portal prophecies 01 - keepers destiny (24 page)

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After everyone was a safe distance away, she mustered up her strength and drove the branch into the ground. She took a deep breath and lifted her arms up. A gold sparkle appeared around the branch like a small twister surrounding it, getting larger and larger until it looked like it touched the sky.

“She is failing I can feel it,” Clairity yelled out.

Mike and William went to move towards her, but Aslo changed to his full form and blocked their way.

“She has to do this. I will not let you interfere. This is the most important thing she will ever do. This is what she was destined for. If she fails, all will be for nothing,” Aslo said snarling, his large teeth exposed.

Moments later Willow fell over. Her body lying motionless on the ground. The twister dissipated and revealed a large tree with sweeping branches. No one moved. Was Willow okay? Was it safe to move closer to see? William ran his hands through his hair and let out a large the breath of air he had been holding through the whole display.

“Can we help her now?” he asked.

“Wait, just a few more moments,” Aslo answered.

“She could be dying. We could help her,” Mike yelled.

Sobs were coming from the crowd of people now as they watched Willow's body lying limp and lifeless in a pile at the base of a tree.

Although there was no breeze in the air, the long sweeping branches of the tree began to move. They picked up Willow's motionless body and lifted her high, surrounded her with a glowing aura. Physically her body began transforming back to the girl she had been before she helped the avian guardian. Her hair broke free from the tie that bound it and swayed gently around her face, brilliant red, thick and radiant, perfectly complimenting the return of the light bronze colour of her skin. The transformation mesmerized everyone watching. Willow sat up and opened her eyes, their colour spectacular. The sprinkling of red against a sea of green and blue portrayed an image of dancing flames on water. She looked around, reaching out to touch one of the wispy branches of Acacia the ancient tree of justice. It astounded her. She had believed at one time, Acacia to be a story made up to entertain children. Now she realized everything she had known before was a lie. Eventually she would have to relearn the truths of her world and uncover all the secrets that had been hidden from her and everyone else.

“You have saved me from an eternity of torture, always burning in necrid flames but never able to extinguish my life. That part of me has now withered since you called me here through that branch. I owe you my gratitude,” Acacia said breaking her train of thoughts.

“I had some help with that. They are a good team. We could use your help,” Willow said.

“I am bound by the same rules as the guardians. Sworn only to pass judgement on the worst crimes, committed by those who choose to act on that part of themselves capable of committing the most terrible acts possible and enforce punishment if needed. I cannot intervene directly in your search or daily physical battles. These things you must do for yourselves. I can help you in another way, provide tools to help you help yourselves and when the time comes, you will know and call me.”

Everyone had been so preoccupied by the grandeur of the great tree that no one had noticed another girl had approached its base. Willow looked down, her eyes connecting with Jade, well what looked like it could be Jade. She was somehow different, her hair was without style, lacking brilliant colour. Her face and eyes had lost their luster. She was almost homely compared to her former self.

“I am here for your decision, my punishment for the atrocities that I caused,” Jade said bowing her head down.

“Hummm, yes it is true you did make some poor choices. Are you sorry?” Acacia asked.

“Yes, of course, but that doesn't make things better,” Jade cried.

“No, it doesn't, but you can make things better than they are now. What has happened has happened. Hopefully you learnt from it.”

“I did,” she sobbed.

“Then return to your father. He needs you now. When you go forward from today help others to see and change. Your part in our future is not yet over,” Acacia said and paused for a moment before adding, “Whether within an individual or an entire kingdom, there is the ability to do good, bad or nothing at all. The choice is ours to make and to choose one way does not mean we will always choose the same again. Remember what you feel now and make the most of your choices in the future.”

Jade did as Acacia said returning to her father who had been nervously watching from a distance. A look of instant relief came over Malarchy's face at the sight of his daughter walking back. A display of any form of affection had never been his style, but he too was somehow different. He hugged her tight as if he never wanted to let go.

A bright glow filled the sky with shimmering lights of purple, red, green and gold. A dusting of sparkles of gold and silver rained down on William's property and the people outside watching the events of the evening unfold, disappearing upon contact. The branches of the great tree set Willow down on the ground safely. She noticed immediately she felt strong and healthy again. She was herself.

“Thank you,” she said.

“It is you that I thank. You will find now and over time you have what you need to continue. I am anywhere you need me if you ask,” Acacia replied.

Willow started walking towards her friends. She noticed a glow was circling around. Shelby was flying above and found a branch to land on. Aslo and his family nodded at her, joining the avian guardian at the tree.

When she came closer to her friends she saw something unusual. They had all changed. Even without them moving, she could see they were stronger, faster, more powerful and there was something else. Willow stopped and smiled. She looked down at the inside of her arm and there it was, the symbol, she was a portal guard and so were many of the others. She walked over to each and turned their arms to see, Clairity, Ashlyn, Jessie, Dezi, Pete, Neil, Camile, the younger Victoria and Nathan, even Jade and Malarchy all had the portal guard symbol. To her surprise others had it as well, new additions to her family, Mike, Sarah, Richard, Mary and others who had aided William over the years had been given the honour, with it extended life and perhaps other gifts. Only time would tell.

Shelby left her perch and circled around in the air. It must feel good to be free again Willow thought, watching her soar high above then dive down and land on Ashlyn's shoulder disappearing. Could it be? She ran over to her friend and asked to see the shoulder where the bird had just been. There was a picture of a black bird looking happy and content with her new home.

“You're a keeper!” Willow said.

“Me?” Ashlyn said in disbelief “Why me? How?”

I knew in the dream we were compatible, that you would be the one to carry me forward until I find my keeper and mate again. There will be other guardians who have lost their keepers and will need you. I can help you develop your gifts in dreams if you let me,'
Shelby's voice said to Ashlyn alone.

She looked at Willow with excitement, “I can hear her in my head. Is that what it's like for you too? All this time you never told us.”

“Voices in my head wasn't something I wanted to share, especially since I didn't know where they were coming from until recently,” Willow replied.

Looking down she noticed two of Aslo and Kiera's children were rubbing against her legs and purring. It had a pattern to it, a rhythm. She could hear a message in it, like a song almost. They were telling her they loved her. They needed to help another, but they could reunite again later. They would always be a part of her. She smiled knowing there was another new keeper to be born tonight and she thought she knew who.

The two cats left Willow and walked over to her friend Clairity, rubbing against her bare ankles a few times before appearing as pictures on her lower legs.

The three girls hugged they had something new to share now. Willow realized how much she had missed their together time in the forest. Now they had a reason to go off on their own and discuss keeper matters.

Looking up she caught a glance of Diana walking away. She hadn't been chosen to join the ranks of guards. It wasn't because she wasn't worthy Willow thought, no Diana Waddington had always been an outstanding person. Like a light bulb clicking on inside her head, she understood. It was because Diana was Lance's aunt. She was the one King Cornelius was looking for, the one their enemies considered imprisoned somewhere, stolen from them.

Chapter Twenty-Six


Willow, was already joined with Aslo and Kiera when she caught up with Diana entering the main cabin. The command centre was empty. All of its usual inhabitants were still outside buzzing with excitement. Mike and William walked in behind her before she had a chance to say a word. The look on the storyteller's face was solemn. It was clear she didn't understand why she had not been chosen to join the ranks of portal guards and felt it was some shortcoming of her own doing. Nothing could be farther from the truth. The guardians agreed with her.

“Don't be upset,” Willow said, unsure how to start the conversation. How do you tell someone their brother is an evil maniac bent on the destruction of everything.

“What's wrong?” William asked.

“I wasn't chosen,” Diana said. “I am not as worthy as all of you. Perhaps I do not belong here.”

“There must be some mistake,” Mike said.

“No, I don't think so,” Willow replied turning her attention to Diana, “But, it isn't what you think.”

“Then why?”

“To protect you,” she answered. “Your brother, his name is Cornelius, a king?”

Diana nodded with a look of curiosity in her eyes. “How did you know that?”

“In my dreams I met his son, your nephew...they are the ones who attacked us and they are searching for you.”

“What?” the storyteller said letting out a gasp. “Why?”

“I was hoping you could provide some details to fill in the blanks of what I know,” Willow said.

Mike and William looked at each other then back.

“I have a feeling there is a story here we need to hear,” William said.

“It begins somewhere in the time of the blood wars,” Willow started. “That part of the story I have little detail about, but something happened and according to them it was the three races, snakes, spiders and sea creatures, that remained guardians, and the cats, wolves and birds that split from them. In other words, they believe we are the bad guys. Skip forward to the time of the portals and the splitting of worlds becomes an evil plot to control all creatures and enforce our vision of what the world should be...It's all very backwards, but very real to them. In this version of reality, you were...stolen from them, against your will. In fact, they believe all those chosen were taken as hostages to stop possible uprisings.”

“That's insane!” William said.

“Insane or not, they truly believe they are righting a wrong. That they are justified in their actions and saving worlds from us. They mean to destroy every guard and keeper.”

“I chose this life,” Diana said, tears falling down her face.

“I know, but when the time comes, when you meet your brother face to face, I believe it is important you do not show the mark of the portal guard. Can you tell us what you remember?”

Diana sighed. “I was young...a teen of your age. It was the end of the blood wars. Our kingdom had managed to stay clear of the conflict, but it came close to our lands and one day my parents, the King and Queen, were out visiting a border town. They were killed...No one invaded us. It was a spill off of a fight from the neighbouring kingdom...not planned. They were simply in the wrong place at the wrong time. It is possible we would have been a target next.”

“My brother took his rightful spot as King the next day. He was full of grief and anger. I begged him not to act on emotion, but he ordered that his guards obtain magical blood and drink it in case an invasion occurred...only as a precaution. He never intended to use it as a weapon. I tried so hard to change his mind. We had been so close to each other. He wasn't a bad person.” She paused for a moment and wept.

“Against my advice he and others drank the blood...It was never necessary. The portals were created almost immediately after, but the damage was done. When the guardians came and asked me to go with them, I agreed. My brother offered to help as well, but he was denied. I believe it was because he slayed those creatures and drank their blood. It had tainted him...he was no longer pure and innocent. He was angry, so very angry. They didn't want him, a king...I left, but I was given extended life. This was a very, very long time ago. How is he still alive?”

“The serpents must have felt his anger. They gave him venom to drink. It runs through the veins of all his family giving them gifts, including extended life. In exchange he raises armies, seeks out other worlds, destroys or imprisons our kind and if he finds them he will release the other ancients from the worlds they are now contained in. They plan to remove the barriers between worlds and rule all in the end. Nowhere is safe,” Willow said.

“Well, now we know who the enemy is and why, just the where left to figure out,” William said breaking a few minutes of silence. “Anything either of you two remember and want to add would be helpful. The prophecy deciphering team will need to know these details. Maybe something in that book will lead us in the right direction.” He placed his hand on Diana's shoulder. “There is nothing you could have done. Many men went mad after drinking the blood, power hungry, believing they were better than others. Once he tasted it, his fate was sealed. Willow is right. There may come a time when you will be face to face with him again and you have a better chance of survival without the mark.”

“I do not wish to survive and live a lie. I am one of you!” she yelled.

“It's not just you. There may be others whose fate rests in your hands at the time. There is a reason for everything. You must trust Acacia has one,” Willow said.

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