Playing The Hero (7 page)

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Authors: K. Sterling

BOOK: Playing The Hero
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Chapter 9


Reid had driven through Northlake’s historic district a few times but never took the time to stop and explore. It was charming. Brick sidewalks, street lamps with hanging baskets of flowers, awnings, lots of benches for people watching… It was the sort of place Reid would bring his mom and sister if he had to entertain them for the day. The hardware shop looked like something from a movie set. There were flower boxes in the windows and displays of fishing rods and lures were neatly arranged behind the glass. There was even an antique Bait sign hanging above the door. Carter paused in front of the window and Reid could see his lips pulled tight in the reflection.

“What is it?” Reid asked as he stared at Carter through the glass. Carter shook his head.

“This could be weird.” He mumbled as he turned to Reid.

“Why? You already called and told them you were bringing me and it sounded like they were looking forward to it.” Reid argued. Carter nodded vaguely as he scanned the storefront.

“I’ve never introduced anyone to my parents.” His eyes drifted to Reid’s and they were turbulent. “I know they're going to love you and then I’ll have to hear about it when things don't work out.” Carter explained. Reid rolled his eyes and grabbed Carter by the shoulders and shook him.

“Would you stop worrying? Let’s go!” He said as he turned Carter toward the door. Carter’s shoulders sagged as he pulled it open and Reid rubbed his back reassuringly.

A bell rang and Reid’s eyes darted about the long, narrow store. It was more like a general store than the hardware stores he was familiar with. One long wall was lined with countless bins of screws, bolts, washers, knobs, nails… There was an aisle of tools as well but the rest of the store was a random yet organized collection of fishing and other outdoor sporting goods, some rustic Americana themed home decor, gardening supplies and racks of seeds, greeting cards and a decent looking selection of small brand, high end pet foods. There were several bins of old fashioned candies and baskets of dog treats- pig ears, snouts, bones and rawhides. Reid was going to stock up for Sadie. He even spied her dry food on one of the shelves. Which was perfect, it was on his to-do list for the day.

“There you are!” A woman squealed as she rushed from the back. She was tall and striking. Her hair was silver despite her looking very young for her age and cut in a chic bob. This was Carter’s mother. He had her eyes and Reid loved her right away.

“Hey, mom.” Carter said as he pulled her into a hug. She kissed him on the cheek before she turned her gaze to Reid.

“You must be Reid!” She said as she offered her hand. He flashed a bright smile as he took her hand.

“It’s nice to meet you, ma’am.” He said and she swatted his arm.

“Don’t you dare! You call me May!” She insisted as she shot Carter a sly grin before a tall, broad shouldered man came up behind her. Reid’s eyes widened for a moment. Carter may have gotten his eyes from his mother but everything else was his father. He was nearly a clone. Carter’s father had that old Hollywood look and swagger and his eyes twinkled with mischief as he patted Carter on the back.

“You’re late. I thought you decided to sleep in.” He teased and May elbowed him.

“Stop! Reid, this is my husband, Jim.” She said and Carter’s dad flashed that same grin that Reid had come to associate with the fluttering in his stomach. He shook his head softly, in disbelief as he reached for his hand.

“It’s good to meet you, sir.” Reid said as he looked over at Carter. It was uncanny. And a little exciting, getting to see a glimpse of Carter, thirty or so years in the future.

“So, Reid, are you from the Chicago area?” Jim asked and Reid shook his head.

“I moved here a little over four months ago.” He said as he watched Carter, watching the exchange closely. “I’m from upstate New York, just outside of Syracuse.” Reid explained and Jim nodded.

“What brought you out here?” He asked as he leaned against the counter. Carter shoved his hands in his pockets as he grinned at Reid.

“He's a surgeon. He works at the hospital.” Carter explained and May’s eyes lit up.

“A doctor! And so young!” She exclaimed.

“What kind of doctor?” Jim asked as he patted May’s arm, trying to reign in her excitement. Reid winked at May and she blushed.

“I’m a neurosurgeon. I accepted a position as an attending physician after I was recruited at a conference last fall.” He jerked his head down the aisles and smiled sheepishly. “I hope I can be useful around here.” Reid said and Jim laughed as he clapped a hand on Reid’s shoulder.

“I’m sure you won’t have any trouble.” He stated as he went around the counter. “You two go next door and grab some breakfast.” Jim said as he pulled a crate of glass Coca-Cola bottles from underneath and stocked a vintage refrigerator by the register. May nodded and hooked her arm in Carter’s.

“Go say hi to Dana and have a nice breakfast.” She insisted before she squeezed Carter’s arm and giggled. “He’s so handsome! And a doctor! I love him, sweetheart.” May whispered, loudly and Reid pretended not to hear as he scanned the shelves as they moved toward a large doorway in the middle of the far wall.

Reid grinned as they stepped into the pharmacy next door. It was very retro and had an old fashioned soda fountain counter. May beamed as she led them to two stools at the end and a skinny, yet sturdy woman rushed from the other end. Carter rose and leaned over the counter as she approached.

“Carter!” She offered her cheek and he kissed it dutifully before he sat and gestured toward Reid.

“Dana, this is Reid. Reid, this is Dana.” He waved between them and her lips curved as she studied Reid. “Dana’s family has run the pharmacy since Northlake became Northlake. Her great, great something or other was one of the first to settle here.” Carter explained. Dana waved dismissively.

“No one wants to hear about that! Tell me about your friend.” She insisted and Reid bit his lip and tried not to blush as her eyes traveled over his upper body. Carter gave her a stern look.

“Behave, Aunt Dana.” He warned and she pouted.

“Reid’s a neurosurgeon!” May declared and Dana’s lips pulled into an O and Carter laughed.

“Don’t get any ideas. We’re dating, I guess.” Carter mumbled the last part and three sets of eyes focused on him. Reid stared impatiently at Carter.
Why is he having such a hard time with that?
He wondered and Dana sighed in mock exasperation.

“It’s bad enough that you wouldn't marry Melissa. Now, you show up with a gorgeous doctor and I can’t bully him into dating her either.” She teased as she passed Reid a menu. Carter chuckled as he reached over the counter and grabbed two coffee mugs.

“I think we would have been spectacularly unhappy.” Carter said as he passed Reid a napkin wrapped bundle of silverware. “I’ll have my usual.” He said and Dana nodded.

“Two eggs, over easy with hotcakes and bacon.” Dana yelled and a bent coat hanger of a man nodded as he started to move at the griddle. Dane smiled as she looked at Reid. “Do you need a few minutes?” She asked. Reid shook his head.

“I’ll have the same.” He said as he passed the menu back and Dana nodded before she turned.

“Make that two.” She called as she poured their coffee. “Anything else?” She asked as her eyes swung back and forth between them. Reid shook his head and Carter agreed. “Just let me know.” Dana said before she took herself off to take care of an elderly couple at the other end of the counter. May kissed Carter on the forehead before she went back to the store.

“This place is great!” Reid said as he looked around. It was like stepping back in time. The walls were lined with vintage ads and black and white photos of Old Northlake. Carter nodded as he lifted his mug to his lips.

“Yeah. I used to have the run of Main Street as a kid but I spent most of my time running around the pharmacy and the store with Melissa. She should be here soon.” Carter took a long sip of his coffee before he set it down and fidgeted with his silverware. Reid leaned close and Carter angled his head toward Reid’s in anticipation and Reid let his lips brush Carter’s ear before he whispered.

“So, you were supposed to marry Melissa?” He asked and Carter chuckled softly but his eyes were on Dana as he leaned closer.

“I don’t think anyone actually thought that would ever happen. Dana always joked about it when we were children but Melissa was more like a sister. She fell in love in high school and got married pretty young. Her husband went into the Army and they moved around a lot until he was killed by a suicide bomber in Iraq.” Carter kept his voice low and Reid nodded in understanding as he looked over at Dana. “It’s been three years and Dana has been on Melissa to start dating again but she’s just not ready. And she has her hands full.” Carter added. Reid was about to ask what Carter meant when Dana came back with biscuit's, butter and assorted jellies.

“Cal should have everything up in a few minutes.” She said as she leaned on the counter. “Melissa should be here soon with Max. Do me a favor, have a word with him. He’s not doing his homework and he’s falling behind in reading. He’s been giving Melissa a hard time and she’s at her wit’s end with him being difficult after school.” Dana’s eyes were pleading as they stared up at Carter. “He always listens to you.” She said as she wrapped her hands around Carter’s and squeezed. Carter nodded and pulled his lips tight, considering.

“Of course. I think I know how to motivate him.” Carter winked and Dana looked relieved.

“God bless you, Carter Whitney!” She sighed as she went to get their plates. Reid gave Carter an expectant stare and he just shrugged.

“Max is a great kid. He’s seven and lives with his mom and grandma so he’s a little spoiled and high strung. And he’s seven.” Carter said as he unrolled his silverware. Reid’s eyes widened when Dana began setting plates in front of them.

“Dear, God! You know that it’s just the two of us, right?” He asked as he stared at the large stack of pancakes, two eggs, a mountain of hash browns and six strips of bacon in front of him. He looked at Carter’s identical portions and the plate of biscuit's and shook his head in disbelief. “Are the portions always this big?” He asked under his breath as he leaned close to Carter.

“Always.” Carter stated as he poured syrup over his pancakes. “I’ve come close to finishing a few times.” He said as he cut into them.

Reid silently prayed for strength and dug into his hash browns. Everything was delicious. The biscuit's ended up being Reid’s favorite part of the meal, he ate four in addition to half of his pancakes, his eggs, half of his hash browns and all of his bacon. He was ready to throw in the towel when the sound of a small tornado came from the doorway to the hardware store.

“Caaarrterrrr!” A small boy yelled as he sprinted down the aisle. Carter turned in his seat and scooped the boy up and swung him into his lap.

“You’re just in time. Help me finish my pancakes and bacon.” Carter kissed his hair and large, unblinking brown eyes met Reid’s. “Max, this Reid.” Carter said as he rolled up Max’s sleeves to keep them out of they syrup. “Reid, this is Max.” He gave Max a nudge and Max offered Reid his hand.

“It’s nice to meet you, sir.” Max said. Reid couldn’t help but smile as he took his hand.

“It’s very nice to meet you too.” He said. Max looked thoughtful for a moment before he looked at Carter and then turned back to Reid.

“Gramma May says that you’re Carter’s new boyfriend.” Max announced loudly. A laugh burst from Reid’s throat and Carter groaned. Reid saw a woman leaning in the doorway and her face was bright red as she rushed toward them. Reid winked at her before he turned his attention back to Max.

“Did she?” He asked in mock surprise and Max nodded.

“Yup. Mom asked about the flashy car out front and Gramma May said it’s yours and you’re a newer surgeon.” Max grabbed a piece of bacon and ate half of it in one bite. He chewed like a tiny savage as he stared at Reid. The woman, who was obviously Melissa, looked like she wanted to hide as she made her way to the counter to join them. Carter made the introductions as Max washed the bacon down with several large gulps of milk before his eyes narrowed. “Do you two kiss?” He asked. Loudly, again. Reid bit the inside of his cheek to keep from laughing. He looked at Carter and almost failed when he saw the horror in his eyes.

“Sometimes. And I’m a neurosurgeon.” Reid said softly, pronouncing “neurosurgeon” slowly and Max’s face scrunched up.

“That’s gross.” He decided as he stabbed at a piece of pancake. Reid kept his face passive and watched as Max chewed. “There’s this girl named Nicole in my class and she’s always trying to kiss me. But, kissing’s gross. I told her I’m going to push her down next time. If I were you, I wouldn’t kiss anyone but your mom because you’re a grown-up now and no one can make you kiss anyone. Except your mom.” Max was oblivious to Carter and Melissa’s distress and Reid just nodded in agreement. He couldn’t fault Max’s logic. Max grabbed another piece of bacon and waved it at Reid. “I think girls are the grossest things ever. Don’t you?” he asked and Reid laughed.

“I wouldn’t go that far but I’m not fond of kissing them either.” He saw Carter cringe and Melissa clapped a hand over her mouth. Max shrugged as he chewed.

“I think I’d rather kiss a boy than Nicole but even then, I don’t want to kiss anyone.” He was still chewing as he leaned close to Reid, his face suddenly very serious. Reid gave Max a very sober look as he leaned close and gave him his undivided attention. “I don’t even like kissing my mom but I do it make her happy.” He whispered and Reid nodded in agreement.

“Sometimes, a man has to make sacrifices.” He whispered back and Carter’s body started to shake with silent laughter. Max sighed wearily and Carter signaled for Melissa to leave.

“I know exactly what you mean.” Max said as he crammed a large bite of pancake in his mouth.

“If you two are done talking about girls…” Carter switched Max to his other knee so he could see Max’s face better. “I was thinking I’d take you fishing next weekend.” Carter grabbed a napkin and cleaned bacon grease off of Max’s hands. Reid was certain that if he had ovaries, they would have just exploded. Max’s face lit up and he started bouncing on Carter’s lap.

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