Read Possessed by a Dark Warrior Online

Authors: Felicity Heaton

Possessed by a Dark Warrior (50 page)

BOOK: Possessed by a Dark Warrior
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He rolled his hips against her, driving his cock against her belly, and she moaned, rocked up against him.

“Bleu…” she whispered against his lips, voice a sweet drone that spoke of satisfaction but also frustration. He had given her release, but he hadn’t given her what she needed.

What they both needed.

Her legs clamped around his waist, pulling him into hard contact with her, and he couldn’t stop the groan that tumbled from his lips as her soft body trapped his aching length between them. He couldn’t stop himself from rubbing against her, shuddering as the sensitive head tingled and sparks of pleasure bolted down his shaft to his balls. Gods, he needed her.

She snarled and kissed him hard, her teeth clashing with his and her claws slicing into his skin. Her body grew hotter, as if the fire in her veins was real and she was burning up, would turn to cinders if he didn’t give her what she needed to cool her instincts.

A mating.

Just the thought of it had him rearing back, eager to claim her. He growled down at her, flashing his fangs as his ears grew pointier, flaring against the sides of his head. Her eyes widened and then fell half-shut as a moan trembled on her lips, her hooded gaze only encouraging the part of him that roared to claim her.

To make her submit to him as she had in the courtyard when they had been in their dragon forms.

As if she knew his wicked thoughts, she scratched his shoulders and kicked at him, tried to shove him onto his back. The violet fire flashing in her eyes challenged him, warned that if he didn’t drive her into submission, she would be the one to send him to his knees and take control.

Bleu bared his fangs on a snarl, grabbed her wrists and pinned them to the bed above her shoulders.

She moaned, undulated with blatant desire in her eyes, arousal sparked by his dominance.

He didn’t know much about dragon mating, had only heard rumours that male dragons were brutal and dangerous when the hunger hit them. He was beginning to get the impression that the females were as dominant and violent as their male counterparts, and that Taryn had good reason to fear she would hurt him.

Her face crumpled and she writhed beneath him, fighting his hold. Her eyes blazed violet fire. Her lips peeled back to flash all-sharp teeth at him.

She wanted to fight him, to drive him into submission and dominate him.

She wanted to be the one to claim him.

It wasn’t going to happen.

“I said nothing would stop me, Little Dragon… and I meant that.” He tightened his grip on her wrists, shoved them harder against the bed, and felt the flicker of delight and relief that lit her blood as he showed her just how strong he was—strong enough to handle her. “This is a mutual claiming, but you need me to be the one in control. Just focus on that, Ki’ara. Focus on me.”

She managed a nod, but whatever control she had gathered was short-lived. It fled her eyes and they burned again, aflame with dragon fire, and he could feel her fragile control slipping from her.

Knew it would continue to leak from her until they had sealed their bond.

He had wanted to do this gently, slowly, with reverence, but his little dragon was too far gone, her instincts too strong to deny, and she needed him to claim her in order to stop her from hurting him by staking a claim on him.

They would do a gentler version of a claiming once her instincts as a dragon were satisfied and they were finally mates.

He gathered her wrists together, clutched them in one hand and growled at her when she fought him. Flashing fangs seemed to be enough to placate her this time, or it might have been the way he moved his hips back. Her eyes fell to his cock, grew hungry and heated, and she licked her lips when he lowered his hand and grasped his shaft.

“Bleu.” Her eyes leaped to his, begged him to fill her and claim her, to help her through the madness that had gripped her. She didn’t want to hurt him. It beat in his blood, in their joined hearts. She was afraid of losing control.

“Right here, Little Dragon,” he murmured and lowered his hips, ran the head of his cock down through her moist folds, and moaned as it found her slick opening. He smiled down at her when she wriggled, mewled and arched against him, desperation written across every beautiful line of her face. “Stay here with me… forever.”

She whispered breathlessly, “Forever.”

He drove into her and swallowed her low moan in a kiss. Her body quivered around his, white-hot and scalding, as if she really was on fire inside. He groaned and lifted his hand as he slowly thrust into her, brushed his knuckles across her cheek in a tender caress before he ghosted his hand up her arm and took hold of her wrist again. He brought her arms down, pinned them to the bed near her shoulders, and kissed her as he drove into her, as gently as he could manage when it felt as if his blood was rolling towards a fiery boil too.

She wriggled and bucked beneath him, raised her body until her chest was plastered to his and her core clamped down on him. He grunted and thrust deeper, fought to keep a fragile hold on his control. She tore it from his grip when she bit down on his lip, sinking her sharp teeth into it.

Bleu’s upper lip peeled off his aching fangs and he growled at her, ripped free of her bite and drove hard into her. She moaned, tipping her head back, her violet-to-white hair spilling around her shoulders, and fuck, she looked beautiful like that.

Wanton. Lost.

He had never seen anything as erotic and intoxicating as the sight of Taryn spread beneath him, her body wrapped around his and her hands restrained by his, every inch of her bared to him. Not just her body, but her emotions. Her soul. Her heart.

Her eyes flicked open and her tongue dabbed at the blood on her lips.

His blood.

It dripped from the tear in his lower lip, splashed onto the pale skin of her chest, stark against it.

Her eyes challenged him again, issued a demand that he was all too happy to satisfy.

He dropped his head and licked the blood from her chest as he thrust into her, and she moaned and lifted her backside, allowing him to slide deeper still. He grunted against her chest, lost himself for a moment, giving the wildness and need spiralling out of control inside him a chance to seize hold of him. Her hips rose higher, he slid deeper. Her hunger shot through him, an urge that he couldn’t stop himself from fulfilling.

He bit down on her right breast.

Taryn jerked against him and cried out, her body shuddering against his, her pleasure blasting through him.

He growled when her blood hit his tongue, groaned as it slid down his throat, and made the mistake of letting the bliss of it consume him.

The room whirled past him, the mattress slammed into his back, and strong little hands clamped around his wrists and shoved them down.

She rode him mercilessly as he fed, ravenous for her blood and unable to tear himself away even as a small voice whispered he was in danger. Her grip on his wrists slowly tightened, but he barely paid any notice to the way his fingers numbed, didn’t give a damn as he lapped at her blood, let a bead roll down to her nipple and took it into his mouth.

She moaned and writhed, rotated her hips and drove him mad.

If he was going to go insane, she was going there with him. He licked at her breast, sucked her nipple harder, pinched it between his teeth. Hard.


She jerked, her body squeezing his cock so hard it felt as if it would burst, and then she snarled.

It was a bit of a blur after that.

Her left hand seized his throat, pushed up to hit his jaw and shoved his head to his right, and then her fangs were in his neck, clamped down hard and made his blood explode into wildfire so hot he was sure it melted his grey matter, because everything went topsy-turvy.

The room spun, twirling into a maelstrom above him, and pleasure so intense it robbed him of his vision blasted through him, a hot endless quivering that numbed him but left him alive with feeling at the same time.

Colours danced across his vision as it slowly returned, but they weren’t colours. The red. The violet. The passionate pink. The infinite blue. He could name them all.

Desire. Need. Love. And the feeling of forever stretching before him, and his mate.

He could see her feelings, watched them blend with his as she drank deep of his vein, forging a powerful bond between them.

A bond he needed to be stronger still.

He couldn’t hold back, had no control and could only watch as he pulled the hair from her throat and sank his fangs into it, joining their bodies completely. Eternally.

She moaned, trembled, her body quivering around his, and he shuddered and groaned as her release drew another from him. He throbbed inside her, each pulse stealing a little more of his strength, a little more awareness from him, until he was boneless beneath her, unsure where she ended and he began.

It felt as if they were one now, tangled together, never to part.

He had taken her into him, and she had taken him into her, and now he could feel all of her. Every emotion that flowed through her flowed through him, and he knew the reverse was true. She could feel his love for her, just as he could feel hers for him. She knew without question that it was unconditional. Infinite. A love that would never falter, never die.

She was his forever.

And he would be hers.

Nothing would stand between them or stop that from happening. Nothing.

Bleu wrapped his arms around her when she released him, broke away from her neck as the same time as she left his, and kissed her with all of his heart—the heart she now owned.

But as he lost himself in the bliss of this moment with her, the darkness that lurked at the edges of his mind began to close in and in the aftermath of claiming her, he wasn’t strong enough to shut it out. It whispered to him.

He had claimed her as his mate, but he hadn’t claimed their forever.

He had won the battle for her heart, but there was still one more war to fight if he was going to secure their forever after.

He had to slay a dragon for her.




Taryn had been awkward from the moment she had awoken in his arms after their mating. That had been two days ago. Bleu flicked a glance at her and a blush climbed her cheeks, turning them rosy, and her fingers absently hovered above her breast, over the white leather that concealed the marks he had placed on her.

He wasn’t sure he would ever tire of the way she blushed like that, how she couldn’t seem to stop herself from reaching for her mating marks, and couldn’t stop her striking eyes from drifting to his neck, to the marks she had placed on him.

Bleu fingered them and her blush only deepened, and she cast her gaze down at her boots, the shy edge to her expression pushing him into action. He crossed the busy courtyard to her, navigating his way through the small army of demons who had gathered in preparation for the coming battle, his eyes never leaving her.

When he was within a few metres, she slowly raised her gaze to him again, looking at him through her dark lashes, and though the shy edge remained, fire began to burn in her violet-to-white eyes.

Her pupils dilated.

Her teeth toyed with her lower lip.

Bleu growled, his pointed ears flattening against the sides of his head as the hunger he could feel in her raced through him too, demanding he whisk her away to some quiet corner of the garrison and satisfy them both.

A demon stepped into his path and Bleu snarled at him.

The snarl died on his lips when he met the black gaze of the male who towered before him.

King Tegan of the Second Realm.

The big black-haired demon king raised an eyebrow at his threat, but thankfully didn’t seek to put him in his place. He merely looked over his wide shoulder at Taryn. When his eyes returned to Bleu, they were darker than before, his pupils ringed by purple-red fire, and menace rolled off him, sparking Bleu’s instincts. He spread his feet shoulder-width apart, adopting a fighting stance, ready for whatever King Tegan was about to throw at him. The male wanted a fight, and for some reason seeing Bleu heading for his mate had put him in the firing line.

A large hand clamped down on the demon’s shoulder, short dark claws emerging slightly as fingers closed over and pressed into sinewy muscle.

“Perhaps it is best we leave the little elf to his business, King Tegan? I am sure Prince Loren would be more than happy to answer whatever question you desired to ask the commander.” Thorne’s rough deep voice rumbled around Bleu and he flicked a glance at the Third King.

Thorne’s chiselled features softened into a smile as Tegan looked across at him, and the breath Bleu hadn’t realised he had been holding rushed from his lungs as the bigger demon gave a curt nod and allowed Thorne to lead him away.

Question Bleu’s arse. Tegan hadn’t had something to ask him, he’d had something to tell him. With fist, fang and claw for some reason.

Bleu looked at his beautiful mate, and then over his shoulder at Tegan’s bare back as Thorne led him through the crowd towards Loren. Now that he was thinking about it, there had been a marked change in Tegan’s behaviour since leaving the castle. The demon king had been genial during the meeting prior to Bleu’s mating with Taryn, but since then, he had given Bleu the cold shoulder and whenever Bleu had approached him about preparing his part of the army, the male had looked ready to kill him. Bleu had put it down to the stress of leading his men coupled with a dash of excitement about finally getting his claws bloody again.

Now, Bleu suspected the change in attitude had little to do with the impending war and a lot to do with Bleu’s newly mated status.

It seemed Grave wasn’t the only male with a chip on his shoulder about a female.

Bleu looked back at Taryn and caught her glaring in Tegan’s direction, her eyes bright violet and shimmering like fire. His fierce little dragon. The sight of her warmed his heart. She had noticed the hostility between him and the demon king, and she wanted to put the bigger male in his place.

BOOK: Possessed by a Dark Warrior
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