President's Girlfriend 07 - What He Did for Love (4 page)

BOOK: President's Girlfriend 07 - What He Did for Love
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“Don’t you worry about where the money is coming from.  Just know that it’s coming.”

“Oh, it had better come,” Amir warned. “Or there won’t be a place on this earth too deep for you to hide.”

  Then Amir looked at Kareem.  “How is Jacarta managing being a dishwasher in a diner in this forsaken place?”

“He laughs, says it only proves that he will do anything for a buck.”

Amir laughed too.  “The ignorant ones have no idea who they hired to wash their dishes. But because he presents as a sweet Indian boy and they now see sweet Indian boys on their television programs, then they feel he is harmless and worthy of their confidence.” 

Kareem snorted.  “Harmless, they think.”

“But we digress,” Amir said.  “What does Jacarta say on readiness?  Are they all ready?  One coward and the entire operation fails.  Are they all ready?”

“Jacarta assures me they are all ready, trained, and determined to be the heroes they were born to be.”

Amir nodded.  “Good.  That’s good.”

“Jacarta also asks about the president,” Kareem said.  “He doesn’t understand what this has to do with the president.”

“I’ll worry about the president,” Amir said.  “Tell Jacarta to keep his people at the ready, that’s all he has to do.”  Then Amir looked at Max.  “Or should I say former president?” he asked.

“He’s still the president,” Max said. 

“They are saying on the broadcast news programs,” Kareem said, “that he is not ex until the Speaker of the House of Representatives personally receives the written resignation.  They say it must be done that way because the constitution of the United States demands it.”

“Ah, such fools!” Amir said with hatred and bitterness in his voice.  “They worship a piece of paper that carries no more significance than the paper is it written on, yet they can’t see the signs of the times.  They have thousands of spies looking for any activity in New York, in L.A., in Boston, in all of the big metropolitan cities.  But these small little hick towns here, where the real Americans supposedly live, they have no discernible presence at all.

“But they will,” Amir added with a smile, and with a confident nod of his head.  “They will.  Because these small towns, my friends, shall become ground zero.  So you tell Jacarta to keep doing what he’s doing and to not worry about the president or anybody else.  Because when it is all said and done there, and we are done everywhere else, America, that lying land of broken promises and rich white devils, will never be the same again.  And I mean never!”

They laughed, although Max found their joke distasteful.  He saw the hatred in Amir’s coal-black eyes, and that look alone made him shudder.  And made him wonder, once again, what in the world kind of people had he gotten himself involved with.







The intercom on the nightstand buzzed and woke up Dutch.  Gina, who was practically lying on top of him, remained asleep.  Dutch reached lazily for the button and pressed it.

“What?” he managed to ask, although his voice was husky with sleep.

“Ms. Perry has arrived, sir,” Franklin, the house manager, announced.

Dutch’s eyes opened, surprised that it would be that late, and then he pressed the button again. 

“She’s early, sir,” Franklin added.

Dutch closed his eyes, then opened them again.  “Take her to the library, Frank.  Tell her I’ll see her in half an hour.”

“Yes, sir,” Franklin said, and Dutch clicked off. 

Dutch eased Gina’s naked body off of him as he began to get his own naked body out of bed.  By the time he peed, showered, and brushed his teeth, Gina was opening her eyes.  By the time he made his way out of the bathroom, she was sitting up in bed.  She looked at him, as he eyes moved from his face to his dangling penis.

“There’s my sleeping beauty,” Dutch said as he headed for his underwear drawer.

“Good morning,” Gina said, pushing the hair out of her face and still attempting to fully wake up.  “What time is it?”

“Still early enough,” he said as he looked at her.  She removed the covers off of her and slid to the side of the bed.  Dutch’s penis had an immediate reaction to her naked form, especially when her legs opened as she slid her body to the bed’s side.  He looked at those brown breasts, and those solid thighs, and that sweetness between her legs, and he knew this wasn’t going to work.  No way was he going to be able to deny himself that pleasure this morning.

“I’ve got a meeting with those employees Roman fired today,” she said as she stood and made her way toward the bathroom.  “I’ve got to convince them to come back to BBR.”

“Despite Roman?”

“Absolutely,” she said.  “They should never have been fired to begin with.”

Just as she was about to walk past her husband, however, Dutch grabbed her and pulled her back.

“Not so fast,” he said as he held her from behind, his penis rammed against her bare ass.  “Where do you think you’re going this fast?”  He was kissing her neck, and her back.

Gina smiled.  She loved it when he couldn’t resist her.  “I knew you wouldn’t let me get away from you unsoiled.”

“Since you know so much,” he said as he continued to kiss her, “stop talking and bend your ass over.”

Gina smiled and did as she was told.  She placed her hands, palm down, on the dresser, bent over, and allowed Dutch to lubricate and then enter her.  He was so hard already that they both knew it was going to be a quickie.  Any time Dutch could see Gina’s juicy ass as he fucked her, it was usually going to be quick. 

And it was.  Dutch could only manage to stroke her ten or so times before he was pouring into her.  He fell against her as his body tightened in a hard release.  It felt so good that the pulsations kept increasing, rather than diminishing. 

But even with his quick release he kept on pumping until Gina climaxed too.  Although it would require more than ten strokes to get her off, his release did spur hers on.  Because she came soon enough.  Dutch knew that it was time because she began to stand on the tip of her toes and lift her ass higher.  He rammed against her, giving her his deepest penetration, as she came.

It took last than two minutes.  It was their proverbial hit and run on purpose.  They needed to have that fill up before the day began.  If they had more time, it could have taken an hour.  But they didn’t have more time. 

“Who’s Ms. Perry?” Gina asked as Dutch’s dick made its long trek out of her.  Even he was surprised at how deeply he had penetrated her.  “Isn’t she waiting for you?”

Dutch looked sideways at her.  “I thought you were asleep when Franklin buzzed me.”

“Not entirely,” she said as she headed for the bathroom.  She could still feel the full effects of that penetration.  “Who’s Ms. Perry?”

Dutch followed her, but she knew the drill.  She took a towel and sat on the dressing table bench inside the bathroom.  Dutch wet a bath cloth and knelt down in front of her.  Then he took her legs, opened them wide, and lifted them, placing them on either side of his shoulders. 

“She’s the CFO at Harber Industries,” he said as he began wiping Gina’s saturated vagina.

“Your Chief Financial Officer?” Gina asked, surprised.  “But Dutch, you just resigned yesterday!  It’s not even fully official yet.  But you’re already holding meetings with your employees?  You said you were going to take some time off and get some rest.”

“I’ve been resting for a month, Gina.  I’ve been paying minimal attention to my duties in DC since that moment Marcus Rance booby-trapped that home and almost took you away from me.”  Pain washed over Dutch’s face.  Gina felt the sting, too.

“But that’s not the same thing,” she said.  “You waited on me hand and foot for that entire time.  You didn’t sleep, you barely ate, you were a wreck, Dutch, so don’t even try that.”

“Well, I’m just fine now,” he said, kissed her between her legs, and then stood erect and began cleaning his penis.  “I need to know how my company, how our company, is faring.”  He tossed the cloth into the dirty clothes chute.

“But you’re still the President of the United States.  Your financial holdings are supposed to be in a blind trust still.  You can’t meet with your CFO right now.”

“And what are they going to do to me, Gina?  Kick me out of office?  Not vote for me in the next election?”

Gina laughed.  He leaned down and kissed her on the lips.  “See me before you leave,” he said, and then headed out of the bathroom.

Gina continued to smile, and then she stood up and began running her own bath water.


Lenora Perry paced back and forth in the beautifully-appointed library.  From John Steinbeck to Richard Wright, from Hemingway to Toni Morrison, the great American novelists were on full display.  But not one book in that vast space of books commanded Lee’s attention.  All she could think about was seeing Dutch again.  All she could think about was touching Dutch again.  All she could think about was how she was going to keep her feelings under wraps when he walked through that door.

It had been six years since they stood in the same room together.  Dutch had just won the presidency.  He was still, back then, the most eligible bachelor in the world.  A week after his victory he showed up in the parking garage of her apartment building in Boston.

She remembered being late for a meeting that morning and was balancing her briefcase with her cup of Espresso.  As she approached her BMW, she remembered Max Brennan coming out of the shadows of the parking garage.  Her heart began to pound as soon as she saw him.  Because she knew if Max was coming to see her, that meant he was coming with a word from Dutch.  She had no clue that Dutch would be there, too.

She, like the rest of the world, was glued to her television set on election night as she watched her friend, and former lover, beat back his Republican challenger and, with the stroke of a final cast vote, went from Senator Dutch Harber to President-Elect Harber well before midnight.  Her husband had suggested she call and congratulate him, but she couldn’t do it.  Her husband didn’t know it, but her feelings for Dutch went too deep.

“Hello, Max,” she said as she approached her car and, by default, approached him.

“Good morning.  Don’t you look attractive this bright and wonderful morning.”

“What do you want?” she asked.  Lenora was a beautiful black woman who knew now to keep it professional.  Especially when she was dealing with a yes-man like Max.

Max smiled.  The one thing Max loved about Lee, although he hated most everything else, was her ability to cut through the garbage.

“He’s here to see you,” Max said.

Lenora was about to open her car door, but stopped in her tracks.  She looked at Max.  “He’s here?”

“I knew that would get your attention.”

“Where?”  She began looking around.

“Follow me,” Max said and led her to an SUV with darkened windows.  A young man, undoubtedly a secret service agent, stepped out and opened the door.  She stepped in and was stunned to see that it was true: Dutch Harber, the just-elected president, was sitting in her building’s parking garage.  She sat beside him.

“Dutch,” she said with a grand smile and a voice that sounded unnerving.  “Congratulations!”

“Thank-you.  How’s Arthur?”

“He’s good.  And he’s pleased.  He voted for you.”

“Good man,” Dutch said with a grin.  Lenora could tell Dutch and Max both were over-the-moon with joy.  They didn’t think they stood a chance, now Dutch was president. 

“I always knew you made the right decision when you left me and married Arthur,” Dutch said.

Lenora looked at that handsome man she knew was special even before the voters confirmed her suspicions.  He spoke as if leaving him was as easy as walking away.  But it wasn’t.  It was an agonizing decision for her.  She, in fact, would have stayed with him, but he wasn’t about to commit to her and she wasn’t about to waste her time waiting for something that wasn’t ever going to come.  Arthur Perry was a sweet, kind, wonderful man.  But he wasn’t Dutch and she wasn’t going to play the game and pretend that he was.

“I know you can’t roam as freely as you roamed in the past,” she said, “but in a parking garage?  Really, Dutch?  This smacks too much of Deep Throat, don’t you think?  Surely an office would have been sufficient.”

Dutch smiled.  “Yes, an office would have been fine.  If I wanted to announce this decision.  But I don’t.  It’ll be a quiet decision while the world is focused on my transition activities and inauguration, and you will quietly assume your duties in the backdrop of all of that activity.”

Lenora was intrigued.  “And what duties will I be assuming?”  Did he want her in his cabinet?

“As you well know,” Dutch said, “my financial holdings will be placed in a blind trust once I’m sworn into office.”

“I assumed that would be the case, yes.”

“So I’ll be blunt.  I need somebody I can trust at Harber Industries during that time, Lee.”

Lenora continued to look at him.  “Go on.”

“I trust you, Lee.  I need you.”

And just like that, she went from president and CEO of a small but growing cosmetics company, to the Chief Financial Officer at world-renowned Harber Industries.  That was six years ago.  Dutch was a man of integrity so he refused to have backdoor channels with her or any of his senior management staff to find out what was really going on with his company.  He kept it, as was required, in the blind.  But now that his presidency was ending, he had his people phone her and schedule a meeting.

Dutch opened the library’s door just as she turned to the sound.  Her long, black hair slung behind her as she turned.  Her tall, plump, full-figured body competed against the beautiful backdrop of all of his favorite books, and won the competition.

“Lee,” he said with a great smile and moved swiftly toward her.   “How was your flight?”

“It was fine,” she said as she met him halfway and their hands clasped.  She had flown in from Boston where Harber Industries was based.

“It’s so good to see you again,” Dutch said, a feeling of great warmth showering over him.

“Good seeing you, too, Dutch.  Or should I say Mr. President?”

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