnecting himself from it. He saturated himself in the tactile paradise of Reid and the pounding, heavy throb in his groin. Carter focused on Reid’s body, probing and teasing with his tongue, squeezing and stroking as he tracked and anticipated every hitch and twitch as Reid became more desperate. That part of Carter’s psyche that had been dormant for so long, the part that knew all the moves, that could play a man’s ass like a Juilliard violinist, stirred and took over.

“Bedside table?” Carter asked huskily and Reid nodded as he pointed at the one next to Carter. Reid rose on his hands and knees as Carter leaned and reached for the drawer. He quickly found a bottle of lube and a condom and turned back to Reid. Carter’s head fell to the side as he stared at Reid’s perfect ass and the long sweep of his back. He growled softly as he let his hand slowly slide down Reid’s back, it was already hot and slick. Carter let his tongue wash over Reid’s hole one more time as he flipped the cap off the lube and dribbled a little on his fingers and into the cleft of Reid’s ass.

Use your thumb first. Tease it and make it soft, hungry,
the Dick Wizard directed. Carter nodded faintly and his thumb swirled tenderly over Reid’s entrance.
Let him get restless before you use your finger,
Carter waited until Reid’s hips jerked and he threw his head back impatiently.
Now. Slowly,
his fingertip pressed against the puckered opening and past the tight ring.
Carter watched Reid take a breath and the muscles around his finger loosened and Carter began to finger Reid’s ass with slow, gentle strokes. A shuddering sigh spilled from Reid and Carter could see Reid’s body becoming taut with desire and frustration. Carter’s middle finger pushed into Reid’s tightness and he twisted his hand as his fingers slid back and forth.
Watch, he’s about to start working himself on your fingers.
Carter chuckled when Reid’s hips jumped restlessly and he began to rock back and forth.

“Carter! Come on!” Reid whimpered.

Carter grinned wickedly as he reached deep and curled his fingers around Reid’s prostate and rubbed firmly. Reid’s head fell and his moan was hoarse. Carter repeated the motion and watched Reid’s hands twist in the sheets. He waited until Reid’s toes curled.
There it is, give him more.
Carter gently worked a third finger into Reid, turning and separating them as Reid’s shoulders dropped to the bed and his arms extended, hands clawing at the bedding. Once his fingers were gliding easily into Reid’s tight heat, Carter slid his thumb in and coaxed the tight ring, making it relax and stretch further.

“Oh, holy fuck.” Reid groaned. Carter nodded as he grabbed the condom and quickly tore it open with his teeth. He sheathed himself with one hand while the other continued it’s slow probing and stretching.

“You should definitely pray.” Carter murmured as he slicked a generous amount of lube down the length of his cock before he pulled his fingers from Reid.

Reid’s head snapped up and he braced himself. Carter wished him luck as he set the head of his cock at Reid’s entrance and pushed. Reid hissed and Carter saw Reid’s chest lock as he held his breath. The ring of Reid’s ass clamped ruthlessly and Carter grit his teeth as he slid his hands up Reid’s back soothingly. Reid exhaled slowly and Carter felt the muscles around him relax.
Just a little more.
He pressed forward, giving Reid another inch and Reid cursed and clenched tight again.
Be still, wait until he pulls you in.
Carter bit his lip, fighting the urge to bury himself deep in Reid. He wrapped his hands around Reid’s shoulders and kneaded. Reid took a deep breath and his passage relaxed. Carter felt the soft tug and moved with it, seating half of his length. Carter’s head fell back and he squeezed his eyes shut, forcing his body to hold still and give Reid time to adjust. His skin burned and the muscles in his hips and ass protested as he kept them locked against his body’s overwhelming need to drive into Reid. Carter felt the tension easing from Reid’s body and he sighed in relief.
Do you break him in slow and easy or do you let him feel a little pain?
Carter instinctively knew Reid would enjoy a little rough and part of him wanted to hurt Reid just a little for dragging him into this. He wanted to get in a shot, before Reid had a chance to level him.

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