Prescription for Desire (13 page)

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Authors: Candace Shaw

Tags: #medical romance, #african american romance, #africanamerican romance, #romance africanamerican contemporary, #africanamerican contemporary romance, #black contemporary medical romance

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He slid his finger through her lips
and lingered at the opening of her vagina. “That’s the whole idea,”
he whispered, as his tongue flicked around her ear and cascaded
down her neck to her collarbone. Suddenly, he entered her from
behind in one thrust.

Then your wish is my

He stayed still as she slowly moved
her butt back and forth over his shaft, gut wrenching groans
escaping him. His hands moved to her hips as she continued to grind
on him, speeding up her motion with every passing second as his
groaning became even louder.

Damn, girl … that’s right.
Work that fine ass of yours on me.” He slapped her butt.

Yes … baby,” she called
out breathlessly.

He flipped her over flat on her
stomach and spread her legs wider, laying straight in between them.
Pinning her hands down to the mattress, he moved in a slow rhythm,
stroking all the way in her before coming back out and dipping deep
into her. Over and over he did this as her soft moans turned into
pleasured screams that filled the cabin.

Armand gently bit the side of her
neck. “What were you saying about a younger man like me couldn’t
handle an older woman like you?”

I was so wrong,” she
replied, clenching the pillow while he continued delving into her,
causing her legs to shake under him. “I was sooooo very wrong.” She
knew after this episode of pain versus pleasure, she would be sore
everywhere, but it was well worth it.

Raven began to bounce her butt back on
him when his body tensed, and he trembled uncontrollably. His
orgasm erupted inside of her, and he collapsed on top of her, out
of breath.

You okay back there, young
man?” she asked teasingly.

Very funny. I’m fine, but
I may need to take a dip in the lake again before we

Please tell me you’re
talking about the actual lake outside and not me.”

He laughed out loud and rolled off of
her, pulling her body next to his. She rested her head on his chest
while her fingertip traced the lion once more.

Why … you need a dip in
the lake, too?”

No, a hot soak. I don’t
think I can swim. I’m sore everywhere, and I do mean
. I used
muscles I haven’t used in a very long time.”

Um … was the last time
with your husband?” he asked uneasily.

No. About a year and a
half after he passed, I tried to get back out there. Date. Be in a
relationship. However, I wasn’t ready. I met a nice guy, but I felt
nothing for him even though I tried really hard to. When we had
sex, all I could think about was Howard watching from Heaven. I got
up, walked out of the guy’s house, and never called him

Did you think about Howard
when you were with me?”

No. There was a time when
I would feel so guilty about not thinking about him for long
lengths of time. However, I’ve moved on from that part of my life,
but I’ll always love him. He was a good man.”

Armand kissed her forehead. “It is
better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at

Hmmm. I used to not
believe that when he was killed. I thought the pain would never go
away. It’s one thing to break up with someone and have a broken
heart, but when your husband dies after being married for three
months, it hurts like hell.”

I’m sorry you had to go
through that.” He pulled her closer to him. “I’m here if you ever
need to talk.”

Thank you.”

You know if we don’t leave
soon, we’ll be stuck in the park.”

Raven sat up and looked toward the
window; the sunlight was fading fast.

We gotta clean up first,”
she stated, standing on wobbly legs and grabbing her clothes from
the marble in front of the fireplace. She tossed Armand his shirt
and hurriedly slipped her dress over her head. It wasn’t all the
way dry, but she figured the drive back would help.

You go on ahead,” he said
as he put on his shirt. “It’s getting dark. I’ll straighten up


No buts, except that fine
one you got.” He reached out and popped it. “I’ll be on soon
enough. Then you can come over, and I’ll run you a nice, hot bath.”
He pulled her to him and kissed her swollen lips.

I can’t take a bath at
your apartment,” she exclaimed in shock. “What if someone sees

I don’t think anyone is
going to see you in my bathtub, Dr. Arrington,” he said with a

She smacked her lips and shook her
head. “That’s not what I meant.”

Look, we aren’t staying in
a college dormitory with rules and regulations. Trust me, we aren’t
the only staff hooking up. You know Dr. Watkins and Kay are
definitely seeing each other.”

I heard. Wait. Have you
ever had sex with another staff member?”

No. It’s one of my rules
not to. When I first saw you in the airport, I hoped you weren’t
the doctor I was looking for because I had a feeling you’d be the
first woman to make me break my rule if you were. Look where we are

I don’t want to stop
seeing you while I’m here. I just don’t want people to think we’re
sneaking around.”

Um …” He stopped and
glanced around the cabin. “We are sneaking around.”

Oh yeah, but I think we
should definitely just keep this between us. When I leave, I’m
gone. What happens in Buenos Aires stays in Buenos

I totally agree. We’ll
just have a lot of hot fun discreetly. Now head back. I’ll call you
when I get there, and you can slide on over to my place for the

Leaving his embrace, she walked to the
door to retrieve her tote bag where he’d left it. She fumbled
around in it until she found a scrunchie and pushed her hair up
into a ponytail on the top of her head. “Okay, but do you think
it’s wise that I spend the night?”

Look, Raven. For the next
month that you’re here, I want you in my bed every single night,
even if I’m on duty at the hospital. I want to know when I get off
that you’ll be on my side, keeping it warm.”

Which side is your side?”
she asked, reaching for the doorknob.

The right.”

Mine, too.”

Then I guess I’m sleeping
on top of you. Call me when you get there. I’ll be on in a

Will do.” She stood on her
tippy toes and kissed his cheek.

An hour later, Raven was soaking her
sore body in a hot bath at Armand’s apartment. She couldn’t believe
she was actually sitting there with candles and jazz playing in the
background while he was in the kitchen heating up a fugazzeta de
veduras that Chef Reyes had prepared for dinner. She’d fallen in
love with the stuffed pizza and was glad to know it was one of the
dinner choices for the evening.

Raven hadn’t felt this relaxed and at
peace in a long time. She was pleased with her decision to let her
guard down and give in to what she really wanted, even if it was
for a little while, but she wasn’t going to worry about that. She
was simply going to enjoy the rest of her month with a handsome
hunk just as Shelbi had prescribed. Then it was back to the States
and back to her life without him. The thought made her sad, but she
knew the risk she was taking when he’d first kissed her. However,
she was glad that being with him made her realize that she was
apparently ready for the dating and relationship world again. It
was just too bad Armand couldn’t be the one.


Your turn, Dr.

Stop being so darn
impatient,” Raven said as she looked at the tiled-letters on her
bar. They were playing their fifth game of Scrabble that week, and
Armand hadn’t won yet, but was determined to. “It’s not like you’re
going to win.”


Humph … have you won a
game yet? Um, let me answer that for you. Nope. In fact, no one has
ever beaten me in Scrabble and no one ever will.” She placed her
tiles on the board with a huge grin as she calculated the score in
her head. It was over fifty points, considering the Z was resting
on the Triple Word score.

I had a feeling you had
the letter Z,” he said through clenched teeth. “Zygoma?

It’s a word,” she replied
with a shrug.

He wrote down her score and shook the
bag with the letters so Raven could pick more tiles. “I know it’s a
word. I swear you’ve studied the dictionary and the thesaurus just
to play this game,” he said, laughing.

Yep. See, I’m a Scrabble
player, you’re just a person playing Scrabble,” she explained,
trying to keep a straight face when she saw her new letters. She
needed the letter U to accompany the Q.

He laughed loudly. “You’ve got jokes

I never joke when it comes
to Scrabble,” she stated seriously because she was

Cool. So you’ll be mad at
me when I win, which will result in you having that pouty lip that
I’m going to nibble on, therefore making you all hot and bothered.
And we’ll end up in my bed, or the kitchen table, or wherever you
push me to.”

She laughed hysterically, but forty
minutes later found herself pinned underneath Armand on the floor
next to the bed, fuming that he’d beaten her by two points. He held
her hands above her head, his eyes firm on her face as he stroked
in and out at a steady, slow pace.

You were saying?” he
asked. He slid all the way in and held it there, driving her mad.
Her leg trembled, and he released a sly smile before sliding out of
her and right back to the hilt. He knew exactly what he was doing
to her.

You only won by two measly

He chuckled and kissed her forehead.
“Love you and all of your cute hang ups.”

She bit her bottom lip as he pushed in
again until all of him was nestled tightly inside of her. He
positioned his hand on her hips while she wrapped hers around his
neck, and he stroked in and out, staring at her intently. With each
passionate thrust, her emotions began to unravel and her muffled
cries of passion rested on his chest. Even though he’d told her the
walls were soundproof, she had been a little loud.

Moments later, they both climaxed and
laid sated on the floor as their breathing returned to normal.
Picking her up, he placed her in the bed. She nestled her head on
his chest and kept replaying his last words in her head.

Love you …

Armand had never said it
before and figured he’d done so in the heat of the moment. Or
perhaps he meant them, but not in the way she was over thinking.
It’s not like he said
I love
. He probably simply meant he loved her
like … well, like a friend with benefits or someone he was quite
fond of. She was leaving in three weeks, so he knew there couldn’t
be any type of relationship other than whatever the hell they were

However, when he’d said it, she wanted
so badly to tell him the same because she was falling for him …
hard. Unfortunately, she knew once she left that was it. Tears
welled in her eyes, and she was glad it was dark in the room. She
didn’t want him to see her cry.

Raven?” he asked quietly,
interrupting her thoughts. She hoped he wasn’t going to question
her about what he’d just said. She wanted to avoid any type of
emotional attachment with him so it would be somewhat easier when
she left. Even though, deep down, she knew it was going to be
impossible. The thought made her heart ache.


Um … I was just thinking.
The pill you take, is it the kind that lasts three

She froze at his words, which were so
out of left field that she was stunned. She’d rather tell him she
loved him.

Because you haven’t had a
cycle since we’ve been … um, fooling around. I just want to make
sure you aren’t pregnant considering I haven’t pulled

I …”

She didn’t know how to answer him.
When she told him she was on the pill it was because she didn’t
want to go into a long spiel about her private life, considering
their relationship wasn’t more than a fling, or at least that’s
what she kept telling herself. It wasn’t like he was going to get
her pregnant—that was completely impossible—but she didn’t want to
lie to him anymore either.

Turn on the light,” she
said quietly, sitting all the way up in the bed. He did as she
asked, but didn’t get back in the bed. Instead, he sat on the edge
with a curious expression.

What’s wrong?” he

I’m not pregnant if that’s
what you’re worried about.” Stretching over to the edge of the bed,
she grabbed his dress shirt to put on.

Then what’s

She sighed as the tears welled in her
eyes. He reached over to her and gathered her in his arms, but she
pushed him back. “Just let me speak. I don’t need to be

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