Possessed - The Complete Series: Part One, Part Two & Part Three (BBW Erotic Billionaire Romance) (17 page)

BOOK: Possessed - The Complete Series: Part One, Part Two & Part Three (BBW Erotic Billionaire Romance)
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“I wish I could say no so you wouldn’t have more reasons to be pissed at me, but then I’d be lying.”

“No … you’re lying right now. You got that off my phone, right?”

“Remember those dick pics I sent you? Ever spotted that mole on the edge of my V-line?”

I shake my head.

“Go look,” he says, looking down at my phone.

I immediately pick up my phone and scroll through the images until I find it. There is indeed a mole, but I never focused on it before. Except, when Leo lowers his pants to expose that exact same mole on the exact same place on his V-line, it suddenly makes sense.

I think I’m about to faint. “You’re really him? Mr. Awesome? You’re the one I’ve been talking to all this time?”

He closes the door behind him. “It’s me, Princess. The one and only.”


Part 3



Coco Cadence






About Possessed Part 3

My boss, the billionaire bad boy Leo King, not only tricked me into being his fake wife, but the dirty secret he's been keeping from me is now also exposed.


I can't believe I fell for his lies, and worse, I still want him. He says he loves me, but does that fix everything?


The joke is on me. His crazily hot presence is impossible for me to deny. Fighting temptation or risking it all; the choice is simple, but the consequences are tough.


However, when new revelations threaten to break us apart, there is only one thing I can do: Stock up on chocolate and sit this fucker out until the end.

Chapter 1



“You’re Mr. Awesome?” I repeat. I just can’t believe what I’m hearing. Thoughts race through my mind, the consequences of this truth. It means that he knows everything—all that I’ve said
about him
to Mr. Awesome, all the horrible stuff. And more … so much more.

“Yes,” he says. “It’s me. It’s always been me. There’s no one else behind that account and those emails. Just me.”

I shake my head. “Why?”

He takes a step forward in an attempt to defuse the situation. It’s not working, though. “You want to know why I signed on to that app and started texting you, or you want to know why I didn’t tell you?”

“Why are you telling me this now?” I ask, my lips trembling from anger.

“Because you were angry at me, and then you wanted to say goodbye to Mr. Awesome. I couldn’t just let you go. I had to tell you the truth before you’d call quits on … well, both of us.”

“So, Mr. Awesome is just a fake persona to you. Just like all your other fake shit.” I fold my arms.

“No, it’s not fake. It’s really me,” he says. “I like what we have, Sam.”

,” I interject.

He purses his lips. “I don’t want this to be over.”

“Yeah, well you should have thought about that before you lied to my face.”

“I didn’t lie to you, Sam. I just didn’t tell you.”

“Why?” My voice is getting louder and louder. I’m so pissed off right now. How could he lie to me like that?

“Because I was afraid of what you’d think of me if you found out. Like now. But I knew that one day I’d have to tell you. I just didn’t think it’d go this far.”

“You didn’t think I’d actually want more than just a stranger on the internet? Or a one-time fling with Mister King himself?”

“No, that’s not what I mean …” He scratches his head and sighs. “Goddammit.”

“So this was all just some innocent experiment to you. All fun and games.”

“It was, yes, but now it’s so much more than that.” He steps closer again, which makes me back away. “Please, don’t be afraid. You’re backing away from me. I’m not going to hurt you.”

“I don’t want you to touch me.”

“Why? I’m still me. I’m no different than before.”

“Yes, you are! It’s like … two people just merged into one, and I can’t cope with it, all right. I just can’t.”

“Okay.” He holds up his hands. “I’m just trying to explain.”

“Explaining won’t erase what I’m feeling now. How betrayed I feel.”

“But it will help you understand,” he says, frowning.

“You used me, Leo. First, for your wife problems, and now, for your sexual pleasures.”

“Oh, c’mon, it’s not like you didn’t enjoy it.”

I frown. “I did, but that doesn’t take away from the fact that you put your own needs first.”

“I know, and I’m sorry for that. That’s why I’m trying to come clean and make it all up to you again.” He smiles gently. “I care about you, Sam. I don’t want to see you hurt. Especially not from my doing.”

It’s quiet for a second.

“You … you’re the one I’ve been talking to all this time,” I murmur, gazing off into nowhere. “I told Mr. Awesome, you,
about my boss.”

Leo muffles a laugh. “Yeah, that was quite the experience. Funny, too.”

My cheeks turn red instantly. “Oh, shit.”

“What? Don’t worry about it.”

“How can you say that? I called you a fucking asshole, and I told Mr. Awesome that I hated you!”

“Yeah, that was kind of bad, but I had it coming,” he muses. “It was interesting to read what you really think of me. It put things into a whole new perspective.”

“That was personal stuff, Leo. You weren’t supposed to see that.” I sigh and slam my hand into my face. “Ugh, why was I so stupid to tell a ‘stranger’ all that stuff?”

“You aren’t stupid. Don’t hit yourself over it.” He takes my hand off my face, which makes me lean back. “It’s normal to hate your boss, especially if his name is Leo King.” He leans forward to look into my eyes. “I don’t care. It only makes me like you more.”

“But you … oh, God, all those conversations. And the … things.”

“Things … Oh ….” He nods slowly, his lips curling up into a smile. “You mean that thing you did in the bathroom, as well as on the airplane … and in your room.” The more he says, the bigger his smirk, and the redder my face. “I know everything. I’ve seen it all.”

“Oh, my God …” I mutter, swallowing.

“I made you do all those things, Sam. You liked it. I liked it. We both had fun.”

“But you saw my ass, and my vagina, and my boobs on that freaking app!”

“And in the hotel, don’t forget that one,” he muses.

“Is this all one big joke to you or something?” I sneer. “Stop being so cheerful.”

“I can’t, I’m sorry. I just feel so relieved now that you know. It’s like I finally get to share all my dirty thoughts with you. Only, I already did and fuck, it was hot.” A huge grin spreads on his face.

I punch his shoulder. “Stop it. Stop enjoying this so much. I’m feeling horrible over here.”

“Sorry,” he says again. “But you gotta admit it is a bonus to know it’s me instead of some random dude you don’t even know.”

“I could say goodbye to that random dude and never hear from or see him again! You? Not so much.”

“Why would you want to do that? Are you ashamed of what we did? There’s nothing to feel ashamed about, Sam. We’re two consenting adults, enjoying life.”

I frown. “I don’t know. This just … it feels wrong.” I mull on it. “I just can’t put one and two together.”

“Would it help if I started calling you Princess from now on?” he jokes.

I roll my eyes. “Not helping.”

“You just don’t want to admit that you liked what we were doing and now you feel caught in the act.”

“No, I’m not!”

He points at his face, circling around his cheeks. “I can see you getting red, you know.” He laughs. “It’s okay. It happens.”

I growl. “Stop. Just stop, okay.”

“Is it that hard to see me as Mr. Awesome?” he asks.

“Yes! I can hardly believe it, let alone digest the fact that I told you all my secrets.”

“Don’t worry about that. I don’t care if you said something bad about me. I’m not mad at you. I won’t use it against you. And I certainly won’t share the pictures. Your secrets are safe with me,” he says.

I frown, biting my lip. “Look, I wanna believe you, I really do, but it’s too hard for me to trust you right now. Not after I find out the guy who was the only escape I had turns out to be my boss. That, and the fact that you lied to me about your wife, makes it impossible for me. I’m sorry.”

He sighs, looking down at the ground. “I understand. Do you want me to leave?”

“No, I just … I have to think about this.” I grab my phone and my bag.

“Where are you going?” he asks, when I walk toward the door.

“To my best friend. You can stay here if you want. I don’t mind. It’s not like you don’t already know everything there is to know about me. I might not trust your words, but I know you aren’t a burglar out to steal my shit. Not that there’s much to steal, so go ahead.”

He chuckles. “If you count taking panties as stealing, then I am the dirtiest mugger you’ll ever see.”

I roll my eyes. “Sniff away. As long as you put them all back again.”

“I can’t make any guarantees.”

“You do realize that this conversation makes me want to kick you out anyway, right?” I say, opening the door.

“I know.”

“You want to be kicked out?”

“It wouldn’t be wise for me to stick around when you’re not here …” He winks. “You wouldn’t be able to resist my charm when you come back.”

“Oh please, as if,” I say.

He walks toward the door and stops to look me in the eye. “You know me. Once I want something, I won’t stop trying to get it.” A devilish smirk appears on his face. “Even if I have to grovel through the earth to get it and jump through fiery hoops to be forgiven.”

I muffle a laugh. “We’ll see about that, Mister.” I make a gesture so that he can walk out. “Let’s go.”

“I like it when you call me Mister … it reminds me of a few app conversations I had with a lady who just loves Doritos.” He licks his lips. “Although I prefer Sir even more.”

I frown, blushing, and then I push him out the door. “Okay, time to go before I smack you on the head.”

“Oh, kinky!” he says, grinning as I push him out to the pavement. “I’ve not been on the receiving end of ass whooping before, but this should be fun.”

I push him forward and growl. “You just love to get a rise out of me, don’t you?”

He turns around while walking. “Just as much as you do out of me,” he says, tilting his head.

“Don’t you have to get to work or something?” I taunt. “You’re the CEO, after all.”

“Business will run just fine without me, Sam. I can come and go whenever I please. I don’t need to be there every second of the day, especially not when I have something far more important to do. Like you.” He playfully raises his brows.

“Well, I guess the company will go down quickly then,” I jest.

“The only thing going down quickly is you. I’ll make sure of that later,” he says. Then he salutes me. “I’ll see you later, Miss Webber.” He winks. “Or should I say Princess?”

“Not in public!” I hiss, making fists.

“Next time in your bedroom then,” he says. “No apps. No emails. Just you and me, Princess.”

“My name is Sam!” I yell after him as he walks away.

I can still see him laugh, which pisses me off. And then he yells, “I’ll make sure to bring the Doritos!”

Chapter 2



When I show up at Stephanie’s door, she squeals, slams her hand in front of her mouth, and then drags me in, closing the door behind me.

“Oh, my God! Sam, you have to tell me everything.” I throw off my coat as she pulls me into the hallway. “Did you get your phone back?” she asks.

“Yes. He came to my house with the phone. And then he told me that he was Mr. Awesome.”

She stops in her tracks, turns around, and stares at me, her jaw dropping. “No …”


“No …”

I muffle a laugh. “Stop saying no.”

“Your boss is that dude from the app you were secretly texting?”

“Yes,” I say, slamming my mouth shut, feeling embarrassed already.

“I can’t believe it!” she yells, shaking her head. “This is too good to be true.”

“Good? Oh, no, definitely not,” I say as we move into the kitchen.

She starts making hot water. “Sit, sit,” she says.

I sit down in the chair next to the window and stare outside. I feel totally numbed by what happened today and yesterday. It’s like I’m dreaming … only, I can’t decide whether it’s a good dream or a nightmare.

Stephanie comes back with tea and cookies, which I munch up quickly. “Spill it!” she says.

“Which part?” I ask with a mouthful.

“Everything of course!”

“Well … most of it is just cringe worthy, to be honest. I mean, first I sleep with him. Twice. And then he tells me he’s that dude I had casual fucking sex with.”

“What? Casual sex?” Her jaw drops again.

“Oh, yeah … I forgot to tell you that part.”

“Oh, my God, you ho-bag!” she jests, punching me in the shoulder. “I love you.”

“For sexting with a stranger? I’m so dirty,” I say, taking a sip of my tea.

“No; for just doing whatever the fuck you want.” She laughs. “You gotta enjoy life. Who cares if you sext or exchanged naked pictures with a random stranger?”

“He wasn’t so random, after all …” I muse.

“That only makes it better!” she says, smiling. “It’s like being handed a winning lottery ticket.”

“It’s confusing, really. I mean, Leo is one man, and Mr. Awesome was another. And now the two just suddenly merge. It just doesn’t make any sense to me. It’s weird, you know. To see them both as the same man.”

“But it’s perfect! He likes you, you like him. You’ve been chatting with a guy for sex. Now you get to have both.”

“Who said I like him?” I look up from my tea.

“Oh, please, it’s written all over your face,” she muses. “You can’t hide shit from me, girl. Don’t even try to pretend.”

I laugh, sipping up some more of this strawberry tea. My favorite. “Well, maybe. Maybe I like him. Just a teeny, tiny bit.” I make a small gap with my index finger and thumb.

“Bullshit. You like him a lot. Otherwise, it wouldn’t bother you the way it does. You’d just not want anything to do with him anymore, say goodbye, and find a new job.” She reaches for my arm. “Instead, you’re here, talking to me about how confused you are. You’re not confused. You just can’t deal with the truth. You hate yourself for liking him.”

“Hmm …”

“You just like dicks.”

I gasp. “Steph!”

“Not in that way, although … yes, definitely in that way, too!”

I throw a cookie at her. “You did not just say that.”

“I meant the dick bit more as douchebaggery, but this works, too.”

“Ugh, you’re not helping.”

“I know, that’s what friends are for, honey. To smack you in the face with the cold, hard truth.” She throws a cookie back at me. “Now eat the damn cookie. You need some cheering up.”

I chuckle. “Thanks.”

“So, you’ve been sexting with him … no wonder he suddenly got all interested in you.”

“Yeah, it does explain a few things. But I didn’t just sext with the guy. I actually told him how shitty I felt about my boss. Imagine Leo reading that crap I said about him … to his face. Oh, God.” I bury my face in my hands. “What have I done? I should’ve never gone to that app.”

“Stop! Seriously, stop.” She rips my hands from underneath my head, causing my head to bump into the table.

“Ouch,” I say.

“That’s what you get for slamming your head into my table, idiot.”

“Well, you pulled my arms away.”

“Because you’re talking shit about yourself, and I won’t allow it. You had fun on that app. You needed it.” She points another cookie at me. “And if you don’t stop denying the fact that you enjoyed doing it and don’t stop acting all embarrassed for being a woman with needs, I will fucking throw another cookie at you. Just like Iago and that Sultan. I’ma put you in a cage and force you to eat cookies, woman. Don’t make me do it.” She threatens me with the cookie, almost making me snort out my tea.

“I get it, I get it. No more cookies, please. I beg you,” I say, laughing.

“No more shame for random sex. No more,” she reiterates.

“Yes, yes, I know,” I say. “It’s just the fact that he’s my freaking boss which makes it so uncomfortable. If it were any other guy, I’d be okay with it … I think.”

“Don’t think. Stop thinking. Just listen to your bloody heart for once. What’s it saying?” she asks, eating the cookie she just threatened me with.

“All kinds of different things, none of them are clear.”

“Like what?”

“That I hate him for lying to my face. For not giving a shit all this time and then liking me all of the sudden. For using me. For seducing me into bed.”

“You wanted him to seduce your heart first,” she says.

“Exactly.” I warm my hands on the cup of tea. They suddenly feel so cold.

“Well, sometimes things start reversed. That doesn’t mean they’re bad or not real.”

“But he was never interested in me before! Not before that whole fake wife thing.”

“Maybe he was, but he just didn’t show you.”

“Why? Why would he do that?” I ask, my voice fluctuating in tone.

“Wait.” She holds up her hand. “First, another cookie.” She holds it out to me. “Eat it. You know you want to. Keep it together, woman. No falling apart on my table.”

I snatch it from her hand and take a bite. “Good girl,” she says, and we both laugh, crumbles falling from my mouth.

“Maybe he was afraid. Maybe he didn’t want you to get hurt. Who knows? Only he does, really. You should ask him.”

“But then I come across as the whiny bitch.”

“If he thinks that, ditch him right away. We talked about this already,” she says, frowning.

I roll my eyes. “Steph …”

“Yeah, I know, you aren’t able to actually ditch him because he’s your boss. Oh, and you like him too much.”

I sigh. “Oh, here we go again.”

“Stop denying it. You like him, and he hurt you. That’s why you’re so mad. Not because of all that shit he did. You know he’s genuine. He likes you. Why else would he go through all that trouble to hook up with you?”

“For sex,” I say.

“A guy like him can get sex anywhere, honey. He wanted it from you and only you. That says something.” She takes a drink from her tea.

“Hmm … maybe you’re right. I should just ask him upfront. I’m just being a chicken shit.”


“That’s why I came to your house right away. He was at my house, telling me about this Mr. Awesome thing.”

“You came to the right place to spout your feelings. Now that we’re on that topic, what’s the current stance on him and his wife? Is it real?”

“Yes. He explained that he’s trying to divorce her, but she won’t allow it. She wants his money now. Bitch got hurt, now she wants to suck him dry.”

“Holy shit, well that at least puts him in the clear.”

“Not really. He got drunk and married her, and then when she didn’t want to help him keep up the façade in front of his parents, he got me to help him instead. I mean, it’s still pretty bad.” I make a face.

“Tell me about it …” she says, sighing. “Well, at least you know now. He’s not as bad as he looks. He’s just desperate to keep up a certain image … and to keep you.” She winks.

“Maybe. I really need to talk with him.”

“Yes, you do. And if you don’t want a relationship with him, at least make sure you get the money he promised you before you quit your job.”

I laugh. “Wow, you got this all figured out, don’t you?”

“I got you covered, girl.” She cracks her knuckles. “You know that.”

“Always.” I smile. “Thanks for listening. I really appreciate it. We haven’t done this often enough lately.”

“Tell me about it, sheesh. If my life were only half as interesting as yours was, I’d be jumping through the roof. Instead, I get a date with a smug asshole who only wants to fuck.”

“Oh, God, is that the guy from …”

She nods, which tells me enough. “I’m sorry, Steph.”

“Don’t be. At least I got great sex. That’s already a huge plus. Now all I need is to find a real man. Hey, I heard about this app that can produce wonderful men who love pleasing women and aren’t too shy to show their true colors. Think you could hook me up?” she jokes.

I pick up a few crumbs from the table and throw them at her face. “Ha-ha. If only it was as easy as you make it sound. This isn’t some kind of perfect fairy tale.”

“Life isn’t perfect. You just gotta roll with the dice you’re given!”

“Oh, such wisdom, Yoda. Write a book about it, must you.”

“I wish,” she says. “But my writing sucks. I’ll leave that part up to you.”

“Geez, thanks.”

“You’re welcome.”

We drink our tea, and it’s quiet for a second, but then she opens her mouth again.

“You know, I think you should go talk to him.”

I chuckle. “No shit, Sherlock.”

“Why are you still sitting at my table then?” she retorts.

“Cookies. Why else? Not because of you,” I jest, laughing.

She throws another cookie at my face. “Here’s your fucking cookie.”

“Thanks, I needed that.”

“You can ask him to throw cookies at your face the whole day. Better yet, go ask him now.” She throws another one.

“Okay, okay, I get it.” I hold up my arms to protect myself.

“You obviously care about him or whatever. You have a problem, go solve it.”

“But what do I ask? I’m not even sure I want to know the answer.”

“Knowing is better than not knowing. Besides, it’s not like it can get any worse, right?”

“Gee, thanks, bitch,” I say, rolling my eyes.

“You’re welcome,” she muses. “I’ll be your bitch anytime.” She gets up and brings our mugs back to the kitchen while I grab my coat. “Now go find out if he’s for real.”

“Thanks, I will. Wish me luck!” I say as she opens the door to let me out.

“I’ll be texting you!” she yells after me. “You’d better text back. I want to know all the details, you hear me?”

“I will,” I yell. “But first I have a man to catch.”

She winks. “Whip out that fishing pole, girl!”

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