Power Play (12 page)

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Authors: L. Anne Carrington

BOOK: Power Play
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“Caldwell was at the upper tier breakfast buffet,” Glenn said. “I guess it’s his only option since most bars aren’t open yet.”


“There’s a breakfast buffet?” Alex asked.


“Yeah, would you like something?”


“Coffee with two sugars and three creams would be nice.”


Troy shook his head. “No way, Glenn; we don’t need Al hopped up on caffeine before things get underway.”


She snorted at him. “Do you have to be such an ass?”


“I already cut some slack about your shoes. Don’t push me, and watch the language.” He turned back to Glenn. “Bring us two waters.”


“Dictator,” Alex said.


“It’s for your own good.”


“Do you enjoy using that line every time I disagree with you?”




“Do you enjoy questioning everything I say or do?”


“Now who’s a smart aleck?”


“Just try to act civilized for a few more hours, Al. I guarantee you’ll walk out of here with a huge smile on your face by end of today.”


“Okay, but I’m holding you to that promise.”


Glenn returned with three water bottles. “Sorry for the delay, kids, but Halloran wanted to stop and chat for a few minutes.”


“That’s nothing new,” Troy said with a smile. “Jon likes talking to everyone no matter who they are.”


“The man is a flawless class act.”


“Yeah, and I’m proud to still be playing for his team ten years later.”


“He’s equally thrilled you remained loyal.”


Troy winked at his agent the moment Alex turned her back to them. “Did he give you any idea who the Rebels would like to choose in today’s draft?”





Glenn returned the wink. “Oh, your boss hinted there could be at least one surprise in store later.”


“I can hardly wait.”


Alex turned back to her companions. “Did I miss something about a surprise?”


“Only something Jon mentioned to Glenn in passing,” Troy replied and checked his watch. “Things should be starting soon.”


He and Glenn exchanged knowing smiles.
This girl has no idea what’s about to happen and how it will change her life…













Chapter 27



Alex struggled not to appear bored with the monotonous rounds of mostly unknown names being drafted to several teams.


Troy leaned over and nudged her when she began to doze.


“Stay awake,” he whispered.


“How can I? This shit’s boring. When the hell is lunch break? That bird food you called breakfast didn’t hold me very long and I’m fucking starving.”


“Language, Al.”


“Yeah, yeah; exactly how much longer do we have to sit here like a bunch of fools?”


“Relax and stop acting like a fidgety kid. They’re ready to announce the next round of draftees.”





She rolled her eyes. “Oh, hooray.”


“Knock off the sarcasm.”


“Geez, someone’s a grumpy boy. You should go out tonight and get some action.”


“Come on, Al; knock off the smart assery.”


“Fine, whatever you say.”


“Hey,” Glenn whispered. “Rebels are back up for the next pick. Can you two stop bickering for a few minutes and pay attention?”


Chastised, Alex and Troy shifted their attention to front of the room, which remained silent for several minutes until Rebels General Manager Roy Bright stepped to the microphone and made an unexpected announcement.


“In the fifth round, Jonathan Halloran and the Pittsburgh Rebels select…
Alexandra Galloway!”


No one spoke for a moment and then stunned gasps, chatter, and applause filled the room.




Alex became alert and turned pale. “Wait, what? Did I fall asleep and have some strange dream?”


“I’m afraid not,” Troy said. “You’re now officially a Pittsburgh Rebel and first woman to play in the AHC. Congratulations; now go say hi to your new bosses.”


She rose from her seat with a wan smile and walked to the podium. GM Bright held a ubiquitous draft day jersey with
written on its back. Video and still cameras captured images of the team’s history-making draft pick.


She turned to Bright. “Is this a prank being taped for some TV show?”


“Not in the least, Galloway,” he answered. “If you still don’t believe me, you may want to have talks with your agent and young Mr. Talmadge. Both were well aware of Mr. Halloran’s interest in you long before today.”















Chapter 28



“Troy Talmadge, you big ass goober!” Alex squealed, punched his arm, and grabbed a handful of hair. “I can’t believe you
the whole time Jonathan Halloran was interested in me and didn’t say a word!”


“Oww, let go!” he yelled between peals of laughter and started the car.


“You could’ve at least given me an advance warning.”


“I swear, Al, Jon swore Glenn and me to secrecy until today.”


She hugged Troy’s neck and planted a kiss on his cheek. “I still can’t believe I’ll be playing on a men’s hockey team thanks to you!”


The contact made him feel uneasy. “Calm down; stay on your side, and put on that seat belt. We don’t need to be involved in a car accident or get into any other trouble before training camp.”




“When and where does that happen?”


“Someone’s an eager little lady. Training camp begins middle of August. You’ll be among the first rookies to train at our more modernized facility after it opens.”


“Hmmm…should I feel special?”


“I would say yes. Meanwhile, you’ll need some serious media coaching since reporters are going to have a field day. Did you see how they bombarded Jon and Roy after the draft?”


Alex nodded. “I guess that explains why you and Glenn hustled me out the nearest back door like I’m one of your side pieces.”


“I don’t have side pieces, Al.”


“Come on, you can’t convince me you haven’t gotten some puck bunny action now and then. I don’t buy the Mr. Innocent act for a minute, nor did I just get off the boat this morning.”





“Okay, I’ve slept with a few girls on occasion, but my true love’s the game. What the hell is with your jealous spouse routine?”


Alex snorted. “You mean the same way you reacted when Claude Caldwell brought me home last night?”


“That’s a different situation; members of rival teams shouldn’t be in public together.”


“Sure, keep rationalizing. Why not explain your bitch face expressions while I talked to a group of college boys during lunch break?”


“I didn’t make bitch faces.”


“Bullshit, you looked ready to eat all those guys alive.”


“You can’t walk up to random strangers and start conversations, Al. It is one thing to be nice – which I encourage – but not always wise to first approach fans before they notice you. There are too many unbalanced people in the world.”




“Do you always act paranoid?”


“More like exercising common sense. Why are you always so damn difficult?”


Alex stared at him wide-eyed.
difficult? What about the times you’ve been a pain in my ass?”


“I’m hard on you so you’ll succeed.” He turned into a restaurant parking lot. “Now quit debating and enjoy the rest of your big day.”


“Why are we here? I wanted to go home and change.”


“I owe you dinner.”


“I can buy my own food, Troy. I’m not that damn broke.”


“Uh uh; it’s your special evening.”


“Wouldn’t it be cheaper to go home, order pizza, and watch a bad movie?”


He laughed. “Maybe, but I’d prefer we celebrate with a nicer meal.”




“You’re not making me order some kind of rabbit food, are you?”


“Of course not; you can have anything you like, even the beloved diet soda.” He got out of the car. “Stay here a second.”


“Are you keeping something else from me? You turned nice again all the sudden.”


Troy opened the passenger door and offered his arm. “Let’s go inside.”









Alex’s mouth dropped open at the sight of familiar faces seated with Glenn. “I hope you don’t mind that we invited some additional guests, Alexandra.”


“I…no…oh my God, of course not!” She turned and punched Troy’s arm. “Damn it, why didn’t you tell me these guys were in town?”




“Ouch! Shit, Al, what’s with all the hitting today? If Glenn and I said anything, it wouldn’t have been a surprise.”


“How did you all…?” Alex began.


“Mr. Collins brought us to Pittsburgh on the quickest nonstop flight, dear,” Doris said. “We barely had enough time to change clothes and come straight from the hotel.”


“We wanted to help celebrate your big moment since no one knows when you’ll return to New York,” Beau added.


“What about you and Phyllis opening on Broadway? Jen, what’s going on with the
Office Girls 2


“Filming doesn’t begin for another two weeks,” Jennifer answered. “What better way to spend what little spare time I have left than with an old friend?”


“My and Beau’s show is on delay,” Phyllis said. “Just our rotten luck, unexpected financial issues arose.”




“I’m sorry, Phyllis. Surely things will work out soon.”


“Hey, no one’s here to mope and complain,” Greg said. “Tonight’s all about you. We can now brag to everyone that we know a couple people who play for the Pittsburgh Rebels.”


Phyllis raised her glass. “Here’s to our lady who broke the American Hockey Conference’s gender barrier!”


The others followed suit. “Here, here! May she enjoy puck drops for many years!”


“Don’t go crazy, people,” Alex replied. “I haven’t yet officially made the team for sure. I still have to get through training camp.”


Glenn smiled at her. “I’m sure you’ll make the final cut, young lady. Maybe you’ll help find your mentor a wife in the meantime.”


She saw Troy blushing. “Glenn! Don’t embarrass the poor man.”


“I’m messing with him.”


Troy glared at his agent. “Sure; you’ve only nagged me about marriage since I was eighteen.”

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