Power Play (4 page)

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Authors: L. Anne Carrington

BOOK: Power Play
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Alex glanced at her. “Don’t be ridiculous. I doubt they’ll cut many game sequences, if any.”


“Yeah, but one never knows what goes through bigwigs’ minds.”


“That’s true.”


Phyllis pulled out her phone and then addressed the men. “Hey, would you guys mind getting a picture with us?”


“Phyllis!” Alex cried. “I really don’t think–”


“We’d love to,” Marc replied. “Let’s all move in a bit closer.”


“No worries of whether or not we’ll all fit into the frame; my phone can take pictures of a whole crowd. This will be fun!”


Alex looked at Phyllis and shook her head, not believing the scene unfolding in front of them.


Phyllis stared back. “What? We should get a least one souvenir before returning to New York.”


“Okay, one picture as a favor to you.”







The foursome posed together as Phyllis took the shot and then dove into freshened drinks.


“Hey, we’re staying at this hotel the next couple nights,” Marc said. “Do you want to go upstairs where it’s quieter?”


Phyllis was about to respond when Alex cut her off. “We have a six a.m. call, so staying much longer is out of the question.”


Marc winked at her. “You ladies can’t miss your beauty sleep.”


She grabbed her coat and returned his smile. “Exactly, but thanks for the drinks and invitation.”


“Sorry,” Phyllis apologized and put on her coat. “We have the tough life of actors. Glad meeting you guys.”


“Good luck with your second game against the Rebels,” Alex added.













Chapter 9


“We should’ve stayed another hour,” Phyllis said when they got outside. “Those guys were hot!”


Alex gave her a dumbfounded stare. “You
realize why they wanted to take us upstairs, right?”


“Maybe they’re lonely and wanted company.”


“Oh my God, Phyllis, I can’t believe you’re that naïve.”


“Who cares what the reason was? We would’ve had fun.”


“Or drug our drinks. No thanks; Doris would have me nailed to the wall if I got fired from this movie for doing something stupid.”


“Too bad; I think Marc was into you.”


“He’s probably married or has a girlfriend,” Alex countered. “I tend to attract either weirdoes or the married/attached liars.”





“Yeah, you have a point. I’m beginning to think there are no real good men left in the world. It sucks because I want to have kids once my acting gets off the ground or I marry a great guy, whichever comes first.”


Alex nodded in agreement. “I’d also like a family with the right man…if I ever find him.”


“Maybe something will happen for us when we’re successful film stars. Lily Stahl said you were going to be big.”


“Yeah, but she was probably in a good mood and making idle conversation.”


They stepped inside the lobby of their hotel. “Well, this is where we part ways,” Alex said. “Thanks for taking me to the game. I’ll see you on the set at six.”










Chapter 10


“Miss Galloway!” Connor Francis greeted Alex the next morning before shooting got underway. “You’re just the person I wanted to see.”


“Something wrong, Mr. Francis?” she asked.


“On the contrary; we’re filming the Venus championship scene today where Natalie shoots her winning goal.” His eyes scanned her hockey uniform. “It’s also good to see someone around here ready on time to work. Remind me to put in a good word with your agent.”


“Oh…thank you, sir!”


“By the way, Miss Stahl enjoyed working with you yesterday afternoon. She thinks you have a bright future in this business.”


“She basically told me the same thing, but I thought she was being polite.”


“Miss Galloway, never put ‘polite’ and ‘Lily Stahl’ in the same sentence; she wouldn’t know what polite meant if it slapped her in the face!”




Alex frowned. “That’s not a nice thing to say.”


“You have plenty to learn about this business, young lady. I’ve directed that despicable woman more times than I care to remember and walked away with migraines. I can’t believe we got through a whole day of shooting yesterday without one of her famous temper tantrums.”


“Maybe she received some good news, sir.”


“More like finding a new boy toy,” Francis snorted.


“Boy toy?”


“Lily’s screwing some kid half her age who’s supposed to be a model. The woman’s pushing fifty and making a damn fool of herself!”


“Wait,” Alex replied. “
the fool for dating a younger man? If it was the opposite, no one would blink an eye.”


“Dear child, don’t tell me you’re the feminist type.”


“Not in some ways, but I don’t believe in double standards either.”





“Ahh, I was as impressionable and star struck at your age. Now we should cease the chitchat and get to work. The other girls should be here any moment.”






Francis yelled. “I’m starting to think Miss Galloway is the only one who showed up today to work. Now get this scene done before we all die of old age!”


He pointed at Phyllis. “You there! Start paying attention to your cue! This is the hundredth time you’ve come in late!”


She appeared chastised. “Yes, sir.”


“Let’s start again from the top!”


“Scene 50, take 88,” the clapper loader said.


Alex sensed other actors glaring in her direction and sighed.
God, help me make it through today without wanting to shove a hockey stick up someone’s ass crossways…




When lunch break was announced, Alex and Phyllis breathed sighs of relief, grateful to shed their hockey uniforms.


“I think making this movie gives me more respect for the sport,” Alex said as they dressed in street clothes.


“Now I know how the real Venus girls feel,” Phyllis replied. “Ugh! I want to kill Old Man Francis with my bare hands! Did you see how that asshole singled me out?”


“I did and wanted to punch him in the face. He was talking down Miss Stahl this morning before you and the other girls showed up. I know she’s difficult to work with, but to make awful remarks about her love life–”


“The twenty-eight-year-old boyfriend?”


“You knew about that?”


“Of course, didn’t you?”


Alex shook her head. “I don’t keep up with gossip tabloids, but Francis is neither his nor Miss Stahl’s number one fan.”


“Oh, I can imagine. Now if the man was forty-eight and Lily twenty-eight…”





“Thank you! Double standards make me sick.”


“Me too. Where do you want to go for lunch?”


“May as well hit our usual spot; they have the fastest service and we only have an hour before getting back into uniform and listening to Francis bellow all afternoon.”






It was past three o’clock when a production assistant called the afternoon break. Actors and extras scattered to exits, eager to get in their much-sought cigarette smoking.


Chatter, laughter, and clouds of smoke invaded the chilly Vancouver air when Alex and Phyllis stepped outside. Alex popped the lid of her coffee cup and took a few sips.


“Ahhh,” she said. “I don’t think I’ve looked forward to a free fifteen minutes more in my life.”





“Today’s been rough,” Phyllis said. “No wonder so many actors smoke.”


Alex held up her cup. “Give me coffee any day of the week and twice on Sunday.”


“Hey, you guys!” one of the extras shouted from a doorway. “Come inside! You’ll never believe who’s visiting the set!”


Alex and Phyllis exchanged skeptical looks.


“How much do you want to bet it’s a prank done by the extras?” Phyllis asked.


“My first thought, but I’m also curious who the visitor is that everyone’s making a fuss about…
there is one.”


“Let’s go inside; I’m getting chilly anyway.”


They spotted a group of women gathered at the ice rink’s edge engaged in animated conversation with a prominent sports figure.





“Phyllis,” Alex gasped. “That’s Troy Talmadge of the Pittsburgh Rebels!”


“What’s he doing visiting a movie set? Shouldn’t he be practicing for tonight’s game?”


“I have no idea; maybe an impromptu appearance or something. Lord knows we have zero chance of stopping to say ‘hi’ with all those girls surrounding him. We better get dressed and on the set unless we want to hear Francis scream bloody murder.”


















“We are the ones who were born to rise

We are the ones with the fire inside

I go to war with the brothers I trust

And there ain't no stopping us, there ain't no stopping us.”


Redlight King
, Born to Rise









Chapter 11


“Okay, ladies,” a production assistant beckoned the group. “I’m sure Mr. Talmadge didn’t visit the set today to get bombarded by cast and crew. Mr. Francis should arrive any moment, so let’s return to work.”


he here?” Phyllis wondered.


“An intern told me Assistant Director Andy Byers is a friend of Troy’s,” Alex replied. “He stopped by to catch up while the Rebels are in town.”


“Oh…I thought a cameo got written in during the script’s two hundred thousand changes. Do you have the latest copy?”


Alex nodded and handed it to her. “Mostly minor changes; our parts are still intact.”


“Old Man Francis is coming,” Phyllis said with a snort. “Prepare for an afternoon of more hell.”


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