Power Play (5 page)

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Authors: L. Anne Carrington

BOOK: Power Play
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“Actually, I’m ready to shoot that goal everyone’s been referring to in the script. Let’s get busy.”





“So what’s it like to work on a movie with the great Connor Francis?” Troy asked Andy Byers.


He lowered his voice and leaned toward Troy. “Does drama king answer your question? Of course, he’s a pussycat compared to Lily Stahl. Look up the terms ‘bitch’ and ‘diva’ and you’ll see her picture next to both.”


“You should’ve stayed with the Calgary Crushers,” Troy said with a laugh.


“No chance; I make better money at this job than in minor league hockey and less likely to sustain any more concussions. Anyone ever suggest you going into movies?”


“Thanks, but I’ll stick to hockey.”




Andy grinned at his childhood friend. “You’ve done one hell of a job the last ten years, Talmadge. I still remember us as kids slamming pucks into your mom’s freezer door.”


“The spirit still moves me once in a while, only I use my own dryer these days.”


“You always were more disciplined, but I can’t complain about life after early retirement from the Crushers.”


“I hope the hell not; how many other guys make movies with the likes of Connor Francis and Lily Stahl? Have any other actors stood out to you?”


“Why, you looking for a date tonight?”


“Oh, you’re a bunch of laughs, Byers. I’m curious about some of the cast’s best actors.”


“Well, set rumors say Francis and Dragon Lady Stahl are big on some bit role actress – her name escapes me at the moment – but she plays Natalie Tyler, team member whose last-minute goal won the Vancouver Venus’ LHLoC championship.”


“Is she working today?”




“As a matter of fact, we’re about to resume shooting that particular scene. Are you able to hang out a while longer?”


“Sure; I have a couple hours to kill.”


“All right, quiet everyone!” Francis hollered. “Let’s pick up where we left off before the break.”


Groans among cast members and extras filled the rink.


“Sounds like an ‘enthusiastic’ crowd,” Troy joked in a whisper.


“We’ve been working on this same damn scene nearly all day,” Andy whispered in response. “Didn’t I tell you before that Francis is a drama king?”


“Scene 50, take 94!” the clapper loader called out.


Andy and Troy remained silent as the action unfolded in front of their eyes. Ability– or lack thereof – to shoot a puck by several actresses didn’t go unnoticed by Troy.






One particular starlet stood out and his eyes remained fixated on her.
My God, the girl plays like a professional! Who is she, and why haven’t any Women’s Hockey League teams in the States discovered herfine talent?


“Fantastic!” Francis loudly praised after Alex blasted the puck in for a goal for what felt like the hundredth time. “Cut and print! Keep in that part of the scene, boys; it’s fabulous!”


“Finally,” Andy said with a sigh of relief. “I think it’s the first time that geezer smiled all day.”


“Is that girl you told me about earlier?” Troy asked, pointing toward where Alex stood at edge of the ice.


“Yeah, that’s her.” Andy picked up a clipboard and shuffled through several papers on it. “Here we are; Alexandra Galloway as Natalie Tyler.” He paused for a moment. “Wait a minute, Troy. I thought you went for tall, blonde, blue-eyed model types.”


“I’m not trying to find a date, dumb ass. I couldn’t help but notice her proficiency in handling a stick and controlling the puck. I honestly think that girl’s missing her true calling.”


“What do you mean?”





“Some others did okay on the ice, others were total shit, but that Galloway actress…well, she’s more the States’ WHL caliber than portraying the role of an LHLoC player.”


“Do you want an introduction?” Andy offered.


“Sure, if there’s time before I have to leave to get ready for tonight’s game.”


“Stick around a little longer. We should be wrapping for the day soon unless Dragon Lady starts bitching about something else.”











Chapter 12


Alex removed the mock
Vancouver Venus
uniform, dressed in street clothes, and was walking towards the cast exit when an intern stopped her.


“I’m sorry to bother you, Miss Galloway,” he said. “I know you had a long day, but there’s a gentleman interested in speaking to you.”




“I don’t know; I just received a message from the assistant director to find and take you back to his office.”


“This better be good or Andy Byers will get an earful from me. I’m exhausted and in no mood for on-set jokes.”


They soon arrived at Andy’s office and the intern tapped on its closed door.


“Come in!” he called.




“I found Miss Galloway, sir,” the intern said.


“Thanks, Robert; send her in.”


“Do you need anything else?”


“No, that’s all for today.”


“What is this all about, Byers?” an irritated Alex asked.


“I have someone who wants to meet you.”


“Tell them to make it quick; I’m dead on my feet and need a long hot bath.”


Another voice behind Alex spoke up. “I know how you feel, especially after a tough game.”


She turned and immediately came face to face with the Pittsburgh Rebels’ captain. “Oh my God…it’s


“I couldn’t help but notice how you knocked in that goal during your last scene.” He smiled. “I’m Troy Talmadge.”


She shook his hand and nodded. “I know, but out of all the actresses, why





“Let’s see, maybe it’s because you actually know how to play hockey instead of going through the motions?”


“You picked that up from
scene?” Alex asked with a touch of skepticism.


“Troy has an eye for these things, Miss Galloway,” Andy pointed out. “I think you should listen to what he says.”


She shrugged noncommittally. “Okay.”


“Have you ever played women’s professional hockey?” Troy asked.


“No; I only played with midget leagues as a kid and then amateur juniors in high school during my freshman and sophomore years.”


“You have strong skills for never being a pro. The hand-eye coordination and the way you handled that puck caught my attention.”


“My late father made sure I had quality equipment and lessons,” Alex said with a smile. “If you don’t mind me asking, why the interest in my hockey experience?”


“I was considering talking to my agent about possibly representing you in getting a Women’s Hockey League team contract in the States.”






Alex glanced back and forth between the two men. “Okay, where are the hidden cameras for whatever punk show you’re filming on the side, Byers? It’s not funny.”


“This is no joke, Miss Galloway. He’s making you a legitimate offer,” Andy replied.


She stared at Troy. “You really believe I’m


“We wouldn’t be talking otherwise. Would you like to try giving women’s pro hockey a shot?”


“Well…okay, sure; just tell me where and when.”


Troy grabbed a paper and pen from Andy’s desk and jotted some information. “Give me a call when you’re done with the movie. I should have something definite lined up by the time you’re back in the States. Meanwhile, how about coming to the game as my guest if you’re not still tired after your bath?”


I’d have to be insane to turn down this guy no matter how tired I am.
“I’d love to.”


“Great, meet me at the arena around six-thirty before I go out for warm-ups. Thanks for the set tour and introducing me to her, Andy. See you guys back in the States.”













Chapter 13


“Hey, you want to go back to that sports bar we went to last night?” Phyllis asked over the phone.


“I’m afraid I have other plans,” Alex replied as she soaked in the tub.


“Please don’t tell me you’re going out with weird-looking Andy Byers. Gross!”


“Not quite, but his friend invited me to tonight’s Rebels-Galaxy game as a guest.”


“Wait, are you saying…”


“Yes, Phyllis, I met Troy Talmadge, thanks to Byers.”


“Oh my God, I’m so jealous right now! He’s
Do you have any idea how many girls would
die to be in your place tonight?”





“It’s not a date. He thinks I should play women’s professional hockey.”


“Are you sure he isn’t using that as a line to lure you into bed?”


“Doubt it; I’m far from his type as one can get. Did you know Troy discovered English player Davy St. Cloud during last year’s Winter Olympics when their teams played in the men’s hockey finals? Team Canada won a gold medal, by the way.”


“I’m not as big a fan,” Phyllis replied. “What did Talmadge say about getting you into the pros?”


“He’s having a talk with his agent about representing me and maybe a contract with one of the WHL teams.”


“Women’s Hockey League? That’s big time for sure, at least for women players! Did you accept?”


“I’ll give it a try. Troy wants me to get in touch once I return to New York,” Alex said. “He may have something more definite then to tell me.”






“Good luck, and have fun at the game tonight! I want details tomorrow morning, missy!”


Alex couldn’t help but laugh. “You’ll be the first to know.”














Chapter 14


“Troy,” sports agent Glenn Collins said, “I know we hit the jackpot after you talked me into representing Davy St. Cloud, but you know my stand on unestablished athletes. They need some sort of ‘sparkle’ for me to consider handling business.”


“Glenn, at least watch this DVD I brought. The girl
something special. I’m talking WHL material.”


“Is she another blonde creating funny feelings in your pants? Remember Katie Redmond, the model and so-called tennis player you were high on last year? Things didn’t exactly work out and I recently dropped her as a client. St. Cloud’s among few of your ‘discoveries’ who accomplished anything notable.”


“No, she isn’t blonde, but one hell of a hockey player.”


“A bit part actress you picked up in Vancouver more like it. You may want to try thinking with the right head when you put on a scouting hat, Troy.”


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