Possess Me Please (17 page)

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Authors: S.K. Yule

BOOK: Possess Me Please
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“What’s stopping you?”

He smiled. “I want to take you out tonight. Anywhere in particular you want to go? We can go to dinner and a movie. We can go dancing. Anything. Name it.”

“Are you asking me out on a date?”

Her smile made his heart beat faster. “I guess I am.”

“We kind of did this relationship thing ass-backward, didn’t we?”

“I wouldn’t change a thing.”

She cupped his jaw. “I wouldn’t either.”

He kissed her again, and she ran her fingers down his chest. He held her tighter and skimmed his hand along her hip and over her creamy thigh. “Come on. Go get ready.”

As she got up, Cyrus swatted her on her curvy butt, and she squealed.

“Fine.” She called over her shoulder as she retreated. “But I’m going to get you back for that.”

He had no doubt that she would, and he couldn’t wait until she did. He wanted to take a shower with her, but waited until she was done before jumping in for a quick rinse himself. If he gave in to the urge to join her, he would jump her, and they would end up not going anywhere.

. He wanted to take her out. There would be plenty of time to make love later.

Chapter Fourteen


“This is what you pick?”

“Hey.” Isabelle playfully swiped at Cyrus’s shoulder. “You said we could do anything I wanted.”

He tossed his head back and laughed. “Yes. I did, didn’t I?”

“Are you disappointed?”

“No. I’m not used to people surprising me, and you seem to do it at every turn. I can honestly say I’ve never had a woman ask me to take her to the zoo after hours.”

Isabelle’s curiosity kicked in as she imagined the kind of women Cyrus had dated. Probably ones with way more class than she had. While she liked to dress up on occasion and wear sexy underwear, she didn’t consider herself the

She studied Cyrus. Would he grow tired of her when the initial charm wore off? Did she truly have what it took to hold onto a man such as him?

He cupped her chin. “Don’t.”

She straightened her back as a small tinge of anger slithered through her. “Don’t what?”

“Don’t doubt yourself.”


“It’s written all over that gorgeous face of yours. You are like no other woman, and I can’t tell you how remarkable and unique that makes you. I love you exactly as you are.”

It was hard to believe that she’d known him for days instead of her entire life. “I’ve never had much class, so to speak. I have manners, and I know proper etiquette, but I’m not a dainty, prissy woman.”

“I’m glad you aren’t. Otherwise, I’d be worried about offending your delicate sensibilities at every turn. Your feelings, emotions…I can count on them to be real, not faked because you are trying to manipulate me into something. If you are mad, you show it. If you are hurt, you show it. You don’t take crap from me, and that’s sexy as hell. In fact, I look forward to many fights in the future with you, Izzy. You know why?”

She shrugged. “Why?”

He gave her a fleeting kiss and put his lips next to her ear. “The mind-blowing make-up sex.”

“Yes. I guess there is that.”

She cleared her throat and turned back to watch the giraffes.

There were four of the graceful animals in one enclosure, and one with a baby in a separate smaller enclosure. The baby was adorable, and it fascinated her to watch how gentle and caring the mother was with the infant. Even though the mother had probably only known her offspring for a couple weeks at most, it was clear she would fight to the death for it.

Isabelle might not be a mother, but she understood that kind of love. She’d do the same for Cyrus, and was certain he’d do likewise for her.

“You should see them in the wild in Africa,” he stated.

“You’ve been to Africa?”

“Yes. I’ve been…everywhere.”

Isabelle wasn’t exactly sure she wanted to know, but she asked the question anyway. “How long have you been around, Cyrus?”

“A long time.”

She’d leave it at that for the moment. “I’m sure seeing the animals in their natural habitat would be extraordinary, but I think it would be a bit frightening as well.”

“It was somewhat intimidating, I guess, being so close to hyenas, lions, tigers, and other creatures that have centuries of natural-born predatory instincts flowing through their veins—instincts that make them perfect killers who wouldn’t hesitate to eat you if the need arose. I must confess that I haven’t found too much else that scares me in this world, though.”

“No. I suppose not,” she replied. “You don’t have to worry about the consequences of getting eaten. If you died, you could find another body. We normal humans don’t have that luxury. As much as it pains me to admit it, since it exposes one of my weaknesses, I would be a little frightened—awed, but frightened.”

“Being afraid of dying is not a weakness. I would be hesitant about it myself if it was permanent. It’s perfectly natural to fear the unknown. Although, I can’t imagine why you should fear anything. Your soul is pure. You, I’m sure, would go straight into the light.”

“Do you think?”

“Yes. Up, down, into limbo or turn Havoc. Which do you think you’d choose?”

“Definitely up.”

She pondered that for a moment. She wasn’t exactly scared of death, but it was a little daunting. She dealt with spirits, knew there was an afterlife, but that still didn’t explain where her ultimate destiny would be. If she had to make a choice, going up would be the best one.

“Thank you for bringing me,” she said, changing the subject, “but please do not tell me how you managed to get us in here.”

“It isn’t hard to do the seemingly impossible with the right amount of money.”

And it had probably cost him a buttload in bribes to get them inside after hours. When she’d mentioned it, it had started out as a joke. She never thought he’d be able to pull it off. She did want to go, but since Cyrus had been so smug about telling her she could pick anything, she had wanted to teach him a lesson. It had backfired, and he’d gotten them in with an ease that flabbergasted her. She was having the time of her life.

“I’ve always loved animals,” she continued.

“I have too, although I’ve never had a pet.”

“No. Me either.”

She’d thought about it several times, but had always come to the conclusion that it wouldn’t be fair to keep an animal with her schedule. She figured Cyrus hadn’t had one for similar reasons. He didn’t seem the type to stay put for long.

Isabelle’s heart lurched. Would he stay put for her?

How could she be so naïve? He’d been around for…

“Um, how old are you, Cyrus?”

He settled his gaze on her. “I thought you didn’t want to go there?”

She thought about it for a minute again. “No. I didn’t want to, but I’m having a moment of insanity. Quick, tell me before my wits come back.”

He shook his head. “To tell you the truth, I don’t exactly know. I lost track some time ago.”

“Somehow, I don’t believe that.”

Heat settled low in her belly in response to the lopsided grin he aimed her way.

“Didn’t think you would. Nonetheless, let’s not worry about exact numbers right now. Let’s just say that I’m really, really ancient. In fact, I should be ashamed of myself for robbing the cradle.

“Too late now.”

He pulled her close for a slow, sizzling kiss that sent shivers clear to her toes. He was the best kisser. When he ended it, she barely controlled the urge to yank him back to her.

He trailed one long finger down her cheek. “Yeah. Tell me about it.” He tucked her hand in his. “Let’s go.”

She smiled up at him. “Where are we going?”

She was pretty sure she already knew the answer, but she wanted to hear him say it anyway.

“To grab some takeout and go back to your place so I can have my wicked way with you.”

He tugged her along to keep in time with his longer stride.

She laughed. “That sounds like a good plan to me.”

* * * *

After a quick stop for Chinese takeout, they were back at Izzy’s house and were now fumbling with the front door. It would be easier for her to get it open if he wasn’t groping her, but, damn, he couldn’t keep his hands off her. She smiled up at him. There was something unique about her, and it had nothing to do with her ability to invite souls into her body. No. She practically radiated with life, with vibrancy. She called to his soul without even knowing she did so.

He was at peace when he was around her. She soothed him, and he’d rather die than be without her. He’d never thought a demon could have a soulmate, but he had been wrong. She was his.

He was about to tell her all the soppy things that were going through his brain when the door clicked and...

! Just like that he was somewhere else—somewhere he, without question, did not want to be. Izzy was going to be pissed that he had disappeared on her, probably worried too, which would only piss her off more. Good thing he’d sat the food down before he’d been whisked away. At least she’d have something to eat while he was gone.

Cyrus took in the surroundings. Traceor lounged before him on a golden couch the size of a bed, with pillows scattered all about. Four gorgeous women stood around him, obviously waiting to provide for his every need. Not much had changed since the last time Cyrus been summoned. Not only was the couch still gold, but so were the walls, carpet, and every other thing in the hideously gaudy room. That included Traceor’s clothing and that of the women—if one could call the scraps of fabric the women wore clothing.

. Cyrus had never cared for the smug son of a bitch, but was unable to deny a summons from his creator. Lucifer ran Hell, but he had decided at some point in time that he was too busy to bother with certain demons and other creatures of the darkness. That was where management came in.

Cyrus found it laughable that Hell was run similar to a huge corporation. It had a president, Lucifer, a CEO and other bigshots, trickling all the way down to the many minions that did most of the work. Traceor was in charge of creating and ruling certain beasts of the underworld, which included Cyrus.

Traceor rarely cared to give any of his creatures a second glance once they’d been sent out into the world to fulfill whatever duty was assigned to them. That fact alone made Cyrus extremely uncomfortable.

His gut clenched. “To what do I owe the privilege of this summons, Traceor?”

Traceor’s black eyes flicked over Cyrus with as much enthusiasm as a man who just got dragged on an all-day shopping spree with his girl. He wasn’t fooling Cyrus, though. Traceor wouldn’t have summoned him if he didn’t want something. Cyrus was certain he knew what that

“Come now.” Traceor steeped his bony fingers together while his long auburn hair hung over his shoulders. “Are you not happy to see me? It’s been years, centuries actually.”

“We both know you summoned me because you want something. That’s the only reason you summon any of us.”

“Ah, you know me too well.”

Traceor sipped from a golden-jeweled chalice one of the scantily-clad women had handed him. Cyrus had no doubt the liquid was the finest brandy available. Traceor had a weakness for brandy, and if it wasn’t the best, he wouldn’t have it. The man was full of himself.

Cyrus remained silent, not willing to make anything easy on the smug ass.

“Yes,” Traceor admitted. “Yes, I do want something. But it’s nothing, I’m sure, that will come as a great burden to you.”

Yeah, and it wouldn’t burden him if someone cut his balls off either. “What is it?”

“Bring me the girl.”

Anger swirled through Cyrus. “What girl?” he said, choosing to play dumb.

“You know what girl I’m talking about. The delectable brown-haired, brown-eyed piece you’ve been banging.”

Cyrus, barely able to keep from clenching his fists, fought to stay calm and maintain an appearance of indifference. “Why?”

“It is not your place to question me. You do as I say, and I say I want the woman.”

“I don’t understand why. You haven’t called upon me for hundreds of years, and now you summon me for a mere human.”

He hated referring to Izzy as such, but he’d never play up her uniqueness to Traceor.

Traceor stood and walked to Cyrus. “Don’t patronize me, demon. I know what she claims to do. I also know that there has been no other human in existence who can do what she does. I am intrigued to say the least. I want her. It’s as simple as that.”

But it wasn’t as simple as that, and Cyrus would do everything in his power to make sure Traceor never got his hands on Izzy. He’d kill her first himself if it came to that. Death would be much easier than living under the thumb of Traceor.

Suddenly, an idea occurred to him. “Fine. I’ll bring her to you if you will at least grant me a few more days with her.”


“I haven’t entirely satisfied my
yet. Besides, I don’t think she’s as distinctive as you think. I haven’t seen her pull off what she says she can do.”

It was a blatant lie, but he was sure Traceor was only going on gossip here.

Traceor’s lips curved in a tight smile. “You have three days. If she isn’t here by that time, I’ll kill you both.”

And there in front of him stood the one thing Cyrus had failed to tell Izzy about.

The only creature in existence that did have the ability to kill him.

* * * *

He’d been gone for over an hour now, and when Cyrus appeared behind her out of nowhere, Izzy spun around and let him have it. “Where the hell did you go?”

He put his hands up in surrender. If the tables had been turned, he’d have been crazy with worry and probably mad as hell. “I can explain.”

“I certainly hope so. I was worried something terrible had happened to you.”

He grabbed her and yanked her to him. He was squeezing her too hard, but he couldn’t help it. He could never let Traceor get his hands on her. That ruthless bastard would use her as a plaything until his amusement wore off. After that, she’d be disposed of.

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