Playing with Power - Book 5: New Adult Office Romance (14 page)

Read Playing with Power - Book 5: New Adult Office Romance Online

Authors: Adele Huxley

Tags: #New Adult Office Romance

BOOK: Playing with Power - Book 5: New Adult Office Romance
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“Read the entire chapter,” he said sitting back.

She took a deep breath and read.
Law 15 - Crush Your Enemy Totally.

As she read the quotes from Machiavelli and Indian philosophers she didn’t recognize, the stories about Moses and ancient Chinese emperors, Lauren understood Damon’s message. While she hadn’t yet read the entire book, this particular chapter seemed unusually short. Each section showed examples of where the law had worked effectively yet provided examples of when the opposite might be true. Not this law. There seemed to be little doubt that when facing an enemy, anything short of complete annihilation was considered a bad idea.

“Right, but this isn’t ancient China. I’m not some general. I just want to run my own company and get this creep to stop fucking with me.”

“I know, love. This is how you do it.”

She read a quote from Napoleon out loud. “‘To have ultimate victory, you must be ruthless.’ I don’t want some ultimate victory. I never cared about facing him in the business world because I know MyBFC will beat StyleSpur every time. I don’t want to destroy him.”

“He’s left you little choice.” Lauren could still see the heat in Damon’s eyes as he looked at her, but it was dimmer. It was like spending time with an old, familiar lover that still knew which buttons to press. “Listen, out of respect to you, I haven’t done anything yet. I don’t appreciate it when assholes mess with friends of mine but I’d like to extend my offer of help. I have extensive contacts and influence in all the right places. One word and I’m yours.”

The last sentence sent a ripple across her skin which she struggled to ignore. Pulling her eyes away, she once more scanned the pages of the book. “I understand what you’re saying but I guess I’m just not that ruthless yet. I need to give him one more chance to come clean and then...”

“Let slip the dogs of war?” he offered with a grin.

“Something like that,” she said as she rose. “I think I know what to do.” She found Landon and Faith chatting quietly at the table. “Faith, I’m going to need you to schedule a meeting with Parker and this is how it’s going to work.”


The following two days were some of the most stressful Lauren had ever experienced. Arranging the meeting proved much more difficult than any of them had anticipated, which meant Lauren and Faith had to go about their daily lives at StyleSpur as if nothing were happening. They couldn’t even risk their clandestine kitchen meetings, fearing the possibility that Parker had hidden recording devices everywhere. For the plan to work, they just had to get Parker in the room. After she had a chance to say her part, the rest was up to him.

Finally, Parker agreed. Still playing the absentee CEO, he replied to Faith’s email with a clipped message.

Tomorrow, office, 10am.

Never before had Lauren felt such a mixture of relief and apprehension.
He agreed! Oh shit, he agreed.
It was an emotion they all seemed to be sharing, as was evident by their meeting at Damon’s house Tuesday night. In fact, they were all showing signs of stress.

“So, I had a panic attack this morning over recording the conversation,” Landon said. He sat on the sofa with his ankle crossed over his knee, shaking a mile a minute. “Each state has different laws regarding consent when recording someone on the phone or in person.”

“Oh shit,” Faith whispered. “That’s like, the whole point of this.”

“No, we’re good! Apparently as long as one person who is being recorded consents to the recording, it’s legal. So like, you can’t just put a microphone in a room and record whatever happens but if you’re also being taped, it’s fine.”

“That might be a handy bit of knowledge to have if it turns out any conversations we had in the office were recorded.”

Faith nodded. “So we all know what’s going on? We’re all comfortable with our plan of action?” Her stress was showing through all her over planning. She’d arrived at Damon’s apartment with detailed notes, all printed and organized for each person. She’d even gone so far as to create mock conversations with dialogue suggestions.

Lauren smiled kindly. “I think as long as we act naturally, it’ll all be fine. We just don’t want to scare him off before we get him to confess. It’s nothing that complex.”

“I’m going to get to the office at like, six in the morning. So I think my natural will look exhausted,” Faith laughed.

“I’ll probably already be there.”

Landon fidgeted, Faith planned, and Lauren battled insomnia. Sleep hadn’t come easy the previous few nights and she knew she shouldn’t even bother trying that night.

“You called Sahra, right?” Lauren said, turning to Landon.

He grimaced and rolled his eyes. “She was all too happy to hear from me. Talked my ear off, but I think she bought it. I told her Damon Kael was rumored to be putting in an offer. I told her if she didn’t move quickly, she could kiss her promotion at Morowitz goodbye.”

“That should work.” A stillness fell between them all. “I think this might just work, you know?”

As Lauren walked Faith to the elevators, the leggy blonde paused. “What do you think of Damon?”

She’d sensed this question was coming but smiled despite herself. “I think he’s a great guy, why?”

“He asked me out this morning, said that he’d love to take me out to dinner after all this was over.” A flush rose in her pale cheeks as if she were imagining what it’d be like. “It seems so soon after Parker and I hardly know the guy.”

“Then I think you should go out with him and find out. Don’t let Parker hold you back from happiness any longer. Even if you aren’t meant to be, I promise Damon will treat you well.”

As she stepped into the elevator, she was smiling wildly. “He is hot as hell, isn’t he? Ugh, I just about die when he looks at me.”

“I know the feeling,” said Lauren without thinking.

“Landon’s a lucky guy,” Faith replied with a wink. “I’ll see you tomorrow morning.”

Lauren returned to the apartment and leaned against the locked door. “I
a lucky guy, you know,” Landon said as he approached. Her eyes fluttered open as he surprised her with a kiss. “I’m proud of you.”

“Proud? I haven’t done anything yet.”

His warm brown eyes reflected his smile. “You’re staying true to yourself. While I might not understand, it’s admirable you’re not just going straight to his jugular.”

She buried her face in the crook of his neck and squeezed him tightly. “I’m letting him slit his own throat, if he wants know, I don’t think anyone other than my parents has ever said that to me before.” Her lips grazed the skin on his neck as she whispered, “I love you.”

He ran his fingers through her hair, gently pulling her face to his. “I love you, too,” he replied, lips moving against hers.

A brief memory of Damon pinning her to this very spot flashed through her mind. She sidestepped from under his arm and pulled him towards the bedroom. “Come on. I’m not gonna get any sleep tonight anyway. We might as well have a little fun.”

Quickly stripping their clothes off, they stood naked in front of one another. The glow of the city lights filtered through the banks of windows, casting a dreamy hue. Landon closed the distance and swung her around, almost as if they were gliding along a dance floor.

“You are so beautiful,” he whispered against her cheek. “I can’t stand not touching you.” She eased into him, allowing herself to be lowered onto the soft bed.

He stood, looking down at her. “Come here,” Lauren said, stretching her hands to reach him. Instead, Landon bent to kiss her ankle, her calf, the inside of her knee, her inner thigh...his hot breath hovered between her legs as he traveled down to the other foot. He mimicked the journey up the other leg before stopping once more above her pussy. He was so close to her skin she could feel the heat radiating off him in waves.

He licked her with a long, flat, slow swipe of his tongue. Gliding across her bare skin until he reached the swollen point of her clit. He sucked it into his mouth, leisurely lapping and licking. The slow speed became such sweet torture. As Lauren pressed into his mouth, he moved with her, unrelenting light pressure. Landon’s middle finger traced the opening of her slit, gently probing, teasing.
I’ll never come like this, I’ll just slowly go insane.
He kept her on the edge, pulling away as he sensed her drawing close.

With a kiss to her hipbone, bellybutton, and each nipple, he crawled up her body. Wrapping her legs around his waist, she pulled his weight on top of her. A kiss to her collarbone, her neck, Landon hovered over her mouth. As she reached for him, he pulled back, lips curling into a smile. Lauren ached for him inside, ached for his lips against hers.

“Please,” she begged, tugging at his hair.

Landon rolled onto his back with a laugh. “You take control then.”

Lauren jumped on top of him, feverish with the need to feel him within her. Straddling him with one hand on the base of his cock, she guided him inside her wet pussy. A shudder of pleasure tore through her as she pressed her pelvis against his. As much as she wanted to ride him until she collapsed, it felt good to take things slow. With her hand still holding him, she rose high, slipping the head of his cock against her clit before pushing back down. He pressed the back of his head into the pillow and groaned.

Interlacing her fingers in his, she pinned his hands above his head. Slowly riding him, their eyes locked. Lauren wanted this moment to last forever. She bent and kissed him, the angle pressing her clit against his abdomen, building the heat inside of her. Pressing her forehead against his, she moaned softly. “If I don’t come, I’m gonna lose it.”

Releasing his hands, she rocked back, his cock delving deeper inside. She ran her fingers along his hard chest, the ripples of his stomach, loving every last inch of his body with her eyes. Landon grabbed her hip with one hand and began thrusting from below. He started rubbing her clit with his thumb, the minimal pressure building and building until...

Her breath caught in her throat as she came. She tossed her head back and ground against his hand, rocking and shaking with the pulses of pleasure. Placing her hands on his chest, she braced herself as the orgasm slowed. He sat up, broad hands against her back while nuzzling into her neck. He savored the sweet smell of her sweat, the thudding of her heart.

Gingerly, he shifted her onto her back and pushed inside. Lauren gasped, every cell in her body awake and throbbing at his touch. He gathered her into his arms and continued to slowly thrust. His hands caressed her skin, pulled her into him, clung to everything he could hold. Lauren realized she felt complete like this, with him inside her, like they were two parts made one. His breathing quickened and she could tell he was drawing close. His mouth found the soft spot just behind her ear, his breath hot against her neck and scalp. He pumped into her, muscles tightening, his body trembling. Lauren felt his warmth fill her and clung tighter.

Landon leaned on his elbow, a grin spreading across his face. “You didn’t lose it, did you? You’re still sane?” He brushed a piece of hair behind her ear, holding the back of his hand to her forehead as if testing for a fever.

“As sane as I ever was,” she yawned.

“Good.” He shifted to the side and wrapped his arm around her waist. Resting his forehead against her shoulder. Landon was snoring in minutes. She waited just long enough to be sure he was asleep before slipping away.


As dawn broke, Lauren decided it was time to head into the office. Come what may, time wasn’t going to stand still and the meeting was fast approaching. She’d gotten dressed a few hours earlier while Landon quietly snored in bed. Slowly, almost methodically, she’d showered and done her makeup. Picking out a pair of dark skinny jeans, fitted blouse, and charcoal blazer, Lauren felt a little like a soldier preparing for battle. Glancing at her reflection before she headed out to the elevator, she had to admit she looked the part. Strong, professional, confident.
If I can manage to stop shaking, then maybe I’ll start to believe the image myself.

True to her word, Faith entered the office only twenty minutes after Lauren. They shared a knowing look before Lauren nodded at the box of donuts in her hand. “You have no idea how much I need those right now. I gotta put something in my stomach to soak up all this coffee. I’m tweaking like crazy here,” she said holding up her trembling hand for proof.

“I didn’t sleep at all last night either. On the plus side, I managed to organize my entire closet based on color and size. Come on, I’ll go put these in the kitchen so we don’t eat all of them.”

Their conversation remained mundane, simple, boring...just in case. They ignored the dark storm cloud looming overhead, the pressure weighing on each of them heavily. It was a relief when the other employees started filtering in. They were already buzzing about the company Halloween party that Friday. Lauren sat at her desk pretending to work but spent most of the morning eavesdropping on their conversations.

“Seriously. I’ve been working on my costume for a month now. There’s no way I’m going to lose the contest.”

“I heard Dave’s sister is some kind of special effects expert and she’s doing his makeup for him.”

“I’m not really worried about the costumes. I’m just excited about the open bar. Last time we had one of those was Christmas and we all remember what that party was like.”

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