Possessed - The Complete Series: Part One, Part Two & Part Three (BBW Erotic Billionaire Romance) (10 page)

BOOK: Possessed - The Complete Series: Part One, Part Two & Part Three (BBW Erotic Billionaire Romance)
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Chapter 2



I got home alone by buying a ticket out of my own pocket. I couldn’t stomach the thought of having to sit next to that asshole, so I wasted a bit of money on this. Anything was better than the thought of being close to him right now. He can stick that second ticket up his ass for all I care.

I regret ever kissing him.

The worst part is that I actually believed it was more than just a fling. Boy, was I wrong. Of course, it was only sexual gratification for him. He used me. How could I be so stupid to fall for it?

My suitcase completely falls apart as I throw it on the floor and sit down on my bed. For a second, I stare at myself in the mirror hanging above my cabinet, blowing off steam. The more I look at myself, the angrier I get. I can’t believe I let myself get carried away like that.

Sighing, I drop down onto the mattress and stare at the ceiling. That prick doesn’t deserve any more attention, and yet I can’t stop thinking about how fucking angry I am at him.

Guess that guy really did a number on me.


I’m not going to waste another second thinking about him, so I take my phone from my pocket and open the app Mr. Awesome and I use. I could really use some distraction right now, and I know he can give it to me without any fuss. I haven’t heard anything from him since yesterday, despite him saying he’d contact me before the night was over. He sure left me hanging in the airplane. Well, it’s not like it mattered because in the end I got what I wanted … I got much more than I bargained for.


S: Hey, are you there?


I stare at my phone for a while, but no answer seems to come in. Instead, it rings, which makes my heart explode. I breathe a sigh of relief when I notice it’s Stephanie.

“Hey,” I say as I pick up. I can’t hide my mood, though, and of course, she notices.

“Hey girl, what happened? Had a good time?” she asks.

I groan, not knowing how to answer.

“I take it that’s a no then,” she says. “What did he do?”

“Ah, it’s not so much what he did, but mostly what he didn’t do.”

“Do you want me to punch him in the face?”

I laugh. “No, you’re not the one who deserves jail time.”

“Oh, Jesus, he really did a number on you, didn’t he?”

“Ugh, he’s such an asshole.” I roll around on the bed.

“So you did have sex with him.”

“That is none of your business,” I muse.

“But you did. I knew it.”

I blush, even though there’s no one here. “Shut up, it was just … sex.”

“Of course, it is. That’s why you sound so depressed.”

“I do
sound depressed … Do I sound depressed?”

“Yes, like a girl who just got her heart stomped on.”

“Hmm …” I frown because she’s actually right, but I don’t want to admit it. I don’t want to even think about it because the thought of being used almost brings me to tears.

I sniff.

“Aw, girl, don’t cry,” Stephanie says.

“There’s something in my eye.”

She laughs. “Your finger, yeah.”

“Oh, you and your stupid jokes,” I retort. “Not helping.”

“I know, but he’s a dick and whatever the fuck he did doesn’t mean he gets to make you cry. Do not let him make you cry, Sam. He’s not worth it.”

“I know. Thank you,” I say, swiping away a tear.

“I think it’s time I got my ass to your place,” she muses.

I laugh. “Ugh, I could so use your snark right now. Seriously. You do not want to know what he did.”

“Tell me all about it when I get to your place. I’ll be there in five. And make sure you have plenty of pillows.”


“So I have something else but my phone to throw.”

I laugh so hard that I snort. She never fails to amuse me and keep my mind off




About thirty minutes later, Stephanie knows all about what he did.

“What a pig!” she says.

“I know, right? And the worst part is that he practically tried to hide it from me.”

“Pfft, I should’ve known something was up when he told you to go dress shopping. With
credit card.”

“He used me. For his own gain. And then he had sex with me, and I let him. It’s like the cherry on a giant turd mountain.”

She giggles but quickly stops when she notices that I’m not laughing. I can’t help it, I’m so not amused. All I want to do is grab my belongings, go to his house, and throw everything in his face. Even if it costs me a fortune, the bastard deserves it.

“Well, let’s stop talking about him then. He doesn’t deserve the attention.”

“No, he doesn’t,” I say, grabbing my laptop. “Unless it’s negative. And I have the perfect thing in mind.”

“What?” she asks as I pull up my document and start typing.

“Well, I’m expecting to lose my job after all of this.”

“But you did what he asked! Even if it went against everything you stand for. And he hasn’t even paid you.”

“I know, but that won’t stop him from trying to rid himself of this problem called ‘me’ as soon as possible. He has a tendency for picking the easiest route.”

“Asshole,” she says.

“But I won’t go down without dragging him with me.”


“I’m going to type out this entire fucking story, and then laugh my ass off at my own stupidity.”

“Hey!” She shoves me. “You’re not stupid.”

“I had sex with him. Of course, that’s stupid.”

“You were following your vagina. We all do that sometimes. And then we learn from it.”

“Bad vagina, bad!” I say, and we both laugh. “The power of cock was strong this time.”

She snorts. “Well, I hope that part was good at least. The fucker might be an asshole, but if you got good sex out of it, then that’s at least one thing he can’t take away.”

“It was good all right, which is why I hate him even more,” I growl. “More material for me to write about.”

“So what are you going to do with the story then? Publish it? Let the world see your ‘stupidity’?” She makes quotation marks with her fingers.

“Maybe …” I hum. “If he’s going to fire my ass.”

“But what if he doesn’t?” she says.

“Then at least I got it off my chest and got a fat paycheck with it as well. There’s no way in hell that I’m not going to get paid for the shit he pulled. I have it on paper.”

She holds out her hand for a high-five. “You go, girl!”

My phone suddenly rings again and both our eyes zap toward it like a hawk zooming in on prey. Of course, it’s Leo.

When I move my hand to grab the phone, Stephanie pushes me and snatches it away. “No, nu-uh.”

“I wanted to press decline.”

“Of course …” she jests. “I know you’re dying to hear his excuses, but I’m not letting him hurt you again.” She turns off my phone and places it on my nightstand. “Ignore that fucker. Write your story, get it off your chest … and then we’re going shopping.”

I smile, grinning when she holds up my purse and takes out his credit card. “Time to put this baby to use.”

“You’re evil,” I say.

“I know. Don’t you just love it?”

“He’s gonna be so pissed when he finds out.”

“If he finds out.”

“He will,” I say. “He’s not stupid.”

“I’ll take all the blame, baby.” She slaps my bum. “Now go type so we can get to the mall quicker. I’m not letting you off the hook until you promise me that you’ll stop giving him the time he doesn’t deserve from you.”

“Fine, fine, I promise,” I say, when she pokes me.

“Good. It’s girl-time now.”

Chapter 3



Later that evening…


Stephanie and I got wasted. After shopping, we paid a visit to a few bars and let me tell you, the fine pieces of man-meat I found there surely had me distracted in the nicest of ways. Too bad none of them wanted to take me home. I’m sure I hung on their lips, sometimes quite literally, but I don’t think they liked the smell of liquor. Oh well.

As I drop down on the bed, sighing, trying to ignore the zinging thrill running through my veins because of all the alcohol, I think about how much I want cock right now. There, I said it. And not just any cock, although any could suffice, but I’m sure I would be thinking of someone else’s cock if I was fucking someone right now. And that someone would always be Leo.


I roll myself over my bed, giggling when half of my body flops to the floor. My balance is lost now that I’m so drunk I can barely control my muscles. I don’t even care that I’m still thinking about Leo, despite my best attempts to get over him as quickly as possible. I thought any man would do to fill the void, but guess what? My vagina has a mind of its own. And it wants some right now.

Luckily, there is one last remedy to my problem.

I pick up my phone and turn it back on again. About ten missed calls from none other than Leo King. Frowning, I’m contemplating whether or not to even return his calls. He doesn’t deserve it, hell no, but the fact alone that he attempted to reach me multiple times shows he cares. Or he’s terrified that I’ll go public with this.

I smirk to myself. Yeah, that would ruin him completely. And me. Do I care? I’m not sure.

All I care about right now is my hunger for pleasure. I guess alcohol has this unwanted effect on me. I should’ve remembered that before I started drinking with Stephanie in the first place. God, that girl removes all my natural reservations and together we crash and burn. But it’s fucking fun to do, though.

I should do what she said. Ignore him completely.

Yes. And contact Mr. Awesome. Because I really need
cock right now.




FROM: [email protected]

TO: [email protected]



Was wondering if you had some time on your hands?

Because otherwise I’d like to have you in my hands.

Like, right now.







FROM: [email protected]

TO: [email protected]


Hey …

Quite direct today, are we?

Are you that eager to play?






FROM: [email protected]

TO: [email protected]


Yes, well, since you left me hanging yesterday, I figured I’d take this into my own hands.

Quite literally.

I want something in my hands right now … ugh.







FROM: [email protected]

TO: [email protected]


I’m sorry I left you hanging. Something came up business wise that I couldn’t ignore. My sincere apologies. I will most certainly make up for it, although you should never expect such a thing. I will offer you my playtime now, for both our enjoyments, only because that is my choice. And also because you so obviously seem to need it.

Before we start, I want to ask you: is there anything we should talk about? You seem to be acting rather disorderly.






FROM: [email protected]

TO: [email protected]


Nothing to talk about, since my boss means nothing, so nothing’s bothering me. I just had a few drinks and want some fun. Can you give it to me?







FROM: [email protected]

TO: [email protected]


Nothing’s changed then, I see. Whether that’s good or not I’ll leave up to you. I will not tell you what to do with your private life. I will only tell you what to do with that pussy of yours. I’m definitely up for some fun.


Come on the app.






I immediately close the email to open the app and wait for him to come online.


Mr. Awesome: Take a picture of your tits and send it to me.

S: All right, Sir. Hold on a second.


I whip out the camera and hold it in front of me while I pull up my top and shove down my bra. Flipping out my boobs, I take a couple of pictures until I find the perfect one to send to him.


Mr. Awesome: Thank you. Your tits look magnificent. I bet you imagine me tugging them until you moan.

S: Oh, God yes, Sir.

Mr. Awesome: You will appreciate what I’m going to do to them now then.

S: What then, if I may ask?

Mr. Awesome: You may, but I won’t answer. You’ll just have to see.


For a second, it crosses my mind that he might actually send that picture all over the internet. He wouldn’t … right? I mean, he doesn’t feel like the type to do that. Plus, it’s not like anyone can see my face, so nobody knows it’s me. That, and I’m too tipsy to care.


Mr. Awesome: I want you to take that dildo you have and smear some lube over it. Ride it. Prep yourself with your fingers too, Princess. You cannot come until I say you can.

S: Yes, Sir.


Smiling like a lunatic, I fetch my dildo and lube and rub it and myself. It feels so good to give some much-needed attention to myself and not to anyone else. I’m not thinking about anyone else but me right now. Nope. Just me. No Leo.



S: Having a hard time picturing something sexy while doing this, Sir. I want to enjoy myself, but my brain keeps distracting me.

Mr. Awesome: Turn it off then. I will give you a picture you’ll remember.


I check the picture he just sent me and, oh boy, is it hot. His cock in all its glory, held by his hand, and right underneath it is my picture. My boobs. Right on his desk. Holy shit.


Mr. Awesome: I’m going to enjoy myself all over your tits. Want more, Princess?

S: Yes, please.

Mr. Awesome: Use the dildo first. Send me a picture of your filled pussy. Then I might.


I do what he asks, circling my entrance with the dildo before pushing in. I’m already wet and willing, and it feels so good to have it inside me, even if I wish it was a cock instead. This will have to make do.

I start pleasuring myself, which makes snapping a photo all the more difficult but fun at the same time. I love this time with Mr. Awesome. It’s so thrilling to do it with a stranger. Plus, it takes my mind off … other things.

Shaking my head, I push away the thought of ‘other things’ and focus on the task at hand. I’m getting quite flustered, especially at the thought of what Mr. Awesome is doing to my picture right now. I quickly send my pictures to him, hoping he’ll send something back.


Mr. Awesome: Your pussy looks so good. I can imagine burying myself deep inside you.

S: Me too, Sir.

Mr. Awesome: Would you like that, Princess?

S: Yes, Sir, but you know that won’t happen. You don’t want this to be more than anonymous sex.

Mr. Awesome: Right.


It’s quiet for a while, but then suddenly I get a message. What he sends blows my mind. It’s a movie clip of his cock, and when I press play, I get so turned on I almost explode right away. He’s blowing his load all over my tits.


Mr. Awesome: Coming all over your tits felt good. I hope you enjoyed watching that.

S: Oh, my God, that was hot.

Mr. Awesome: Good. Now I want you to come while watching it.

S: Yes, Sir!


It doesn’t take me long, nor is it hard. All I have to do is visualize his body, his physique, him coming all over me instead of a picture of my tits, and I’m done for. I come apart and drop down on the bed, pulling the dildo out of me. For a few minutes, I just lie there, staring at the ceiling, letting the silence sink in.

I should feel happy because endorphins are flooding my body, but I’m not. This feels wrong. Bad, even. Like I’m not supposed to enjoy this. I hate being alone.

I get up and clean the dildo then text Mr. Awesome.


S: It felt good for me, too.

Mr. Awesome: Did you do as I told you?

S: Yes, Sir. I came because of you.

Mr. Awesome: What do we say then?

S: Thank you, Sir.

Mr. Awesome: Good. Is there anything else you want to do or talk about?

S: Well, that’s unlike you, Sir.

Mr. Awesome: You’re correct, but in this case I have something to make up, so I am free to talk if you wish.


I sigh and mull around before making a decision.


S: No, I’m fine. Thank you.

Mr. Awesome: All right. We’ll speak again soon.

S: Yes, Sir. Thank you again.

Mr. Awesome: My pleasure. Literally.


I smile then put my phone away. Even though I am in the mood to talk to someone, I don’t want it to be him. I barely know him. He can’t console me. He can’t hold me and comfort me. He can’t take me out for a drink or come dance with me in a pub. Well, he can, but he won’t because of the rules …

Guess I’ll have to think about this later, when I’m sober.




The next morning…


I get up from bed with a hangover and some coffee, and I grab my laptop. Then I start typing away about my experience with Leo King. The words flow out like a river, and I feel unstoppable. Invincible even. Just penning down how horrible he is makes me grin because I love being an evil bitch for once. Besides, it’s not like anyone will see this.


Suddenly, my doorbell rings, and I’m pulled from my thoughts. I check the time, which somehow flew by. Looking at myself in the mirror, I pat down my hair and clothes until I look presentable. I double check if I really put the dildo away last night before opening the front door.

The face that appears behind it makes me scream out loud.

“Wow, I must look like a grizzly bear to you.”

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