Poems of Robert Frost. Large Collection, includes A Boy's Will, North of Boston and Mountain Interval

BOOK: Poems of Robert Frost. Large Collection, includes A Boy's Will, North of Boston and Mountain Interval
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Early Poems








A Note on the Texts

The texts published in this volume are those of the first American editions of
A Boy’s Will
North of Boston
, and
Mountain Interval



A Boy's Will
Into My Own


The youth is persuaded that he will be rather more than less himself for having forsworn the world.


Ghost House


He is happy in society of his choosing.


My November Guest


He is in love with being misunderstood.


Love and a Question


He is in doubt whether to admit real trouble to a place beside the hearth with love.


A Late Walk


He courts the autumnal mood.




There is no oversight of human affairs.


Storm Fear


He is afraid of his own isolation.


Wind and Window Flower


Out of the winter things he fashions a story of modern love.


To the Thawing Wind


He calls on change through the violence of the elements.


A Prayer in Spring


He discovers that the greatness of love lies not in forward-looking thoughts;




nor yet in any spur it may be to ambition.




He is no dissenter from the ritualism of nature;


Asking for Roses


nor from the ritualism of youth which is make-believe.


Waiting—Afield at Dusk


He arrives at the turn of the year.


In a Vale


Out of old longings he fashions a story.


A Dream Pang


He is shown by a dream how really well it is with him.


In Neglect


He is scornful of folk his scorn cannot reach.


The Vantage Point


And again scornful, but there is no one hurt.




He takes up life simply with the small tasks.


Going for Water




He resolves to become intelligible, at least to himself, since there is no help else;


The Trial by Existence


and to know definitely what he thinks about the soul;


In Equal Sacrifice


about love;


The Tuft of Flowers


about fellowship;


Spoils of the Dead


about death;


Pan with Us


about art (his own);


The Demiurge’s Laugh


about science.


Now Close the Door


It is time to make an end of speaking.


A Line-Storm Song


It is the autumnal mood with a difference.




He sees days slipping from him that were the best for what they were.


My Butterfly


There are things that can never be the same.




North of Boston
The Pasture


Mending Wall


The Death of the Hired Man


The Mountain


A Hundred Collars


Home Burial


The Black Cottage




A Servant To Servants


After Apple-Picking


The Code


The Generations of Men


The Housekeeper


The Fear


The Self-Seeker


The Wood-Pile


Good Hours



Mountain Interval
The Road Not Taken


Christmas Trees


An Old Man’s Winter Night


A Patch of Old Snow


In the Home Stretch


The Telephone


Meeting And Passing


Hyla Brook


The Oven Bird


Bond And Free




Pea Brush


Putting in the Seed


A Time to Talk


The Cow in Apple Time


An Encounter


Range Finding


The Hill Wife


The Bonfire


A Girl’s Garden


The Exposed Nest


“Out, Out—”


Brown’s Descent or The Willy-Nilly Slide


The Gum-Gatherer


The Line-Gang


The Vanishing Red




The Sound of the Trees
A Boy’s Will


E. M. F.

Into My Own

One of my wishes is that those dark trees,

So old and firm they scarcely show the breeze,

Were not, as ’twere, the merest mask of gloom,

But stretched away unto the edge of doom.


I should not be withheld but that some day

Into their vastness I should steal away,

Fearless of ever finding open land,

Or highway where the slow wheel pours the sand.


I do not see why I should e’er turn back,

Or those should not set forth upon my track

To overtake me, who should miss me here

And long to know if still I held them dear.


They would not find me changed from him they knew—

Only more sure of all I thought was true.

Ghost House

I dwell in a lonely house I know

That vanished many a summer ago,

And left no trace but the cellar walls,

And a cellar in which the daylight falls,

And the purple-stemmed wild raspberries grow.


O’er ruined fences the grape-vines shield

The woods come back to the mowing field;

The orchard tree has grown one copse

Of new wood and old where the woodpecker chops;

The footpath down to the well is healed.


I dwell with a strangely aching heart

In that vanished abode there far apart

On that disused and forgotten road

That has no dust-bath now for the toad.

Night comes; the black bats tumble and dart;


The whippoorwill is coming to shout

And hush and cluck and flutter about:

I hear him begin far enough away

Full many a time to say his say

Before he arrives to say it out.


It is under the small, dim, summer star.

I know not who these mute folk are

Who share the unlit place with me—

Those stones out under the low-limbed tree

Doubtless bear names that the mosses mar.


They are tireless folk, but slow and sad,

Though two, close-keeping, are lass and lad,—

With none among them that ever sings,

And yet, in view of how many things,

As sweet companions as might be had.

My November Guest

My Sorrow, when she’s here with me,

Thinks these dark days of autumn rain

Are beautiful as days can be;

She loves the bare, the withered tree;

She walks the sodden pasture lane.


Her pleasure will not let me stay.

She talks and I am fain to list:

She’s glad the birds are gone away,

She’s glad her simple worsted gray

Is silver now with clinging mist.


The desolate, deserted trees,

The faded earth, the heavy sky,

The beauties she so truly sees,

She thinks I have no eye for these,

And vexes me for reason why.


Not yesterday I learned to know

The love of bare November days

Before the coming of the snow,

But it were vain to tell her so,

And they are better for her praise.

Love and a Question

A stranger came to the door at eve,

And he spoke the bridegroom fair.

He bore a green-white stick in his hand,

And, for all burden, care.

He asked with the eyes more than the lips

For a shelter for the night,

And he turned and looked at the road afar

Without a window light.


The bridegroom came forth into the porch

With, ‘Let us look at the sky,

And question what of the night to be,

Stranger, you and I.’

The woodbine leaves littered the yard,

The woodbine berries were blue,

Autumn, yes, winter was in the wind;

“Stranger, I wish I knew.”


Within, the bride in the dusk alone

Bent over the open fire,

Her face rose-red with the glowing coal

And the thought of the heart’s desire.

The bridegroom looked at the weary road,

Yet saw but her within,

And wished her heart in a case of gold

And pinned with a silver pin.


The bridegroom thought it little to give

A dole of bread, a purse,

A heartfelt prayer for the poor of God,

Or for the rich a curse;

But whether or not a man was asked

To mar the love of two

By harboring woe in the bridal house,

The bridegroom wished he knew.

A Late Walk

When I go up through the mowing field,

The headless aftermath,

Smooth-laid like thatch with the heavy dew,

Half closes the garden path.


And when I come to the garden ground,

The whir of sober birds

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