Possessed - The Complete Series: Part One, Part Two & Part Three (BBW Erotic Billionaire Romance) (13 page)

BOOK: Possessed - The Complete Series: Part One, Part Two & Part Three (BBW Erotic Billionaire Romance)
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“Yeah, you say that a lot.” I smile, looking down at the tiles on the floor.

“That’s because it’s true,” he says.

I look up to see his gentlemanly smile, and it makes my heart flutter in a way it shouldn’t. Why do I feel something for a guy who kept all of this information from me? Like, he can’t be trusted, so why do I let myself feel this way?

“Why didn’t you just tell me all of this, Leo? It would’ve made things so much easier.”

“I’ve wanted to. Believe me, I thought about it every day. But I felt so … stupid for falling for her tricks. I didn’t want you to think I was a … loser.”

I sputter out my laughter when I hear that word. “Loser?”

“Yeah …” He frowns. “It’s kind of dumb. I should’ve realized she’d do this shit. And really, who the fuck gets married while drunk? And then gets fucking extorted with it? I mean, it’s like stupidity, in a nutshell.”

“I don’t think you’re stupid. You just made stupid decisions.”

“That’s the same thing,” he jokes.

“No. You’re smart, but only when it comes to business deals. Not when it comes to how to deal with ladies.”

“Are you saying I’m not a ladies’ man? That’s hurtful, Sam,” he says with a stark voice, but I can tell he’s being sarcastic, especially when he scoots closer. “If you really think that, give me a chance to show you how much of a gentleman I can be.”

I lean back. “Wow, down boy, down.”

He laughs. “You are so asking for it.”

“For what?” I ask when he leans back against the bench, his arms draped over the back, legs spread as if he’s the alpha. I kind of like the pose. It’s so … manly. Dammit.

“You know what I mean,” he says with a gruff voice that gets me all fired up.

“As if I would let that happen.”

“But you thought about it,” he says, smirking.

“Wipe that smirk off your face, Mr. King, before I do it myself.” I throw my cup into the bin next to the bench.

“Oh, so we’re back to last names now?”

“If I remember correctly, you were the one who started that,” I retort.

“I can undo it again if you want.” He leans in again. “I can undo many things.”

“With your eyes, I bet.” I laugh. “Keep your hands to yourself.”

“Aw, but it was just getting fun again.”

Fun, there he goes again. I knew it. All these sexual innuendos only lead to one thing, and that’s never a great relationship. I’m looking for more than just sex.

“I need more than just
. I can get that anywhere. Heck, I’m getting that plenty of times,” I muse, just to get under his skin.

Suddenly, I realize I was having that kind of
only an hour ago, and it’s almost past the time I was given to get back. Shit!

“Argh, I have to go,” I say.

“Wait, what? Why?” he asks. “We were having a nice conversation, and now you’re bailing on me?”

“I’m not, but I just have this … thing I need to do.”

“Does this
involve running away from me? Because it sure as hell looks like that’s what you’re doing.”

“No, I—”

“Hey, if you’re not interested, all you had to do was say it,” he says, smiling like an idiot.

“No, that’s not what I was saying.” I check my phone and notice the time. Only a few minutes left to get home. Crap!

“Then you are interested?”

“What? No, I didn’t say that, either.”

“Then what?” He laughs. “You’re just going to leave me hanging.”

“It’s complicated, all right!”

“I know it is, and I’ll take the blame for that. So, what’s in that bag you’re holding so tightly?” He points at my lingerie.

I blush, hiding the bag behind my back. “Nothing.”

“Of course, there is,” he chuckles.

“It doesn’t concern you.” I frown. “Stop being so curious. It might kill you one day.”

He laughs. “It probably will. Or you will. Either way, I’m screwed.”

“You bet.”

“I’m trouble, I know,” he jests, eyeing me from top to bottom, making me feel all self-conscious again.

I roll my eyes. “Yes, which is why I’m not going to say yes to anything you say right now. Especially not with you trying to seduce me and all.”

“Oh, I wasn’t trying to do anything, Miss Webber …”

I sigh. “Oh, here we go again. You’re using your charms to persuade me to forgive you.”

“I thought you already had.”

“Nu-uh. It takes more than just explaining what happened to forgive you for what you did. You lying … fine piece of man ass …”

He chuckles and gets up from the bench, too. “But you want this ass as much as I want yours.”

“Not on your terms, though.”

“What are your terms then?”

“I don’t have time for this, Leo. I have to go, like … right now. So, excuse me and maybe I’ll see you later.”

Right when I’m walking away, Leo yells, “You’d better show up for work, though.”

Fucker. Even after telling me everything, admitting to me that he lied and acting like an oversexed pig, he still demands that I come work for him.

I stick up my middle finger while running away.

The saddest thing is that underneath all the hatred and loathing for his attitude, I actually still have the hots for him. It’s like chocolate fudge cake; it’s bad for you in so many ways, but you just can’t stop eating that motherfucking delicious cake.


Chapter 8



When I get home, it’s already past the time Mr. Awesome and I had agreed upon. It might seem stupid that we’d adhere to rules this strongly, but that’s how it works in these kinds of relationships. I have to do what he says. Otherwise, it’s no fun. That’s why I know I’m going to get punished for being late now.

I only hope it won’t make my toes curl. It’s probably going to be something insanely cruel.

As I open my phone and sit down on the couch, I quickly unpack my lingerie and struggle to put it on, almost falling nose-first into Doritos salsa that I left on the table before leaving the house. It smells so good that I take another bite before opening up the app.


S: I’m back!


It doesn’t take him long to reply.


Mr. Awesome: You’re late. Punishment is due.

S: I’m sorry, Sir. It won’t happen again!

Mr. Awesome: I accept your apology, but you will still be punished. One strike for each minute. Grab a soft brush and hit that ass. Send me pictures as proof. I want it red and swollen.

S: Yes, Sir.


Sighing, I close the app. I shouldn’t be upset because hey, I love spankings, even though I have to do it myself. I’m just disappointed that I couldn’t make it in time, and … you know, please him. I’m sorry, that’s just what I like … no, wait, I’m not sorry for being who I am. I love pleasing Mr. Awesome because he gives me pleasure in return. It’s a mutual relationship of give and take, nothing to be ashamed about.

Too bad I can only share it with him on the phone and not in real life.

I grab my brush and position myself over the couch in a way that I can spank myself. It hits quite hard and firm but nice. It isn’t supposed to be nice, I’m trying to remind myself. This is for not paying attention to the time, which I’m doing right now. One strike for each minute passed, which is fifteen. It’s not hard, but by the time I’m done, my ass is sore and sizzles when I try to sit down.


S: I’ve completed the task, Sir.

Mr. Awesome: Pictures.


I lean back and take a few photos of my ass in the new lingerie, hoping it’s visible that I got quite a few good hits. When I look at the pictures, one of them clearly shows a red, plump ass and an exact mark of where the brush landed. It looks like it would hurt a lot, but the excitement is bigger than the pain I feel.

I send him the picture.


Mr. Awesome: Well done, Princess. Did it hurt?

S: Yes, but I quite liked it, actually.

Mr. Awesome: You know that’s not the goal.

S: Yes, Sir. I can’t help myself. This just adds to the teasing.

Mr. Awesome: All right, I will extend your punishment then.


I frown. What is he doing?


S: Why?

Mr. Awesome: Tsk, no back talking. Behave, Princess.

S: Sorry, Sir. I just don’t understand.

Mr. Awesome: I know I said we would have playtime, but I feel like your punishment should last a little longer. I don’t want you to enjoy it. I want it to be aggravating, so you learn not to do it again.

S: What do you propose then?

Mr. Awesome: I want you to go out tonight. Take a friend with you. Have a couple of drinks. You can’t return until it’s past twelve. Only then will we continue, and not a moment sooner. You want to please yourself? Not now. It will have to wait.

S: You’re leaving me hanging?

Mr. Awesome: This is playtime, and during playtime I make the rules. The rules you obey. The rules you must follow or otherwise be punished. Did you not agree to these terms?


Wow. He sure is strict today.


S: Yes, Sir.

Mr. Awesome: Then don’t question me again. Now, you will also wear the lingerie underneath your outfit when you go out. I want you to be dressed up the entire time and feel it while you walk the streets and sit down somewhere to drink. Think about the fact that these clothes mean that our playtime is still going on and that you must obey my rules. You are dressed that way for me and only for me. You will think about what I will do once you come back home, but no sooner than midnight. Yearn for it, Princess. You’ll learn to appreciate being on time.

S: Yes, Sir. I will.


I close my phone and sigh, feeling the frustration build up over the fact that I’m not getting any right now. I can choose to just ignore everything and pleasure myself anyway, but that would take all the fun out of it. I guess I’ll just have to listen to him and do what he wants. In the end, I know it’ll be worth it. But Jesus, he’s making me wear this all night, knowing what awaits me when I get home. It’s like dangling a cookie in front of my eyes but never giving it to me.

Well, no point in wasting time. Better go cook and invite Stephanie to come and join me for a few drinks. I’m making spaghetti carbonara the way my grandma taught me with fresh ingredients. While dicing the onions, I text Stephanie.


Samantha: Hey girl, u up for a night out in town? We should catch up.


It takes her a while to respond.


Steph: Hey!! Sry, but I’m with a guy right now.

Samantha: OMG, rly? Don’t fk with me.

Steph: No joke. 10+ on the looks.

Samantha: U have to send me a pic later, kk?

Steph: Yeah, first thing tomoz, but first gonna enjoy a wild night.

Samantha: Big one?

Steph: HUGE! Mouth = on floor. *lick*

Samantha: Nice! Gimme some of that.

Steph: He knows exactly what to do with his fingers… so I’m good!

Samantha: *Jelly*

Steph: I’ll clone him for you.

Samantha: LOL, yes please. Could use a real man right now.

Steph: Sry honey. I wanna come join u, but I can’t pass on this guy. Rain check?

Samantha: Ofc. Dw. Have fun!

Steph: Thanks!


Moments after I put down my phone, I get another text. Surprisingly, it isn’t from Stephanie.


Leo: Can we talk?

Samantha: That depends on what you have in mind.

Leo: Oh, nothing special. Just a continuation of this afternoon.

Samantha: Only if you behave.

Leo: Swear on my life.

Samantha: Why do I not believe you?

Leo: *crosses fingers*

Samantha: I knew it. It’s impossible.


What an asshole, but he makes me chuckle, nonetheless.


Leo: You just have to accept that our attraction is undeniable.

Samantha: My fist in your face… that’s undeniable.

Leo: I’ll take that. I’ll take anything if it comes from you.

Samantha: Is that supposed to be flattering? Or just plain-old stalkerish?

Leo: I’ll go with the latter. Never refuse a refreshing outlook on life.


Why is it that this man always brings a smile to my face? It’s like my brain is sending two totally different signals. Stop it, brain.


Samantha: You’re crazy.

Leo: Crazy for wanting to hang out with you, but I do.


That just made me want to barf. He’s really trying to charm his way back. That, or he’s despicable for insulting me.


Samantha: Keep going and I’ll leave you hanging.

Leo: You won’t …

Samantha: Who knows?

Leo: I do because you need to know what I meant when I told Marilyn she was the reason I lost my chances with you.


Shocked, I gasp at my phone, almost dropping it in the trash, where I was just throwing the eggshells in. How does he know?


Leo: Oh, yes, I know you heard everything. Surprised?


It takes me a few seconds to come up with a witty response.


Samantha: Hardly. Everyone could hear your fight.

Leo: Oh, so that’s why it took you so long to reply.

Samantha: I was busy cracking eggs, and then had to contemplate whether to throw them away or bring them with me so I could throw them at your face.

Leo: HA! So we have a date.

Samantha: A date? No. Hell no.

Leo: But you’re coming to see me, so I’d call that a date.

Samantha: Call it whatever you want. I just need a drink.

Leo: That can be arranged. As long as you come meet me.

Samantha: Just a drink and talk. Nothing more.

Leo: I can’t promise anything except the drinks.


I roll my eyes.


Samantha: Fine. Dive Bar around nine-ish.

Leo: I don’t do ‘ish’. I’ll be there at nine. If you aren’t, I’ll wait.

Samantha: Oh, such a gallant knight.

Leo: I can be anything you want, Sam. You just need to imagine it.

Samantha: I imagine a lot of things, but they never come true. Only the bad stuff. Especially when it concerns you.

Leo: But you do imagine things with me. That’s a start. A good start. Imagine me doing a whole lot more.

Samantha: Oh, here we go again.

Leo: Don’t blame me for trying.

Samantha: I don’t know why you bother.

Leo: I don’t know why you think I wouldn’t. See you around nine.


I mull over those last words as I’m really trying to make sense of it all. Is he really that interested in me? Or is it just a game to him? A way to get me in bed? Again, I might add. I shouldn’t fall for it and not be so stupid as to go out with him, but I really need the distraction, and Mr. Awesome has ordered me to go and have a fun time, so basically … I’m screwed.

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