Playing with Power - Book 5: New Adult Office Romance (10 page)

Read Playing with Power - Book 5: New Adult Office Romance Online

Authors: Adele Huxley

Tags: #New Adult Office Romance

BOOK: Playing with Power - Book 5: New Adult Office Romance
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She climbed out of the car, shutting the door softly and leaning back. The forest around them was silent, far too cold for any crickets or peepers. Landon’s feet crunched the gravel around the back of the car. She watched his shadowy figure approach and lean against the car beside her.

The cloudless night sky was spectacular. The very edge of the Milky Way was still visible above the high walls of the quarry. Landon slipped his arm around her waist and pulled her close. She was thankful for his body heat.

“You know what this reminds me of, don’t you?” he said with a nudge.

“No idea,” she said innocently.

“Really? Outside, you and me, a starry sky...doesn’t ring a bell?” He stepped in front of her, placing a foot on either side of hers. It was so dark she still couldn’t see his individual features, but she could hear the mischief in his voice.

“I honestly don’t know what you’re talking about.”

He placed his hands on either side of her head against the car and leaned forward. The delicious weight of his body pinning her, his lips moved to her ear. “That’s too bad. I guess I’ll have to jog your memory.”

Landon’s mouth traveled along the edge of her jaw, finding hers. He moved his tongue along her lips, gently parting and swirling between them. He kissed from one corner of her mouth to the other, teasing lightly before delving deep. Pressing her head against the body of the car, her hands tangling through his hair, it was like they’d never kissed before.
We’re apart for so long, each time is almost like the first time,
she thought. The rising bulge against her belly matched the ache between her legs.

His hand slid to her chest but she could barely feel him through all the bundled clothing. She giggled against his mouth. “I think maybe we should get inside the car and turn the heat on.”

“Plus one for California, eh? I didn’t have to fight layers last time.”

Lauren dipped into the driver’s side, turned on the car, and cranked the heat. She crawled into the back seat, tripping over Landon’s leg, and falling against him with a grunt. “You
to get a compact.”

She sat in the back seat as Landon leaned across the center. He carefully pulled her jacket and scarf off, tossing them in the front of the car. With his mouth hot and insistent against her neck, his hand slipped under her shirt.

“Holy shit,” she gasped. His fingers were like ice against her skin.

“Oops,” he mumbled. Instead of removing them, he edged down, expertly undoing her jeans. While growing warmer by the second, his fingers were still cold as they slipped across the delicate skin between her legs. She gasped again, this time with more pleasure than shock. The sensation against the heat of her pussy was intense but different. There wasn’t a lot of space to maneuver inside her tight jeans, yet his middle finger managed to slip between her wet lips.

Lauren threw her head back and moaned, reaching out to touch his body. She clawed under his shirt and found his muscular torso, drawing a gasp from his lips as her icy fingers made contact. “Gotcha,” she giggled. His muscles tensed as she glided around his side and up his back. He took his revenge by swirling a finger across her clit, so light it was like barely being touched at all. Lauren arched her hips to meet his hand, feeling how soaked her panties already were.

Landon ran his fingers through her hair, gripping the back of her head. As he kissed her, his tongue mimicked the movements of his fingers below. Every twist, plunge, flick happened at the same time. It’d been so long since she’d last been touched like this, within moments he’d turned her into a moaning puddle in his hands.

“Don’t stop. I’m close,” she whispered against his lips. He groaned in response, fingers picking up speed and pressure against her slippery clit. With a gush of wetness, she exploded against his hand, wave after wave of pleasure coursing through her. As the orgasm subsided, she found the ache between her legs throbbed even stronger. She would only feel satisfied once he was inside.

He pulled his hand from her jeans and slowly licked his fingers, kissing her once again. She could taste her own arousal on his tongue. “Mmmm, my turn,” she purred.

She pressed him against the back of the seat and climbed onto her knees, wincing slightly at the dull pain from her scrapes. Quickly unzipping his jeans, she reached in and found his hard cock. With a devious smile, she used both hands to pull him through the opening in his boxers. He was incredibly hard, her hands sliding up and down the length. With the flat of her tongue, Lauren licked from base to tip several times before hovering just over the head. Her hot breath enveloped his cock and soon he was the one arching his hips.

Not wanting to tease too long, she closed her wet lips around the head and took him in her mouth. Landon moaned as she slid down his length, tongue gliding across his skin. She felt him swell in her mouth, a few drops of salty precum her reward. As she hungrily bobbed up and down on his cock, he rocked his hips to meet her. After a few moments, just when she was sure he was going to unload in her mouth, he stopped her.

“I need to be inside of you,” he said in a low voice. Lauren looked around the interior of the car but couldn’t imagine any way of positioning themselves. He was simply too tall but before she voiced her concern, he opened the door. “Come on, out here.”

She followed him out, the cold air no match for the heat of her skin.

“Take off your pants,” he commanded.

Lauren scuffed at the gravel with her toe. “We’re not going to...”

“Just trust me. You can just pull one leg out, if you want.” She followed his instructions, pulling her shoe off and shimmying out of her jeans, letting them fall around one ankle.

Landon found her mouth once again, slowly backing her against the car. “This is going to be a little cold, but I’ll make it worth it,” he whispered before pressing her bare ass against the door. Just as she gasped, he dropped to his knees and plunged his tongue deep into her pussy. She cried out his name, clutching at his head. She was so focused on the pleasure, she completely forgot about the cold metal against her skin. A moment later he stood and with a hand on his cock, he guided himself between her legs, rubbing his length along her slit. He nibbled at the skin on her neck and palmed her breast with his rough hand.

With a tight grip on her thighs, Landon lifted her up, wrapping her legs around his waist. Lauren squealed in surprise, grabbing at his shoulders and neck. Without a word, he guided himself inside, filling her completely with one thrust. Pinned against the car, she squeezed tightly with her legs and moaned.
This is where he belongs,
she thought.

Lauren felt like her senses were enhanced, the cold and dark stimulating her nerves in new ways. His breath was shallow and quick as he thrust deeply inside her. She was aware of his nails digging into her skin, holding her up and pulling her towards him. She felt every inch of him slipping inside. The spark he’d ignited with his fingers was burning hot again, threatening to engulf her once more.

She clawed at his neck, his scalp, her other hand moving to her clit. “Come with me,” she whispered harshly. A deep groan through clenched teeth was his only reply. He pounded her faster, harder. She imagined the steam that must’ve been rising from their bodies, swirling in the dark, cold air. Her fingers expertly pulled her orgasm to the edge.

“Not like this.” While remaining inside, he carried her to the hood of the car. Lauren tensed, expecting fresh, cold metal but the running car had kept it warm. Landon was a man with one thing on his mind. He yanked her hips down the slope of the car, pulling her towards him with every thrust.

As he caressed her cheek, she turned and sucked one of fingers into her mouth. The sensation released a deep, guttural moan.

“Come for me,” she whispered around his finger. Landon grunted and with a few more thrusts, tensed. Her fingers swirled across her clit, throwing her over the edge, pussy pulling the cum from him in strong pulses. He slammed her against the car, burying his cock as deeply as he could, and finished with her name on his lips.

He withdrew and gently helped her slide back down to the ground, kneeling to thread her leg through the dangling jeans. Once all their clothes were put back together, he pulled her close and held her. She lost herself in the rise and fall of their chests, the hard thud of his heart. Without thinking, without meaning to, Lauren whispered, “I love you, too.”

Holding her by the shoulders, he pulled away suddenly. “What did you say?” The surprise in his voice made her laugh.

She repeated it, louder this time. “I
...I love you, too. You said it before and I didn’t get a chance to and I don’t know—” He silenced her babbling with a kiss. “I really mean it! I’m not just saying it because you said it.”

“I know. I love you Lauren Kemp.”

“I love you, too, Landon DeWitt.”

They held each other for another moment, as if willing time to stretch to their will. Landon kissed the top of her head and sighed.

“Can we get back inside? It’s freezing and dark and I want to watch your lips as you say those words.”


Somehow feeling both freezing and flushed, the pair quickly returned to the inside of the car. Lauren was thankful they’d left the car running. She turned the heat to high, holding her hands over the small vents. They caught each other’s eye in the green glow of the interior and grinned like maniacs.
I’m in love. He’s in love. This is all so...

Her phone began to ring deep in her coat pocket.

“I’m surprised I get signal all the way out here,” she said, fumbling with numb fingers. “Ah, it’s just Ali.”

“Take it, she’s probably worried about you.”

“I’m glad you realize we’re basically a two-for-one deal,” she said with a wink. “Hey babe, what’s up? You’re drunk, aren’t you?”

“How did you know?” she yelled into the phone.

“Because it’s close to midnight on a Friday night,” Lauren giggled, making a face at Landon.

“Yeah, well, you don’t know who I’m out with,” came the smug reply.

“Do I even want to? It’s not that guy I saw coming out of—”

“Ugh, no. I’m out with Faith. She’s at the bar right now getting a couple more drinks so I thought I’d call you and let you know what’s going on.”

“What do you mean?”

“Parker dumped her. Bad.” Ali’s voice fell to a whisper as she said, “She caught him with some other chick, apparently. There’s literally no redeeming quality about that sack of shit, is there?”

Lauren dropped her chin to her chest and shook her head.
Poor girl. Could I have saved her from this
? “Do you think I can talk to her?”

“Sure. She’s pretty wasted,” Ali said with a slur. “Hold on.”

Lauren turned to Landon. “She’s out with Faith. I think she caught him with Rochelle, but I’m gonna try and find out.”

“What a piece of work,” he muttered.

“Lauren? Are you there?” Faith shouted. “I should’ve listened to you from the beginning. He’s such a jerk. I’m keeping the ring, too.”

“Aw honey, I’m so sorry. Do you want to tell me what happened?”

“I’m not proud of it,” she said with a burp.
Even her burps are adorable. She’s so better off.
“He came home last night in a real foul mood. Ignored me the whole night. He even shouted at me when I tried to ask him stuff about the wedding.” Her voice cracked and Lauren could hear Ali comforting her in the background. After a moment she continued. “I took his phone and installed a tracker on it. When he didn’t come into work today, I wanted to know where he was. I should’ve listened to you.”

Lauren braced herself, shooting a worried glance at Landon.

Faith continued, her voice punctuated by sharp inhalations, like she was on the verge of hyperventilating. “So I figured out where he was...and I took a cab to her apartment. I waited for someone to leave the building...I snuck in and just pounded on the door until he answered.
He answered
, not her, can you believe it? I made a complete...ass out of myself and he just...just...
dumped me. Like I was nothing.” She quickly fell into sobs.

“Are you there?” Ali asked.

“Yeah, damn, I’m glad you’re with her.”

“She just needs a little girl time, some cocktails, and then some
cock and she’ll feel better,” Ali said loudly for Faith’s benefit. Lauren heard her chuckle in the background between sniffs.

“Do I dare ask who he was with?”
Please don’t say Rochelle, please don’t say Rochelle...

“That girl Rochelle, apparently. The one you told Faith about yesterday.”
Even though she knew the answer before she asked the question, her stomach still sank.

“Damnit. Well, shit. Go get white girl wasted, have a safe night, and call me tomorrow when your head stops pounding, okay? I’m glad you’ve got her back.”

“No worries. We’re preparing for a Wren-less New York. Love ya!”

“Love you, too.”

Landon waited in silence for the few moments, giving Lauren time to process everything.

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